// // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as // authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited // (C) COPYRIGHT 2020 ARM Limited // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised // copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted // by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. === Image Operators ==== RESIZE Resizes a tensor. Resize is only allowed in the H and W dimensions. In expected use, stride_y is approximately (IH<> shift; dy = y - (iy<> shift; dx = x - (ix<(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy0,ix0,c]) v01 = tensor_read(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy0,ix1,c]) v10 = tensor_read(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy1,ix0,c]) v11 = tensor_read(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy1,ix1,c]) acc_t acc = v00*((1<(output, [N,OH,OW,C], [n,oy,ox,c], acc) } else if (mode==NEAREST) { iy = (dy>>(shift-1))!=0 ? iy1 : iy0; ix = (dx>>(shift-1))!=0 ? ix1 : ix0; v = tensor_read(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy,ix,c]); tensor_write(output, [N,OH,OW,C], [n,oy,ox,c], v) } } ---- *Supported Data Types:* |=== |Profile|Mode|in_t|out_t |Any|signed 8, bilinear|int8|int32 |Any|signed 8, nearest |int8|int8 |Any|signed 16, bilinear|int16|int48 |Any|signed 16, nearest |int16|int16 |=== *Scaling Modes:* |=== |Mode|Description |NEAREST|Nearest Neighbor |BILINEAR|Bilinear interpoloation |===