"""TOSA verification runner script.""" # Copyright (c) 2020-2022, ARM Limited. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import argparse import glob import importlib import os import queue import threading import traceback from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from json2numpy import json2numpy from runner.tosa_test_runner import TosaTestInvalid from runner.tosa_test_runner import TosaTestRunner from xunit import xunit TOSA_REFMODEL_RUNNER = "runner.tosa_refmodel_sut_run" MAX_XUNIT_TEST_MESSAGE = 1000 def parseArgs(argv): """Parse the arguments and return the settings.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument( "-t", "--test", dest="test", type=str, nargs="+", help="Test(s) to run", ) group.add_argument( "-T", "--test-list", dest="test_list_file", type=Path, help="File containing list of tests to run (one per line)", ) parser.add_argument( "--operator-fbs", dest="operator_fbs", default="conformance_tests/third_party/serialization_lib/schema/tosa.fbs", type=str, help="flat buffer syntax file", ) parser.add_argument( "--ref-model-path", dest="ref_model_path", default="reference_model/build/reference_model/tosa_reference_model", type=str, help="Path to reference model executable", ) parser.add_argument( "--flatc-path", dest="flatc_path", default="reference_model/build/thirdparty/serialization_lib/third_party/flatbuffers/flatc", type=str, help="Path to flatc compiler executable", ) parser.add_argument( "--ref-debug", dest="ref_debug", default="", type=str, help="Reference debug flag (low, med, high)", ) parser.add_argument( "--ref-intermediates", dest="ref_intermediates", default=0, type=int, help="Reference model dumps intermediate tensors", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--binary", dest="binary", action="store_true", help="Convert to using binary flatbuffers instead of JSON", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", help="Verbose operation" ) parser.add_argument( "-j", "--jobs", dest="jobs", type=int, default=1, help="Number of parallel jobs" ) parser.add_argument( "--sut-module", "-s", dest="sut_module", type=str, nargs="+", default=[TOSA_REFMODEL_RUNNER], help="System under test module to load (derives from TosaTestRunner). May be repeated", ) parser.add_argument( "--sut-module-args", dest="sut_module_args", type=str, nargs="+", default=[], help="System under test module arguments. Use sutmodulename:argvalue to pass an argument. May be repeated.", ) parser.add_argument( "--xunit-file", dest="xunit_file", type=str, default="result.xml", help="XUnit output file", ) parser.add_argument( "--test-type", dest="test_type", type=str, default="both", choices=["positive", "negative", "both"], help="Filter tests based on expected failure status (positive, negative or both)", ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) # Autodetect CPU count if args.jobs <= 0: args.jobs = os.cpu_count() return args EXCLUSION_PREFIX = ["test", "model", "desc"] def convert2Numpy(testDir): """Convert all the JSON numpy files back into binary numpy.""" jsons = glob.glob(os.path.join(testDir, "*.json")) for json in jsons: for exclude in EXCLUSION_PREFIX: if os.path.basename(json).startswith(exclude): json = "" if json: # debug print("Converting " + json) json2numpy.json_to_npy(Path(json)) def workerThread(task_queue, runnerList, args, result_queue): """Worker thread that runs the next test from the queue.""" while True: try: test = task_queue.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: break if test is None: break msg = "" converted = False for runnerModule, runnerArgs in runnerList: try: start_time = datetime.now() # Set up system under test runner runnerName = runnerModule.__name__ runner = runnerModule.TosaSUTRunner(args, runnerArgs, test) if runner.skipTest(): msg = "Skipping non-{} test".format(args.test_type) print("{} {}".format(msg, test)) rc = TosaTestRunner.Result.SKIPPED else: # Convert JSON data files into numpy format on first pass if not converted: convert2Numpy(test) converted = True if args.verbose: print("Running runner {} with test {}".format(runnerName, test)) try: grc, gmsg = runner.runTestGraph() rc, msg = runner.testResult(grc, gmsg) except Exception as e: msg = "System Under Test error: {}".format(e) print(msg) print( "".join( traceback.format_exception( etype=type(e), value=e, tb=e.