# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2023, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Test for module utils/test_utils.""" import os from pathlib import Path from pathlib import PosixPath from unittest.mock import MagicMock import numpy as np import pytest import tensorflow as tf from mlia.nn.tensorflow import tflite_convert from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_convert import convert_to_tflite from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_convert import convert_to_tflite_bytes from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_convert import main from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_convert import representative_dataset def test_generate_representative_dataset() -> None: """Test function for generating representative dataset.""" dataset = representative_dataset([1, 3, 3], 5) data = list(dataset()) assert len(data) == 5 for elem in data: assert isinstance(elem, list) assert len(elem) == 1 ndarray = elem[0] assert ndarray.dtype == np.float32 assert isinstance(ndarray, np.ndarray) def test_convert_saved_model_to_tflite(test_tf_model: Path) -> None: """Test converting SavedModel to TensorFlow Lite.""" result = convert_to_tflite_bytes(test_tf_model.as_posix()) assert isinstance(result, bytes) def test_convert_keras_to_tflite(test_keras_model: Path) -> None: """Test converting Keras model to TensorFlow Lite.""" keras_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(str(test_keras_model)) result = convert_to_tflite_bytes(keras_model) assert isinstance(result, bytes) def test_save_tflite_model(tmp_path: Path, test_keras_model: Path) -> None: """Test saving TensorFlow Lite model.""" keras_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(str(test_keras_model)) temp_file = tmp_path / "test_model_saving.tflite" convert_to_tflite(keras_model, output_path=temp_file) interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=str(temp_file)) assert interpreter def test_convert_unknown_model_to_tflite() -> None: """Test that unknown model type cannot be converted to TensorFlow Lite.""" with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Unable to create TensorFlow Lite converter for 123" ): convert_to_tflite(123) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "convert_options,expected_args,error", [ [ { "input_path": PosixPath("/in"), "output_path": PosixPath("/out"), "quantized": True, "subprocess": True, }, ["/in", "--output", "/out", "--quantize"], None, ], [ { "input_path": None, "output_path": None, "quantized": True, "subprocess": False, }, [True, None], None, ], [ { "input_path": None, "output_path": PosixPath("/out"), "quantized": False, "subprocess": True, "model": None, }, ["/in", "/out"], "Input path is required", ], [ { "input_path": PosixPath("/in"), "output_path": PosixPath("/out"), "quantized": False, "subprocess": False, }, [False, PosixPath("/out")], None, ], [ { "input_path": PosixPath("/in"), "output_path": PosixPath("/out"), "quantized": True, "subprocess": False, }, [True, PosixPath("/out")], None, ], [ { "input_path": PosixPath("/in"), "output_path": None, "quantized": False, "subprocess": True, }, ["/in"], None, ], [ { "input_path": PosixPath("/in"), "output_path": PosixPath("/out"), "quantized": False, "subprocess": True, }, ["/in", "--output", "/out"], None, ], [ { "input_path": PosixPath("/in"), "output_path": PosixPath("/out"), "quantized": True, "subprocess": True, }, ["/in", "--output", "/out", "--quantize"], None, ], [ { "output_path": PosixPath("/out"), "quantized": True, "subprocess": True, }, ["/model_path", "--output", "/out", "--quantize"], None, ], ], ) def test_convert_to_tflite_subprocess( convert_options: dict, expected_args: str, error: str, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, ) -> None: """Test if convert_to_tflite calls the subprocess with the correct args.""" command_mock = MagicMock() function_mock = MagicMock() model_path_str = "/model_path" monkeypatch.setattr( "mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_convert.command_output", command_mock ) monkeypatch.setattr( "mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_convert._convert_to_tflite", function_mock ) opts = {"model": model_path_str, **convert_options} if error: with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc_info: convert_to_tflite(**opts) assert error in str(exc_info.value) command_mock.assert_not_called() function_mock.assert_not_called() return convert_to_tflite(**opts) if convert_options["subprocess"]: command_mock.assert_called_once() function_mock.assert_not_called() pyfile = os.path.abspath(tflite_convert.__file__) assert command_mock.mock_calls[0].args[0].cmd == [ "python", pyfile, *expected_args, ] else: command_mock.assert_not_called() function_mock.assert_called_once() args = function_mock.mock_calls[0].args assert args == (model_path_str, *expected_args) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "args,expected_convert_args", [ ["{}", "{},False,None"], ["{} --quantize", "{},True,None"], ["{} --output {}", "{},False,{}"], ["{} --output {} --quantize", "{},True,{}"], ], ) def test_main( args: str, expected_convert_args: str, tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, ) -> None: """Test main function, the entry point to subprocess mode.""" mock = MagicMock() monkeypatch.setattr("mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_convert._convert_to_tflite", mock) input_path = tmp_path output_path = tmp_path / "out" argv = args.format(input_path, output_path).split() main(argv) mock.assert_called_once() convert_args = mock.mock_calls[0].args actual = ",".join(str(arg) for arg in convert_args) expected = expected_convert_args.format(input_path, output_path) assert actual == expected def test_main_nonexistent_input() -> None: """Test main with missing input model.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: main(["/missing"]) assert "Input file doesn't exist: [/missing]" in str(excinfo.value)