# Coding standards and guidelines - [Coding standards and guidelines](./coding_guidelines.md#coding-standards-and-guidelines) - [Introduction](./coding_guidelines.md#introduction) - [Static Analysis](./coding_guidelines.md#static-analysis) - [Language version](./coding_guidelines.md#language-version) - [File naming](./coding_guidelines.md#file-naming) - [File layout](./coding_guidelines.md#file-layout) - [Block Management](./coding_guidelines.md#block-management) - [Naming Conventions](./coding_guidelines.md#naming-conventions) - [CPP language naming conventions](./coding_guidelines.md#cpp-language-naming-conventions) - [C language naming conventions](./coding_guidelines.md#c-language-naming-conventions) - [Layout and formatting conventions](./coding_guidelines.md#layout-and-formatting-conventions) - [Language usage](./coding_guidelines.md#language-usage) ## Introduction This document presents some standard coding guidelines to be followed for contributions to this repository. Most of the code is written in C++, but there is also some written in C. There is a clear C/C++ boundary at the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). Both of these languages follow different naming conventions within this repository, by design, to: - Have clearly distinguishable C and C++ sources. - Make cross language function calls stand out. These are mainly C++ function calls to the HAL functions, that were written in C. However, because we also issue function calls to third-party APIs, and they are not guaranteed to follow these conventions, the intended outcome could be different for every case. ## Static Analysis To help with the adherence of the coding guidelines, we have provided a setup script to add a static analysis, pre-push Git hook. This will use the clang-format tool along with the clang-format file in the root of the directory to check for formatting errors. It will also us the Cppcheck static analysis tool to minimize the risk of bugs appearing in your code. Before starting any work in the repo, please ensure that you have the static analysis Git hook, clang-format tool and cppcheck tool installed by running the following commands: ``` sudo apt install cppcheck sudo apt install clang-format python scripts/py/setup_hooks.py /path/to/git/hooks/directory ``` This will ensure that the modified files in your commit adhere to the coding guidelines and minimizes the risk of inefficient/problematic code. If the Git hook finds formatting errors, the ```git push``` command will fail. You can run the following command on the problematic file: ``` clang-format -style=file -i path/to/file ``` This will modify the problematic file to adhere to the guidelines as described in the .clang-format file in the root of the repo. If the Cppcheck tool finds issues, what needs to be addressed will be described in the failed ```git push``` output. ## Language version For this project, code written in C++ uses a subset of the `C++14` feature set and software may be written using the `C++14` language standard. Code written in C is compatible with the `C99` standard. Software components written in C/C++ may use the language features allowed and is encouraged. ## File naming - C files must have a `.c` extension - C++ files must have a `.cc` or `.cpp` extension. - Header files for functions implemented in C must have a `.h` extension. - Header files for functions implemented in C++ must have a `.hpp` extension. ## File layout - The standard copyright notice must be included in all files: ```copyright /* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright , Arm Limited and/or its affiliates * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ ``` - Source lines must be no longer than 120 characters. You can spread the code out vertically, rather than horizontally, if required. For example: ```C++ # This is significantly easier to read enum class SomeEnum1 { ENUM_VALUE_1, ENUM_VALUE_2, ENUM_VALUE_3 }; # than this enum class SomeEnum2 { ENUM_VALUE_1, ENUM_VALUE_2, ENUM_VALUE_3 }; ``` - Block indentation must use 4 characters and not use tabs. - Each statement must be on a separate line. For example: ```C++ int a, b; // Error prone int c, *d; int e = 0; // GOOD int *p = nullptr; // GOOD ``` - Also, the source code must not contain code that has been commented out or is unreachable. ## Block Management - Blocks must use braces and the brace location must be consistent throughout. - Therefore, each function has its opening brace at the next line on the same indentation level as its header. The code within the braces is indented and the closing brace at the end is on the same level as the opening. For compactness, if the class, or function, body is empty, then braces on