# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2024, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Model configuration.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import tempfile from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import cast from typing import Dict from typing import List import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from mlia.core.context import Context from mlia.nn.tensorflow.optimizations.quantization import dequantize from mlia.nn.tensorflow.optimizations.quantization import is_quantized from mlia.nn.tensorflow.optimizations.quantization import QuantizationParameters from mlia.nn.tensorflow.optimizations.quantization import quantize from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_convert import convert_to_tflite from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_graph import load_fb from mlia.nn.tensorflow.tflite_graph import save_fb from mlia.nn.tensorflow.utils import check_tflite_datatypes from mlia.nn.tensorflow.utils import is_keras_model from mlia.nn.tensorflow.utils import is_saved_model from mlia.nn.tensorflow.utils import is_tflite_model from mlia.utils.logging import log_action logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ModelConfiguration: """Base class for model configuration.""" def __init__(self, model_path: str | Path) -> None: """Init model configuration instance.""" self.model_path = str(model_path) def convert_to_tflite( self, tflite_model_path: str | Path, quantized: bool = False ) -> TFLiteModel: """Convert model to TensorFlow Lite format.""" raise NotImplementedError() def convert_to_keras(self, keras_model_path: str | Path) -> KerasModel: """Convert model to Keras format.""" raise NotImplementedError() class KerasModel(ModelConfiguration): """Keras model configuration. Supports all models supported by Keras API: saved model, H5, HDF5 """ def get_keras_model(self) -> tf.keras.Model: """Return associated Keras model.""" try: keras_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(self.model_path) except OSError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to load model content in {self.model_path}. " f"Verify that it's a valid model file." ) from err return keras_model def convert_to_tflite( self, tflite_model_path: str | Path, quantized: bool = False ) -> TFLiteModel: """Convert model to TensorFlow Lite format.""" with log_action("Converting Keras to TensorFlow Lite ..."): convert_to_tflite( self.get_keras_model(), quantized, input_path=Path(self.model_path), output_path=Path(tflite_model_path), subprocess=True, ) logger.debug( "Model %s converted and saved to %s", self.model_path, tflite_model_path ) return TFLiteModel(tflite_model_path) def convert_to_keras(self, keras_model_path: str | Path) -> KerasModel: """Convert model to Keras format.""" return self TFLiteIODetails = Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] TFLiteIODetailsList = List[TFLiteIODetails] NameToTensorMap = Dict[str, np.ndarray] class TFLiteModel(ModelConfiguration): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """TensorFlow Lite model configuration.""" def __init__( self, model_path: str | Path, batch_size: int | None = None, num_threads: int | None = None, ) -> None: """Initiate a TFLite Model.""" super().__init__(model_path) if not num_threads: num_threads = None if not batch_size: try: self.interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter( model_path=self.model_path, num_threads=num_threads ) except ValueError as err: raise RuntimeError( f"Unable to load model content in {self.model_path}. " f"Verify that it's a valid model file." ) from err else: # if a batch size is specified, modify the TFLite model to use this size with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: flatbuffer = load_fb(self.model_path) for subgraph in flatbuffer.subgraphs: for tensor in list(subgraph.inputs) + list(subgraph.outputs): subgraph.tensors[tensor].shape = np.array( [batch_size] + list(subgraph.tensors[tensor].shape[1:]), dtype=np.int32, ) tempname = Path(tmp, "rewrite_tmp.tflite") save_fb(flatbuffer, tempname) self.interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter( model_path=str(tempname), num_threads=num_threads ) try: self.interpreter.allocate_tensors() except RuntimeError: self.interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter( model_path=self.model_path, num_threads=num_threads ) self.interpreter.allocate_tensors() # Get input and output tensors. self.input_details = self.interpreter.get_input_details() self.output_details = self.interpreter.get_output_details() details = list(self.input_details) + list(self.output_details) self.handle_from_name = {d["name"]: d["index"] for d in details} self.shape_from_name = {d["name"]: d["shape"] for d in details} self.batch_size = next(iter(self.shape_from_name.values()))[0] # Prepare quantization parameters for input and output def named_quant_params( details: TFLiteIODetailsList, ) -> dict[str, QuantizationParameters]: return { str(detail["name"]): QuantizationParameters( **detail["quantization_parameters"] ) for detail in details if TFLiteModel._is_tensor_quantized(detail) } self._quant_params_input = named_quant_params(self.input_details) self._quant_params_output = named_quant_params(self.output_details) def __call__(self, named_input: dict) -> NameToTensorMap: """Execute the model on one or a batch of named inputs \ (a dict of name: numpy array).""" input_len = next(iter(named_input.values())).shape[0] full_steps = input_len // self.batch_size remainder = input_len % self.batch_size named_ys = defaultdict(list) for i in range(full_steps): for name, x_batch in named_input.items(): x_tensor = x_batch[i : i + self.batch_size] # noqa: E203 self.interpreter.set_tensor(self.handle_from_name[name], x_tensor) self.interpreter.invoke() for output_detail in self.output_details: named_ys[output_detail["name"]].append( self.interpreter.get_tensor(output_detail["index"]) ) if remainder: for name, x_batch in named_input.items(): x_tensor = np.zeros( # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.shape_from_name[name] ).astype(x_batch.dtype) x_tensor[:remainder] = x_batch[-remainder:] self.interpreter.set_tensor(self.handle_from_name[name], x_tensor) self.interpreter.invoke() for output_detail in self.output_details: named_ys[output_detail["name"]].append( self.interpreter.get_tensor(output_detail["index"])[:remainder] ) return {k: np.concatenate(v) for k, v in named_ys.items()} def input_tensors(self) -> list[str]: """Return name from input details.""" return [d["name"] for d in self.input_details] def output_tensors(self) -> list[str]: """Return name from output details.""" return [d["name"] for d in self.output_details] def convert_to_tflite( self, tflite_model_path: str | Path, quantized: bool = False ) -> TFLiteModel: """Convert model to TensorFlow Lite format.""" return self def _tensor_details( self, name: str | None = None, idx: int | None = None ) -> TFLiteIODetails: """Get the details of the tensor by name or index.""" if idx is not None: details = self.interpreter.get_tensor_details()[idx] assert details["index"] == idx elif name is not None: for details_ in self.interpreter.get_tensor_details(): if name == details_["name"]: details = details_ break else: raise NameError( f"Tensor '{name}' not found in model {self.model_path}." ) else: raise ValueError("Either tensor name or index needs to be passed.") assert isinstance(details, dict) return cast(TFLiteIODetails, details) @staticmethod def _is_tensor_quantized(details: TFLiteIODetails) -> bool: """Use tensor details to check if the corresponding tensor is quantized.""" quant_params = QuantizationParameters(**details["quantization_parameters"]) return is_quantized(quant_params) def is_tensor_quantized( self, name: str | None = None, idx: int | None = None, ) -> bool: """Check if the given tensor (identified by name or index) is quantized.""" details = self._tensor_details(name, idx) return self._is_tensor_quantized(details) def check_datatypes(self, *allowed_types: type) -> None: """Check if the model only has the given allowed datatypes.""" check_tflite_datatypes(self.model_path, *allowed_types) @staticmethod def _quant_dequant( tensors: NameToTensorMap, quant_params: dict[str, QuantizationParameters], func: Callable, ) -> NameToTensorMap: """Quantize/de-quantize tensor using the given parameters and function.""" return { name: (func(tensor, quant_params[name]) if name in quant_params else tensor) for name, tensor in tensors.items() } def dequantize_outputs(self, outputs: NameToTensorMap) -> NameToTensorMap: """De-quantize the given model outputs.""" dequant_outputs = self._quant_dequant( outputs, self._quant_params_output, dequantize ) return dequant_outputs def quantize_inputs(self, inputs: NameToTensorMap) -> NameToTensorMap: """Quantize the given model inputs.""" quant_inputs = self._quant_dequant(inputs, self._quant_params_input, quantize) return quant_inputs class TfModel(ModelConfiguration): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """TensorFlow model configuration. Supports models supported by TensorFlow API (not Keras) """ def convert_to_tflite( self, tflite_model_path: str | Path, quantized: bool = False ) -> TFLiteModel: """Convert model to TensorFlow Lite format.""" convert_to_tflite( self.model_path, quantized, input_path=Path(self.model_path), output_path=Path(tflite_model_path), ) return TFLiteModel(tflite_model_path) def get_model(model: str | Path) -> ModelConfiguration: """Return the model object.""" if is_tflite_model(model): return TFLiteModel(model) if is_keras_model(model): return KerasModel(model) if is_saved_model(model): return TfModel(model) raise ValueError( "The input model format is not supported " "(supported formats: TensorFlow Lite, Keras, TensorFlow saved model)!" ) def get_tflite_model(model: str | Path, ctx: Context) -> TFLiteModel: """Convert input model to TensorFlow Lite and returns TFLiteModel object.""" dst_model_path = ctx.get_model_path("converted_model.tflite") src_model = get_model(model) return src_model.convert_to_tflite(dst_model_path, quantized=True) def get_keras_model(model: str | Path, ctx: Context) -> KerasModel: """Convert input model to Keras and returns KerasModel object.""" keras_model_path = ctx.get_model_path("converted_model.h5") converted_model = get_model(model) return converted_model.convert_to_keras(keras_model_path)