path: root/docs/use_cases/
diff options
authoralexander <>2021-03-26 21:42:19 +0000
committerKshitij Sisodia <>2021-03-29 16:29:55 +0100
commit3c79893217bc632c9b0efa815091bef3c779490c (patch)
treead06b444557eb8124652b45621d736fa1b92f65d /docs/use_cases/
parent6ad6d55715928de72979b04194da1bdf04a4c51b (diff)
Opensource ML embedded evaluation kit21.03
Change-Id: I12e807f19f5cacad7cef82572b6dd48252fd61fd
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/use_cases/')
1 files changed, 529 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..d224aca
--- /dev/null
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+# Automatic Speech Recognition Code Sample
+- [Introduction](#introduction)
+ - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+- [Building the code sample application from sources](#building-the-code-sample-application-from-sources)
+ - [Build options](#build-options)
+ - [Build process](#build-process)
+ - [Add custom input](#add-custom-input)
+ - [Add custom model](#add-custom-model)
+- [Setting-up and running Ethos-U55 Code Sample](#setting-up-and-running-ethos-u55-code-sample)
+ - [Setting up the Ethos-U55 Fast Model](#setting-up-the-ethos-u55-fast-model)
+ - [Starting Fast Model simulation](#starting-fast-model-simulation)
+ - [Running Automatic Speech Recognition](#running-automatic-speech-recognition)
+- [Automatic Speech Recognition processing information](#automatic-speech-recognition-processing-information)
+ - [Preprocessing and feature extraction](#preprocessing-and-feature-extraction)
+ - [Postprocessing](#postprocessing)
+## Introduction
+This document describes the process of setting up and running the Arm® Ethos™-U55 Automatic Speech Recognition example.
+Use case code could be found in [source/use_case/asr](../../source/use_case/asr]) directory.
+### Preprocessing and feature extraction
+The wav2letter automatic speech recognition model that is used with the Code Samples expects audio data to be
+preprocessed in a specific way before performing an inference. This section aims to provide an overview of the feature
+extraction process used.
+First the audio data is normalized to the range (-1, 1).
+> **Note:** Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are a common feature extracted from audio data and can be used as
+>input for machine learning tasks like keyword spotting and speech recognition. See source/application/main/include/Mfcc.hpp
+>for implementation details.
+Next, a window of 512 audio samples is taken from the start of the audio clip. From these 512 samples we calculate 13
+MFCC features.
+The whole window is shifted to the right by 160 audio samples and 13 new MFCC features are calculated. This process of
+shifting and calculating is repeated until enough audio samples to perform an inference have been processed. In total
+this will be 296 windows that each have 13 MFCC features calculated for them.
+After extracting MFCC features the first and second order derivatives of these features with respect to time are
+calculated. These derivative features are then standardized and concatenated with the MFCC features (which also get
+standardized). At this point the input tensor will have a shape of 296x39.
+These extracted features are quantized, and an inference is performed.
+![ASR preprocessing](../media/ASR_preprocessing.png)
+For longer audio clips where multiple inferences need to be performed, then the initial starting position is offset by
+(100*160) = 16000 audio samples. From this new starting point, MFCC and derivative features are calculated as before
+until there is enough to perform another inference. Padding can be used if there are not enough audio samples for at
+least 1 inference. This step is repeated until the whole audio clip has been processed. If there are not enough audio
+samples for a final complete inference the MFCC features will be padded by repeating the last calculated feature until
+an inference can be performed.
+> **Note:** Parameters of the MFCC feature extraction such as window size, stride, number of features etc. all depend on
+>what was used during model training. These values are specific to each model. If you switch to a different ASR model
+>than the one supplied, then the feature extraction process could be completely different to the one currently implemented.
+The amount of audio samples we offset by for long audio clips is specific to the included wav2letter model.
+### Postprocessing
+After performing an inference, the raw output need to be postprocessed to get a usable result.
+The raw output from the model is a tensor of shape 148x29 where each row is a probability distribution over the possible
+29 characters that can appear at each of the 148 time steps.
+This wav2letter model is trained using context windows, this means that only certain parts of the output are usable
+depending on the bit of the audio clip that is currently being processed.
+If this is the first inference and multiple inferences are required, then ignore the final 49 rows of the output.
+Similarly, if this is the final inference from multiple inferences then ignore the first 49 rows of the output. Finally,
+if this inference is not the last or first inference then ignore the first and last 49 rows of the model output.
+> **Note:** If the audio clip is small enough then the whole of the model output is usable and there is no need to throw
+>away any of the output before continuing.
+Once any rows have been removed the final processing can be done. To process the output, first the letter with the
+highest probability at each time step is found. Next, any letters that are repeated multiple times in a row are removed
+(e.g. [t, t, t, o, p, p] becomes [t, o, p]). Finally, the 29th blank token letter is removed from the output.
