// Copyright (c) 2020-2023, ARM Limited. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "tensor_ops.h" #include "quant_util.h" #include "template_types.h" #include "half.hpp" using namespace TosaReference; using namespace Eigen; using namespace tosa; int check_pool2d_attribute(tosa::TosaPoolAttribute* attribute, std::vector input_shape, std::vector output_shape, std::string& msg) { if (attribute->pad().size() != 4) { msg = "illegal size for attribute padding"; return 1; } if (attribute->kernel().size() != 2) { msg = "illegal size for attribute kernel"; return 1; } if (attribute->stride().size() != 2) { msg = "illegal size for attribute stride"; return 1; } for (int32_t i : attribute->pad()) { if (i < 0) { msg = "At least one pad is smaller than zero"; return 1; } } for (int32_t i : attribute->kernel()) { if (i < 1) { msg = "At least one kernel dimension is smaller than one"; return 1; } } for (int32_t i : attribute->stride()) { if (i < 1) { msg = "At least one stride dimension is smaller than one"; return 1; } } int32_t IH = input_shape[1]; int32_t IW = input_shape[2]; int32_t OH = output_shape[1]; int32_t OW = output_shape[2]; int32_t pad_top = attribute->pad()[0]; int32_t pad_bottom = attribute->pad()[1]; int32_t pad_left = attribute->pad()[2]; int32_t pad_right = attribute->pad()[3]; int32_t stride_y = attribute->stride()[0]; int32_t stride_x = attribute->stride()[1]; int32_t kernel_y = attribute->kernel()[0]; int32_t kernel_x = attribute->kernel()[1]; if (pad_top >= kernel_y || pad_bottom >= kernel_y || pad_left >= kernel_x || pad_right >= kernel_x) { msg = "At least one pad is >= kernel dimension"; return 1; } int32_t full_H = IH + pad_top + pad_bottom - kernel_y; int32_t full_W = IW + pad_left + pad_right - kernel_x; if ((full_H % stride_y != 0) || (full_W % stride_x != 0)) { msg = "Parameters must yield exact integer output dimensions"; return 1; } if ((OH != (full_H / stride_y) + 1) || (OW != (full_W / stride_x) + 1)) { msg = "Mismatch between output shape provided and expected output shape (" + std::to_string((full_H / stride_y) + 1) + "," + std::to_string((full_W / stride_x) + 1) + ")"; return 1; } return 0; } int check_conv_attribute(tosa::TosaConvAttribute* attribute, uint32_t conv_dimension, std::vector input_shape, std::vector output_shape, std::vector weights, uint32_t offset_kernel, DType InDtype, DType WeightDtype, std::string& msg) { if (attribute->pad().size() != (2 * conv_dimension)) { msg = "Illegal size for attribute pad"; return 1; } if (attribute->stride().size() != conv_dimension) { msg = "Illegal size for attribute stride"; return 1; } if (attribute->dilation().size() != conv_dimension) { msg = "Illegal size for attribute dilation"; return 1; } for (int32_t i : attribute->pad()) { if (i < 0) { msg = "At least one pad is smaller than zero"; return 1; } } for (int32_t i : attribute->stride()) { if (i < 1) { msg = "At least one stride dimension is smaller than one"; return 1; } } for (int32_t i : attribute->dilation()) { if (i < 1) { msg = "At least one dilation dimension is smaller than one"; return 1; } } ASSERT_MSG(conv_dimension == 2 || conv_dimension == 3, "Unsupported convolution dimension") int32_t offset_d = conv_dimension == 3 ? 1 : 0; int32_t ID = conv_dimension == 3 ? input_shape[1] : 1; int32_t IH = input_shape[1 + offset_d]; int32_t IW = input_shape[2 + offset_d]; int32_t OD = conv_dimension == 3 ? output_shape[1] : 1; int32_t OH = output_shape[1 + offset_d]; int32_t OW = output_shape[2 + offset_d]; int32_t stride_d = conv_dimension == 3 ? attribute->stride()[0] : 1; int32_t stride_y = attribute->stride()[0 + offset_d]; int32_t stride_x = attribute->stride()[1 + offset_d]; int32_t kernel_d = conv_dimension == 3 ? weights[offset_kernel] : 1; int32_t kernel_h = weights[offset_kernel + offset_d]; int32_t kernel_w = weights[offset_kernel + 1 + offset_d]; int32_t dilation_d = conv_dimension == 3 ? attribute->dilation()[0] : 1; int32_t dilation_y = attribute->dilation()[0 + offset_d]; int32_t dilation_x = attribute->dilation()[1 + offset_d]; offset_d *= 2; int32_t pad_d0 = conv_dimension == 3 ? attribute->pad()[0] : 0; int32_t pad_d1 = conv_dimension == 3 ? attribute->pad()[1] : 0; int32_t pad_top = attribute->pad()[0 + offset_d]; int32_t pad_bottom = attribute->pad()[1 + offset_d]; int32_t pad_left = attribute->pad()[2 + offset_d]; int32_t pad_right = attribute->pad()[3 + offset_d]; int32_t full_D = ID - 1 + pad_d0 + pad_d1 - (kernel_d - 1) * dilation_d; int32_t full_H = IH - 1 + pad_top + pad_bottom - (kernel_h - 1) * dilation_y; int32_t full_W = IW - 1 + pad_left + pad_right - (kernel_w - 1) * dilation_x; if ((full_H % stride_y != 0) || (full_W % stride_x != 0) || (full_D % stride_d != 0)) { msg = "Parameters must yield exact integer output dimensions"; return 1; } if ((OH != (full_H / stride_y) + 1) || (OW != (full_W / stride_x) + 1) || (OD != (full_D / stride_d) + 1)) { std::string msg_d = ""; if (conv_dimension == 3) { msg_d += std::to_string((full_D / stride_d) + 1) + ","; } msg = "Mismatch between output shape provided and expected output shape (" + msg_d + std::to_string((full_H / stride_y) + 1) + "," + std::to_string((full_W / stride_x) + 1) + ")"; return 1; } if (InDtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->input_zp() != 0) { msg = "Input zero point must be zero for non-int8 data"; return 1; } if (WeightDtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->weight_zp() != 0) { msg = "Weight zero point must be zero for non-int8 data"; return 1; } return 0; } template OpArgMax::OpArgMax(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_ARGMAX, id_) { setRequiredOperands(1, 1); setRequiredRank(1, 4); INIT_ATTRIBUTE(Axis); } template OpArgMax::~OpArgMax() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } template int OpArgMax::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0])) { return 1; } int32_t output_rank = inputs[0]->getRank() - 1; if (output_rank != outputs[0]->getRank()) { printNodeValidationError("OpArgMax: Output rank needs to be rank(input) - 1"); return 1; } if (outputs[0]->getDtype() != DType_INT32) { printNodeValidationError("OpArgMax: Output data type not supported for this configuration of operator"); return 1; } input = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); output = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); if (attribute->axis() < 0 || attribute->axis() >= input->getRank()) { printNodeValidationError("OpArgMax: Axis needs to be within [0, rank(input)]"); return 1; } bool shape_check = true; for (int32_t i = 0; i < input->getRank(); i++) { if (i < attribute->axis()) { if (input->getShape()[i] != output->getShape()[i]) { shape_check = false; break; } } else if (i > attribute->axis()) { if (input->getShape()[i] != output->getShape()[i - 1]) { shape_check = false; break; } } // No need to check i == axis } if (!shape_check) { printNodeValidationError("OpArgMax: Mismatch between output shape provided and expected output shape"); return 1; } return 0; } template int OpArgMax::eval() { Eigen::Tensor index = this->input->getTensor().argmax(attribute->axis()); this->output->getTensor() = index.unaryExpr([](DenseIndex in) -> OutEigenType { return (OutEigenType)in; }); return GraphNode::eval(); } template OpAvgPool2d::OpAvgPool2d(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_AVG_POOL2D, id_) { setRequiredOperands(1, 1); setRequiredRank(4); INIT_ATTRIBUTE(Pool); } template OpAvgPool2d::~OpAvgPool2d() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } template int OpAvgPool2d::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[0])) { return 1; } if (inputs[0]->matchType(*outputs[0])) { printNodeValidationError("OpAvgPool2d: input and output tensor type mismatch"); return 1; } in = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); out = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); ERROR_IF(Dtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->input_zp() != 0, "OpAvgPool2d: Input zeropoint must be zero for non int8_t data"); ERROR_IF(Dtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->output_zp() != 0, "OpAvgPool2d: Output zeropoint must be zero for non int8_t data"); std::string msg; if (check_pool2d_attribute(attribute, in->getShape(), out->getShape(), msg)) { msg = "OpAvgPool2d: " + msg; printNodeValidationError(msg.c_str()); return 1; } return 0; } // This calculates the number of padding elements used for each location along an axis // Average pooling only divides by the number of elements used, not including padding. // This function uses left/right, but is also used for vertical padding with top/bottom template ETensor1 OpAvgPool2d::calculate_div_map_1d(int in_size, int out_size, int kernel_size, int stride, int32_t pad_left, int32_t pad_right) { ETensor1 result(out_size); result.setConstant(kernel_size); // adjust divisors on the left side for padding // We start at the leftmost output element, and remove pad_left - (index * stride) elements // until we have no more padding being used for(int index = 0; (index <= pad_left / stride) && (index < out_size); index++) { int32_t adjust = pad_left - (index * stride); result(index) -= adjust; } // The process repeats on the right side. Padding starts taking effect as we // near the rightmost input element. The first output element which touches // padding is defined in the initialization of index below. Then we keep moving // to the right, increasing padding until we get to the last output element. int index = std::max(0, ((pad_left + in_size - kernel_size) / stride) + 1); for (; index < out_size; index++) { int32_t adjust = ((index * stride) + kernel_size) - (pad_left + in_size); result(index) -= adjust; } return result; } // assuming input and output tensor have same scales like tflite reference // so no need to scale input and output template int OpAvgPool2d::eval() { int in_batch = this->in->getShape()[0]; int in_height = this->in->getShape()[1]; int in_width = this->in->getShape()[2]; int in_channels = this->in->getShape()[3]; int out_batch = this->out->getShape()[0]; int out_height = this->out->getShape()[1]; int out_width = this->out->getShape()[2]; int out_channels = this->out->getShape()[3]; ERROR_IF(in_batch != out_batch, "OpAvgPool2d: tensor batch mismatch %d != %d", in_batch, out_batch); ERROR_IF(in_channels != out_channels, "OpAvgPool2d: tensor channel mismatch %d != %d", in_channels, out_channels); int pad_top = this->attribute->pad()[0]; int pad_bottom = this->attribute->pad()[1]; int pad_left = this->attribute->pad()[2]; int pad_right = this->attribute->pad()[3]; int kernel_h = this->attribute->kernel()[0]; int kernel_w = this->attribute->kernel()[1]; int stride_h = this->attribute->stride()[0]; int stride_w = this->attribute->stride()[1]; tosa::DType accum_dtype = (tosa::DType)this->attribute->accum_dtype(); DEBUG_INFO(OP, "perform AvgPool2d, input.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], output.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], kernel=[%d,%d], " "stride=[%d,%d], pad=[%d,%d,%d,%d], accum_dtype=%s", in_batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels, out_batch, out_height, out_width, out_channels, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_h, stride_w, pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right, EnumNamesDType()[accum_dtype]); Eigen::array im2col_input_dims; im2col_input_dims[0] = kernel_h * kernel_w; im2col_input_dims[1] = out_batch * out_height * out_width * out_channels; Eigen::array col2im_output_dims; col2im_output_dims[0] = out_batch; col2im_output_dims[1] = out_height; col2im_output_dims[2] = out_width; col2im_output_dims[3] = out_channels; Eigen::array, 4> pad; pad[0] = std::make_pair(0, 0); pad[1] = std::make_pair(pad_top, pad_bottom); pad[2] = std::make_pair(pad_left, pad_right); pad[3] = std::make_pair(0, 0); ETensor4 input_val = this->in->getTensor(); if (Dtype == DType_INT8) { input_val = input_val - (InEigenType)attribute->input_zp(); } ETensor4 input_padded = input_val.pad(pad); // assuming input and output have same scales // so input and output scaling is not required // TODO: check if this assumption TOSA made // extract_image_patches() output [N, KH, KW, H * W, C] // transpose to [KH, KW, N, H * W, C] // reshape to [KH * KW, N * H * W * C] ETensor2 input_extract_patches = input_padded.extract_image_patches(kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_h, stride_w, 1, 1, Eigen::PADDING_VALID) .shuffle(Eigen::array{ 1, 2, 0, 3, 4 }) .reshape(im2col_input_dims); // 1D result with [N * H * W * C] ETensor1 out_1d(this->out->getElementCount()); out_1d.setZero(); // sum pool for (size_t i = 0; i < this->out->getElementCount(); i++) { for (int32_t j = 0; j < kernel_h * kernel_w; j++) { out_1d(i) += (AccEigenType)input_extract_patches(j, i); } } // reshape result to [N, H, W, C] and divide with div_map ETensor4 sum = out_1d.reshape(col2im_output_dims); // calculate 1d height/width div_map (number of elements this pooling window covers) // and outer product to get 2d div_map, then reshape/broadcast to [N, H, W, C] ETensor1 div_map_h = calculate_div_map_1d(in_height, out_height, kernel_h, stride_h, pad_top, pad_bottom); ETensor1 div_map_w = calculate_div_map_1d(in_width, out_width, kernel_w, stride_w, pad_left, pad_right); Eigen::array, 1> contract_dims = { Eigen::IndexPair(1, 0) }; Eigen::array bcast{ out_batch, 1, 1, out_channels }; ETensor2 dm2_w = div_map_w.reshape(Eigen::array{ 1, out_width }); ETensor2 dm2_h = div_map_h.reshape(Eigen::array{ out_height, 1 }); ETensor4 div_map = dm2_h.contract(dm2_w, contract_dims) .reshape(Eigen::array{ 1, out_height, out_width, 1 }) .broadcast(bcast); if (Dtype != DType_FP32 && Dtype != DType_FP16 && Dtype != DType_BF16) { try { this->out->getTensor() = sum.binaryExpr(div_map, [](AccEigenType value, int32_t div) -> OutEigenType { int32_t multiplier, shift; TosaReference::QuantUtil::reciprocal_scale(div, multiplier, shift); return (OutEigenType)TosaReference::QuantUtil::apply_scale_32(value, multiplier, shift, false); }); } catch (std::string desc) { REQUIRE(false, "OpAvgPool2d apply_scale_32() fails: %s.", desc.c_str()); } this->out->getTensor() = this->out->getTensor() + (OutEigenType)(attribute->output_zp()); this->out->getTensor() = this->out->getTensor().cwiseMax((OutEigenType)QMin); this->out->getTensor() = this->out->getTensor().cwiseMin((OutEigenType)QMax); } else { // Case for float-types this->out->getTensor() = (sum / div_map.template cast()).template cast(); } return GraphNode::eval(); } template OpConv2d::OpConv2d(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_CONV2D, id_) { setRequiredOperands(3, 1); setRequiredRank(4); INIT_ATTRIBUTE(Conv); } template OpConv2d::~OpConv2d() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } template int OpConv2d::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(inputs[1]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[0])) { return 1; } // 'bias' checked separatedly since it doens't make sense to make required rank ranging from 1 to 4 if (inputs[2]->getRank() != 1) { printNodeValidationError("OpConv2d: bias tensor must be rank 1"); } ERROR_IF(outputs[0]->getDtype() != AccDtype, "OpConv2d: Output data type not supported for this configuration of operator"); input = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); weight = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[1]); bias = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[2]); output = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); std::string msg; if (check_conv_attribute(attribute, 2 /* conv_dimension */, input->getShape(), output->getShape(), weight->getShape(), 1 /* offset_kernel */, InDtype, WeightDtype, msg)) { msg = "OpConv2d: " + msg; printNodeValidationError(msg.c_str()); return 1; } return 0; } template int OpConv2d::eval() { int in_batch = this->input->getShape()[0]; int in_height = this->input->getShape()[1]; int in_width = this->input->getShape()[2]; int in_channels = this->input->getShape()[3]; int f_out_channels = this->weight->getShape()[0]; int f_height = this->weight->getShape()[1]; int f_width = this->weight->getShape()[2]; int f_in_channels = this->weight->getShape()[3]; int b_out_channels = this->bias->getShape()[0]; int out_batch = this->output->getShape()[0]; int out_height = this->output->getShape()[1]; int out_width = this->output->getShape()[2]; int out_channels = this->output->getShape()[3]; ERROR_IF(in_batch != out_batch, "OpConv2d: tensor batch mismatch %d != %d", in_batch, out_batch); ERROR_IF(f_in_channels != in_channels, "OpConv2d: tensor input channel mismatch %d != %d", f_in_channels, in_channels); ERROR_IF(f_out_channels != out_channels, "OpConv2d: tensor output channel mismatch %d != %d", f_out_channels, out_channels); ERROR_IF(b_out_channels != out_channels, "OpConv2d: bias channel mismatch %d != %d", b_out_channels, out_channels); int pad_top = this->attribute->pad()[0]; int pad_bottom = this->attribute->pad()[1]; int pad_left = this->attribute->pad()[2]; int pad_right = this->attribute->pad()[3]; int stride_h = this->attribute->stride()[0]; int stride_w = this->attribute->stride()[1]; int dilation_h = this->attribute->dilation()[0]; int dilation_w = this->attribute->dilation()[1]; tosa::DType accum_dtype = (tosa::DType)this->attribute->accum_dtype(); DEBUG_INFO(OP, "perform OpConv2d, input.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], weight.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], output.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], " "stride=[%d,%d], dilation=[%d,%d], pad=[%d,%d,%d,%d], accum_dtype=%s", in_batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels, f_height, f_width, f_in_channels, f_out_channels, out_batch, out_height, out_width, out_channels, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w, pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right, EnumNamesDType()[accum_dtype]); // GEMM-conv2d, left matrix is input, right matrix is weight Eigen::array im2col_input_dims; im2col_input_dims[0] = out_batch * out_height * out_width; im2col_input_dims[1] = f_height * f_width * f_in_channels; Eigen::array im2col_weight_dims; im2col_weight_dims[0] = f_height * f_width * f_in_channels; im2col_weight_dims[1] = f_out_channels; Eigen::array bias_reshaped_dims; bias_reshaped_dims[0] = 1; bias_reshaped_dims[1] = b_out_channels; Eigen::array weight_zp_bcast_dims; weight_zp_bcast_dims[0] = f_height; weight_zp_bcast_dims[1] = f_width; weight_zp_bcast_dims[2] = f_in_channels; Eigen::array bias_bcast_dims; bias_bcast_dims[0] = out_batch * out_height * out_width; bias_bcast_dims[1] = 1; Eigen::array col2im_output_dims; col2im_output_dims[0] = out_batch; col2im_output_dims[1] = out_height; col2im_output_dims[2] = out_width; col2im_output_dims[3] = out_channels; Eigen::array, 1> contract_dims = { Eigen::IndexPair(1, 0) }; Eigen::array, 4> pad; pad[0] = std::make_pair(0, 0); pad[1] = std::make_pair(pad_top, pad_bottom); pad[2] = std::make_pair(pad_left, pad_right); pad[3] = std::make_pair(0, 0); TIn input_val = this->input->getTensor(); TWeight weight_val = this->weight->getTensor(); if (InDtype == DType_INT8 || WeightDtype == DType_INT8) { input_val = input_val - (InEigenType)attribute->input_zp(); weight_val = weight_val - (WeightEigenType)attribute->weight_zp(); } ETensor4 input_padded = input_val.pad(pad); // extract_image_patches() output [N, KH, KW, H * W, C] // need to transpose to [N, H * W, KH, KW, C] ETensor5 input_extract_patches = input_padded .extract_image_patches(f_height, f_width, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w, Eigen::PADDING_VALID) .shuffle(Eigen::array{ 0, 3, 1, 2, 4 }); // reshape input to [N * H * W, KH * KW * C] ETensor2 im2col_input = input_extract_patches.reshape(im2col_input_dims); // transpose and reshape weight from [OC, H, W, IC] to [H * W * IC, OC] ETensor2 im2col_weight = weight_val.shuffle(Eigen::array({ 1, 2, 3, 0 })).reshape(im2col_weight_dims); // don't need to apply bias_multiplier ( * bias_scale and >> bias_shift) since tflite already scale it // and reshaped from [C] to [1, C], and broadcast to [N * H * W, C] ETensor2 bias_2d = (this->bias->getTensor().reshape(bias_reshaped_dims).broadcast(bias_bcast_dims)).template cast(); // output matrix is [N * H * W, C] ETensor2 contracted_result = (im2col_input.template cast().contract(im2col_weight.template cast(), contract_dims)).template cast(); // adding bias ETensor2 biased_output = contracted_result + bias_2d; // reshape back to [N, H, W, C] this->output->getTensor() = biased_output.reshape(col2im_output_dims); if (AccDtype == DType_INT48) { this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMax((OutEigenType)AccQMin); this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMin((OutEigenType)AccQMax); } return GraphNode::eval(); } template OpConv3d::OpConv3d(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_CONV3D, id_) { setRequiredOperands(3, 1); setRequiredRank(5); INIT_ATTRIBUTE(Conv); } template OpConv3d::~OpConv3d() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } template int OpConv3d::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(inputs[1]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[0])) { return 