# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020-2023 Arm Limited and/or its affiliates # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Description: # Unit tests for tflite_graph_optimiser import numpy as np import pytest from ethosu.vela.data_type import DataType from ethosu.vela.graph_optimiser import optimise_graph from ethosu.vela.nn_graph import NetworkType from ethosu.vela.operation import Op from ethosu.vela.operation import Operation from ethosu.vela.operation import Padding from ethosu.vela.rewrite_graph import verify_graph_health from ethosu.vela.tensor import create_const_tensor from ethosu.vela.tensor import Shape4D from ethosu.vela.tensor import Tensor from ethosu.vela.test import testutil from ethosu.vela.tflite_graph_optimiser import calc_explicit_padding from ethosu.vela.tflite_graph_optimiser import convert_batched_fc_shape from ethosu.vela.tflite_graph_optimiser import optimise_quantize from ethosu.vela.tflite_graph_optimiser import replace_pad_by_hw_pad from ethosu.vela.tflite_graph_optimiser import rewrite_fully_connected_input def test_convert_batched_fc(): """Tests shape conversion of batched fully connected""" ifm_shape = [4, 8] ifm = create_const_tensor("test_in", ifm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ifm_shape)) w_shape = [8, 4] weights = create_const_tensor("weight_in", w_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(w_shape)) ofm = Tensor(ifm.shape, np.uint8, "test_out") op = testutil.create_op(Op.FullyConnected, [ifm, weights], ofm) ifm.consumer_list.append(op) prev_op = op.clone() prev_op.ifm_shapes = op.ifm_shapes.copy() prev_op.ofm_shapes = op.ofm_shapes.copy() rewrite_fully_connected_input(op, None, None) conv_op = convert_batched_fc_shape(op, None, None) assert conv_op.ifm == prev_op.ifm assert conv_op.ofm == prev_op.ofm assert op.ifm_shapes[0] == Shape4D([1, 2, 2, 8]) assert op.ofm_shapes[0] == Shape4D([1, 2, 2, 8]) assert conv_op.type == Op.FullyConnected assert len(conv_op.ifm.shape) == 2 assert len(conv_op.ofm.shape) == 2 assert conv_op.ifm.shape == conv_op.ofm.shape ifm.shape = [1, 8] weights.shape = [8, 1] ofm.shape = [1, 8] op = testutil.create_op(Op.FullyConnected, [ifm, weights], ofm) ifm.consumer_list.append(op) prev_op = op.clone() prev_op.ifm_shapes = op.ifm_shapes.copy() prev_op.ofm_shapes = op.ofm_shapes.copy() rewrite_fully_connected_input(op, None, None) conv_op = convert_batched_fc_shape(op, None, None) assert conv_op.ifm == prev_op.ifm assert conv_op.ofm == prev_op.ofm assert op.ifm_shapes[0] == prev_op.ifm_shapes[0] assert op.ofm_shapes[0] == prev_op.ofm_shapes[0] assert conv_op.type == Op.FullyConnected assert len(conv_op.ifm.shape) == 2 assert len(conv_op.ofm.shape) == 2 assert conv_op.ifm.shape == conv_op.ofm.shape explicit_padding_test_data = [ # Kernel size 2 [(17, 1, 2, 1, 1), (1, 1)], [(18, 1, 2, 0, 1), (0, 1)], [(18, 1, 2, 1, 0), (1, 0)], # Kernel size 3 [(18, 2, 3, 1, 1), (1, 0)], [(25, 2, 3, 1, 1), (1, 1)], # Kernel size 4 [(18, 1, 4, 1, 2), (1, 2)], [(18, 1, 4, 2, 1), (2, 1)], [(19, 1, 4, 2, 2), (2, 2)], # Kernel size 5 [(19, 1, 5, 1, 2), (1, 2)], [(19, 1, 5, 0, 2), (0, 2)], [(19, 1, 5, 1, 0), (1, 0)], # Kernel size 21 [(41, 2, 21, 8, 10), (8, 10)], [(41, 3, 21, 10, 10), (10, 9)], [(42, 3, 21, 10, 10), (10, 8)], [(42, 3, 21, 9, 10), (9, 9)], [(41, 3, 21, 10, 6), (10, 6)], ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input, expected_result", explicit_padding_test_data) def test_calc_explicit_padding(test_input, expected_result): input_size, stride, filter_size, explicit_pad_before, explicit_pad_after = test_input before, after = calc_explicit_padding(input_size, stride, filter_size, explicit_pad_before, explicit_pad_after) assert (before, after) == expected_result def create_pad_and_conv2d( in_shape, out_shape, padding, in_dtype=DataType.int8, out_dtype=DataType.int8, pad_dtype=DataType.int32, pad_setting=Padding.VALID, kernel_size=3, ): """Creates