# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2024, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Test for module optimizations/clustering.""" from __future__ import annotations import math from pathlib import Path import pytest import tensorflow as tf from flaky import flaky from mlia.nn.tensorflow.optimizations.clustering import Clusterer from mlia.nn.tensorflow.optimizations.clustering import ClusteringConfiguration from mlia.nn.tensorflow.optimizations.pruning import Pruner from mlia.nn.tensorflow.optimizations.pruning import PruningConfiguration from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_convert import convert_to_tflite from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_metrics import ReportClusterMode from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_metrics import TFLiteMetrics from tests.utils.common import get_dataset from tests.utils.common import train_model def _prune_model( model: tf.keras.Model, target_sparsity: float, layers_to_prune: list[str] | None ) -> tf.keras.Model: x_train, y_train = get_dataset() batch_size = 1 num_epochs = 1 pruner = Pruner( model, PruningConfiguration( target_sparsity, layers_to_prune, x_train, y_train, batch_size, num_epochs, ), ) pruner.apply_optimization() pruned_model = pruner.get_model() return pruned_model def _test_num_unique_weights( metrics: TFLiteMetrics, target_num_clusters: int, layers_to_cluster: list[str] | None, ) -> None: clustered_uniqueness = metrics.num_unique_weights( ReportClusterMode.NUM_CLUSTERS_PER_AXIS ) num_clustered_layers = 0 for layer_num_clusters in clustered_uniqueness.values(): if layer_num_clusters[0] <= target_num_clusters: num_clustered_layers += 1 expected_num_clustered_layers = len(layers_to_cluster or clustered_uniqueness) assert num_clustered_layers == expected_num_clustered_layers def _test_sparsity( metrics: TFLiteMetrics, target_sparsity: float, layers_to_cluster: list[str] | None, ) -> None: error_margin = 0.03 pruned_sparsity = metrics.sparsity_per_layer() num_sparse_layers = 0 for layer_sparsity in pruned_sparsity.values(): if math.isclose(layer_sparsity, target_sparsity, abs_tol=error_margin): num_sparse_layers += 1 # make sure we are having exactly as many sparse layers as we wanted expected_num_sparse_layers = len(layers_to_cluster or pruned_sparsity) assert num_sparse_layers == expected_num_sparse_layers # This test fails sporadically for stochastic reasons, due to a threshold not being met. # Re-running the test will help. We are yet to find a more deterministic approach # to run the test, and in the meantime we classify it as a known issue. # Additionally, flaky is (as of 2023) untyped and thus we need to silence the # warning from mypy. @flaky(max_runs=4, min_passes=1) # type: ignore @pytest.mark.parametrize("target_num_clusters", (32, 4)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("sparsity_aware", (False, True)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("layers_to_cluster", (["conv1"], ["conv1", "conv2"], None)) def test_cluster_simple_model_fully( target_num_clusters: int, sparsity_aware: bool, layers_to_cluster: list[str] | None, tmp_path: Path, test_keras_model: Path, ) -> None: """Simple MNIST test to see if clustering works correctly.""" target_sparsity = 0.5 base_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(str(test_keras_model)) train_model(base_model) if sparsity_aware: base_model = _prune_model(base_model, target_sparsity, layers_to_cluster) clusterer = Clusterer( base_model, ClusteringConfiguration( target_num_clusters, layers_to_cluster, ), ) clusterer.apply_optimization() clustered_model = clusterer.get_model() temp_file = tmp_path / "test_cluster_simple_model_fully_after.tflite" convert_to_tflite(clustered_model, output_path=temp_file) clustered_tflite_metrics = TFLiteMetrics(str(temp_file)) _test_num_unique_weights( clustered_tflite_metrics, target_num_clusters, layers_to_cluster ) if sparsity_aware: _test_sparsity(clustered_tflite_metrics, target_sparsity, layers_to_cluster)