1; } // 'bias' checked separatedly since it doens't make sense to make required rank ranging from 1 to 4 if (inputs[2]->getRank() != 1) { printNodeValidationError("OpConv3d: bias tensor must be rank 1"); } ERROR_IF(outputs[0]->getDtype() != AccDtype, "OpConv3d: Output data type not supported for this configuration of operator"); input = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); weight = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[1]); bias = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[2]); output = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); std::string msg; if (check_conv_attribute(attribute, 3 /* conv_dimension */, input->getShape(), output->getShape(), weight->getShape(), 1 /* offset_kernel */, InDtype, WeightDtype, msg)) { msg = "OpConv3d: " + msg; printNodeValidationError(msg.c_str()); return 1; } return 0; } template int OpConv3d::eval() { int in_batch = this->input->getShape()[0]; int in_depth = this->input->getShape()[1]; int in_height = this->input->getShape()[2]; int in_width = this->input->getShape()[3]; int in_channels = this->input->getShape()[4]; int f_out_channels = this->weight->getShape()[0]; int f_depth = this->weight->getShape()[1]; int f_height = this->weight->getShape()[2]; int f_width = this->weight->getShape()[3]; int f_in_channels = this->weight->getShape()[4]; int b_out_channels = this->bias->getShape()[0]; int out_batch = this->output->getShape()[0]; int out_depth = this->output->getShape()[1]; int out_height = this->output->getShape()[2]; int out_width = this->output->getShape()[3]; int out_channels = this->output->getShape()[4]; ERROR_IF(in_batch != out_batch, "OpConv3d: tensor batch mismatch %d != %d", in_batch, out_batch); ERROR_IF(f_in_channels != in_channels, "OpConv3d: tensor input channel mismatch %d != %d", f_in_channels, in_channels); ERROR_IF(f_out_channels != out_channels, "OpConv3d: tensor output channel mismatch %d != %d", f_out_channels, out_channels); ERROR_IF(b_out_channels != out_channels, "OpConv3d: bias channel mismatch %d != %d", b_out_channels, out_channels); int pad_d0 = this->attribute->pad()[0]; int pad_d1 = this->attribute->pad()[1]; int pad_top = this->attribute->pad()[2]; int pad_bottom = this->attribute->pad()[3]; int pad_left = this->attribute->pad()[4]; int pad_right = this->attribute->pad()[5]; int stride_d = this->attribute->stride()[0]; int stride_h = this->attribute->stride()[1]; int stride_w = this->attribute->stride()[2]; int dilation_d = this->attribute->dilation()[0]; int dilation_h = this->attribute->dilation()[1]; int dilation_w = this->attribute->dilation()[2]; tosa::DType accum_dtype = (tosa::DType)this->attribute->accum_dtype(); DEBUG_INFO( OP, "perform OpConv3d, input.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d], weight.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d], output.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d], " "stride=[%d,%d,%d], dilation=[%d,%d,%d], pad=[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d], accum_dtype=%s", in_batch, in_depth, in_height, in_width, in_channels, f_out_channels, f_depth, f_height, f_width, f_in_channels, out_batch, out_depth, out_height, out_width, out_channels, stride_d, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_d, dilation_h, dilation_w, pad_d0, pad_d1, pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right, EnumNamesDType()[accum_dtype]); Eigen::array, 5> pad; pad[0] = std::make_pair(0, 0); pad[1] = std::make_pair(pad_d0, pad_d1); pad[2] = std::make_pair(pad_top, pad_bottom); pad[3] = std::make_pair(pad_left, pad_right); pad[4] = std::make_pair(0, 0); TIn input_val = this->input->getTensor(); TWeight weight_val = this->weight->getTensor(); if (InDtype == DType_INT8 || WeightDtype == DType_INT8) { input_val = input_val - (InEigenType)attribute->input_zp(); weight_val = weight_val - (WeightEigenType)attribute->weight_zp(); } ETensor5 input_padded = input_val.pad(pad); // 1. initialize with bias Eigen::array reshape_dim; reshape_dim.fill(1); reshape_dim[4] = b_out_channels; Eigen::array bcast; bcast[0] = out_batch; bcast[1] = out_depth; bcast[2] = out_height; bcast[3] = out_width; bcast[4] = 1; this->output->getTensor() = this->bias->getTensor().reshape(reshape_dim).broadcast(bcast); // 2. direct convolution AccEigenType acc(0.0); int d_idx, h_idx, w_idx; for (int ob = 0; ob < out_batch; ob++) { for (int od = 0; od < out_depth; od++) { for (int oh = 0; oh < out_height; oh++) { for (int ow = 0; ow < out_width; ow++) { for (int oc = 0; oc < out_channels; oc++) { // Initialize accumulator with bias value acc = (AccEigenType)this->output->getTensor()(ob, od, oh, ow, oc); for (int fd = 0; fd < f_depth; fd++) { d_idx = od * stride_d + fd * dilation_d; for (int fh = 0; fh < f_height; fh++) { h_idx = oh * stride_h + fh * dilation_h; for (int fw = 0; fw < f_width; fw++) { w_idx = ow * stride_w + fw * dilation_w; for (int ic = 0; ic < in_channels; ic++) { acc += ((AccEigenType)input_padded(ob, d_idx, h_idx, w_idx, ic) * (AccEigenType)weight_val(oc, fd, fh, fw, ic)); } } } } this->output->getTensor()(ob, od, oh, ow, oc) = (OutEigenType)acc; } } } } } if (AccDtype == DType_INT48) { this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMax((OutEigenType)AccQMin); this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMin((OutEigenType)AccQMax); } return GraphNode::eval(); } template OpDepthwiseConv2d::OpDepthwiseConv2d(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_DEPTHWISE_CONV2D, id_) { setRequiredOperands(3, 1); setRequiredRank(4); INIT_ATTRIBUTE(Conv); } template OpDepthwiseConv2d::~OpDepthwiseConv2d() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } template int OpDepthwiseConv2d::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(inputs[1]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[0])) { return 1; } // 'bias' checked separatedly since it doens't make sense to make required rank ranging from 1 to 4 if (inputs[2]->getRank() != 1) { printNodeValidationError("OpDepthwiseConv2d: bias tensor must be rank 1"); } ERROR_IF(outputs[0]->getDtype() != AccDtype, "OpDepthwiseConv2d: Output data type not supported for this configuration of operator"); input = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); weight = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[1]); bias = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[2]); output = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); std::string msg; if (check_conv_attribute(attribute, 2 /* conv_dimension */, input->getShape(), output->getShape(), weight->getShape(), 0 /* offset_kernel */, InDtype, WeightDtype, msg)) { msg = "OpDepthwiseConv2d: " + msg; printNodeValidationError(msg.c_str()); return 1; } return 0; } template int OpDepthwiseConv2d::eval() { int in_batch = this->input->getShape()[0]; int in_height = this->input->getShape()[1]; int in_width = this->input->getShape()[2]; int in_channels = this->input->getShape()[3]; int f_height = this->weight->getShape()[0]; int f_width = this->weight->getShape()[1]; int