the same line are acceptable. - Conditional statements and loops, even if they are just single-statement body, must be surrounded by braces. The opening brace is at the same line, the closing brace is at the next line, and on the same indentation level as its header. The same rule is applied to classes. ```C++ class Class1 { public: Class1(); private: int element; }; void NotEmptyFunction() { if (condition) { // [...] } else { // [...] } // [...] for(start_cond; end_cond; step_cond) { // [...] } } void EmptyFunction() {} ``` - Cases within switch are indented and enclosed in brackets: ```C++ switch (option) { case 1: { // handle option 1 break; } case 2: { // handle option 2 break; } default: { break; } } ``` ## Naming Conventions ### CPP language naming conventions - Type (class, struct, enum) names must be `PascalCase`: ```C++ class SomeClass { // [...] }; void SomeFunction() { // [...] } ``` - Variables and parameter names must be `camelCase`: ```C++ int someVariable; void SomeFunction(int someParameter) {} ``` - Use uppercase names for macros, pre-processor definitions, and enumeration values: ```C++ #define SOME_DEFINE enum class SomeEnum { ENUM_VALUE_1, ENUM_VALUE_2 }; ``` - Namespace names must be lowercase ```C++ namespace nspace { void FunctionInNamespace(); } ``` - Source code must use Hungarian notation to annotate the name of a variable with information about its meaning. | Prefix | Class | Description | | ------ | ----- | ----------- | | `p` | Type | Pointer to any other type | | `k` | Qualifier | Constant | | `v` | Qualifier | Volatile | | `m` | Scope | Member of a class or struct | | `s` | Scope | Static | | `g` | Scope | Used to indicate variable has scope beyond the current function: file-scope or externally visible scope. | The following examples of Hungarian notation are one possible set of uses: ```C++ int g_GlobalInt=123; char* m_pNameOfMemberPointer=nullptr; const float g_kSomeGlobalConstant = 1.234f; static float ms_MyStaticMember = 4.321f; bool myLocalVariable=true; ``` ### C language naming conventions For C sources, we follow the Linux variant of the K&R style wherever possible. - For function and variable names, we use the `snake_case` convention: ```C int some_variable; void some_function(int some_parameter) {} ``` - Use uppercase names for macros, pre-processor definitions, and enumeration values: ```C #define SOME_DEFINE enum some_enum { ENUM_VALUE_1, ENUM_VALUE_2 }; ``` ## Layout and formatting conventions - C++ class code layout: Public function definitions must be at the top of a class definition, since they are most likely to be used. Private functions and member variables are left to last. Lay out class functions and member variables logically in blocks of related functionality. - Class inheritance keywords are not indented. For example: ```C++ class MyClass { public: int m_PublicMember; protected: int m_ProtectedMember; private: int m_PrivateMember; }; ``` - Do not leave trailing spaces at the end of lines. - Empty lines do not have trailing spaces. - For pointers and references, the symbols `*` and `&` must be next to the name of the type - *not* the name of the variable. ```C++ char* someText = "abc"; void SomeFunction(const SomeObject& someObject) {} ``` ## Language usage - Minimize header `#include` statements: The inclusion of unnecessary headers slows down compilation. If the unnecessary header defining this subroutine is included, then it can also hide errors where a function calls a subroutine that it must not use. Include header statements in the following order: - If applicable, begin with the header file corresponding to the current source file, - Headers from the same component, - Headers from other components, - Third-party headers, - System headers. > **Note:** Leave one blank line between each of these groups for readability. Use quotes for headers from within the > same project and angle brackets for third-party and system headers. Do not use paths relative to the current source > file, such as `../Header.hpp`. Instead, configure your include paths in the project makefiles. For example: ```C++ #include "ExampleClass.hpp" // Own header #include "Header1.hpp" // Header from same component #include "Header1.hpp" // Header from same component #include "other/Header3.hpp" // Header from other component #include // Third-party headers #include // System header // [...] ``` - Use the template-styled case syntax for C++ casts: ```C++ int a = 100; float b = (float)a; // Not OK float c = static_cast(a); // OK ``` - Use the `const` keyword to declare constants instead of `define`. - Use `nullptr` instead of `NULL`. C++11 introduced the `nullptr` type to distinguish null pointer constants from the integer 0.