/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "hal.h" /* Brings in platform definitions. */ #include "Classifier.hpp" /* Classifier. */ #include "InputFiles.hpp" /* For input images. */ #include "Labels.hpp" /* For label strings. */ #include "MobileNetModel.hpp" /* Model class for running inference. */ #include "UseCaseHandler.hpp" /* Handlers for different user options. */ #include "UseCaseCommonUtils.hpp" /* Utils functions. */ using ImgClassClassifier = arm::app::Classifier; enum opcodes { MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_NEXT = 1, /* Run on next vector. */ MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_CHOSEN, /* Run on a user provided vector index. */ MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_ALL, /* Run inference on all. */ MENU_OPT_SHOW_MODEL_INFO, /* Show model info. */ MENU_OPT_LIST_IMAGES /* List the current baked images. */ }; static void DisplayMenu() { printf("\n\nUser input required\n"); printf("Enter option number from:\n\n"); printf(" %u. Classify next image\n", MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_NEXT); printf(" %u. Classify image at chosen index\n", MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_CHOSEN); printf(" %u. Run classification on all images\n", MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_ALL); printf(" %u. Show NN model info\n", MENU_OPT_SHOW_MODEL_INFO); printf(" %u. List images\n\n", MENU_OPT_LIST_IMAGES); printf(" Choice: "); } void main_loop(hal_platform& platform) { arm::app::MobileNetModel model; /* Model wrapper object. */ /* Load the model. */ if (!model.Init()) { printf_err("Failed to initialise model\n"); return; } /* Instantiate application context. */ arm::app::ApplicationContext caseContext; caseContext.Set("platform", platform); caseContext.Set("model", model); caseContext.Set("imgIndex", 0); ImgClassClassifier classifier; /* Classifier wrapper object. */ caseContext.Set("classifier", classifier); std::vector labels; GetLabelsVector(labels); caseContext.Set&>("labels", labels); /* Loop. */ bool executionSuccessful = true; constexpr bool bUseMenu = NUMBER_OF_FILES > 1 ? true : false; /* Loop. */ do { int menuOption = MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_NEXT; if (bUseMenu) { DisplayMenu(); menuOption = arm::app::ReadUserInputAsInt(platform); printf("\n"); } switch (menuOption) { case MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_NEXT: executionSuccessful = ClassifyImageHandler(caseContext, caseContext.Get("imgIndex"), false); break; case MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_CHOSEN: { printf(" Enter the image index [0, %d]: ", NUMBER_OF_FILES-1); auto imgIndex = static_cast(arm::app::ReadUserInputAsInt(platform)); executionSuccessful = ClassifyImageHandler(caseContext, imgIndex, false); break; } case MENU_OPT_RUN_INF_ALL: executionSuccessful = ClassifyImageHandler(caseContext, caseContext.Get("imgIndex"), true); break; case MENU_OPT_SHOW_MODEL_INFO: executionSuccessful = model.ShowModelInfoHandler(); break; case MENU_OPT_LIST_IMAGES: executionSuccessful = ListFilesHandler(caseContext); break; default: printf("Incorrect choice, try again."); break; } } while (executionSuccessful && bUseMenu); info("Main loop terminated.\n"); }