f_in_channels = this->weight->getShape()[2]; int f_multiplier = this->weight->getShape()[3]; int b_out_channels = this->bias->getShape()[0]; int out_batch = this->output->getShape()[0]; int out_height = this->output->getShape()[1]; int out_width = this->output->getShape()[2]; int out_channels = this->output->getShape()[3]; ERROR_IF(in_batch != out_batch, "OpDepthwiseConv2d: tensor batch mismatch %d != %d", in_batch, out_batch); ERROR_IF(f_in_channels != in_channels, "OpDepthwiseConv2d: tensor input channel mismatch %d != %d", f_in_channels, in_channels); ERROR_IF(in_channels * f_multiplier != out_channels, "OpDepthwiseConv2d: tensor output channel mismatch %d != %d", in_channels * f_multiplier, out_channels); ERROR_IF(b_out_channels != out_channels, "OpDepthwiseConv2d: bias channels mismatch %d != %d", b_out_channels, out_channels); int pad_top = this->attribute->pad()[0]; int pad_bottom = this->attribute->pad()[1]; int pad_left = this->attribute->pad()[2]; int pad_right = this->attribute->pad()[3]; int stride_h = this->attribute->stride()[0]; int stride_w = this->attribute->stride()[1]; int dilation_h = this->attribute->dilation()[0]; int dilation_w = this->attribute->dilation()[1]; tosa::DType accum_dtype = (tosa::DType)this->attribute->accum_dtype(); DEBUG_INFO(OP, "perform OpDepthwiseConv2d, input.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], weight.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], " "output.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], stride=[%d,%d], dilation=[%d,%d], pad=[%d,%d,%d,%d], accum_dtype=%s", in_batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels, f_height, f_width, f_in_channels, f_multiplier, out_batch, out_height, out_width, out_channels, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w, pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right, EnumNamesDType()[accum_dtype]); Eigen::array, 4> pad; pad[0] = std::make_pair(0, 0); pad[1] = std::make_pair(pad_top, pad_bottom); pad[2] = std::make_pair(pad_left, pad_right); pad[3] = std::make_pair(0, 0); TIn input_val = this->input->getTensor(); TWeight weight_val = this->weight->getTensor(); if (InDtype == DType_INT8 || WeightDtype == DType_INT8) { input_val = input_val - (InEigenType)attribute->input_zp(); weight_val = weight_val - (WeightEigenType)attribute->weight_zp(); } ETensor4 input_padded = input_val.pad(pad); // GEMM doesn't fit well with DepthwiseConv2d // 1. use extract_image_patches() to handle stride/dilation/pad // 2. perform direct convolution // 1. extract_image_patches() output [N, KH, KW, OH * OW, IC] ETensor5 input_extract_patches = input_padded.extract_image_patches( f_height, f_width, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w, Eigen::PADDING_VALID); Eigen::array reshape_dim; reshape_dim.fill(1); reshape_dim[3] = b_out_channels; Eigen::array bcast; bcast[0] = out_batch; bcast[1] = out_height; bcast[2] = out_width; bcast[3] = 1; // initialize with bias this->output->getTensor() = this->bias->getTensor().reshape(reshape_dim).broadcast(bcast); // 2. direct depthwise convolution for (int ob = 0; ob < out_batch; ob++) { for (int oh = 0; oh < out_height; oh++) { for (int ow = 0; ow < out_width; ow++) { for (int ic = 0; ic < in_channels; ic++) { for (int cm = 0; cm < f_multiplier; cm++) { for (int fh = 0; fh < f_height; fh++) { for (int fw = 0; fw < f_width; fw++) { // Perform multiplication in AccEigenType then cast to OutEigenType this->output->getTensor()(ob, oh, ow, ic * f_multiplier + cm) += (OutEigenType)((AccEigenType)input_extract_patches(ob, fh, fw, ow * out_height + oh, ic) * (AccEigenType)weight_val(fh, fw, ic, cm)); } } } } } } } if (AccDtype == DType_INT48) { this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMax((OutEigenType)AccQMin); this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMin((OutEigenType)AccQMax); } return GraphNode::eval(); } template OpFullyConnected::OpFullyConnected(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_FULLY_CONNECTED, id_) { setRequiredOperands(3, 1); setRequiredRank(2); INIT_ATTRIBUTE(FullyConnected); } template OpFullyConnected::~OpFullyConnected() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } template int OpFullyConnected::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(inputs[1]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[0])) { return 1; } input = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); weight = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[1]); bias = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[2]); if (input->getShape()[1] != weight->getShape()[1]) { printNodeValidationError("OpFullyConnected operator input.shape[1] should match weight.shape[1]"); return 1; } if (weight->getShape()[0] != bias->getShape()[0]) { printNodeValidationError("OpFullyConnected operator bias.shape[0] should match weight.shape[0]"); return 1; } ERROR_IF(outputs[0]->getDtype() != AccDtype, "OpFullyConnected: Output data type not supported for this configuration of operator"); output = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); ERROR_IF(InDtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->input_zp() != 0, "OpFullyConnected: Input zeropoint must be zero for non int8_t data"); ERROR_IF(WeightDtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->weight_zp() != 0, "OpFullyConnected: Weight zeropoint must be zero for non int8_t data"); return 0; } template int OpFullyConnected::eval() { typedef Eigen::Tensor::DimensionPair DimPair; Eigen::array dims{ { DimPair(1, 0) } }; Eigen::array weight_shuffle{ 1, 0 }; Eigen::array bias_reshape; bias_reshape[0] = 1; bias_reshape[1] = this->bias->getShape()[0]; Eigen::array bias_bcast; bias_bcast[0] = this->input->getShape()[0]; bias_bcast[1] = 1; TIn input_val = this->input->getTensor(); TWeight weight_val = this->weight->getTensor().shuffle(weight_shuffle); if (InDtype == DType_INT8 || WeightDtype == DType_INT8) { input_val = input_val - (InEigenType)attribute->input_zp(); weight_val = weight_val - (WeightEigenType)attribute->weight_zp(); } this->output->getTensor() = input_val.template cast().contract(weight_val.template cast(), dims).template cast() + this->bias->getTensor().reshape(bias_reshape).broadcast(bias_bcast); if (AccDtype == DType_INT48) { this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMax((OutEigenType)AccQMin); this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMin((OutEigenType)AccQMax); } return GraphNode::eval(); } template OpMatMul::OpMatMul(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_MATMUL, id_) { setRequiredOperands(2, 1); setRequiredRank(3); INIT_ATTRIBUTE(MatMul); } template OpMatMul::~OpMatMul() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } template int OpMatMul::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(inputs[1]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[0])) { return 1; } ERROR_IF(outputs[0]->getDtype() != AccDtype, "OpMatMul: Output data type not supported for this configuration of operator"); a = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); b = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[1]); output = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); ASSERT_MEM(a && b && output); // a: [N, H, C] // b: [N, C, W] // c: [N, H, W] // Check N if (a->getShape()[0] != b->getShape()[0] || a->getShape()[0] != output->getShape()[0]) { printNodeValidationError("OpMatMul operator a.shape[0], b.shape[0] and output.shape[0] should match"); return 1; } N = a->getShape()[0]; // Check C if (a->getShape()[2] != b->getShape()[1]) { printNodeValidationError("OpMatMul operator a.shape[2] should match b.shape[1]"); return 1; } C = a->getShape()[2]; // Check H if (a->getShape()[1] != output->getShape()[1]) { printNodeValidationError("OpMatMul operator a.shape[1] should match output.shape[1]"); return 1; } H = a->getShape()[1]; // Check W if (b->getShape()[2] != output->getShape()[2]) { printNodeValidationError("OpMatMul operator output.shape[2] should match output.shape[2]"); return 1; } W = b->getShape()[2]; ERROR_IF(Dtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->a_zp() != 0, "OpMatMul: A zeropoint must be zero for non int8_t data"); ERROR_IF(Dtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->b_zp() != 0, "OpMatMul: B zeropoint must be zero for non int8_t data"); return 0; } template int OpMatMul::eval() { typedef Eigen::Tensor::DimensionPair DimPair; Eigen::array dims{ { DimPair(1, 0) } }; TIn a_val = this->a->getTensor(); TIn b_val = this->b->getTensor(); if (Dtype == DType_INT8) { a_val = a_val - (InEigenType)attribute->a_zp(); b_val = b_val - (InEigenType)attribute->b_zp(); } Eigen::array a_rank2_shape({ H, C }); Eigen::array b_rank2_shape({ C, W }); Eigen::array output_rank3_shape({ 1, H, W }); Eigen::array a_size_array({ 1, H, C }); Eigen::array b_size_array({ 1, C, W }); Eigen::array a_begin_array({ 0, 0, 0 }); Eigen::array b_begin_array({ 0, 0, 0 }); // Iterate N dimension. for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { a_begin_array[0] = i; b_begin_array[0] = i; TInRank2 a_rank2_val = a_val.slice(a_begin_array, a_size_array).reshape(a_rank2_shape); TInRank2 b_rank2_val = b_val.slice(b_begin_array, b_size_array).reshape(b_rank2_shape); TAccRank2 output_rank2_val = a_rank2_val.template cast().contract(b_rank2_val.template cast(), dims); TOut output_rank3_val = output_rank2_val.reshape(output_rank3_shape).template cast(); if (i == 0) { this->output->getTensor() = output_rank3_val; } else { TOut temp = this->output->getTensor().concatenate(output_rank3_val, 0); this->output->getTensor() = temp; } } if (AccDtype == DType_INT48) { this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMax((OutEigenType)AccQMin); this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMin((OutEigenType)AccQMax); } return GraphNode::eval(); } template OpMaxPool2d::OpMaxPool2d(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_MAX_POOL2D, id_) { setRequiredOperands(1, 1); setRequiredRank(4); INIT_ATTRIBUTE(Pool); } template OpMaxPool2d::~OpMaxPool2d() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } template int OpMaxPool2d::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[0])) { return 1; } if (inputs[0]->matchType(*outputs[0])) { printNodeValidationError("OpMaxPool2d: input and output tensor type mismatch"); return 1; } in = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); out = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); std::string msg; if (check_pool2d_attribute(attribute, in->getShape(), out->getShape(), msg)) { msg = "OpMaxPool2d: " + msg; printNodeValidationError(msg.c_str()); return 1; } return 0; } template int OpMaxPool2d::eval() { int in_batch = this->in->getShape()[0]; int in_height = this->in->getShape()[1]; int in_width = this->in->getShape()[2]; int in_channels = this->in->getShape()[3]; int out_batch = this->out->getShape()[0]; int out_height = this->out->getShape()[1]; int out_width = this->out->getShape()[2]; int out_channels = this->out->getShape()[3]; ERROR_IF(in_batch != out_batch, "OpMaxPool2d: tensor batch mismatch %d != %d", in_batch, out_batch); ERROR_IF(in_channels != out_channels, "OpMaxPool2d: tensor channel mismatch %d != %d", in_channels, out_channels); int pad_top = this->attribute->pad()[0]; int pad_bottom = this->attribute->pad()[1]; int pad_left = this->attribute->pad()[2]; int pad_right = this->attribute->pad()[3]; int kernel_h = this->attribute->kernel()[0]; int kernel_w = this->attribute->kernel()[1]; int stride_h = this->attribute->stride()[0]; int stride_w = this->attribute->stride()[1]; DEBUG_INFO(OP, "perform MaxPool2d, input.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], output.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], kernel=[%d,%d], " "stride=[%d,%d], pad=[%d,%d,%d,%d]", in_batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels, out_batch, out_height, out_width, out_channels, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_h, stride_w, pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right); Eigen::array im2col_input_dims; im2col_input_dims[0] = kernel_h * kernel_w; im2col_input_dims[1] = out_batch * out_height * out_width * out_channels; Eigen::array col2im_output_dims; col2im_output_dims[0] = out_batch; col2im_output_dims[1] = out_height; col2im_output_dims[2] = out_width; col2im_output_dims[3] = out_channels; Eigen::array, 4> pad; pad[0] = std::make_pair(0, 0); pad[1] = std::make_pair(pad_top, pad_bottom); pad[2] = std::make_pair(pad_left, pad_right); pad[3] = std::make_pair(0, 0); ETensor4 input_padded = this->in->getTensor().pad(pad, std::numeric_limits::lowest()); // extract_image_patches() output [N, KH, KW, H * W, C] // transpose to [KH, KW, N, H * W, C] // reshape to [KH * KW, N * H * W * C] // // Set the padding value to be the most negative value that can be // represented by the datatype to ensure that any padding values will be equal // to or smaller than the actual maximum in the KH x KW patch. ETensor2 input_extract_patches = input_padded .extract_image_patches(kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_h, stride_w, 1, 1, Eigen::PADDING_VALID, std::numeric_limits::lowest()) .shuffle(Eigen::array{ 1, 2, 0, 3, 4 }) .reshape(im2col_input_dims); // Get the maximum of the KHxHW patches along axis 0 Eigen::Tensor tensor_argmax = input_extract_patches.argmax(0); // 1D result with [N * H * W * C] ETensor1 out_1d(this->out->getElementCount()); // index input_patches with argmax array should give the result for (size_t i = 0; i < this->out->getElementCount(); i++) { out_1d(i) = (OutEigenType)input_extract_patches(tensor_argmax(i), i); } // reshape result to [N, H, W, C] this->out->getTensor() = out_1d.reshape(col2im_output_dims); return GraphNode::eval(); } template OpRFFT2d::OpRFFT2d(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_RFFT2D, id_) { setRequiredOperands(1, 2); setRequiredRank(3); } template OpRFFT2d::~OpRFFT2d() {} template int OpRFFT2d::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[1])) { return 1; } if (inputs[0]->matchType(*outputs[0]) || inputs[0]->matchType(*outputs[1])) { printNodeValidationError("OpRFFT2d: