# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2024, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Target configuration module.""" from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC from abc import abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import cast from typing import TypeVar try: import tomllib except ModuleNotFoundError: import tomli as tomllib from mlia.backend.registry import registry as backend_registry from mlia.core.common import AdviceCategory from mlia.core.advisor import InferenceAdvisor from mlia.utils.filesystem import get_mlia_target_profiles_dir from mlia.utils.filesystem import get_mlia_target_optimization_dir def get_builtin_target_profile_path(target_profile: str) -> Path: """ Construct the path to the built-in target profile file. No checks are performed. """ return get_mlia_target_profiles_dir() / f"{target_profile}.toml" def get_builtin_optimization_profile_path(optimization_profile: str) -> Path: """ Construct the path to the built-in target profile file. No checks are performed. """ return get_mlia_target_optimization_dir() / f"{optimization_profile}.toml" @lru_cache def load_profile(path: str | Path) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get settings for the provided target profile.""" with open(path, "rb") as file: profile = tomllib.load(file) return cast(dict, profile) def get_builtin_supported_profile_names() -> list[str]: """Return list of default profiles in the target profiles directory.""" return sorted( [ item.stem for item in get_mlia_target_profiles_dir().iterdir() if item.is_file() and item.suffix == ".toml" ] ) BUILTIN_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_NAMES = get_builtin_supported_profile_names() def is_builtin_target_profile(profile_name: str | Path) -> bool: """Check if the given profile name belongs to a built-in profile.""" return profile_name in BUILTIN_SUPPORTED_PROFILE_NAMES BUILTIN_SUPPORTED_OPTIMIZATION_NAMES = [ "optimization", "optimization-custom-augmentation", "optimization-fully-connected-clustering", "optimization-fully-connected-pruning", "optimization-fully-connected-unstructured-pruning", "optimization-conv2d-clustering", "optimization-conv2d-pruning", "optimization-conv2d-unstructured-pruning", ] def is_builtin_optimization_profile(optimization_name: str | Path) -> bool: """Check if the given optimization name belongs to a built-in optimization.""" return optimization_name in BUILTIN_SUPPORTED_OPTIMIZATION_NAMES T = TypeVar("T", bound="TargetProfile") class TargetProfile(ABC): """Base class for target profiles.""" def __init__(self, target: str, backend_config: dict | None = None) -> None: """Init TargetProfile instance with the target name.""" self.target = target # Load backend config(s) to be handled by the backend(s) later. self.backend_config = {} if backend_config is None else backend_config @classmethod def load(cls: type[T], path: str | Path) -> T: """Load and verify a target profile from file and return new instance.""" profile_data = load_profile(path) try: new_instance = cls.load_json_data(profile_data) except KeyError as ex: raise KeyError(f"Missing key in file {path}.") from ex return new_instance @classmethod def load_json_data(cls: type[T], profile_data: dict) -> T: """Load a target profile from the JSON data.""" new_instance = cls(**profile_data) new_instance.verify() return new_instance @classmethod def load_profile(cls: type[T], target_profile: str | Path) -> T: """Load a target profile from built-in target profile name or file path.""" if is_builtin_target_profile(target_profile): profile_file = get_builtin_target_profile_path(cast(str, target_profile)) else: profile_file = Path(target_profile) return cls.load(profile_file) def save(self, path: str | Path) -> None: """Save this target profile to a file.""" raise NotImplementedError("Saving target profiles is currently not supported.") @abstractmethod def verify(self) -> None: """ Check that all attributes contain valid values etc. Raises a ValueError, if an issue is detected. """ if not self.target: raise ValueError(f"Invalid target name: {self.target}") @dataclass class TargetInfo: """Collect information about supported targets.""" supported_backends: list[str] default_backends: list[str] advisor_factory_func: Callable[..., InferenceAdvisor] target_profile_cls: type[TargetProfile] def __str__(self) -> str: """List supported backends.""" return ", ".join(sorted(self.supported_backends)) def is_supported( self, advice: AdviceCategory | None = None, check_system: bool = False ) -> bool: """Check if any of the supported backends support this kind of advice.""" return any( name in backend_registry.items and backend_registry.items[name].is_supported(advice, check_system) for name in self.supported_backends ) def filter_supported_backends( self, advice: AdviceCategory | None = None, check_system: bool = False ) -> list[str]: """Get the list of supported backends filtered by the given arguments.""" return [ name for name in self.supported_backends if name in backend_registry.items and backend_registry.items[name].is_supported(advice, check_system) ]