// Copyright (c) 2020-2021, ARM Limited. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. namespace tosa; // This corresponds to the version. file_identifier "TOSA"; // File extension of any written files. file_extension "tosa"; enum DType:uint32 { UNKNOWN = 0, BOOL, UINT8, INT4, INT8, INT16, INT32, INT48, FLOAT, UINT16, } enum ResizeMode:uint32 { UNKNOWN = 0, NEAREST, BILINEAR, } enum Op:uint32 { UNKNOWN = 0, // Tensor Operator ARGMAX, AVG_POOL2D, CONV2D, CONV3D, DEPTHWISE_CONV2D, FULLY_CONNECTED, MATMUL, MAX_POOL2D, TRANSPOSE_CONV2D, // Activation CLAMP, RESERVED, SIGMOID, TANH, // Elementwise-Binary ADD, ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT, BITWISE_AND, BITWISE_OR, BITWISE_XOR, INTDIV, LOGICAL_AND, LOGICAL_LEFT_SHIFT, LOGICAL_RIGHT_SHIFT, LOGICAL_OR, LOGICAL_XOR, MAXIMUM, MINIMUM, MUL, POW, SUB, TABLE, // Elementwise-Unary ABS, BITWISE_NOT, CEIL, CLZ, EXP, FLOOR, LOG, LOGICAL_NOT, NEGATE, RECIPROCAL, RSQRT, // Elementwise-Ternary SELECT, // Logical EQUAL, GREATER, GREATER_EQUAL, // Reduction REDUCE_ANY, REDUCE_ALL, REDUCE_MAX, REDUCE_MIN, REDUCE_PRODUCT, REDUCE_SUM, // Data layout operation CONCAT, PAD, RESHAPE, REVERSE, SLICE, TILE, TRANSPOSE, // Gather/scatter operation GATHER, SCATTER, // Image RESIZE, // Type conversion CAST, RESCALE, // Data Nodes CONST, IDENTITY, // Custom operations CUSTOM, // Control flow operators COND_IF, WHILE_LOOP, } union Attribute { PoolAttribute, ConvAttribute, TransposeConvAttribute, PadAttribute, AxisAttribute, ReshapeAttribute, SliceAttribute, TileAttribute, ResizeAttribute, ClampAttribute, RescaleAttribute, MulAttribute, ArithmeticRightShiftAttribute, CondIfAttribute, WhileLoopAttribute, TransposeAttribute, TableAttribute, MatMulAttribute, FullyConnectedAttribute, NegateAttribute } table PoolAttribute { pad: [int32]; kernel: [int32]; stride: [int32]; input_zp: int32; output_zp: int32; } table ConvAttribute { pad: [int32]; stride: [int32]; dilation: [int32]; input_zp: int32; weight_zp: int32; } table TransposeConvAttribute { out_pad: [int32]; stride: [int32]; output_shape: [int32]; input_zp: int32; weight_zp: int32; } table PadAttribute { padding: [int32]; pad_const_int: int32; pad_const_fp: float; } table AxisAttribute { axis: int32; } table ReshapeAttribute { new_shape: [int32]; } table SliceAttribute { start: [int32]; size: [int32]; } table TileAttribute { multiples: [int32]; } table ResizeAttribute { scale: [int16]; offset: [int16]; border: [int16]; mode: ResizeMode; } table ClampAttribute { min_int: int32; max_int: int32; min_fp: float; max_fp: float; } table RescaleAttribute { input_zp: int32; output_zp: int32; multiplier: [int32]; shift: [int32]; scale32: bool; double_round: bool; per_channel: bool; } table MulAttribute { shift: int32; } table ArithmeticRightShiftAttribute { round: bool; } table CondIfAttribute { then_branch: string; else_branch: string; } table WhileLoopAttribute { cond_branch: string; body_branch: string; } table TransposeAttribute { perms: [int32]; } table TableAttribute { table: [int16]; } table MatMulAttribute { a_zp: int32; b_zp: int32; } table FullyConnectedAttribute { input_zp: int32; weight_zp: int32; } table NegateAttribute { input1_zp: int32; output_zp: int32; } table Version { _major: int32 = 0; _minor: int32 = 41; _patch: int32 = 0; _draft: bool = true; } table TosaTensor { name:string; // name of the tensor, used for solving dependency shape:[int32]; // shape of the tensor type:DType; // data type of the tensor data: [ubyte] (force_align: 8); // raw data array if it's a constant tensor. } table TosaOperator { op:Op; // operator enum attribute: Attribute; // union structure. operator attribute inputs:[string]; // list of input tensor names outputs:[string]; // list of output tensor names } table TosaBasicBlock { name:string; // basic block name operators:[TosaOperator]; // operators array tensors:[TosaTensor]; // tensors array inputs:[string]; // name of graph inputs outputs:[string]; // name of graph outputs } table TosaGraph { version: Version; blocks:[TosaBasicBlock]; // basic blocks array } root_type TosaGraph;