input and output tensor type mismatch"); return 1; } in = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); out_real = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); out_imag = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[1]); ASSERT_MEM(in && out_real && out_imag); auto is_power_of_two = [](int32_t n) -> bool { return (n & (n-1)) == 0 && n > 0; }; // Input shape: [N, H, W] if (!is_power_of_two(in->getShape()[1]) || !is_power_of_two(in->getShape()[2])) { printNodeValidationError("OpRFFT2d: input height and width must be a power of two"); return 1; } // Output shape: [N, H, W / 2 + 1] bool output_check = true; for (int32_t i = 0; i < out_real->getRank(); i++) { if (out_real->getShape()[i] != out_imag->getShape()[i]) { output_check = false; break; } } if (!output_check) { printNodeValidationError( "OpRFFT2d: Mismatch between real output shape and imaginary output shape"); return 1; } if (in->getShape()[0] != out_real->getShape()[0]) { printNodeValidationError("OpRFFT2d: input and output batch size don't match"); return 1; } if (in->getShape()[1] != out_real->getShape()[1]) { printNodeValidationError("OpRFFT2d: input and output height don't match"); return 1; } if (in->getShape()[2] / 2 + 1 != out_real->getShape()[2]) { printNodeValidationError("OpRFFT2d: output width is expected to match input width / 2 + 1"); return 1; } return 0; } template int OpRFFT2d::eval() { int32_t in_batch = in->getShape()[0]; int32_t in_height = in->getShape()[1]; int32_t in_width = in->getShape()[2]; int32_t out_real_batch = out_real->getShape()[0]; int32_t out_real_height = out_real->getShape()[1]; int32_t out_real_width = out_real->getShape()[2]; int32_t out_imag_batch = out_imag->getShape()[0]; int32_t out_imag_height = out_imag->getShape()[1]; int32_t out_imag_width = out_imag->getShape()[2]; DEBUG_INFO(OP, "perform OpRFFT2d, input.shape=[%d,%d,%d], output_real.shape=[%d,%d,%d], " "output_imag.shape=[%d,%d,%d]", in_batch, in_height, in_width, out_real_batch, out_real_height, out_real_width, out_imag_batch, out_imag_height, out_imag_width); OutEigenType sum_real, sum_imag, a; for (int n = 0; n < in_batch; n++) { for (int oy = 0; oy < out_real_height; oy++) { for (int ox = 0; ox < out_real_width; ox++) { sum_real = 0.0; sum_imag = 0.0; for (int iy = 0; iy < in_height; iy++) { for (int ix = 0; ix < in_width; ix++) { // Use explicit cast to ensure intermmediate calculations are completed using OutEigenType a = 2 * M_PI * ((iy * (OutEigenType)oy) / in_height + (ix * (OutEigenType)ox) / in_width); sum_real += this->in->getTensor()(n, iy, ix) * cos(a); sum_imag += -this->in->getTensor()(n, iy, ix) * sin(a); } } this->out_real->getTensor()(n, oy, ox) = sum_real; this->out_imag->getTensor()(n, oy, ox) = sum_imag; } } } return GraphNode::eval(); } template OpTransposeConv2d::OpTransposeConv2d(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, Op_TRANSPOSE_CONV2D, id_) { setRequiredOperands(3, 1); setRequiredRank(4); INIT_ATTRIBUTE(TransposeConv); } template OpTransposeConv2d::~OpTransposeConv2d() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } template int OpTransposeConv2d::checkTensorAttributes() { if (validateRequiredOperands()) return 1; if (validateRequiredRank(inputs[0]) || validateRequiredRank(inputs[1]) || validateRequiredRank(outputs[0])) { return 1; } ERROR_IF(outputs[0]->getDtype() != AccDtype, "OpTransposeConv2d: Output data type not supported for this configuration of operator"); input = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); weight = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[1]); bias = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[2]); output = dynamic_cast*>(outputs[0]); if (attribute->out_pad().size() != 4) { printNodeValidationError("OpTransposeConv2d: illegal size for attribute out_pad"); return 1; } if (attribute->stride().size() != 2) { printNodeValidationError("OpTransposeConv2d: illegal size for attribute stride"); return 1; } if (attribute->output_shape().size() != 4) { printNodeValidationError("OpTransposeConv2d: illegal size for attribute output_shape"); return 1; } for (int32_t i : attribute->stride()) { if (i < 1) { printNodeValidationError("OpTransposeConv2d: At least one stride is smaller than one"); return 1; } } for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++) { if (attribute->output_shape()[d] != this->output->getShape()[d]) { printNodeValidationError("OpTransposeConv2d: illegal size for attribute output_shape"); return 1; } } int32_t IH = input->getShape()[1]; int32_t IW = input->getShape()[2]; int32_t OH = output->getShape()[1]; int32_t OW = output->getShape()[2]; int32_t stride_y = attribute->stride()[0]; int32_t stride_x = attribute->stride()[1]; int32_t kernel_h = weight->getShape()[1]; int32_t kernel_w = weight->getShape()[2]; int32_t out_pad_top = attribute->out_pad()[0]; int32_t out_pad_bottom = attribute->out_pad()[1]; int32_t out_pad_left = attribute->out_pad()[2]; int32_t out_pad_right = attribute->out_pad()[3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < attribute->out_pad().size(); i++) { ERROR_IF(attribute->out_pad()[i] <= -(weight->getShape()[(i / 2) + 1]), "OpTransposeConv2d: At least one out_pad value is larger than kernel size"); } int32_t H = (IH - 1) * stride_y + out_pad_top + out_pad_bottom + kernel_h; int32_t W = (IW - 1) * stride_x + out_pad_left + out_pad_right + kernel_w; if ((OH != H) || (OW != W)) { std::string msg = "OpTransposeConv2d: Mismatch between output shape provided and expected output shape (" + std::to_string(H) + "," + std::to_string(W) + ")"; printNodeValidationError(msg.c_str()); return 1; } ERROR_IF(InDtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->input_zp() != 0, "OpTransposeConv2d: Input zeropoint must be zero for non int8_t data"); ERROR_IF(WeightDtype != DType_INT8 && attribute->weight_zp() != 0, "OpTransposeConv2d: Weight zeropoint must be zero for non int8_t data"); return 0; } template int OpTransposeConv2d::eval() { int in_batch = this->input->getShape()[0]; int in_height = this->input->getShape()[1]; int in_width = this->input->getShape()[2]; int in_channels = this->input->getShape()[3]; int f_out_channels = this->weight->getShape()[0]; int f_height = this->weight->getShape()[1]; int f_width = this->weight->getShape()[2]; int f_in_channels = this->weight->getShape()[3]; int b_out_channels = this->bias->getShape()[0]; int out_batch = this->output->getShape()[0]; int out_height = this->output->getShape()[1]; int out_width = this->output->getShape()[2]; int out_channels = this->output->getShape()[3]; int out_pad_top = this->attribute->out_pad()[0]; int out_pad_bottom = this->attribute->out_pad()[1]; int out_pad_left = this->attribute->out_pad()[2]; int out_pad_right = this->attribute->out_pad()[3]; int stride_h = this->attribute->stride()[0]; int stride_w = this->attribute->stride()[1]; tosa::DType accum_dtype = (tosa::DType)this->attribute->accum_dtype(); ERROR_IF(in_batch != out_batch, "OpTransposeConv2d: tensor batch mismatch %d != %d", in_batch, out_batch); ERROR_IF(f_in_channels != in_channels, "OpTransposeConv2d: tensor input channel mismatch %d != %d", f_in_channels, in_channels); ERROR_IF(f_out_channels != out_channels, "OpTransposeConv2d: tensor output channel mismatch %d != %d", f_out_channels, out_channels); ERROR_IF(b_out_channels != out_channels, "OpDepthwiseConv2d: bias channels mismatch %d != %d", b_out_channels, out_channels); DEBUG_INFO(OP, "perform OpTransposeConv2d, input.