+For the final output, the result from all inferences are combined before decoding. What you are left with is then
+displayed to the console.
+### Prerequisites
+See [Prerequisites](../
+## Building the code sample application from sources
+### Build options
+In addition to the already specified build option in the main documentation, Automatic Speech Recognition use case
+- `asr_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH` - Path to the NN model file in TFLite format. Model will be processed and included into the
+application axf file. The default value points to one of the delivered set of models. Note that the parameters
+`asr_LABELS_TXT_FILE`,`TARGET_PLATFORM` and `ETHOS_U55_ENABLED` should be aligned with the chosen model, i.e.:
+ - if `ETHOS_U55_ENABLED` is set to `On` or `1`, the NN model is assumed to be optimized. The model will naturally
+fall back to the Arm® Cortex®-M CPU if an unoptimized model is supplied.
+ - if `ETHOS_U55_ENABLED` is set to `Off` or `0`, the NN model is assumed to be unoptimized. Supplying an optimized
+model in this case will result in a runtime error.
+- `asr_FILE_PATH`: Path to the directory containing audio files, or a path to single WAV file, to be used in the
+ application. The default value points
+ to the resources/asr/samples folder containing the delivered set of audio clips.
+- `asr_LABELS_TXT_FILE`: Path to the labels' text file. The file is used to map letter class index to the text label.
+ The default value points to the delivered labels.txt file inside the delivery package.
+- `asr_AUDIO_RATE`: Input data sampling rate. Each audio file from asr_FILE_PATH is preprocessed during the build to
+ match NN model input requirements. Default value is 16000.
+- `asr_AUDIO_MONO`: If set to ON the audio data will be converted to mono. Default is ON.
+- `asr_AUDIO_OFFSET`: Start loading audio data starting from this offset (in seconds). Default value is 0.
+- `asr_AUDIO_DURATION`: Length of the audio data to be used in the application in seconds. Default is 0 meaning the
+ whole audio file will be taken.
+- `asr_AUDIO_MIN_SAMPLES`: Minimum number of samples required by the network model. If the audio clip is shorter than
+ this number, it is padded with zeros. Default value is 16000.
+- `asr_MODEL_SCORE_THRESHOLD`: Threshold value that must be applied to the inference results for a label to be
+ deemed valid. Default is 0.5.
+- `asr_ACTIVATION_BUF_SZ`: The intermediate/activation buffer size reserved for the NN model. By default, it is set
+ to 2MiB and should be enough for most models.
+In order to build **ONLY** automatic speech recognition example application add to the `cmake` command line specified in
+[Building](../ `-DUSE_CASE_BUILD=asr`.
+### Build process
+> **Note:** This section describes the process for configuring the build for `MPS3: SSE-300` for different target
+>platform see [Building](../ section.
+In order to build **only** the automatic speech recognition example, create a build directory and navigate inside:
+mkdir build_asr && cd build_asr
+On Linux, execute the following command to build **only** Automatic Speech Recognition application to run on the
+Ethos-U55 Fast Model when providing only the mandatory arguments for CMake configuration:
+cmake \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake \
+For Windows, add `-G "MinGW Makefiles"`:
+cmake \
+ -G "MinGW Makefiles" \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake \
+Toolchain option `CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE` points to the toolchain specific file to set the compiler and platform specific
+To configure a build that can be debugged using Arm-DS, we can just specify
+the build type as `Debug`:
+cmake \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake \
+To configure a build that can be debugged using a tool that only supports
+DWARF format 3 (Modeldebugger for example), we can use:
+cmake \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake \
+> **Note:** If building for different Ethos-U55 configurations, see
+>[Configuring build for different Arm Ethos-U55 configurations](../sections/
+If the TensorFlow source tree is not in its default expected location,
+set the path using `TENSORFLOW_SRC_PATH`.
+Similarly, if the Ethos-U55 driver is not in the default location,
+`ETHOS_U55_DRIVER_SRC_PATH` can be used to configure the location. For example:
+cmake \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake \
+ -DTENSORFLOW_SRC_PATH=/my/custom/location/tensorflow \
+ -DETHOS_U55_DRIVER_SRC_PATH=/my/custom/location/core_driver \
+Also, `CMSIS_SRC_PATH` parameter can be used to override the CMSIS sources used for compilation used by TensorFlow by
+default. For example, to use the CMSIS sources fetched by the ethos-u helper script, we can use:
+cmake \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake \
+ -DTENSORFLOW_SRC_PATH=../ethos-u/core_software/tensorflow \
+ -DETHOS_U55_DRIVER_SRC_PATH=../ethos-u/core_software/core_driver \
+ -DCMSIS_SRC_PATH=../ethos-u/core_software/cmsis \
+> **Note:** If re-building with changed parameters values, it is highly advised to clean the build directory and re-run
+>the CMake command.
