# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Description: # Functions used to read from a TensorFlow Lite format file. import os.path import numpy as np from .errors import InputFileError from .errors import TensorError from .nn_graph import Graph from .nn_graph import Subgraph from .operation import Operation from .tensor import QuantizationParameters from .tensor import Tensor from .tflite.BuiltinOperator import BuiltinOperator from .tflite.Model import Model from .tflite_mapping import builtin_operator_map from .tflite_mapping import DataType from .tflite_mapping import datatype_map from .tflite_mapping import datatype_map_numpy def decode_str(s): if s is None: return "" return s.decode("utf-8") def clone_and_reshape_tensor(src_tens, reorder): tens = src_tens.clone("_reshape") tens.shape = [src_tens.shape[idx] for idx in reorder] tens.bandwidth_shape = tens.shape tens.storage_shape = tens.shape if tens.values is not None: tens.values = tens.values.transpose(reorder) if tens.quant_values is not None: tens.quant_values = tens.quant_values.transpose(reorder) op = Operation("Const", tens.name) op.outputs = [tens] tens.ops = [op] return tens class TFLiteSubgraph: def __init__(self, graph, subgraph): self.graph = graph self.name = decode_str(subgraph.Name()) self.tensors = [] for idx in range(subgraph.TensorsLength()): self.tensors.append(self.parse_tensor(subgraph.Tensors(idx))) for idx in range(subgraph.OperatorsLength()): self.parse_operator(idx, subgraph.Operators(idx)) self.outputs = self.get_tensors_from_indices_remove_duplicates(subgraph.OutputsAsNumpy(), "output") self.inputs = self.get_tensors_from_indices_remove_duplicates(subgraph.InputsAsNumpy(), "input") # Fix up tensors without operations. Generate either Placeholder or Constant ops for tens in self.inputs: if tens.ops != []: TensorError(tens, "This subgraph input tensor has unexpected driving operators.") op = Operation("Placeholder", tens.name) op.outputs = [tens] tens.ops = [op] for tens in self.tensors: if not tens.ops: op = Operation("Const", tens.name) op.outputs = [tens] tens.ops = [op] def get_tensors_from_indices_remove_duplicates(self, indices, warning_str): tensors = [] for idx in indices: tensor = self.tensors[idx] if tensor not in tensors: tensors.append(tensor) else: print( "Warning: Subgraph {0} tensor ({1}) with idx = {2} already seen. Removing the duplicate.".format( warning_str, tensor, idx ) ) return tensors def parse_tensor(self, tens_data): np_shape = tens_data.ShapeAsNumpy() shape = list(np_shape) if type(np_shape) is np.ndarray else [] name = decode_str(tens_data.Name()) dtype = datatype_map[tens_data.Type()] tens = Tensor(shape, dtype, name) quant = tens_data.Quantization() tens.quantization = QuantizationParameters() if quant is not None: tens.quantization.min = self.len1_array_to_scalar(quant.MinAsNumpy()) tens.quantization.max = self.len1_array_to_scalar(quant.MaxAsNumpy()) tens.quantization.scale_f32 = self.len1_array_to_scalar(quant.ScaleAsNumpy()) tens.quantization.zero_point = self.len1_array_to_scalar(quant.ZeroPointAsNumpy()) if dtype == DataType.uint8: tens.quantization.quant_min = 0 tens.quantization.quant_max = (1 << dtype.bits) - 1 elif dtype in set((DataType.int8, DataType.int16, DataType.int32, DataType.int64)): tens.quantization.quant_min = -(1 << (dtype.bits - 1)) tens.quantization.quant_max = (1 << (dtype.bits - 1)) - 1 if tens.quantization.scale_f32 is None and tens.quantization.zero_point is None: tens.quantization = None tens.values = None buf = self.graph.buffers[tens_data.Buffer()] if buf is not None: tens.values = np.array(buf.view(datatype_map_numpy[tens_data.Type()]).reshape(shape)) if tens.quantization is not None: tens.quant_values = tens.values tens.values = tens.quantization.dequantize(tens.quant_values) return tens def parse_operator(self, op_index, op_data): op_type, opt_serializer = self.graph.operator_codes[op_data.OpcodeIndex()] inputs = [self.tensors[idx] for idx in op_data.InputsAsNumpy()] outputs = [self.tensors[idx] for idx in op_data.OutputsAsNumpy()] name = "unknown_op_name" if len(outputs): name = outputs[0].name op = Operation(op_type, name) op.op_index = op_index op.inputs = inputs op.outputs = outputs for out in op.outputs: out.ops = [op] activation_function_to_split_out = None if op_type.startswith("DepthwiseConv2d") or op_type.startswith("Conv2D"): inputs[1] = clone_and_reshape_tensor(inputs[1], (1, 2, 3, 0)) if op_type.startswith("FullyConnected"): inputs[1] = clone_and_reshape_tensor(inputs[1], (1, 0)) if opt_serializer is not None: op.attrs = opt_serializer.deserialize(op_data) if "stride_w" in op.attrs: op.attrs["strides"] = (1, op.attrs["stride_h"], op.attrs["stride_w"], 1) if "filter_width" in op.attrs: op.attrs["ksize"] = (1, op.attrs["filter_height"], op.attrs["filter_width"], 1) if "dilation_w_factor" in op.attrs: op.attrs["dilation"] = (1, op.attrs["dilation_h_factor"], op.attrs["dilation_w_factor"], 1) if "depth_multiplier" in op.attrs: op.attrs["channel_multiplier"] = op.attrs["depth_multiplier"] if "fused_activation_function" in op.attrs: if op_type in set(("ConcatTFLite",)): act = op.attrs["fused_activation_function"] del op.attrs["fused_activation_function"] if act is not None: activation_function_to_split_out = act if activation_function_to_split_out is not None: act_op = Operation(activation_function_to_split_out, name + activation_function_to_split_out) out_tens = op.outputs[0] intermediate_tens = out_tens.clone("_act_intermediate") out_tens.ops = [act_op] act_op.outputs = [out_tens] intermediate_tens.ops = [op] op.outputs[0] = intermediate_tens act_op.inputs = [intermediate_tens] @staticmethod def len1_array_to_scalar(arr): # The following flatbuffer quantisation fields all return a scalar value of 0 if they are not definied in # the input buffer. This is represented in Vela by using None. # Otherwise, the fields returned are a single or multi-element array. In which case, single element arrays # are converted to scalars if isinstance(arr, int) and arr == 0: return None if len(arr) == 1: return arr[0] return arr class TFLiteGraph: def __init__( self, filename, batch_size=1, feed_dict={}, output_node_names=[], initialisation_nodes=[], ): self.op_times = {} if batch_size is None: batch_size = 1 self.batch_size = batch_size self.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] self.initialisation_nodes = initialisation_nodes with open(filename, "rb") as f: buf = bytearray(f.read()) model = Model.GetRootAsModel(buf, 0) self.buffers = [] for idx in range(model.BuffersLength()): self.buffers.append(self.parse_buffer(model.Buffers(idx))) self.operator_codes = [] for idx in range(model.OperatorCodesLength()): self.operator_codes.append(self.parse_operator_code(model.OperatorCodes(idx))) self.subgraphs = [] for idx in range(model.SubgraphsLength()): self.subgraphs.append(TFLiteSubgraph(self, model.Subgraphs(idx))) self.nng = Graph(self.name, self.batch_size) for tflite_sg in self.subgraphs: sg = Subgraph(tflite_sg.name) sg.original_inputs = tflite_sg.inputs # Preserve the original input order sg.output_tensors = tflite_sg.outputs self.nng.subgraphs.append(sg) def parse_buffer(self, buf_data): if buf_data.DataLength() == 0: return None data = buf_data.DataAsNumpy() return data def parse_operator_code(self, code): c = code.BuiltinCode() if c not in builtin_operator_map: msg = "The input file contains operator code {} which is currently not supported".format(c) raise InputFileError(self.name, msg) op_type, ser = builtin_operator_map[c] if c == BuiltinOperator.CUSTOM: op_type += decode_str(code.CustomCode()) return op_type, ser def read_tflite( filename, batch_size=1, feed_dict={}, output_node_names=[], initialisation_nodes=[], ): tflite_graph = TFLiteGraph(filename, batch_size, feed_dict, output_node_names, initialisation_nodes) nng = tflite_graph.nng nng.refresh_after_modification() return nng