// Copyright (c) 2023, ARM Limited. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "generate.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace { void update_json_template(std::string& str, const std::string& find, const std::string& change) { // Update the 'str' by looking for instances of 'find' and replacing them with 'change' auto pos = str.find(find); while (pos != std::string::npos) { str.replace(pos, find.length(), change); pos = str.find(find); } } void check_value(bool match, uint32_t result, uint32_t expected, uint32_t idx) { std::stringstream msg; msg << "index: " << idx << " expected: " << std::hex << expected << " got: " << result; if (match) { REQUIRE_MESSAGE(expected == result, msg.str()); } else { REQUIRE_MESSAGE(expected != result, msg.str()); } } template void check_output(const std::vector& results, const std::vector& expected) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < expected.size(); ++idx) { check_value(true, *(uint32_t*)&results[idx], expected[idx], idx); } } template void check_output(const std::vector& results, const std::vector& expected) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < expected.size(); ++idx) { check_value(true, *(uint32_t*)&results[idx], *(uint32_t*)&expected[idx], idx); } } template void check_not_output(const std::vector& results, const std::vector& expected) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < expected.size(); ++idx) { check_value(false, *(uint32_t*)&results[idx], *(uint32_t*)&expected[idx], idx); } } } // namespace TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("generate"); TEST_CASE("negative - api") { std::string templateJsonCfg = R"({ "tensors" : { "in1" : { "generator": "_GENERATOR_", "data_type": "_TYPE_", "input_type": "VARIABLE", "shape" : [ 4, 8, 8 ], "input_pos": 0, "op" : "_OP_", "dot_product_info": { "s": 0, "ks": 8, "acc_type": "_TYPE_" } } } })"; const std::string tosaName = "in1"; const size_t tosaElements = 4 * 8 * 8; const size_t tosaSize = tosaElements * 4; SUBCASE("missing input") { REQUIRE_FALSE(tgd_generate_data(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0)); } SUBCASE("invalid json") { std::string invalidJsonCfg = R"({ "tensors" : { "in1" : { "generator": DOT_PRODUCT, }, } })"; std::vector buffer(tosaElements); REQUIRE_FALSE(tgd_generate_data(invalidJsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName.c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaSize)); } SUBCASE("unknown generator") { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_GENERATOR_", "SOLAR"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_TYPE_", "FP32"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_OP_", "MATMUL"); std::vector buffer(tosaElements); REQUIRE_FALSE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName.c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaSize)); } SUBCASE("unknown op") { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_GENERATOR_", "DOT_PRODUCT"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_TYPE_", "FP32"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_OP_", "GREEN"); std::vector buffer(tosaElements); REQUIRE_FALSE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName.c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaSize)); } SUBCASE("unknown type") { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_GENERATOR_", "DOT_PRODUCT"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_TYPE_", "WATT"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_OP_", "MATMUL"); std::vector buffer(tosaElements); REQUIRE_FALSE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName.c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaSize)); } SUBCASE("mismatching name") { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_GENERATOR_", "DOT_PRODUCT"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_TYPE_", "FP32"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_OP_", "MATMUL"); std::string invalidName = "notFound1"; std::vector buffer(tosaElements); REQUIRE_FALSE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), invalidName.c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaSize)); } SUBCASE("mismatching size") { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_GENERATOR_", "DOT_PRODUCT"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_TYPE_", "FP32"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_OP_", "MATMUL"); size_t smallElements = 4 * 8 * 7; size_t smallSize = smallElements * 4; std::vector buffer(smallElements); REQUIRE_FALSE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName.c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), smallSize)); } } void matmul_test_FP32(const std::string tosaName[2], const size_t tosaElements[2], const std::string templateJsonCfg, const std::string setStr, int32_t param, const std::vector expected) { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_SET_", setStr); std::vector buffer(tosaElements[param]); REQUIRE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName[param].c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaElements[param] * 4)); check_output(buffer, expected); } TEST_CASE("positive - FP32 matmul dot product (first 3 values)") { std::string templateJsonCfg = R"({ "tensors" : { "in1" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "VARIABLE", "shape" : [ 4, 8, 2 ], "input_pos": 0, "op" : "MATMUL", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 2, "acc_type": "FP32" } }, "in2" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "VARIABLE", "shape" : [ 4, 2, 5 ], "input_pos": 1, "op" : "MATMUL", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 