# Copyright (c) 2020-2024, ARM Limited. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import argparse import json import logging import re import sys from pathlib import Path import conformance.model_files as cmf import generator.tosa_test_select as tts from generator.tosa_test_gen import TosaTestGen from serializer.tosa_serializer import dtype_str_to_val from serializer.tosa_serializer import DTypeNames OPTION_FP_VALUES_RANGE = "--fp-values-range" logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger("tosa_verif_build_tests") # Used for parsing a comma-separated list of integers/floats in a string # to an actual list of integers/floats with special case max def str_to_list(in_s, is_float=False): """Converts a comma-separated list string to a python list of numbers.""" lst = in_s.split(",") out_list = [] for i in lst: # Special case for allowing maximum FP numbers if is_float and i in ("-max", "max"): val = i else: val = float(i) if is_float else int(i) out_list.append(val) return out_list def auto_int(x): """Converts hex/dec argument values to an int""" return int(x, 0) def parseArgs(argv): """Parse the command line arguments.""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] if OPTION_FP_VALUES_RANGE in argv: # Argparse fix for hyphen (minus values) in argument values # convert "ARG VAL" into "ARG=VAL" # Example --fp-values-range -2.0,2.0 -> --fp-values-range=-2.0,2.0 new_argv = [] idx = 0 while idx < len(argv): arg = argv[idx] if arg == OPTION_FP_VALUES_RANGE and idx + 1 < len(argv): val = argv[idx + 1] if val.startswith("-"): arg = f"{arg}={val}" idx += 1 new_argv.append(arg) idx += 1 argv = new_argv parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() filter_group = parser.add_argument_group("test filter options") ops_group = parser.add_argument_group("operator options") tens_group = parser.add_argument_group("tensor options") parser.add_argument( "-o", dest="output_dir", type=str, default="vtest", help="Test output directory" ) parser.add_argument( "--seed", dest="random_seed", default=42, type=int, help="Random seed for test generation", ) parser.add_argument( "--stable-random-generation", dest="stable_rng", action="store_true", help="Produces less variation (when the test-generator changes) in the test output using the same options", ) filter_group.add_argument( "--filter", dest="filter", default="", type=str, help="Filter operator test names by this expression", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", default=0, help="Verbose operation", ) parser.add_argument( "--lazy-data-generation", dest="lazy_data_gen", action="store_true", help="Tensor data generation is delayed til test running", ) parser.add_argument( "--generate-lib-path", dest="generate_lib_path", type=Path, help="Path to TOSA generate library.", ) # Constraints on tests tens_group.add_argument( "--tensor-dim-range", dest="tensor_shape_range", default="1,64", type=lambda x: str_to_list(x), help="Min,Max range of tensor shapes", ) tens_group.add_argument( OPTION_FP_VALUES_RANGE, dest="tensor_fp_value_range", default="0.0,1.0", type=lambda x: str_to_list(x, is_float=True), help="Min,Max range of floating point tensor values", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--max-batch-size", dest="max_batch_size", default=1, type=positive_integer_type, help="Maximum batch size for NHWC tests", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--max-conv-padding", dest="max_conv_padding", default=1, type=int, help="Maximum padding for Conv tests", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--max-conv-dilation", dest="max_conv_dilation", default=2, type=int, help="Maximum dilation for Conv tests", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--max-conv-stride", dest="max_conv_stride", default=2, type=int, help="Maximum stride for Conv tests", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--conv-kernel", dest="conv_kernels", action="extend", default=[], type=lambda x: str_to_list(x), nargs="*", help="Create convolution tests with a particular kernel shape, e.g., 1,4 or 1,3,1 (only 2D kernel sizes will be used for 2D ops, etc.)", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--max-pooling-padding", dest="max_pooling_padding", default=1, type=int, help="Maximum padding for pooling tests", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--max-pooling-stride", dest="max_pooling_stride", default=2, type=int, help="Maximum stride for pooling tests", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--max-pooling-kernel", dest="max_pooling_kernel", default=3, type=int, help="Maximum kernel for pooling tests", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--num-rand-permutations", dest="num_rand_permutations", default=6, type=int, help="Number of random permutations for a given shape/rank for randomly-sampled parameter spaces", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--max-resize-output-dim", dest="max_resize_output_dim", default=1000, type=int, help="Upper limit on width and height output dimensions for `resize` op. Default: 1000", ) # Targeting a specific shape/rank/dtype tens_group.add_argument( "--target-shape", dest="target_shapes", action="extend", default=[], # Used for parsing a comma-separated list of integers in a string type=lambda x: str_to_list(x), nargs="*", help="Create tests with a particular input tensor shape, e.g., 1,4,4,8 (may be repeated for tests that require multiple input shapes)", ) tens_group.add_argument( "--target-rank", dest="target_ranks", action="extend", default=None, type=lambda