// Copyright (c) 2020-2023, ARM Limited. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "control_flow.h" #include "subgraph_traverser.h" using namespace TosaReference; using namespace Eigen; using namespace tosa; OpControlFlow::OpControlFlow(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaSerializationHandler* tsh_, Op op_, uint64_t id_) : GraphNode(sgt_, op_, id_) { tsh = tsh_; } OpControlFlow::~OpControlFlow() {} int OpControlFlow::evalBlock(TosaSerializationBasicBlock* block, std::vector& block_inputs, std::vector& block_outputs) { std::string block_name = block->GetName(); DEBUG_MED(OP, "Evaluating block %s", block_name.c_str()); SubgraphTraverser block_sgt(block, tsh, this->parent_sgt); ERROR_IF(block_sgt.initializeGraph(), "evalBlock(): Unable to initialize graph traverser for %s", block_name.c_str()); ERROR_IF(block_sgt.linkTensorsAndNodes(), "evalBlock(): Failed to link tensors and nodes for %s", block_name.c_str()); ERROR_IF(block_sgt.validateGraph(), "evalBlock(): Failed to validate subgraph for %s", block_name.c_str()); ERROR_IF(block_sgt.allocateTensor(), "evalBlock(): Failed to allocate tensor for %s", block_name.c_str()); int num_input_tensors = block_sgt.getNumInputTensors(); int num_output_tensors = block_sgt.getNumOutputTensors(); for (size_t i = 0; i < block_inputs.size(); i++) { DEBUG_HIGH(OP, "Input[%ld]: %s", i, block_inputs[i]->getName().c_str()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < block_outputs.size(); i++) { DEBUG_HIGH(OP, "Output[%ld]: %s", i, block_outputs[i]->getName().c_str()); } ASSERT_MSG((size_t)num_input_tensors == block_inputs.size(), "op block %s inputs[%lu] does not match with graph traverser's inputs[%d]", block_name.c_str(), block_inputs.size(), num_input_tensors); ASSERT_MSG((size_t)num_output_tensors == block_outputs.size(), "op block %s outputs[%lu] does not match with graph traverser's outputs[%d]", block_name.c_str(), block_outputs.size(), num_output_tensors); // set graph traverser's input = basic block's input for (int i = 0; i < num_input_tensors; i++) { TosaReference::Tensor* tensor = block_sgt.getInputTensor(i); ERROR_IF(!tensor->is_allocated(), "block %s input tensor %s are not initialized before use", block_name.c_str(), tensor->getName().c_str()); if (tensor->copyValueFrom(block_inputs[i])) { WARNING("Fail to copy tensor value %s -> %s", block_inputs[i]->getName().c_str(), tensor->getName().c_str()); return 1; } tensor->setIsValid(); // Push ready consumers to the next node list for (auto gn : tensor->getConsumers()) { if (gn->hasAllInputsReady() && !gn->getOnNextNodeList()) { block_sgt.addToNextNodeList(gn); } } } ERROR_IF(block_sgt.evaluateAll(), "Error evaluating network. Giving up."); // pass block status back switch (block_sgt.getGraphStatus()) { case GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID: { DEBUG_MED(OP, "Successfully evaluating block %s", block_name.c_str()); break; } case GraphStatus::TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE: { DEBUG_MED(OP, "Finish evaluating block %s but result is UNPREDICTABLE", block_name.c_str()); DEBUG_MED(OP, "Setting parent graph status to UNPREDICTABLE"); parent_sgt->setGraphStatus(GraphStatus::TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE); break; } case GraphStatus::TOSA_ERROR: { DEBUG_MED(OP, "Fail evaluating block %s. Result is ERROR", block_name.c_str()); if (parent_sgt->getGraphStatus() != GraphStatus::TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE) { DEBUG_MED(OP, "Setting parent graph status to ERROR"); parent_sgt->setGraphStatus(GraphStatus::TOSA_ERROR); return 1; } } } // make sure output tensor is evaluated and show its value bool all_output_valid = true; for (int i = 0; i < num_output_tensors; i++) { const TosaReference::Tensor* ct = block_sgt.getOutputTensor(i); ASSERT_MEM(ct); if (!ct->getIsValid()) { ct->dumpTensorParams(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); if (DEBUG_ENABLED(DEBUG_VERB_HIGH, GT)) { ct->dumpTensor(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); } all_output_valid = false; } } if (!all_output_valid) { block_sgt.dumpGraph(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); ERROR_IF(true, "SubgraphTraverser \"%s\" error: Output tensors