2, "acc_type": "FP32" } } } })"; const std::string tosaName[2] = { "in1", "in2" }; const size_t tosaElements[2] = { (4 * 8 * 2), (4 * 2 * 5) }; SUBCASE("matmul, set 0, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0xbf665aa4, 0xbf736bd3, 0x0 }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", 0, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 0, param 1") { std::vector expected = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x3f34f2dd }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", 1, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 1, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x5e97f1b0, 0x5ea6a18e, 0x5eb811af }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", 0, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 1, param 1") { std::vector expected = { 0x5f128bb1, 0x5ef54579, 0x5ebd65b8 }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", 1, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 2, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x3f800000, 0x3e66ed53, 0x3f800000 }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", 0, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 2, param 1") { std::vector expected = { 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000, 0x3f800000 }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", 1, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 3, param 0") { // NOTE: Python test script produced 0xbf256686 - so off by 1 std::vector expected = { 0x41800000, 0xbf256685, 0x41800000 }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", 0, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 3, param 1") { std::vector expected = { 0x41800000, 0x41800000, 0x41800000 }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", 1, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 4, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x0, 0xbf000000, 0x5f14e80c }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", 0, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 4, param 1") { std::vector expected = { 0x5d5d0db2, 0xdf2c82a8, 0x0 }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", 1, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 5, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x5df6c4b3, 0x5e6b4088, 0x5ed0fe71 }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", 0, expected); } SUBCASE("matmul, set 5, param 1") { std::vector expected = { 0xde086d85, 0x5e630878, 0x5eba5c7b }; matmul_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", 1, expected); } } void conv2d_test_FP32(const std::string tosaName[3], const size_t tosaElements[3], const std::string templateJsonCfg, const std::string setStr, int32_t param, const std::vector lastExpected) { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_SET_", setStr); std::vector buffer(tosaElements[param]); REQUIRE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName[param].c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaElements[param] * 4)); std::vector last_three(buffer.end() - std::min(3, buffer.size()), buffer.end()); check_output(last_three, lastExpected); } TEST_CASE("positive - FP32 conv2d dot product (last 3 values)") { std::string templateJsonCfg = R"({ "tensors" : { "input" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "VARIABLE", "shape" : [ 1, 8, 2, 4 ], "input_pos": 0, "op" : "CONV2D", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 16, "acc_type": "FP32", "kernel": [2, 2] } }, "weight" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "CONSTANT", "shape" : [ 2, 2, 2, 4 ], "input_pos": 1, "op" : "CONV2D", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 16, "acc_type": "FP32" } }, "bias" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "CONSTANT", "shape" : [ 2 ], "input_pos": 2, "op" : "CONV2D", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 16, "acc_type": "FP32" } } } })"; const std::string tosaName[3] = { "input", "weight", "bias" }; const size_t tosaElements[3] = { (1 * 8 * 2 * 4), (2 * 2 * 2 * 4), 2 }; SUBCASE("conv2d, set 0, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0xbf28bfda, 0xbe99cd47 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 0, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x3f648dfd, 0xbd4cb21c }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 0, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 1, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x5e6f0400, 0x5e2f78e5, 0x5e62318d }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 1, param 1") { // NOTE: Python test script produced 0x5e6960b0 - so off by 1 std::vector lastExpected = { 0x5e6960af, 0x5e6d0ca9, 0x5e0b8561 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 1, param 2") { // NOTE: Python test script produced 0x7cf260d0, 0x7d355432 - so off by 1 std::vector lastExpected = { 0x7cf260d1, 0x7d355431 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 2, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x3e7da8e9, 0x3df76a57, 0xbe338212 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 2, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x3daabbc5, 0xbe2f8909, 0xbdb806ec }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 2, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 3, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0xbee77fe5, 0x402141c5, 0xbda1b2ed }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 3, param 1") { // NOTE: Python test script produced 0xbe9947ac - so off by 1 std::vector lastExpected = { 0x3f91e619, 0x3e9ac66b, 0xbe9947ad }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 3, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 4, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0xdd7e8575, 0x0, 0xde569ff3 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 4, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x5e2d6921, 0x5e13a014, 0x0 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 4, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 5, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x5e719fb9, 0x5e6b329c, 0xdd7617d4 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 5, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0xde42f57a, 0x5dd68799, 0xde2ddfcb }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("conv2d, set 5, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0 }; conv2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", 2, lastExpected); } } TEST_CASE("positive - pseudo random") { std::string templateJsonCfg = R"({ "tensors" : { "input0" : { "generator": "PSEUDO_RANDOM", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "VARIABLE", "shape" : [ 12, 3 ], "input_pos": 0, "op" : "PAD", "pseudo_random_info": { "rng_seed": _SEED0_ } }, "input1" : { "generator": "PSEUDO_RANDOM", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "VARIABLE", "shape" : [ 1, 3 ], "input_pos": 1, "op" : "PAD", "pseudo_random_info": { "rng_seed": _SEED1_ } } } })"; const std::string tosaNameP0 = "input0"; const size_t tosaElementsP0 = 12 * 3; const std::string tosaNameP1 = "input1"; const size_t tosaElementsP1 = 1 * 3; SUBCASE("pad - same rng") { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_SEED0_", "0"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_SEED1_", "0"); std::vector bufferP0(tosaElementsP0); std::vector bufferP1(tosaElementsP1); REQUIRE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaNameP0.c_str(), (void*)bufferP0.data(), tosaElementsP0 * 4)); REQUIRE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaNameP1.c_str(), (void*)bufferP1.data(), tosaElementsP1 * 4)); check_output(bufferP0, bufferP1); } SUBCASE("pad - different rng") { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_SEED0_", "0"); update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_SEED1_", "1000"); std::vector bufferP0(tosaElementsP0); std::vector bufferP1(tosaElementsP1); REQUIRE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaNameP0.c_str(), (void*)bufferP0.data(), tosaElementsP0 * 4)); REQUIRE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaNameP1.c_str(), (void*)bufferP1.data(), tosaElementsP1 * 4)); check_not_output(bufferP0, bufferP1); } } void reduce_sum_test_FP32(const std::string tosaName, const size_t tosaElements, const std::string templateJsonCfg, const std::string setStr, const std::vector expected) { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_SET_", setStr); std::vector buffer(tosaElements); REQUIRE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName.c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaElements * 4)); // Choose different generator values to test at positions 6, 7 & 8 std::vector mid_three(buffer.begin() + 6, buffer.begin() + 9); check_output(mid_three, expected); } TEST_CASE("positive - FP32 reduce_sum dot product (values 6,7 & 8)") { std::string templateJsonCfg = R"({ "tensors" : { "input" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "VARIABLE", "shape" : [ 5, 3, 7 ], "input_pos": 0, "op" : "REDUCE_SUM", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 3, "acc_type": "FP32", "axis": 1 } } } })"; const std::string tosaName = "input"; const size_t tosaElements = 5 * 3 * 7; SUBCASE("reduce_sum, set 0, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x3df2e612, 0x3f59255f, 0x0 }; reduce_sum_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", expected); } SUBCASE("reduce_sum, set 1, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x5edaa175, 0x5edb84c1, 0x5ea3c765 }; reduce_sum_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", expected); } SUBCASE("reduce_sum, set 2, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x3f800000, 0x3e73f143, 0x3f12cef8 }; reduce_sum_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", expected); } SUBCASE("reduce_sum, set 3, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x41800000, 0xbe9f659e, 0xbfaca78c }; reduce_sum_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", expected); } SUBCASE("reduce_sum, set 4, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x5e1e6f12, 0x3f000000, 0xbf000000 }; reduce_sum_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", expected); } SUBCASE("reduce_sum, set 5, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x5d2790c5, 0xdec3dadc, 0xdea1486e }; reduce_sum_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", expected); } } void fully_connected_test_FP32(const std::string tosaName[3], const size_t tosaElements[3], const std::string templateJsonCfg, const std::string setStr, int32_t param, const std::vector lastExpected) { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_SET_", setStr); std::vector buffer(tosaElements[param]); REQUIRE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName[param].c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaElements[param] * 4)); if (param != 2) { // Get values at positions -8, -7 and -6 from the end std::vector last_three_ish(buffer.end() - 8, buffer.end() - 5); check_output(last_three_ish, lastExpected); } else { // Use last three as this buffer is too small std::vector last_three(buffer.end() - std::min(3, buffer.size()), buffer.end()); check_output(last_three, lastExpected); } } TEST_CASE("positive - FP32 fully_connected dot product (values -8, -7 & -6 from the end)") { std::string