+If the CMake command succeeded, build the application as follows:
+make -j4
+For Windows, use `mingw32-make`.
+Add `VERBOSE=1` to see compilation and link details.
+Results of the build will be placed under `build/bin` folder:
+ ├── ethos-u-asr.axf
+ ├── ethos-u-asr.htm
+ ├──
+ ├── images-asr.txt
+ └── sectors
+ └── asr
+ ├── dram.bin
+ └── itcm.bin
+- `ethos-u-asr.axf`: The built application binary for the Automatic Speech Recognition use case.
+- ``: Information from building the application (e.g. libraries used, what was optimized, location of
+ objects)
+- `ethos-u-asr.htm`: Human readable file containing the call graph of application functions.
+- `sectors/`: Folder containing the built application, split into files for loading into different FPGA memory regions.
+- `Images-asr.txt`: Tells the FPGA which memory regions to use for loading the binaries in sectors/** folder.
+### Add custom input
+The application performs inference on audio data found in the folder, or an individual file, set by the CMake parameter
+To run the application with your own audio clips first create a folder to hold them and then copy the custom audio clips
+into this folder:
+mkdir /tmp/custom_wavs
+cp my_clip.wav /tmp/custom_wavs/
+> **Note:** Clean the build directory before re-running the CMake command.
+Next set `asr_FILE_PATH` to the location of this folder when building:
+cmake \
+ -Dasr_FILE_PATH=/tmp/custom_wavs/ \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake ..
+For Windows, add `-G "MinGW Makefiles"` to the CMake command.
+The audio clips found in the `asr_FILE_PATH` folder will be picked up and automatically converted to C++ files during the
+CMake configuration stage and then compiled into the application during the build phase for performing inference with.
+The log from the configuration stage should tell you what audio clip directory path has been used:
+-- User option asr_FILE_PATH is set to /tmp/custom_wavs
+-- Generating audio files from /tmp/custom_wavs
+++ Converting my_clip.wav to
+++ Generating build/generated/asr/include/InputFiles.hpp
+++ Generating build/generated/asr/src/
+-- Defined build user options:
+-- asr_FILE_PATH=/tmp/custom_wavs
+After compiling, your custom inputs will have now replaced the default ones in the application.
+> **Note:** The CMake parameter asr_AUDIO_MIN_SAMPLES determine the minimum number of input sample. When building the
+>application, if the size of the audio clips is less then asr_AUDIO_MIN_SAMPLES then it will be padded so that it does.
+### Add custom model
+The application performs inference using the model pointed to by the CMake parameter MODEL_TFLITE_PATH.
+> **Note:** If you want to run the model using Ethos-U55, ensure your custom model has been run through the Vela
+>compiler successfully before continuing. See [Optimize model with Vela compiler](../sections/
+To run the application with a custom model you will need to provide a labels_<model_name>.txt file of labels
+associated with the model. Each line of the file should correspond to one of the outputs in your model. See the provided
+labels_wav2letter.txt file for an example.
+Then, you must set `asr_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH` to the location of the Vela processed model file and `asr_LABELS_TXT_FILE`to
+the location of the associated labels file.
+An example:
+cmake \
+ -Dasr_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH=<path/to/custom_model_after_vela.tflite> \
+ -Dasr_LABELS_TXT_FILE=<path/to/labels_custom_model.txt> \
+ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=scripts/cmake/bare-metal-toolchain.cmake ..
+For Windows, add `-G "MinGW Makefiles"` to the CMake command.
+> **Note:** Clean the build directory before re-running the CMake command.
+The `.tflite` model file pointed to by `asr_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH` and labels text file pointed to by `asr_LABELS_TXT_FILE`
+will be converted to C++ files during the CMake configuration stage and then compiled into the application for performing
+inference with.
+The log from the configuration stage should tell you what model path and labels file have been used:
+-- User option TARGET_PLATFORM is set to mps3
+-- User option asr_MODEL_TFLITE_PATH is set to <path/to/custom_model_after_vela.tflite>
+-- User option asr_LABELS_TXT_FILE is set to <path/to/labels_custom_model.txt>
+-- Using <path/to/custom_model_after_vela.tflite>
+++ Converting custom_model_after_vela.tflite to\
+-- Generating labels file from <path/to/labels_custom_model.txt>
+-- writing to <path/to/build/generated/src/>
+After compiling, your custom model will have now replaced the default one in the application.
+## Setting-up and running Ethos-U55 Code Sample
+### Setting up the Ethos-U55 Fast Model
+The FVP is available publicly from [Arm Ecosystem FVP downloads
+For Ethos-U55 evaluation, please download the MPS3 version of the Arm® Corstone™-300 model that contains Ethos-U55 and
+Cortex-M55. The model is currently only supported on Linux based machines. To install the FVP:
+- Unpack the archive
+- Run the install script in the extracted package
+- Follow the instructions to install the FVP to your desired location
+### Starting Fast Model simulation
+Once completed the building step, application binary ethos-u-asr.axf can be found in the `build/bin` folder.