__traceback__ ) ) ) rc = TosaTestRunner.Result.INTERNAL_ERROR except Exception as e: msg = "Internal error: {}".format(e) print(msg) if not isinstance(e, TosaTestInvalid): # Show stack trace on unexpected exceptions print( "".join( traceback.format_exception( etype=type(e), value=e, tb=e.__traceback__ ) ) ) rc = TosaTestRunner.Result.INTERNAL_ERROR finally: end_time = datetime.now() result_queue.put((runnerName, test, rc, msg, end_time - start_time)) task_queue.task_done() return True def loadSUTRunnerModules(args): """Load in the system under test modules. Returns a list of tuples of (runner_module, [argument list]) """ runnerList = [] # Remove any duplicates from the list sut_module_list = list(set(args.sut_module)) for r in sut_module_list: if args.verbose: print("Loading module {}".format(r)) runner = importlib.import_module(r) # Look for arguments associated with this runner runnerArgPrefix = "{}:".format(r) runnerArgList = [] for a in args.sut_module_args: if a.startswith(runnerArgPrefix): runnerArgList.append(a[len(runnerArgPrefix) :]) runnerList.append((runner, runnerArgList)) return runnerList def createXUnitResults(xunitFile, runnerList, resultLists, verbose): """Create the xunit results file.""" xunit_result = xunit.xunit_results() for runnerModule, _ in runnerList: # Create test suite per system under test (runner) runner = runnerModule.__name__ xunit_suite = xunit_result.create_suite(runner) # Sort by test name for test, rc, msg, time_delta in sorted( resultLists[runner], key=lambda tup: tup[0] ): test_name = test xt = xunit.xunit_test(test_name, runner) xt.time = str( float(time_delta.seconds) + (float(time_delta.microseconds) * 1e-6) ) testMsg = rc.name if not msg else "{}: {}".format(rc.name, msg) if ( rc == TosaTestRunner.Result.EXPECTED_PASS or rc == TosaTestRunner.Result.EXPECTED_FAILURE ): if verbose: print("{} {} ({})".format(rc.name, test_name, runner)) elif rc == TosaTestRunner.Result.SKIPPED: xt.skipped() if verbose: print("{} {} ({})".format(rc.name, test_name, runner)) else: xt.failed(testMsg) print("{} {} ({})".format(rc.name, test_name, runner)) xunit_suite.tests.append(xt) xunit_result.write_results(xunitFile) def main(argv=None): """Start worker threads to do the testing and outputs the results.""" args = parseArgs(argv) if TOSA_REFMODEL_RUNNER in args.sut_module and not os.path.isfile( args.ref_model_path ): print( "Argument error: Reference Model not found ({})".format(args.ref_model_path) ) exit(2) if args.test_list_file: try: with open(args.test_list_file) as f: args.test = f.read().splitlines() except Exception as e: print( "Argument error: Cannot read list of tests in {}\n{}".format( args.test_list_file, e ) ) exit(2) runnerList = loadSUTRunnerModules(args) threads = [] taskQueue = queue.Queue() resultQueue = queue.Queue() for t in args.test: if os.path.isfile(t): if not os.path.basename(t) == "README": print("Warning: Skipping test {} as not a valid directory".format(t)) else: taskQueue.put((t)) print( "Running {} tests on {} system{} under test".format( taskQueue.qsize(), len(runnerList), "s" if len(runnerList) > 1 else "" ) ) for i in range(args.jobs): t = threading.Thread( target=workerThread, args=(taskQueue, runnerList, args, resultQueue) ) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() threads.append(t) taskQueue.join() # Set up results lists for each system under test resultLists = {} results = {} for runnerModule, _ in runnerList: runner = runnerModule.__name__ resultLists[runner] = [] results[runner] = [0] * len(TosaTestRunner.Result) while True: try: runner, test, rc, msg, time_delta = resultQueue.get(block=False) resultQueue.task_done() except queue.Empty: break # Limit error messages to make results easier to digest if msg and len(msg) > MAX_XUNIT_TEST_MESSAGE: half = int(MAX_XUNIT_TEST_MESSAGE / 2) trimmed = len(msg) - MAX_XUNIT_TEST_MESSAGE msg = "{} ...\nskipped {} bytes\n... {}".format( msg[:half], trimmed, msg[-half:] ) resultLists[runner].append((test, rc, msg, time_delta)) results[runner][rc] += 1 createXUnitResults(args.xunit_file, runnerList, resultLists, args.verbose) # Print out results for each system under test for runnerModule, _ in runnerList: runner = runnerModule.__name__ resultSummary = [] for result in TosaTestRunner.Result: resultSummary.append( "{} {}".format(results[runner][result], result.name.lower()) ) print("Totals ({}): {}".format(runner, ", ".join(resultSummary))) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())