"""TOSA result checker script.""" # Copyright (c) 2020-2023, ARM Limited. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import argparse import json from enum import IntEnum from enum import unique from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from checker.color_print import LogColors from checker.color_print import print_color from checker.verifier import VerifierError from checker.verifier import VerifierLibrary from generator.tosa_utils import float32_is_valid_bfloat16 from schemavalidation.schemavalidation import TestDescSchemaValidator @unique class TestResult(IntEnum): """Test result values.""" # Note: PASS must be 0 for command line return success PASS = 0 MISSING_FILE = 1 INCORRECT_FORMAT = 2 MISMATCH = 3 INTERNAL_ERROR = 4 TestResultErrorStr = [ "", "Missing file", "Incorrect format", "Mismatch", "Internal error", ] ################################## DEFAULT_FP_TOLERANCE = 1e-3 result_printing = True def set_print_result(enabled): """Set whether to print out or not.""" global result_printing result_printing = enabled def _print_result(color, msg): """Print out result.""" global result_printing if result_printing: print_color(color, msg) def compliance_check( imp_result_path, ref_result_path, bnd_result_path, test_name, compliance_config, ofm_name, verify_lib_path, ): try: vlib = VerifierLibrary(verify_lib_path) except VerifierError as e: _print_result(LogColors.RED, f"INTERNAL ERROR {test_name}") msg = f"Could not load verfier library: {str(e)}" return (TestResult.INTERNAL_ERROR, 0.0, msg) success = vlib.verify_data( ofm_name, compliance_config, imp_result_path, ref_result_path, bnd_result_path ) if success: _print_result(LogColors.GREEN, f"Results PASS {test_name}") return (TestResult.PASS, 0.0, "") else: _print_result(LogColors.RED, f"Results NON-COMPLIANT {test_name}") return (TestResult.MISMATCH, 0.0, "Non-compliance implementation results found") def test_check( ref_result_path, imp_result_path, test_name=None, quantize_tolerance=0, float_tolerance=DEFAULT_FP_TOLERANCE, misc_checks=[], test_desc=None, bnd_result_path=None, ofm_name=None, verify_lib_path=None, ): """Check if the result is the same as the expected reference.""" if test_desc: # New compliance method - first get test details try: TestDescSchemaValidator().validate_config(test_desc) except Exception as e: _print_result(LogColors.RED, f"Test INCORRECT FORMAT {test_name}") msg = f"Incorrect test format: {e}" return (TestResult.INCORRECT_FORMAT, 0.0, msg) if test_name is None: test_name = "test" paths = [imp_result_path, ref_result_path, bnd_result_path] names = ["Implementation", "Reference", "Bounds"] arrays = [None, None, None] # Check the files exist and are in the right format for idx, path in enumerate(paths): name = names[idx] if path is None and name == "Bounds": # Bounds can be None - skip it continue if not path.is_file(): _print_result(LogColors.RED, f"{name} MISSING FILE {test_name}") msg = f"Missing {name} file: {str(path)}" return (TestResult.MISSING_FILE, 0.0, msg) try: arrays[idx] = np.load(path) except Exception as e: _print_result(LogColors.RED, f"{name} INCORRECT FORMAT {test_name}") msg = f"Incorrect numpy format of {str(path)}\nnumpy.load exception: {e}" return (TestResult.INCORRECT_FORMAT, 0.0, msg) if test_desc and "meta" in test_desc and "compliance" in test_desc["meta"]: # Switch to using the verifier library for full compliance if ofm_name is None: ofm_name = test_desc["ofm_name"][0] if len(test_desc["ofm_name"]) > 1: _print_result(LogColors.RED, f"Output Name MISSING FILE {test_name}") msg = "Must specify output name (ofm_name) to check as multiple found in desc.json" return (TestResult.MISSING_FILE, 0.0, msg) compliance_json = test_desc["meta"]["compliance"] return compliance_check( *arrays, test_name, compliance_json, ofm_name, verify_lib_path, ) # Else continue with original checking method test_result, reference_result, _ = arrays # Type comparison if test_result.dtype != reference_result.dtype: _print_result(LogColors.RED, "Results TYPE MISMATCH {}".format(test_name)) msg = "Mismatch results type: Expected {}, got {}".format( reference_result.dtype, test_result.dtype ) return (TestResult.MISMATCH, 0.0, msg) # Size comparison # Size = 1 tensors can be equivalently represented as having rank 0 or rank # >= 0, allow that special case test_result = np.squeeze(test_result) reference_result = np.squeeze(reference_result) difference = None if np.shape(test_result) != np.shape(reference_result): _print_result(LogColors.RED, "Results MISCOMPARE {}".format(test_name)) msg = "Shapes mismatch: Reference {} vs {}".format( np.shape(test_result), np.shape(reference_result) ) return (TestResult.MISMATCH, 0.0, msg) # Perform miscellaneous checks if "bf16" in misc_checks: # Ensure floats are valid