x: auto_int(x), nargs="*", help="Create tests with a particular input tensor rank (may be repeated)", ) tens_group.add_argument( "--target-dtype", dest="target_dtypes", action="extend", default=None, type=lambda x: dtype_str_to_val(x), nargs="*", help=f"Create test with a particular DType: [{', '.join([d.lower() for d in DTypeNames[1:]])}] (may be repeated)", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--num-const-inputs-concat", dest="num_const_inputs_concat", default=0, choices=[0, 1, 2, 3], type=int, help="Allow constant input tensors for concat operator", ) filter_group.add_argument( "--test-type", dest="test_type", choices=["positive", "negative", "both"], default="positive", type=str, help="type of tests produced, positive, negative, or both", ) filter_group.add_argument( "--test-selection-config", dest="selection_config", type=Path, help="enables test selection, this is the path to the JSON test selection config file, will use the default selection specified for each op unless --selection-criteria is supplied", ) filter_group.add_argument( "--test-selection-criteria", dest="selection_criteria", help="enables test selection, this is the selection criteria to use from the selection config", ) parser.add_argument( "--list-tests", dest="list_tests", action="store_true", help="lists the tests that will be generated and then exits", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--oversize", "--allow-pooling-and-conv-oversizes", dest="oversize", action="store_true", help="allow oversize padding, stride and kernel tests", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--zero-point", dest="zeropoint", default=None, type=int, help="set a particular zero point for all valid positive tests", ) parser.add_argument( "--dump-const-tensors", dest="dump_consts", action="store_true", help="output const tensors as numpy files for inspection", ) ops_group.add_argument( "--level-8k-sizes", dest="level8k", action="store_true", help="create level 8k size tests", ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) return args def positive_integer_type(argv_str): value = int(argv_str) if value <= 0: msg = f"{argv_str} is not a valid positive integer" raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) return value def main(argv=None): args = parseArgs(argv) loglevels = (logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG) loglevel = loglevels[min(args.verbose, len(loglevels) - 1)] logger.setLevel(loglevel) if not args.lazy_data_gen: if args.generate_lib_path is None: args.generate_lib_path = cmf.find_tosa_file( cmf.TosaFileType.GENERATE_LIBRARY, Path("reference_model"), False ) if not args.generate_lib_path.is_file(): print( f"Argument error: Generate library (--generate-lib-path) not found - {str(args.generate_lib_path)}" ) return 2 ttg = TosaTestGen(args) # Determine if test selection mode is enabled or not selectionMode = ( args.selection_config is not None or args.selection_criteria is not None ) selectionCriteria = ( "default" if args.selection_criteria is None else args.selection_criteria ) if args.selection_config is not None: # Try loading the selection config if not args.generate_lib_path.is_file(): print( f"Argument error: Test selection config (--test-selection-config) not found {str(args.selection_config)}" ) return 2 with args.selection_config.open("r") as fd: selectionCfg = json.load(fd) else: # Fallback to using anything defined in the TosaTestGen list selectionCfg = ttg.TOSA_OP_LIST # Set up some defaults to create a quick testing selection selectDefault = {"default": {"permutes": ["rank", "dtype"], "maximum": 10}} for opName in selectionCfg: if ( "selection" not in selectionCfg[opName] or "default" not in selectionCfg[opName]["selection"] ): selectionCfg[opName]["selection"] = selectDefault if args.test_type == "both": testType = ["positive", "negative"] else: testType = [args.test_type] results = [] for test_type in testType: testList = tts.TestList(selectionCfg, selectionCriteria=selectionCriteria) try: for opName in ttg.TOSA_OP_LIST: if re.match(args.filter + ".*", opName): tests = ttg.genOpTestList( opName, shapeFilter=args.target_shapes, rankFilter=args.target_ranks, dtypeFilter=args.target_dtypes, testType=test_type, ) for testOpName, testStr, dtype, error, shapeList, argsDict in tests: if "real_name" in ttg.TOSA_OP_LIST[testOpName]: name = ttg.TOSA_OP_LIST[testOpName]["real_name"] else: name = testOpName test = tts.Test( name, testStr, dtype, error, shapeList, argsDict, testOpName ) testList.add(test) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"INTERNAL ERROR: Failure generating test lists for {opName}") raise e if not selectionMode: # Allow all tests to be selected tests = testList.all() else: # Use the random number generator to shuffle the test list # and select the per op tests from it tests = testList.select(ttg.global_rng) if args.list_tests: for test in tests: print(test) continue print(f"{len(tests)} matching {test_type} tests") try: for test in tests: opName = test.testOpName results.append( ttg.serializeTest( opName, str(test), test.dtype, test.error, test.shapeList, test.argsDict, ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"INTERNAL ERROR: Failure creating test output for {opName}") raise e if results.count(False): raise Exception(f"Failed to create {results.count(False)} tests") if not args.list_tests: print(f"Done creating {len(results)} tests") return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())