// Copyright (c) 2020-2021, ARM Limited. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /* Syntax: DEF_ATTRIBUTE(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, NUM_ARGS_IN_ATTRIBUTES, ARG0_TYPE, ARG0_SCALAR_OR_VECTOR, ARGS0_NAME, ...) Description: ATTRIBUTE_NAME: corresponding attribute name, must match corresponding "table XXXAttribute" in tosa.fbs NUM_ARGS_IN_ATTRIBUTES: number of arguments in this attribute ARG0_TYPE: data type of arg0 in attribute ARG0_SCALAR_OR_VECTOR: is arg0 a scalar(S) or a vector(V) ARG0_NAME: name of arg0 ...: variadic variables for more arguments, depending on NUM_ARGS_IN_ATTRIBUTES */ DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Pool, 3, int32_t, V, padding, int32_t, V, kernel, int32_t, V, stride) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Conv, 3, int32_t, V, padding, int32_t, V, stride, int32_t, V, dilation) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(TransposeConv, 4, int32_t, V, outpad, int32_t, V, stride, int32_t, V, dilation, int32_t, V, output_shape) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(ReluN, 2, int32_t, S, max_int, float, S, max_fp) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Axis, 1, int32_t, S, axis) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Reshape, 1, int32_t, V, shape) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Slice, 2, int32_t, V, begin, int32_t, V, size) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Tile, 1, int32_t, V, multiples) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Resize, 7, int32_t, V, output_size, int32_t, V, stride, int32_t, V, offset, int32_t, S, shift, float, V, stride_fp, float, V, offset_fp, ResizeMode, S, mode) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Clamp, 4, int32_t, S, min_int, int32_t, S, max_int, float, S, min_fp, float, S, max_fp) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Rescale, 7, int32_t, S, input_zp, int32_t, S, output_zp, int32_t, V, multiplier, int32_t, V, shift, bool, S, scale32, bool, S, double_round, bool, S, per_channel) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(Mul, 1, int32_t, S, shift) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(ArithmeticRightShift, 1, bool, S, round) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(CondIf, 2, string, S, then_branch, string, S, else_branch) DEF_ATTRIBUTE(WhileLoop, 2, string, S, cond_branch, string, S, body_branch)