# TOSA Conformance Tests ## Introduction This repository contains the conformance tests for the *Tensor Operator Set Architecture (TOSA) Specification *. ## Coverage These conformance tests cover the Base Inference profile (TOSA-BI) only. There are tests included that cover examples of TensorFlow Lite framework operators converted to TOSA. ## Versioning The conformance tests repository has branches that correspond to each TOSA version (major.minor), and tags (major.minor.patch) that match to specific versions. Perform the following command to check out a specific version: ``` bash git checkout --recurse-submodules VERSION ``` Where `VERSION` can be for example: `v0.23` or `v0.23.0` ## Test Contents Typical test contents will be: * `test*.json` - TOSA test in flatbuffer JSON format * `input-*.json` or `placeholder-*.json` - input files (e.g. tensors) in JSON format * `Conformance-*.json` - expected output file in JSON format * `desc.json` - test meta-data in JSON format * `model-*` - optional framework model file, used to create the TOSA test ## Usage ### Flatbuffer Schema A JSON flatbuffer TOSA test file needs to be used with a corresponding version of the schema file. The schema is linked via git submodules and should be checked out with the specific version chosen above. You can find the schema: ``` bash ls -l third_party/serialization_lib/schema/tosa.fbs ``` If you have not checked out a specific conformance version, then use the following command to initialise the necessary submodule: ``` bash git submodule update --init --recursive ``` ### Running It is recommended to use these tests with the Unit Test Runner from the TOSA Unit Test Infrastructure in the *TOSA Reference Model *, please see that repository for more information. ## License The TOSA Conformance tests are licensed under Apache-2.0 unless otherwise noted.