// Copyright (c) 2023, ARM Limited. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "verify_utils.h" #include #include #include namespace tosa { NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM(DType, { { DType::DType_UNKNOWN, "UNKNOWN" }, { DType::DType_BOOL, "BOOL" }, { DType::DType_INT4, "INT4" }, { DType::DType_INT8, "INT8" }, { DType::DType_INT16, "INT16" }, { DType::DType_INT32, "INT32" }, { DType::DType_INT48, "INT48" }, { DType::DType_FP16, "FP16" }, { DType::DType_BF16, "BF16" }, { DType::DType_FP32, "FP32" }, }) } // namespace tosa namespace TosaReference { NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM(VerifyMode, { { VerifyMode::Unknown, "UNKNOWN" }, { VerifyMode::Exact, "EXACT" }, { VerifyMode::Ulp, "ULP" }, { VerifyMode::DotProduct, "DOT_PRODUCT" }, { VerifyMode::ReduceProduct, "REDUCE_PRODUCT" }, { VerifyMode::FpSpecial, "FP_SPECIAL" }, }) void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, UlpInfo& ulpInfo) { j.at("ulp").get_to(ulpInfo.ulp); } void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, DotProductVerifyInfo& dotProductInfo) { j.at("s").get_to(dotProductInfo.s); j.at("ks").get_to(dotProductInfo.ks); } void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, ReduceProductVerifyInfo& reduceProduceInfo) { j.at("m").get_to(reduceProduceInfo.m); j.at("n").get_to(reduceProduceInfo.n); } void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, VerifyConfig& cfg) { j.at("mode").get_to(cfg.mode); j.at("data_type").get_to(cfg.dataType); if (j.contains("ulp_info")) { j.at("ulp_info").get_to(cfg.ulpInfo); } if (j.contains("dot_product_info")) { j.at("dot_product_info").get_to(cfg.dotProductInfo); } if (j.contains("reduce_product_info")) { j.at("reduce_product_info").get_to(cfg.reduceProductInfo); } } std::optional parseVerifyConfig(const char* tensorName, const char* json) { if (!tensorName) return std::nullopt; auto jsonCfg = nlohmann::json::parse(json, nullptr, /* allow exceptions */ false); if (jsonCfg.is_discarded()) { WARNING("[Verifier] Invalid json config."); return std::nullopt; } if (!jsonCfg.contains("tensors")) { WARNING("[Verifier] Missing tensors in json config."); return std::nullopt; } const auto& tensors = jsonCfg["tensors"]; if (!tensors.contains(tensorName)) if (!tensors.contains(tensorName)) { WARNING("[Verifier] Missing tensor %s in json config.", tensorName); return std::nullopt; } const auto& namedTensor = tensors[tensorName]; return namedTensor.get(); } int64_t numElements(const std::vector& shape) { return std::accumulate(std::begin(shape), std::end(shape), 1, std::multiplies()); } std::vector indexToPosition(int64_t index, const std::vector& shape) { std::vector pos; for (auto d = shape.end() - 1; d >= shape.begin(); --d) { pos.insert(pos.begin(), index % *d); index /= *d; } return pos; } std::string positionToString(const std::vector& pos) { std::string str = "["; for (auto d = pos.begin(); d < pos.end(); ++d) { str.append(std::to_string(*d)); if (pos.end() - d > 1) { str.append(","); } } str.append("]"); return str; } DType mapToDType(tosa_datatype_t dataType) { static std::map typeMap = { { tosa_datatype_bool_t, DType_BOOL }, { tosa_datatype_int4_t, DType_INT4 }, { tosa_datatype_int8_t, DType_INT8 }, { tosa_datatype_uint16_t, DType_UINT16 }, { tosa_datatype_int16_t, DType_INT16 }, { tosa_datatype_int32_t, DType_INT32 }, { tosa_datatype_int48_t, DType_INT48 }, { tosa_datatype_fp16_t, DType_FP16 }, { tosa_datatype_bf16_t, DType_BF16 }, { tosa_datatype_fp32_t, DType_FP32 }, { tosa_datatype_shape_t, DType_SHAPE }, }; if (typeMap.count(dataType)) { return typeMap[dataType]; } return DType_UNKNOWN; } // Like const_exp2 but for use during runtime double exp2(int32_t n) { TOSA_REF_REQUIRE(-1022 <= n && n <= 1023, " Invalid exponent value (%d) in exp2", n); return const_exp2(n); } int32_t ilog2(double v) { TOSA_REF_REQUIRE(0.0 < v && v < std::numeric_limits::infinity(), " Value out of range (%g) in ilog2", v); int32_t n = 0; while (v >= 2.0) { v = v / 2.0; n++; } while (v < 1.0) { v = v * 2.0; n--; } return n; } } // namespace TosaReference