// Copyright (c) 2020-2022, ARM Limited. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "model_common.h" #include "ops/op_factory.h" #include "subgraph_traverser.h" #include "tosa_serialization_handler.h" #include #include #include #include #define MODEL_VERSION_MAJOR 0 #define MODEL_VERSION_MINOR 40 #define MODEL_VERSION_PATCH 0 #define MODEL_VERSION_DRAFT false using namespace TosaReference; using namespace tosa; using json = nlohmann::json; // Global instantiation of configuration and debug objects func_config_t g_func_config; func_debug_t g_func_debug; int initTestDesc(json& test_desc); int readInputTensors(SubgraphTraverser& gt, json test_desc); int writeFinalTensors(SubgraphTraverser& gt, json test_desc); int loadGraph(TosaSerializationHandler& tsh, json test_desc); int main(int argc, char** argv) { TosaVersion model_version(MODEL_VERSION_MAJOR, MODEL_VERSION_MINOR, MODEL_VERSION_PATCH, MODEL_VERSION_DRAFT); // Initialize configuration and debug subsystems g_func_debug.init_debug(0); if (func_model_parse_cmd_line(g_func_config, g_func_debug, argc, argv, model_version.to_string().c_str())) { return 1; } TosaSerializationHandler tsh; TosaVersion::compat_t is_compat = model_version.is_compatible(tsh.GetVersion()); switch (is_compat) { case TosaVersion::compat_t::COMPLETELY_COMPATIBLE: break; case TosaVersion::compat_t::PARTIALLY_COMPATIBLE: printf("WARNING: Reference model version %s is partially compatible with serializer version %s\n", model_version.to_string().c_str(), tsh.GetVersion().to_string().c_str()); break; case TosaVersion::compat_t::NOT_COMPATIBLE: printf("ERROR: Reference model version %s is not compatible with serializer version %s\n", model_version.to_string().c_str(), tsh.GetVersion().to_string().c_str()); return TOSA_VERSION_MISMATCH; } json test_desc; // Initialize test descriptor if (initTestDesc(test_desc)) { FATAL_ERROR("Unable to load test json"); } if (loadGraph(tsh, test_desc)) { FATAL_ERROR("Unable to load graph"); } SubgraphTraverser main_gt(tsh.GetMainBlock(), &tsh); if (main_gt.initializeGraph()) { WARNING("Unable to initialize main graph traverser."); goto done; } if (main_gt.linkTensorsAndNodes()) { WARNING("Failed to link tensors and nodes"); goto done; } if (main_gt.validateGraph()) { WARNING("Failed to validate graph. Evaluation aborted."); goto done; } if (main_gt.allocateTensor()) { WARNING("Failed to allocate tensor. Evaluation aborted."); goto done; } if (g_func_config.validate_only) { goto done; } if (readInputTensors(main_gt, test_desc)) { FATAL_ERROR("Unable to read input tensors"); } if (g_func_config.eval) { // evaluateAll() returns 1 if graph evaluation is forced to be terminated earlier. if (main_gt.evaluateAll()) { ASSERT_MSG(main_gt.getGraphStatus() != GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID, "Upon evaluateAll() returning 1, graph can not be VALID."); } else { ASSERT_MSG(main_gt.getGraphStatus() == GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID || main_gt.getGraphStatus() == GraphStatus::TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE, "Upon evaluateAll() returning 0, graph can only be VALID/UNPREDICTABLE."); } // Only generate output tensor if graph is valid. if (main_gt.getGraphStatus() == GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID) { // make sure output tensor is evaluated and show its value int num_output_tensors = main_gt.getNumOutputTensors(); bool all_output_valid = true; for (int i = 0; i < num_output_tensors; i++) { const Tensor* ct = main_gt.getOutputTensor(i); ASSERT_MEM(ct); if (!ct->getIsValid()) { ct->dumpTensorParams(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); if (DEBUG_ENABLED(DEBUG_VERB_HIGH, GT)) { ct->dumpTensor(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); } all_output_valid = false; } } if (!all_output_valid) { main_gt.dumpGraph(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); FATAL_ERROR( "SubgraphTraverser \"main\" error: Output tensors are not all valid at the end of evaluation."); } if (g_func_config.output_tensors) { if (writeFinalTensors(main_gt, test_desc)) { WARNING("Errors encountered in saving output tensors"); } } } } done: switch (main_gt.getGraphStatus()) { case GraphStatus::TOSA_VALID: // Result is valid. break; case GraphStatus::TOSA_UNPREDICTABLE: fprintf(stderr, "Graph result: UNPREDICTABLE.\n"); break; case GraphStatus::TOSA_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "Graph result: ERROR.\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown graph status code=%d.\n", (int)main_gt.getGraphStatus()); } g_func_debug.fini_debug(); return (int)main_gt.getGraphStatus(); } int loadGraph(TosaSerializationHandler& tsh, json test_desc) { char graph_fullname[1024]; snprintf(graph_fullname, sizeof(graph_fullname), "%s/%s", g_func_config.flatbuffer_dir.c_str(), test_desc["tosa_file"].get().c_str()); if (strlen(graph_fullname) <= 2) { func_model_print_help(); FATAL_ERROR("Missing required argument: Check \"tosa_file\" in .json specified by -Ctosa_desc="); } const char JSON_EXT[] = ".json"; int is_json = 0; { // look for JSON file extension size_t suffix_len = strlen(JSON_EXT); size_t str_len = strlen(graph_fullname); if (str_len > suffix_len && strncasecmp(graph_fullname + (str_len - suffix_len), JSON_EXT, suffix_len) == 0) { is_json = 1; } } if (is_json) { if (tsh.LoadFileSchema(g_func_config.operator_fbs.c_str())) { FATAL_ERROR("\nJSON file detected. Unable to load TOSA flatbuffer schema from: %s\nCheck -Coperator_fbs=", g_func_config.operator_fbs.c_str()); } if (tsh.LoadFileJson(graph_fullname)) { FATAL_ERROR("\nError loading JSON graph file: %s\nCheck -Ctest_desc=, -Ctosa_file= and -Cflatbuffer_dir=", graph_fullname); } } else { if (tsh.LoadFileTosaFlatbuffer(graph_fullname)) { FATAL_ERROR( "\nError loading TOSA flatbuffer file: %s\nCheck -Ctest_desc=, -Ctosa_file= and -Cflatbuffer_dir=", graph_fullname); } } return 0; } int readInputTensors(SubgraphTraverser& gt, json test_desc) { int tensorCount = gt.getNumInputTensors(); Tensor* tensor; char filename[1024]; try { if ((tensorCount != (int)test_desc["ifm_name"].size()) || (tensorCount != (int)test_desc["ifm_file"].size())) { WARNING("Number of input tensors(%d) doesn't match name(%ld)/file(%ld) in test descriptor.", tensorCount, test_desc["ifm_name"].size(), test_desc["ifm_file"].size()); return 1; } for (int i = 0; i < tensorCount; i++) { tensor = gt.getInputTensorByName(test_desc["ifm_name"][i].get()); if (!tensor) { WARNING("Unable to find input tensor %s", test_desc["ifm_name"][i].get().c_str()); return 1; } snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", g_func_config.flatbuffer_dir.c_str(), test_desc["ifm_file"][i].get().c_str()); DEBUG_MED(GT, "Loading input tensor %s from filename: %s", tensor->getName().c_str(), filename); if (!tensor->is_allocated()) { WARNING("Tensor %s is not allocated before being initialized", tensor->getName().c_str()); return 1; } if (tensor->readFromNpyFile(filename)) { WARNING("Unable to read input tensor %s from filename: %s", tensor->getName().c_str(), filename); tensor->dumpTensorParams(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); return 1; } // Push ready consumers to the next node list for (auto gn : tensor->getConsumers()) { if (gn->hasAllInputsReady() && !gn->getOnNextNodeList()) { gt.addToNextNodeList(gn); } } } } catch (nlohmann::json::type_error& e) { WARNING("Fail accessing test descriptor: %s", e.what()); return 1; } if (DEBUG_ENABLED(DEBUG_VERB_HIGH, GT)) { gt.dumpNextNodeList(g_func_debug.func_debug_file); } return 0; } int writeFinalTensors(SubgraphTraverser& gt, json test_desc) { int tensorCount = gt.getNumOutputTensors(); const Tensor* tensor; char filename[1024]; try { if ((tensorCount != (int)test_desc["ofm_name"].size()) || (tensorCount != (int)test_desc["ofm_file"].size())) { WARNING("Number of output tensors(%d) doesn't match name(%ld)/file(%ld) in test descriptor.", tensorCount, test_desc["ofm_name"].size(), test_desc["ofm_file"].size()); return 1; } for (int i = 0; i < tensorCount; i++) { tensor = gt.getOutputTensorByName(test_desc["ofm_name"][i].get()); if (!tensor) { WARNING("Unable to find output tensor %s", test_desc["ofm_name"][i].get().c_str()); return 1; } snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", g_func_config.output_dir.c_str(), test_desc["ofm_file"][i].get().c_str()); DEBUG_MED(GT, "Writing output tensor[%d] %s to filename: %s", i, tensor->getName().c_str(), filename); if (tensor->writeToNpyFile(filename)) { WARNING("Unable to write output tensor[%d] %s to filename: %s", i, tensor->getName().c_str(), filename); return 1; } } } catch (nlohmann::json::type_error& e) { WARNING("Fail accessing test descriptor: %s", e.what()); return 1; } return 0; } // Read "foo,bar,..." and return std::vector({foo, bar, ...}) std::vector parseFromString(std::string raw_str) { bool last_pair = false; std::string::size_type start = 0, end; std::string name; std::vector result; do { end = raw_str.find(',', start); if (end == std::string::npos) last_pair = true; name = raw_str.substr(start, end); result.push_back(name); start = end + 1; // skip comma } while (!last_pair); return result; } int initTestDesc(json& test_desc) { std::ifstream ifs(g_func_config.test_desc); if (ifs.good()) { try { test_desc = nlohmann::json::parse(ifs); } catch (nlohmann::json::parse_error& e) { WARNING("Error parsing test descriptor json: %s", e.what()); return 1; } } else { WARNING("Cannot open input file: %s", g_func_config.test_desc.c_str()); return 1; } // Overwrite flatbuffer_dir/output_dir with dirname(g_func_config.test_desc) if it's not specified. if (g_func_config.flatbuffer_dir.empty() || g_func_config.output_dir.empty()) { std::string test_dir = g_func_config.test_desc.substr(0, g_func_config.test_desc.find_last_of("/\\")); if (g_func_config.flatbuffer_dir.empty()) { g_func_config.flatbuffer_dir = test_dir; } if (g_func_config.output_dir.empty()) { g_func_config.output_dir = test_dir; } } // Overwrite test_desc["tosa_file"] if -Ctosa_file= specified. if (!g_func_config.tosa_file.empty()) { test_desc["tosa_file"] = g_func_config.tosa_file; } // Overwrite test_desc["ifm_name"] if -Cifm_name= specified. if (!g_func_config.ifm_name.empty()) { std::vector ifm_name_vec = parseFromString(g_func_config.ifm_name); test_desc["ifm_name"] = ifm_name_vec; } // Overwrite test_desc["ifm_file"] if -Cifm_file= specified. if (!g_func_config.ifm_file.empty()) { std::vector ifm_file_vec = parseFromString(g_func_config.ifm_file); test_desc["ifm_file"] = ifm_file_vec; } // Overwrite test_desc["ofm_name"] if -Cofm_name= specified. if (!g_func_config.ofm_name.empty()) { std::vector ofm_name_vec = parseFromString(g_func_config.ofm_name); test_desc["ofm_name"] = ofm_name_vec; } // Overwrite test_desc["ofm_file"] if -Cofm_file= specified. if (!g_func_config.ofm_file.empty()) { std::vector ofm_file_vec = parseFromString(g_func_config.ofm_file); test_desc["ofm_file"] = ofm_file_vec; } return 0; }