bfloat16 values test_res_is_bf16 = all([float32_is_valid_bfloat16(f) for f in test_result.flat]) ref_res_is_bf16 = all( [float32_is_valid_bfloat16(f) for f in reference_result.flat] ) if not (test_res_is_bf16 and ref_res_is_bf16): msg = ( "All output values must be valid bfloat16. " "reference_result: {ref_res_is_bf16}; test_result: {test_res_is_bf16}" ) return (TestResult.INCORRECT_FORMAT, 0.0, msg) # for quantized test, allow +-(quantize_tolerance) error if reference_result.dtype in ( np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, ): if np.all(np.absolute(reference_result - test_result) <= quantize_tolerance): _print_result(LogColors.GREEN, "Results PASS {}".format(test_name)) return (TestResult.PASS, 0.0, "") else: tolerance = quantize_tolerance + 1 while not np.all( np.absolute(reference_result - test_result) <= quantize_tolerance ): tolerance = tolerance + 1 if tolerance > 10: break if tolerance > 10: msg = "Integer result does not match and is greater than 10 difference" else: msg = ( "Integer result does not match but is within {} difference".format( tolerance ) ) # Fall-through to below to add failure values difference = reference_result - test_result elif reference_result.dtype == bool: assert test_result.dtype == bool # All boolean values must match, xor will show up differences test = np.array_equal(reference_result, test_result) if np.all(test): _print_result(LogColors.GREEN, "Results PASS {}".format(test_name)) return (TestResult.PASS, 0.0, "") msg = "Boolean result does not match" tolerance = 0.0 difference = None # Fall-through to below to add failure values # TODO: update for fp16 tolerance elif reference_result.dtype == np.float32 or reference_result.dtype == np.float16: tolerance = float_tolerance if np.allclose(reference_result, test_result, atol=tolerance, equal_nan=True): _print_result(LogColors.GREEN, "Results PASS {}".format(test_name)) return (TestResult.PASS, tolerance, "") msg = "Float result does not match within tolerance of {}".format(tolerance) difference = reference_result - test_result # Fall-through to below to add failure values else: _print_result(LogColors.RED, "Results UNSUPPORTED TYPE {}".format(test_name)) msg = "Unsupported results type: {}".format(reference_result.dtype) return (TestResult.MISMATCH, 0.0, msg) # Fall-through for mismatch failure to add values to msg _print_result(LogColors.RED, "Results MISCOMPARE {}".format(test_name)) np.set_printoptions(threshold=128, edgeitems=2) if difference is not None: tolerance_needed = np.amax(np.absolute(difference)) msg = "{}\n-- tolerance_needed: {}".format(msg, tolerance_needed) msg = "{}\n>> reference_result: {}\n{}".format( msg, reference_result.shape, reference_result ) msg = "{}\n<< test_result: {}\n{}".format(msg, test_result.shape, test_result) if difference is not None: msg = "{}\n!! difference_result: \n{}".format(msg, difference) return (TestResult.MISMATCH, tolerance, msg) def main(argv=None): """Check that the supplied reference and result files have the same contents.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "ref_result_path", type=Path, help="path to the reference model result file to check", ) parser.add_argument( "imp_result_path", type=Path, help="path to the implementation result file to check", ) parser.add_argument( "--fp-tolerance", type=float, default=DEFAULT_FP_TOLERANCE, help="FP tolerance" ) parser.add_argument( "--test_path", type=Path, help="path to the test that produced the results" ) parser.add_argument( "--bnd-result-path", type=Path, help="path to the reference model bounds result file for the dot product compliance check", ) parser.add_argument( "--ofm-name", type=str, help="name of the output tensor to check, defaults to the first ofm_name listed in the test", ) parser.add_argument( "--verify-lib-path", type=Path, help="path to TOSA verify library", ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.test_path: # Get details from the test path test_desc_path = args.test_path / "desc.json" if not args.test_path.is_dir() or not test_desc_path.is_file(): print(f"Invalid test directory {str(args.test_path)}") return TestResult.MISSING_FILE try: with test_desc_path.open("r") as fd: test_desc = json.load(fd) except Exception as e: print(f"Invalid test description file {str(test_desc_path)}: {e}") return TestResult.INCORRECT_FORMAT test_name = args.test_path.name else: test_desc = None test_name = None result, tolerance, msg = test_check( args.ref_result_path, args.imp_result_path, float_tolerance=args.fp_tolerance, test_name=test_name, test_desc=test_desc, bnd_result_path=args.bnd_result_path, ofm_name=args.ofm_name, verify_lib_path=args.verify_lib_path, ) if result != TestResult.PASS: print(msg) return result if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())