are not all valid at the end of evaluation.", block_name.c_str()); } // set basic block's output = subgraph_traverser's output for (int i = 0; i < num_output_tensors; i++) { TosaReference::Tensor* tensor = block_sgt.getOutputTensor(i); ERROR_IF(!tensor->is_allocated(), "block %s input tensor %s are not initialized before use", block_name.c_str(), tensor->getName().c_str()); if (block_outputs[i]->copyValueFrom(tensor)) { WARNING("Fail to copy tensor value %s -> %s", tensor->getName().c_str(), outputs[i]->getName().c_str()); return 1; } } return 0; } OpCondIf::OpCondIf(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaSerializationHandler* tsh_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : OpControlFlow(sgt_, tsh_, Op_COND_IF, id_) { INIT_ATTRIBUTE(CondIf); } OpCondIf::~OpCondIf() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } int OpCondIf::checkTensorAttributes() { ERROR_IF(!tsh, "OpCondIf: tosa serialization handler must not be null"); ERROR_IF(getInputs().size() < 1, "OpCondIf: must have at least 1 operand"); ERROR_IF(inputs[0]->getDtype() != TOSA_REF_TYPE_BOOL || inputs[0]->getRank() != 0, "OpCondIf: invalid tensor dtype=%s, rank=%d", EnumNameTOSAREFTYPE(inputs[0]->getDtype()), inputs[0]->getRank()); cond = dynamic_cast*>(inputs[0]); ASSERT_MEM(cond); auto then_region = tsh->GetRegionByName(attribute->then_branch()); auto else_region = tsh->GetRegionByName(attribute->else_branch()); if (then_region && else_region) { // new serialization: then_branch and else_branch point to regions then_block = then_region->GetBlocks().front(); else_block = else_region->GetBlocks().front(); } else { // old serialization: then_branch and else_branch point to blocks in curr_region auto region_name = getParentSGT()->getRegionName(); auto curr_region = tsh->GetRegionByName(region_name); then_block = curr_region->GetBlockByName(attribute->then_branch()); else_block = curr_region->GetBlockByName(attribute->else_branch()); } ERROR_IF(!then_block, "OpCondIf: fail to resolve then_branch %s", attribute->then_branch().c_str()); ERROR_IF(!else_block, "OpCondIf: fail to resolve else_branch %s", attribute->else_branch().c_str()); // Make sure operator input/output matches block input/output // Skip the first rank 0 bool tensor on input list int32_t num_input_tensor = getInputs().size() - 1; int32_t num_output_tensor = getOutputs().size(); ERROR_IF((int32_t)then_block->GetInputs().size() != num_input_tensor, "OpCondIf: then_block has unexpected number of input"); ERROR_IF((int32_t)else_block->GetInputs().size() != num_input_tensor, "OpCondIf: else_block has unexpected number of input"); ERROR_IF((int32_t)then_block->GetOutputs().size() != num_output_tensor, "OpCondIf: then_block has unexpected number of output"); ERROR_IF((int32_t)else_block->GetOutputs().size() != num_output_tensor, "OpCondIf: else_block has unexpected number of output"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_input_tensor; i++) { Tensor* operator_input = getInputs()[i + 1]; std::string then_block_input_name = then_block->GetInputs()[i]; std::string else_block_input_name = else_block->GetInputs()[i]; TosaSerializationTensor* then_block_input = then_block->GetTensorByName(then_block_input_name); TosaSerializationTensor* else_block_input = else_block->GetTensorByName(else_block_input_name); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getDtype() != ConvertDType(then_block_input->GetDtype()), "OpCondIf: input tensor type mismatch with then_block input type"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getDtype() != ConvertDType(else_block_input->GetDtype()), "OpCondIf: input tensor type mismatch with else_block input type"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getRank() != (int32_t)then_block_input->GetShape().size(), "OpCondIf: input tensor rank mismatch with then_block input rank"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getRank() != (int32_t)else_block_input->GetShape().size(), "OpCondIf: input tensor rank mismatch with else_block input rank"); for (int32_t d = 0; d < operator_input->getRank(); d++) { ERROR_IF(operator_input->getShape()[d] != then_block_input->GetShape()[d], "OpCondIf: input tensor dimension mismatch with then_block input