Pad operator followed by a conv2d operator""" qp = testutil.default_quant_params() in0 = Tensor(in_shape, in_dtype, "in") in0.quantization = qp shape = [] if padding == [] else list(np.shape(padding)) pad_tensor = create_const_tensor(name="pad", shape=shape, values=padding, dtype=pad_dtype) out = Tensor(out_shape, out_dtype, "out") out.quantization = qp.clone() op = testutil.create_op(Op.Pad, [in0, pad_tensor], out) op.run_on_npu = True conv_out_tens = Tensor(in_shape, in_dtype, "output") conv_out_tens.quantization = qp.clone() weight_tens = Tensor([kernel_size, kernel_size, in_shape[-1], out_shape[-1]], in_dtype, "weights") weight_tens.values = np.zeros(weight_tens.shape, in_dtype.as_numpy_type()) weight_tens.quantization = qp.clone() bias_tens = Tensor(out_shape, pad_dtype, "biases") attrs = {"padding": pad_setting, "stride_w": 2, "stride_h": 2, "dilation_w_factor": 1, "dilation_h_factor": 1} attrs["strides"] = (1, attrs["stride_h"], attrs["stride_w"], 1) conv2d_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Conv2DBias, [out, weight_tens, bias_tens], conv_out_tens, attrs) conv2d_op.add_input_tensor(out) conv2d_op.run_on_npu = True return op, conv2d_op def test_pad_followed_by_conv_is_removed(): """ Tests that the PAD operator is bypassed when followed by a convolution operator, and that the padding of the convolution operation is correctly updated """ pad_op, conv2d_op = create_pad_and_conv2d( in_shape=[1, 76, 75, 64], out_shape=[1, 76, 75, 64], padding=[[0, 0], [2, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], kernel_size=4 ) nng = testutil.create_graph([pad_op, conv2d_op]) arch = testutil.create_arch() replace_pad_by_hw_pad(conv2d_op, nng, arch) op = nng.subgraphs[0].output_tensors[0].ops[0] assert op.type == Op.Conv2DBias assert op.attrs["padding"] == Padding.EXPLICIT assert op.attrs["explicit_padding"] == (2, 1, 1, 1) assert op.ifm.shape == [1, 76, 75, 64] assert pad_op not in op.ifm.ops leading_pad_test_data = [ (2, 2, 11, True), (1, 2, 11, False), (2, 1, 11, False), (5, 2, 11, True), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("top, left, kernel_size, expect_pad_removed", leading_pad_test_data) def test_leading_pad_size(top, left, kernel_size, expect_pad_removed): # Tests PAD operator with big kernel size; top and left pad must be multiple of stride out_shape = [1, 11 + left, 11 + top, 1] padding = [[0, 0], [top, 0], [left, 0], [0, 0]] pad_op, conv2d_op = create_pad_and_conv2d( in_shape=[1, 11, 11, 1], out_shape=out_shape, padding=padding, kernel_size=kernel_size ) nng = testutil.create_graph([pad_op, conv2d_op]) arch = testutil.create_arch() replace_pad_by_hw_pad(conv2d_op, nng, arch) op = nng.subgraphs[0].output_tensors[0].ops[0] if expect_pad_removed: assert op.attrs["padding"] == Padding.EXPLICIT assert "explicit_padding" in op.attrs assert op.ifm.shape == op.ofm.shape assert pad_op not in op.ifm.ops else: assert pad_op in op.ifm.ops assert op.attrs["padding"] == Padding.VALID assert "explicit_padding" not in op.attrs def test_optimise_pad_followed_by_avg_pool(): """ Tests that the PAD operator is bypassed when followed by a average pool operator, and that the average pool is converted to a depthwise """ # Create Pad operation followed by AvgPool quant = testutil.default_quant_params() in_tens = Tensor([1, 76, 75, 64], DataType.uint8, "input") in_tens.quantization = quant # Test with 3x2 input tensor pad_input = create_const_tensor("pad_input", [3, 2], DataType.int32, [[2, 2], [1, 1], [0, 0]]) temp_tens = Tensor([1, 79, 77, 64], DataType.uint8, "pad_out") temp_tens.quantization = quant.clone() out_tens = Tensor([1, 76, 75, 64], DataType.uint8, "output") out_tens.quantization = quant.clone() pad_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Pad, [in_tens, pad_input], temp_tens) attrs = { "padding": Padding.VALID, "ksize": [1, 5, 3, 1], "stride_w": 2, "stride_h": 2, "dilation_w_factor": 1, "dilation_h_factor": 