// // This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as // authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited // (C) COPYRIGHT 2020-2024 ARM Limited // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised // copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted // by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. === Data Layout ==== CONCAT Concatenate a list of tensors along a given axis. No data conversion happens during a concat operation. include::{generated}/operators/CONCAT.adoc[] [source,c] ---- include::{pseudocode}/operators/CONCAT.tosac[lines=10..-1] ---- ==== PAD Pads a tensor along the borders of each dimension with a supplied value. Returns a new tensor with the padding included. The pad_const value includes the zero point if the tensor uses a zero point. include::{generated}/operators/PAD.adoc[] [source,c++] ---- include::{pseudocode}/operators/PAD.tosac[lines=10..-1] ---- ==== DIM Returns a rank 0 tensor of the size of the input tensor for the given axis. include::{generated}/operators/DIM.adoc[] [source,c++] ---- include::{pseudocode}/operators/DIM.tosac[lines=10..-1] ---- ==== RESHAPE Returns a tensor with the same type/values as the input, with a new shape specified by the shape argument. Reshape may operate on tensors of any rank. No data conversion happens during a reshape operation. include::{generated}/operators/RESHAPE.adoc[] [source,c++] ---- include::{pseudocode}/operators/RESHAPE.tosac[lines=10..-1] ---- ==== REVERSE Returns a tensor with the same type/values as the input, with the data reversed along the given axis. No data conversion happens during a reverse operation. include::{generated}/operators/REVERSE.adoc[] [source,c++] ---- include::{pseudocode}/operators/REVERSE.tosac[lines=10..-1] ---- ==== SLICE Extracts a slice of input1, beginning at the start coordinates, and extending for size elements in each direction. No data conversion happens during a slice operation. include::{generated}/operators/SLICE.adoc[] [source,c++] ---- include::{pseudocode}/operators/SLICE.tosac[lines=10..-1] ---- ==== TILE Replicates input1 multiples times along each dimension. include::{generated}/operators/TILE.adoc[] [source,c++] ---- include::{pseudocode}/operators/TILE.tosac[lines=10..-1] ---- ==== TRANSPOSE Permutes the dimensions of the input tensor input1 based on the perms argument. Each value in the perms list must be a valid dimension of the input tensor and may not be repeated. include::{generated}/operators/TRANSPOSE.adoc[] [source,c++] ---- include::{pseudocode}/operators/TRANSPOSE.tosac[lines=10..-1] ----