dimension"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getShape()[d] != else_block_input->GetShape()[d], "OpCondIf: input tensor dimension mismatch with else_block input dimension"); } } for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_output_tensor; i++) { Tensor* operator_output = getOutputs()[i]; std::string then_block_output_name = then_block->GetOutputs()[i]; std::string else_block_output_name = else_block->GetOutputs()[i]; TosaSerializationTensor* then_block_output = then_block->GetTensorByName(then_block_output_name); TosaSerializationTensor* else_block_output = else_block->GetTensorByName(else_block_output_name); ERROR_IF(operator_output->getDtype() != ConvertDType(then_block_output->GetDtype()), "OpCondIf: output tensor type mismatch with then_block output type"); ERROR_IF(operator_output->getDtype() != ConvertDType(else_block_output->GetDtype()), "OpCondIf: output tensor type mismatch with else_block output type"); ERROR_IF(operator_output->getRank() != (int32_t)then_block_output->GetShape().size(), "OpCondIf: output tensor rank mismatch with then_block output rank"); ERROR_IF(operator_output->getRank() != (int32_t)else_block_output->GetShape().size(), "OpCondIf: output tensor rank mismatch with else_block output rank"); for (int32_t d = 0; d < operator_output->getRank(); d++) { ERROR_IF(operator_output->getShape()[d] != then_block_output->GetShape()[d], "OpCondIf: output tensor dimension mismatch with then_block output dimension"); ERROR_IF(operator_output->getShape()[d] != else_block_output->GetShape()[d], "OpCondIf: output tensor dimension mismatch with else_block output dimension"); } } return 0; } int OpCondIf::eval() { bool cond_val = cond->getTensor()(0); std::vector block_inputs(getInputs().begin() + 1, getInputs().end()); if (cond_val) { if (evalBlock(then_block, block_inputs, getOutputs())) { WARNING("OpCondIf: Fail to evaluate then branch block %s", attribute->then_branch().c_str()); return 1; } } else { if (evalBlock(else_block, block_inputs, getOutputs())) { WARNING("OpCondIf: Fail to evaluate else branch block %s", attribute->else_branch().c_str()); return 1; } } return GraphNode::eval(); } OpWhileLoop::OpWhileLoop(SubgraphTraverser* sgt_, TosaSerializationHandler* tsh_, TosaAttributeBase* attribute_, uint64_t id_) : OpControlFlow(sgt_, tsh_, Op_WHILE_LOOP, id_) { INIT_ATTRIBUTE(WhileLoop); } OpWhileLoop::~OpWhileLoop() { if (attribute) delete attribute; } int OpWhileLoop::checkTensorAttributes() { if (!tsh) { WARNING("OpWhileLoop: tosa serialization handler must not be null"); return 1; } if (getInputs().size() <= 0) { WARNING("OpWhileLoop: must have at least 1 operands"); return 1; } if (getInputs().size() != getOutputs().size()) { WARNING("OpWhileLoop: inputs and outputs size must match"); return 1; } auto cond_region = tsh->GetRegionByName(attribute->cond_branch()); auto body_region = tsh->GetRegionByName(attribute->body_branch()); if (cond_region && body_region) { // new serialization: then_branch and else_branch point to regions cond_block = cond_region->GetBlocks().front(); body_block = body_region->GetBlocks().front(); } else { auto region_name = getParentSGT()->getRegionName(); auto curr_region = tsh->GetRegionByName(region_name); cond_block = curr_region->GetBlockByName(attribute->cond_branch()); body_block = curr_region->GetBlockByName(attribute->body_branch()); } ERROR_IF(!cond_block, "OpWhileLoop: fail to resolve cond_branch %s", attribute->cond_branch().c_str()); ERROR_IF(!body_block, "OpWhileLoop: fail to resolve body_branch %s", attribute->body_branch().c_str()); // Make sure operator input/output matches block input/output int32_t num_block_tensor = getInputs().size(); ERROR_IF((int32_t)getOutputs().size() != num_block_tensor, "OpWhileLoop: operator input tensor doesn't match output"); ERROR_IF((int32_t)cond_block->GetInputs().size() != num_block_tensor, "OpWhileLoop: cond_block has unexpected number of input"); ERROR_IF((int32_t)body_block->GetInputs().size() != num_block_tensor, "OpWhileLoop: body_block has unexpected number of input"); ERROR_IF((int32_t)body_block->GetOutputs().size() != num_block_tensor, "OpWhileLoop: body_block has unexpected number of