+Assuming the install location of the FVP was set to ~/FVP_install_location, the simulation can be started by:
+A log output should appear on the terminal:
+telnetterminal0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
+telnetterminal1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
+telnetterminal2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
+telnetterminal5: Listening for serial connection on port 5003
+This will also launch a telnet window with the sample application's standard output and error log entries containing
+information about the pre-built application version, TensorFlow Lite Micro library version used, data type as well as
+the input and output tensor sizes of the model compiled into the executable binary.
+After the application has started if `asr_FILE_PATH` pointed to a single file (or a folder containing a single input file)
+the inference starts immediately. In case of multiple inputs choice, it outputs a menu and waits for the user input from
+telnet terminal:
+User input required
+Enter option number from:
+1. Classify next audio clip
+2. Classify audio clip at chosen index
+3. Run classification on all audio clips
+4. Show NN model info
+5. List audio clips
+1. “Classify next audio clip” menu option will run inference on the next in line voice clip from the collection of the
+ compiled audio.
+ > **Note:** Note that if the clip is over a certain length, the application will invoke multiple inference runs to
+>cover the entire file.
+2. “Classify audio clip at chosen index” menu option will run inference on the chosen audio clip.
+ > **Note:** Please make sure to select audio clip index in the range of supplied audio clips during application build.
+ By default, pre-built application has 4 files, indexes from 0 to 3.
+3. “Run classification on all audio clips” menu option triggers sequential inference executions on all built-in voice
+ samples.
+4. “Show NN model info” menu option prints information about model data type, input and output tensor sizes:
+ ```log
+ [INFO] uTFL version: 2.5.0
+ [INFO] Model info:
+ [INFO] Model INPUT tensors:
+ [INFO] tensor type is INT8
+ [INFO] tensor occupies 11544 bytes with dimensions
+ [INFO] 0: 1
+ [INFO] 1: 296
+ [INFO] 2: 39
+ [INFO] Quant dimension: 0
+ [INFO] Scale[0] = 0.110316
+ [INFO] ZeroPoint[0] = -11
+ [INFO] Model OUTPUT tensors:
+ [INFO] tensor type is INT8
+ [INFO] tensor occupies 4292 bytes with dimensions
+ [INFO] 0: 1
+ [INFO] 1: 1
+ [INFO] 2: 148
+ [INFO] 3: 29
+ [INFO] Quant dimension: 0
+ [INFO] Scale[0] = 0.003906
+ [INFO] ZeroPoint[0] = -128
+ [INFO] Activation buffer (a.k.a tensor arena) size used: 783168
+ [INFO] Number of operators: 1
+ [INFO] Operator 0: ethos-u
+ [INFO] Use of Arm uNPU is enabled
+ ```
+5. “List” menu option prints a list of pair audio clip indexes - the original filenames embedded in the application:
+ ```log
+ [INFO] List of Files:
+ [INFO] 0 => anotherdoor.wav
+ [INFO] 1 => anotherengineer.wav
+ [INFO] 2 => itellyou.wav
+ [INFO] 3 => testingroutine.wav
+ ```
+### Running Automatic Speech Recognition
+Please select the first menu option to execute Automatic Speech Recognition.
+The following example illustrates application output:
+[INFO] Running inference on audio clip 0 => anotherdoor.wav
+[INFO] Inference 1/2
+[INFO] Profile for pre-processing:
+ Active NPU cycles: 0
+ Idle NPU cycles: 6
+[INFO] Profile for Inference:
+ Active NPU cycles: 28924342
+ Idle NPU cycles: 824
+[INFO] Inference 2/2
+[INFO] Profile for pre-processing:
+ Active NPU cycles: 0
+ Idle NPU cycles: 6
+[INFO] Profile for Inference:
+ Active NPU cycles: 28924298
+ Idle NPU cycles: 868
+[INFO] Result for inf 0: and he walked immediately out o t
+[INFO] Result for inf 1: he aparctment by anoer dor
+[INFO] Final result: and he walked immediately out o the aparctment by anoer dor
+It could take several minutes to complete each inference (average time is 5-7 minutes), and on this audio clip multiple
+inferences were required to cover the whole clip.
+The profiling section of the log shows that for the first inference:
+- Ethos-U55's PMU report:
+ - 28,924,298 active cycles: number of NPU cycles that were used for computation
+ - 868 idle cycles: number of cycles for which the NPU was idle
+- For FPGA platforms, CPU cycle count can also be enabled. For FVP, however, CPU cycle counters should not be used as
+ the CPU model is not cycle-approximate or cycle-accurate.
+The application prints the decoded output from each of the inference runs as well as the final combined result.