#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # specify the cross compiler set(TRIPLET arm-none-eabi) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER ${TRIPLET}-gcc) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER ${TRIPLET}-g++) set(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING true) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic) set(MIN_GCC_VERSION 10.2.1) # Skip compiler test execution set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS 1) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS 1) set(PLATFORM_HAL 1) if (NOT DEFINED CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR cortex-m55) endif() if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL cortex-m55) # Flags for cortex-m55 set(CPU_ID M55) set(CPU_COMPILE_DEF CPU_CORTEX_${CPU_ID}) set(CPU_NAME ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) set(ARM_CPU "ARMC${CPU_ID}") set(FLOAT_ABI hard) set(ARM_MATH_DSP 1) set(ARM_MATH_LOOPUNROLL 1) set(CPU_HEADER_FILE "${ARM_CPU}.h") set(CPU_LINK_OPT "--cpu=Cortex-${CPU_ID}") elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL cortex-m33) # Flags for cortex-m33 to go here endif() set(${CPU_COMPILE_DEF} 1) # Warning options add_compile_options( -Wall -Wextra -Wvla -Wno-psabi) # General purpose compile options: add_compile_options( -funsigned-char -fno-function-sections -fdata-sections "$<$:-fno-unwind-tables;-fno-rtti;-fno-exceptions>") # Arch compile options: add_compile_options( -mthumb -mcpu=${CPU_NAME} -mfloat-abi=${FLOAT_ABI} -mlittle-endian -MD) # Compile definitions: add_compile_definitions( PLATFORM_HAL=${PLATFORM_HAL} CPU_HEADER_FILE=\"${CPU_HEADER_FILE}\" $<$:${CPU_COMPILE_DEF}> $<$:ARM_MATH_DSP> $<$:ARM_MATH_LOOPUNROLL>) # Link options: add_link_options( -mthumb -mcpu=${CPU_NAME} -mfloat-abi=${FLOAT_ABI} -mlittle-endian --specs=nosys.specs --stats "SHELL:-Xlinker --gc-sections" "$<$:--no-debug>") # Function to add a map file output for the linker to dump diagnostic information to. function(add_target_map_file TARGET_NAME MAP_FILE_PATH) target_link_options(${TARGET_NAME} PUBLIC "SHELL:-Xlinker -Map=${MAP_FILE_PATH}") endfunction() # Function to add linker option to use the chosen linker script. function(add_linker_script SCRIPT_DIR SCRIPT_NAME) set(LINKER_SCRIPT_PATH ${SCRIPT_DIR}/${SCRIPT_NAME}.ld CACHE STRING "Linker script path") if (NOT EXISTS ${LINKER_SCRIPT_PATH}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Linker script not found: ${LINKER_SCRIPT_PATH}") endif() message(STATUS "Using linker script: ${LINKER_SCRIPT_PATH}") add_link_options("SHELL:-T ${LINKER_SCRIPT_PATH}") endfunction() # Function to set the command to copy/extract contents from an elf # into a binary file. function(add_bin_generation_command) set(multiValueArgs SECTION_PATTERNS OUTPUT_BIN_NAMES) set(oneValueArgs TARGET_NAME OUTPUT_DIR AXF_PATH) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSED "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) list(LENGTH PARSED_SECTION_PATTERNS N_SECTION_PATTERNS) list(LENGTH PARSED_OUTPUT_BIN_NAMES N_OUTPUT_BIN_NAMES) if (NOT ${N_SECTION_PATTERNS} STREQUAL ${N_OUTPUT_BIN_NAMES}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Section patterns and the output binary names " "should be of the same length") endif() message(STATUS "${TRIPLET}-objcopy requested to generate " "${N_OUTPUT_BIN_NAMES} bin files.") math(EXPR MAX_IDX "${N_SECTION_PATTERNS} - 1") foreach(IDX RANGE ${MAX_IDX}) list(GET PARSED_OUTPUT_BIN_NAMES ${IDX} OUTPUT_BIN_NAME) list(GET PARSED_SECTION_PATTERNS ${IDX} SECTION_PATTERN) add_custom_command(TARGET ${PARSED_TARGET_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${TRIPLET}-objcopy -O binary --only-section ${SECTION_PATTERN} ${PARSED_AXF_PATH} ${PARSED_OUTPUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_BIN_NAME}) endforeach() endfunction() # Function to assert the compiler version function(enforce_compiler_version) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${MIN_GCC_VERSION}) message( FATAL_ERROR "arm-none-eabi-gcc version must be ${MIN_GCC_VERSION} or greater to support ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} architecture." ) endif() endfunction()