output"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_block_tensor; i++) { Tensor* operator_input = getInputs()[i]; Tensor* operator_output = getOutputs()[i]; ERROR_IF(operator_input->matchRankTypeShape(*operator_output), "OpWhileLoop: operator input tensor mismatch operator output tensor"); std::string cond_block_input_name = cond_block->GetInputs()[i]; std::string body_block_input_name = body_block->GetInputs()[i]; std::string body_block_output_name = body_block->GetOutputs()[i]; TosaSerializationTensor* cond_block_input = cond_block->GetTensorByName(cond_block_input_name); TosaSerializationTensor* body_block_input = body_block->GetTensorByName(body_block_input_name); TosaSerializationTensor* body_block_output = body_block->GetTensorByName(body_block_output_name); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getDtype() != ConvertDType(cond_block_input->GetDtype()), "OpWhileLoop: input tensor type mismatch with cond_block input type"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getDtype() != ConvertDType(body_block_input->GetDtype()), "OpWhileLoop: input tensor type mismatch with body_block input type"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getDtype() != ConvertDType(body_block_output->GetDtype()), "OpWhileLoop: input tensor type mismatch with body_block output type"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getRank() != (int32_t)cond_block_input->GetShape().size(), "OpWhileLoop: input tensor rank mismatch with cond_block input rank"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getRank() != (int32_t)body_block_input->GetShape().size(), "OpWhileLoop: input tensor rank mismatch with body_block input rank"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getRank() != (int32_t)body_block_output->GetShape().size(), "OpWhileLoop: input tensor rank mismatch with body_block output rank"); for (int32_t d = 0; d < operator_input->getRank(); d++) { ERROR_IF(operator_input->getShape()[d] != cond_block_input->GetShape()[d], "OpWhileLoop: input tensor dimension mismatch with cond_block input dimension"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getShape()[d] != body_block_input->GetShape()[d], "OpWhileLoop: input tensor dimension mismatch with body_block input dimension"); ERROR_IF(operator_input->getShape()[d] != body_block_output->GetShape()[d], "OpWhileLoop: input tensor dimension mismatch with body_block output dimension"); } } ERROR_IF(cond_block->GetOutputs().size() != 1, "OpWhileLoop: cond_block can only have 1 output tensor"); std::string cond_block_output_name = cond_block->GetOutputs()[0]; TosaSerializationTensor* cond_block_output = cond_block->GetTensorByName(cond_block_output_name); ERROR_IF(cond_block_output->GetDtype() != DType_BOOL, "OpWhileLoop: cond_block output can only be bool type"); ERROR_IF(cond_block_output->GetShape().size() != 0, "OpWhileLoop: cond_block output can only be rank 0"); return 0; } int OpWhileLoop::eval() { TosaReference::Tensor0 cond_output_ctensor("cond_output", DType_BOOL, std::vector({})); cond_output_ctensor.allocate(); std::vector cond_block_outputs; cond_block_outputs.push_back(&cond_output_ctensor); size_t num_input_output = getInputs().size(); size_t eval_count = 0; while (eval_count++ < MAX_WHILE_LOOP_ITERATION) { if (evalBlock(cond_block, getInputs(), cond_block_outputs)) { WARNING("OpWhileLoop: Fail to evaluate cond block %s", attribute->cond_branch().c_str()); return 1; } bool cond_val = cond_output_ctensor.getTensor()(0); DEBUG_HIGH(OP, "Conditional block value: %d", cond_val); if (cond_val) { if (evalBlock(body_block, getInputs(), getOutputs())) { WARNING("OpWhileLoop: Fail to evaluate body block %s", attribute->body_branch().c_str()); return 1; } // assigning output tensors value back to input tensors value for next iteration for (size_t i = 0; i < num_input_output; i++) { getInputs()[i] = getOutputs()[i]; } } else { // in last iteration or the case it never evaluates body block // assign input tensors value to output tensors for (size_t i = 0; i < num_input_output; i++) { if (getOutputs()[i]->copyValueFrom(getInputs()[i])) { WARNING("Fail to copy tensor value %s -> %s", getInputs()[i]->getName().c_str(), getOutputs()[i]->getName().c_str()); return 1; } } break; } } return GraphNode::eval(); }