#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER_OPTION(${use_case}_FILE_PATH "Directory with WAV files, or path to a single WAV file, to use in the evaluation application." ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/${use_case}/samples/ PATH_OR_FILE) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_AUDIO_RATE "Specify the target sampling rate. Default is 16000." 16000 STRING) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_AUDIO_MONO "Specify if the audio needs to be converted to mono. Default is ON." ON BOOL) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_AUDIO_OFFSET "Specify the offset to start reading after this time (in seconds). Default is 0." 0 STRING) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_AUDIO_DURATION "Specify the audio duration to load (in seconds). If set to 0 the entire audio will be processed." 0 STRING) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_AUDIO_RES_TYPE "Specify re-sampling algorithm to use. By default is 'kaiser_best'." kaiser_best STRING) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_AUDIO_MIN_SAMPLES "Specify the minimum number of samples to use. By default is 16000, if the audio is shorter will be automatically padded." 16000 STRING) # Generate kws labels file: USER_OPTION(${use_case}_LABELS_TXT_FILE_KWS "Labels' txt file for the chosen model." ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/${use_case}/labels/ds_cnn_labels.txt FILEPATH) # Generate asr labels file: USER_OPTION(${use_case}_LABELS_TXT_FILE_ASR "Labels' txt file for the chosen model." ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/${use_case}/labels/labels_wav2letter.txt FILEPATH) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_ACTIVATION_BUF_SZ "Activation buffer size for the chosen model" 0x00200000 STRING) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_MODEL_SCORE_THRESHOLD_KWS "Specify the score threshold [0.0, 1.0) that must be applied to the KWS results for a label to be deemed valid." 0.9 STRING) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_MODEL_SCORE_THRESHOLD_ASR "Specify the score threshold [0.0, 1.0) that must be applied to the ASR results for a label to be deemed valid." 0.5 STRING) if (ETHOS_U55_ENABLED) set(DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH_KWS ${DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR}/ds_cnn_clustered_int8_vela.tflite) set(DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH_ASR ${DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR}/wav2letter_int8_vela.tflite) else() set(DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH_KWS ${DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR}/ds_cnn_clustered_int8.tflite) set(DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH_ASR ${DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR}/wav2letter_int8.tflite) endif() USER_OPTION(${use_case}_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH_KWS "NN models file to be used for KWS in the evaluation application. Model files must be in tflite format." ${DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH_KWS} FILEPATH ) USER_OPTION(${use_case}_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH_ASR "NN models file to be used for ASR in the evaluation application. Model files must be in tflite format." ${DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH_ASR} FILEPATH ) # If the target platform is native if (${TARGET_PLATFORM} STREQUAL native) set(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_DIR ${DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_DIR}/asr ${DEFAULT_TEST_DATA_DIR}/kws) endif() set(EXTRA_MODEL_CODE_KWS "/* Model parameters for ${use_case} */" "extern const uint32_t g_NumMfcc = 10" "extern const uint32_t g_NumAudioWins = 49" "extern const int g_FrameLength = 640" "extern const int g_FrameStride = 320" "extern const float g_ScoreThreshold = ${${use_case}_MODEL_SCORE_THRESHOLD_KWS}" ) set(EXTRA_MODEL_CODE_ASR "/* Model parameters for ${use_case} */" "extern const int g_FrameLength = 512" "extern const int g_FrameStride = 160" "extern const int g_ctxLen = 98" "extern const float g_ScoreThreshold = ${${use_case}_MODEL_SCORE_THRESHOLD_ASR}" ) # Generate model file for KWS generate_tflite_code( MODEL_PATH ${${use_case}_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH_KWS} DESTINATION ${SRC_GEN_DIR} EXPRESSIONS ${EXTRA_MODEL_CODE_KWS} NAMESPACE "arm" "app" "kws" ) # and for ASR generate_tflite_code( MODEL_PATH ${${use_case}_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH_ASR} DESTINATION ${SRC_GEN_DIR} EXPRESSIONS ${EXTRA_MODEL_CODE_ASR} NAMESPACE "arm" "app" "asr" ) generate_labels_code( INPUT "${${use_case}_LABELS_TXT_FILE_ASR}" DESTINATION_SRC ${SRC_GEN_DIR} DESTINATION_HDR ${INC_GEN_DIR} OUTPUT_FILENAME "Labels_wav2letter" NAMESPACE "arm" "app" "asr" ) generate_labels_code( INPUT "${${use_case}_LABELS_TXT_FILE_KWS}" DESTINATION_SRC ${SRC_GEN_DIR} DESTINATION_HDR ${INC_GEN_DIR} OUTPUT_FILENAME "Labels_dscnn" NAMESPACE "arm" "app" "kws" ) # Generate audio .cc files: generate_audio_code(${${use_case}_FILE_PATH} ${SRC_GEN_DIR} ${INC_GEN_DIR} ${${use_case}_AUDIO_RATE} ${${use_case}_AUDIO_MONO} ${${use_case}_AUDIO_OFFSET} ${${use_case}_AUDIO_DURATION} ${${use_case}_AUDIO_RES_TYPE} ${${use_case}_AUDIO_MIN_SAMPLES})