// // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as // authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited // (C) COPYRIGHT 2020 ARM Limited // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised // copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted // by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. === Elementwise Ternary Operators ==== SELECT Elementwise select of the output based on a condition. *Arguments:* |=== |Argument|Type|Name|Shape|Description |Input|bool_t|input1|shape1| |Input|in_t*|input2|shape2|Input tensor from 1 to 4 dims |Input|in_t*|input3|shape3|Input tensor with the same rank as Input 0 |Output|out_t*|output|shape|Output tensor of same type, as the input tensors, with broadcast shape if necessary |=== *Quantization Parameters:* None *Operation Function:* [source,c] ---- for_each (index in shape) { index1 = apply_broadcast(shape, shape1, index) index2 = apply_broadcast(shape, shape2, index) index3 = apply_broadcast(shape, shpae3, index) bool_t value1 = tensor_read(input1, shape1, index1) in_t value2 = tensor_read(input2, shape2, index2) in_t value3 = tensor_read(input3, shape3, index3) if (value1 == True){ in_t acc = value2 } else { in_t acc = value3 } tensor_write(output, shape, index, acc) } ---- *Supported Data Types:* |=== |Profile|Mode|bool_t|in_t|out_t |Any|Boolean|bool|bool|bool |Any|signed 8|bool|aint8/int8|aint8/int8 |Any|signed 16|bool|int16|int16 |Any|signed 32|bool|int32|int32 |MI, MT|float|bool|float|float |===