templateJsonCfg = R"({ "tensors" : { "input" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "VARIABLE", "shape" : [ 6, 9 ], "input_pos": 0, "op" : "FULLY_CONNECTED", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 9, "acc_type": "FP32" } }, "weight" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "CONSTANT", "shape" : [ 4, 9 ], "input_pos": 1, "op" : "FULLY_CONNECTED", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 9, "acc_type": "FP32" } }, "bias" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "CONSTANT", "shape" : [ 4 ], "input_pos": 2, "op" : "FULLY_CONNECTED", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 9, "acc_type": "FP32" } } } })"; const std::string tosaName[3] = { "input", "weight", "bias" }; const size_t tosaElements[3] = { (6 * 9), (4 * 9), 4 }; SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 0, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x3f13876f, 0x0, 0x0 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 0, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x3f648dfd }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 0, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 1, param 0") { // NOTE: Python test script produced 0x5e6cc8d7 - so off by 1 std::vector lastExpected = { 0x5e531bbf, 0x5e6cc8d8, 0x5e4e2539 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 1, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x5e9870df, 0x5e9824c5, 0x5e9a898f }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 1, param 2") { // NOTE: Python test script produced 0x7dc95352 - so off by 1 std::vector lastExpected = { 0x7d9a212a, 0x7dc95351, 0x7db7c1f2 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 2, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0xbcc1e987, 0xbe68efd7, 0x3db90130 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 2, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x3e069935, 0x3de3a507, 0xbe6a0c0c }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 2, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 3, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x3e57454e, 0x3b48e294, 0x3e889ece }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 3, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0xbd20e608, 0x3f91e619, 0x3e9ac66b }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 3, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 4, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x5e29ad6d, 0x5e959eac }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 4, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x5e6736d7, 0x5e44d571 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 4, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", 2, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 5, param 0") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0xde8b0d70, 0xdd51465a, 0x5e57c772 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", 0, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 5, param 1") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0xddde72f1, 0xde7e31ff, 0x5e0bdb32 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", 1, lastExpected); } SUBCASE("fully_connected, set 5, param 2") { std::vector lastExpected = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; fully_connected_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", 2, lastExpected); } } void avg_pool2d_test_FP32(const std::string tosaName, const size_t tosaElements, const std::string templateJsonCfg, const std::string setStr, const std::vector expected) { std::string jsonCfg = templateJsonCfg; update_json_template(jsonCfg, "_SET_", setStr); std::vector buffer(tosaElements); REQUIRE(tgd_generate_data(jsonCfg.c_str(), tosaName.c_str(), (void*)buffer.data(), tosaElements * 4)); std::vector first_three(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + 3); check_output(first_three, expected); } TEST_CASE("positive - FP32 avg_pool2d dot product (first 3 values)") { std::string templateJsonCfg = R"({ "tensors" : { "input" : { "generator": "DOT_PRODUCT", "data_type": "FP32", "input_type": "VARIABLE", "shape" : [ 2, 6, 2, 3 ], "input_pos": 0, "op" : "AVG_POOL2D", "dot_product_info": { "s": _SET_, "ks": 3, "acc_type": "FP32", "kernel": [3, 1] } } } })"; const std::string tosaName = "input"; const size_t tosaElements = 2 * 6 * 2 * 3; SUBCASE("avg_pool2d, set 0, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0xbf665aa4, 0xbf736bd3, 0x0 }; avg_pool2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "0", expected); } SUBCASE("avg_pool2d, set 1, param 0") { // NOTE: Python test script produced 0x5e839663,0x5e9f6894 - so off by 1 std::vector expected = { 0x5e839662, 0x5e904e86, 0x5e9f6893 }; avg_pool2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "1", expected); } SUBCASE("avg_pool2d, set 2, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x3f800000, 0x3e3c8d18, 0xbe813879 }; avg_pool2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "2", expected); } SUBCASE("avg_pool2d, set 3, param 0") { // NOTE: Python test script produced 0xbf256686,0x3e1e8d3b - so off by 1 std::vector expected = { 0x41800000, 0xbf256685, 0x3e1e8d3b }; avg_pool2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "3", expected); } SUBCASE("avg_pool2d, set 4, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x0, 0xbf000000, 0x5ef329c7 }; avg_pool2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "4", expected); } SUBCASE("avg_pool2d, set 5, param 0") { std::vector expected = { 0x5dd5b529, 0x5e4bbbf9, 0x5eb4fe79 }; avg_pool2d_test_FP32(tosaName, tosaElements, templateJsonCfg, "5", expected); } } TEST_SUITE_END(); // generate