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], weight.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], " "output.shape=[%d,%d,%d,%d], stride=[%d,%d], out_pad=[%d,%d,%d,%d], accum_dtype=%s", in_batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels, f_height, f_width, f_out_channels, f_in_channels, out_batch, out_height, out_width, out_channels, stride_h, stride_w, out_pad_top, out_pad_bottom, out_pad_left, out_pad_right, EnumNamesDType()[accum_dtype]); TIn input_val = this->input->getTensor(); TWeight weight_val = this->weight->getTensor(); if (InDtype == DType_INT8 || WeightDtype == DType_INT8) { input_val = input_val - (InEigenType)attribute->input_zp(); weight_val = weight_val - (WeightEigenType)attribute->weight_zp(); } Eigen::array reshape_dim; reshape_dim.fill(1); reshape_dim[3] = b_out_channels; Eigen::array bcast; bcast[0] = out_batch; bcast[1] = out_height; bcast[2] = out_width; bcast[3] = 1; // initialize with bias this->output->getTensor() = this->bias->getTensor().reshape(reshape_dim).broadcast(bcast); int out_x_origin, out_y_origin; int out_x, out_y; // reference implementation from: tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/reference/reference_ops.h for (int ob = 0; ob < out_batch; ob++) { for (int ih = 0; ih < in_height; ih++) { for (int iw = 0; iw < in_width; iw++) { out_x_origin = iw * stride_w + out_pad_left; out_y_origin = ih * stride_h + out_pad_top; for (int ic = 0; ic < in_channels; ic++) { for (int fh = 0; fh < f_height; fh++) { for (int fw = 0; fw < f_width; fw++) { out_x = out_x_origin + fw; out_y = out_y_origin + fh; for (int oc = 0; oc < out_channels; oc++) { if ((out_x >= 0 && out_x < out_width) && (out_y >= 0 && out_y < out_height)) { this->output->getTensor()(ob, out_y, out_x, oc) += (OutEigenType) ((AccEigenType)input_val(ob, ih, iw, ic) * (AccEigenType)weight_val(oc, fh, fw, ic)); } } } } } } } } if (AccDtype == DType_INT48) { this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMax((OutEigenType)AccQMin); this->output->getTensor() = this->output->getTensor().cwiseMin((OutEigenType)AccQMax); } return GraphNode::eval(); } // template explicit instantiation DEF_INSTANTIATE_RANK1_6_ONE_RANK_ONE_TYPE(OpArgMax, FP16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_RANK1_6_ONE_RANK_ONE_TYPE(OpArgMax, BF16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_RANK1_6_ONE_RANK_ONE_TYPE(OpArgMax, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_RANK1_6_ONE_RANK_ONE_TYPE(OpArgMax, INT8); DEF_INSTANTIATE_RANK1_6_ONE_RANK_ONE_TYPE(OpArgMax, INT16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpAvgPool2d, FP16, FP16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpAvgPool2d, FP16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpAvgPool2d, BF16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpAvgPool2d, FP32, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpAvgPool2d, INT8, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpAvgPool2d, INT16, INT32); // [in_t, weight_t, acc_t] DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv2d, FP16, FP16, FP16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv2d, FP16, FP16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv2d, BF16, BF16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv2d, FP32, FP32, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv2d, INT8, INT4, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv2d, INT8, INT8, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv2d, INT16, INT8, INT48); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv3d, FP16, FP16, FP16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv3d, FP16, FP16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv3d, BF16, BF16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv3d, FP32, FP32, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv3d, INT8, INT4, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv3d, INT8, INT8, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpConv3d, INT16, INT8, INT48); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpDepthwiseConv2d, FP16, FP16, FP16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpDepthwiseConv2d, FP16, FP16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpDepthwiseConv2d, BF16, BF16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpDepthwiseConv2d, FP32, FP32, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpDepthwiseConv2d, INT8, INT4, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpDepthwiseConv2d, INT8, INT8, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpDepthwiseConv2d, INT16, INT8, INT48); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpFullyConnected, FP16, FP16, FP16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpFullyConnected, FP16, FP16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpFullyConnected, BF16, BF16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpFullyConnected, FP32, FP32, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpFullyConnected, INT8, INT4, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpFullyConnected, INT8, INT8, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpFullyConnected, INT16, INT8, INT48); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpMatMul, INT8, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpMatMul, INT16, INT48); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpMatMul, FP16, FP16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpMatMul, FP16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpMatMul, BF16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpMatMul, FP32, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE(OpMaxPool2d, FP16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE(OpMaxPool2d, BF16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE(OpMaxPool2d, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE(OpMaxPool2d, INT8); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE(OpMaxPool2d, INT16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_ONE_TYPE(OpRFFT2d, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpTransposeConv2d, FP16, FP16, FP16); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpTransposeConv2d, FP16, FP16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpTransposeConv2d, BF16, BF16, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpTransposeConv2d, FP32, FP32, FP32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpTransposeConv2d, INT8, INT4, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpTransposeConv2d, INT8, INT8, INT32); DEF_INSTANTIATE_TWO_TYPE_ONE_ACCUM(OpTransposeConv2d, INT16, INT8, INT48);