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authorEric Kunze <eric.kunze@arm.com>2023-05-10 16:41:13 -0700
committerEric Kunze <eric.kunze@arm.com>2023-06-21 17:03:10 +0000
commit52c89f40440ef5bcb318b3945bdc1463ce703b8b (patch)
parent9efe1a95658bbb405b06b3a1d9e5ef22b8388ea5 (diff)
Add ERF activation function
Defined for floating-point types only. For integer versions, a TABLE should be used. Change-Id: Ieaec6e6eb3227c5dcd9741cddd57426002a8db4d Signed-off-by: Eric Kunze <eric.kunze@arm.com>
5 files changed, 201 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/chapters/activation_funcs.adoc b/chapters/activation_funcs.adoc
index 46fa19d..1acaf56 100644
--- a/chapters/activation_funcs.adoc
+++ b/chapters/activation_funcs.adoc
@@ -28,6 +28,32 @@ for_each(index in shape) {
+==== ERF
+// erf(z) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{0}^{z} e^{-t^2} dt
+Error function:
+.Calculation for the error function
+image::erf.svg["Error function", align="center"]
+For quantized integer data types, the TABLE operator should be used instead with
+the following definition.
+The ERF table has 513 entries each of 16-bit precision and covering the input range -4.0 to +4.0 in steps of 1/64.
+int16_t erf_reference(int16_t x) { // input x range is -256 to + 256 inclusive
+ F64 v = (double)x / (double)64;
+ v = erf(v);
+ return round_to_nearest_int(32768.0 * v);
+generate_lookup_table(&erf_table, &erf_reference);
Applies the sigmoid logistic function to each element of the input tensor.
diff --git a/chapters/introduction.adoc b/chapters/introduction.adoc
index b369070..955f310 100644
--- a/chapters/introduction.adoc
+++ b/chapters/introduction.adoc
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ Otherwise:the result must be within 1 ulp of the mathematical result.
Otherwise if the input is a zero the output must be an infinity of the same sign. +
Otherwise the result must be within 1 ulp of the mathematical result.
-| <<SIGMOID>>, <<TANH>>, <<POW>>, <<EXP>>, <<LOG>>
+| <<SIGMOID>>, <<TANH>>, <<POW>>, <<EXP>>, <<LOG>>, <<ERF>>
| If the input to LOG is less than zero then the result must be a NaN. +
If the inputs to POW are both zero then the result must be a NaN. +
If the first input to POW is less than zero and the second input is not an integer then the result must be a NaN. +
diff --git a/figures/erf.svg b/figures/erf.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb63a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figures/erf.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
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--- a/tools/dictionary.dic
+++ b/tools/dictionary.dic
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ CPUs
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index f4186e3..8de564e 100644
--- a/tosa.xml
+++ b/tosa.xml
@@ -664,6 +664,33 @@
+ <name>ERF</name>
+ <arguments>
+ <argument category="input" name="input" type="in_out_t*" shape="shape">
+ <description>Input tensor</description>
+ <levellimit value="rank(shape)" limit="MAX_RANK"/>
+ </argument>
+ <argument category="output" name="output" type="in_out_t*" shape="shape">
+ <description>Output tensor of same type and shape as input</description>
+ </argument>
+ </arguments>
+ <types>
+ <type name='in_out_t'/>
+ </types>
+ <typesupport mode="fp16" in_out_t="fp16_t">
+ <profile name="MI"/>
+ <profile name="MT"/>
+ </typesupport>
+ <typesupport mode="bf16" in_out_t="bf16_t">
+ <profile name="MI"/>
+ <profile name="MT"/>
+ </typesupport>
+ <typesupport mode="fp32" in_out_t="fp32_t">
+ <profile name="MI"/>
+ <profile name="MT"/>
+ </typesupport>
+ </operator>
+ <operator>
<argument category="input" name="input" type="tensor_t" shape="shape" tensor-element-type="in_out_t">