"""TOSA test runner module for the Reference Model.""" # Copyright (c) 2020-2023, ARM Limited. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 from enum import IntEnum from enum import unique from runner.run_command import run_sh_command from runner.run_command import RunShCommandError from runner.tosa_test_runner import TosaTestRunner @unique class TosaRefReturnCode(IntEnum): """Return codes from the Tosa Reference Model.""" VALID = 0 UNPREDICTABLE = 1 ERROR = 2 class TosaSUTRunner(TosaTestRunner): """TOSA Reference Model runner.""" def __init__(self, args, runnerArgs, testDirPath): """Initialize using the given test details.""" super().__init__(args, runnerArgs, testDirPath) # Don't do any compliance runs self.compliance = False def runTestGraph(self): """Run the test on the reference model.""" # Build up the TOSA reference command line # Uses arguments from the argParser args, not the runnerArgs args = self.args # Call Reference model with description file to provide all file details cmd = [ str(args.ref_model_path), f"--tosa_level={args.tosa_level}", f"--operator_fbs={str(args.schema_path)}", f"--test_desc={self.descFile}", ] # Specific debug options for reference model if args.ref_debug: cmd.extend(["-d", "ALL", "-l", args.ref_debug]) if args.ref_intermediates: cmd.extend(["--dump_intermediates", str(args.ref_intermediates)]) if args.precise_mode or self.compliance: cmd.extend(["--precise_mode=1"]) # Run command and interpret tosa graph result via process return codes graphMessage = None try: run_sh_command(cmd, self.args.verbose, capture_output=True) graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.TOSA_VALID except RunShCommandError as e: graphMessage = e.stderr if e.return_code == TosaRefReturnCode.ERROR: graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.TOSA_ERROR elif e.return_code == TosaRefReturnCode.UNPREDICTABLE: graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE else: graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.OTHER_ERROR if not self.args.verbose: print(e) except Exception as e: print(e) graphMessage = str(e) graphResult = TosaTestRunner.TosaGraphResult.OTHER_ERROR # Return graph result and message return graphResult, graphMessage