1, } attrs["strides"] = (1, attrs["stride_h"], attrs["stride_w"], 1) pad_op.run_on_npu = True conv2d_op = testutil.create_op(Op.AvgPool, [temp_tens], out_tens, attrs) conv2d_op.run_on_npu = True nng = testutil.create_graph([pad_op, conv2d_op]) arch = testutil.create_arch() replace_pad_by_hw_pad(conv2d_op, nng, arch) op = nng.subgraphs[0].output_tensors[0].ops[0] assert op.type == Op.DepthwiseConv2DBias assert op.attrs["padding"] == Padding.EXPLICIT assert op.attrs["explicit_padding"] == (2, 1, 2, 1) assert op.ifm.shape == [1, 76, 75, 64] assert pad_op not in op.ifm.ops # Check that bias and weight tensors have been added assert op.bias.shape == [64] assert op.weights.shape == [5, 3, 1, 64] pad_avg_pool_test_data = [ ((3, 3), (1, 1, 1, 1), True), ((3, 3), (2, 1, 1, 1), False), ((3, 3), (1, 2, 1, 1), False), ((3, 3), (1, 1, 2, 1), False), ((3, 3), (1, 1, 1, 2), False), ((2, 4), (1, 2, 1, 2), True), ((5, 3), (2, 1, 2, 1), True), ((5, 3), (0, 1, 2, 1), True), ((5, 3), (2, 0, 2, 1), True), ((5, 3), (2, 1, 0, 1), True), ((5, 3), (2, 1, 0, 1), True), ((4, 4), (2, 2, 2, 2), True), ((4, 4), (1, 2, 2, 2), False), ((4, 4), (2, 1, 2, 2), False), ((4, 4), (2, 2, 1, 2), False), ((4, 4), (2, 2, 2, 1), False), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("k_size, padding, expect_pad_removed", pad_avg_pool_test_data) def test_pad_followed_by_avg_pool(k_size, padding, expect_pad_removed): # Tests PAD followed by AvgPool k_w, k_h = k_size top, left, bottom, right = padding pad_values = [[0, 0], [top, bottom], [left, right], [0, 0]] dtype = DataType.int8 qp = testutil.default_quant_params() in_shape = [1, 15, 17, 8] out_shape = [1, in_shape[1] + top + bottom, in_shape[2] + left + right, in_shape[3]] in0 = Tensor(in_shape, dtype, "in") in0.quantization = qp pad_tensor = create_const_tensor( name="pad", shape=list(np.shape(pad_values)), values=pad_values, dtype=DataType.int32 ) out = Tensor(out_shape, dtype, "out") out.quantization = qp.clone() pad_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Pad, [in0, pad_tensor], out) pool_out_tens = Tensor(in_shape, dtype, "output") pool_out_tens.quantization = qp.clone() attrs = { "padding": Padding.VALID, "ksize": [1, k_w, k_h, 1], "stride_w": 1, "stride_h": 1, "dilation_w_factor": 1, "dilation_h_factor": 1, } pool_op = testutil.create_op(Op.AvgPool, [out], pool_out_tens, attrs) pad_op.run_on_npu = True pool_op.run_on_npu = True nng = testutil.create_graph([pad_op, pool_op]) arch = testutil.create_arch() nng = optimise_graph(nng, arch, NetworkType.TFLite) sg = nng.subgraphs[0] all_ops = sg.get_all_ops() print("all_ops: ", all_ops) # Pad should not be in the graph anymore, it should either have been removed or rewritten assert not any(op.type == Op.Pad for op in all_ops) op = nng.subgraphs[0].output_tensors[0].ops[0] if expect_pad_removed: # Expect rewrite to depthwise, PAD is removed assert op.type == Op.DepthwiseConv2DBias assert op.attrs["padding"] == Padding.EXPLICIT assert any(pad > 0 for pad in op.attrs["explicit_padding"]) assert op.ifm.shape == op.ofm.shape # Check that bias and weight tensors have been added assert len(op.bias.shape) > 0 assert op.weights.shape is not None else: # Pad should have been rewritten to a number of average pool operations assert all(op.type in (Op.AvgPool, Op.Const) for op in all_ops) assert pool_op.type == Op.AvgPool assert pool_op.attrs["padding"] == Padding.VALID def test_remove_reshape(): """ Test that the expected reshape are removed in graph_optimisation """ # Create tensors and operators Test1 quant = testutil.default_quant_params() # create reshape1 op ifm_shape = [64, 16] reshape1_ofm_shape = [1, 4, 16, 16] reshape1_ifm = create_const_tensor("reshape1_in", ifm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ifm_shape)) reshape1_ifm.quantization = quant reshape1_ofm = create_const_tensor("reshape1_out", reshape1_ofm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(reshape1_ofm_shape)) reshape1_ofm.quantization = quant shape_tens = create_const_tensor("reshape1_shape", [1], DataType.int32, reshape1_ofm_shape) reshape1_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Reshape, [reshape1_ifm, shape_tens], reshape1_ofm, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False) reshape1_op.attrs["new_shape"] = reshape1_ofm_shape reshape1_op.run_on_npu = True # create conv op conv_ofm = Tensor([1, 8, 8, 16], DataType.uint8, "output") conv_ofm.quantization = quant.clone() weight_tens = Tensor([1, 1, 16, 16], DataType.uint8, "weights") weight_tens.values = np.zeros(weight_tens.shape, np.uint8) weight_tens.quantization = quant.clone() bias_tens = Tensor([16], DataType.int32, "biases") attrs = {"padding": Padding.SAME, "stride_w": 1, "stride_h": 1, "dilation_w_factor": 1, "dilation_h_factor": 1} attrs["strides"] = (1, attrs["stride_h"], attrs["stride_w"], 1) conv2d_op = testutil.create_op( Op.Conv2D, [reshape1_ofm, weight_tens, bias_tens], conv_ofm, attrs=attrs, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False ) conv2d_op.run_on_npu = True # create reshape2 op ofm_shape = [8, 8, 16] reshape2_ofm = create_const_tensor("reshape2_out", ofm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ofm_shape)) reshape2_ofm.quantization = quant shape_tens = create_const_tensor("reshape2_shape", [1], DataType.int32, ofm_shape) reshape2_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Reshape, [conv_ofm, shape_tens], reshape2_ofm, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False) reshape2_op.attrs["new_shape"] = ofm_shape reshape2_op.run_on_npu = True # Test1 no Reshape op is expected to remain in the NPU subgrapgh # but first one will be put on CPU # Network is Reshape-Conv-Reshape # Result is Conv nng = testutil.create_graph([reshape1_op, conv2d_op, reshape2_op]) arch = testutil.create_arch() assert verify_graph_health(nng) nng = optimise_graph(nng, arch, NetworkType.TFLite, True) assert verify_graph_health(nng) # Create tensors and operator Test2 # create reshape op reshape_ifm = create_const_tensor("reshape_in", ifm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ifm_shape)) reshape_ifm.quantization = quant reshape_ofm = create_const_tensor("reshape1_out", reshape1_ofm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(reshape1_ofm_shape)) reshape_ofm.quantization = quant shape_tens = create_const_tensor("reshape1_shape", [1], DataType.int32, reshape1_ofm_shape) reshape_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Reshape, [reshape_ifm, shape_tens], reshape_ofm, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False) reshape_op.attrs["new_shape"] = reshape1_ofm_shape reshape_op.run_on_npu = True # Test2 Reshape ifm/ofm is sg input/output. # Reshape op is expected to be replaced by a AvgPool 'NOP'. # # Network is Reshape # expected is AvgPool nng = testutil.create_graph([reshape_op]) assert verify_graph_health(nng) nng = optimise_graph(nng, arch, NetworkType.TFLite, True) assert verify_graph_health(nng) def test_remove_squeeze(): """ Tests that the expected squeeze are removed in graph_optimisation """ # Create tensors and operators Test1 quant = testutil.default_quant_params() # create conv op ifm_shape = [1, 1, 1, 1024] conv_ifm = create_const_tensor("conv_in", ifm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ifm_shape)) conv_ifm.quantization = quant conv_ofm = Tensor([1, 1, 1, 1001], DataType.uint8, "output") conv_ofm.quantization = quant.clone() weight_tens = Tensor([1, 1, 1024, 1001], DataType.uint8, "weights") weight_tens.values = np.zeros(weight_tens.shape, np.uint8) weight_tens.quantization = quant.clone() bias_tens = Tensor([1001], DataType.int32, "biases") attrs = {"padding": Padding.SAME, "stride_w": 1, "stride_h": 1, "dilation_w_factor": 1, "dilation_h_factor": 1} attrs["strides"] = (1, attrs["stride_h"], attrs["stride_w"], 1) conv2d_op = testutil.create_op( Op.Conv2D, [conv_ifm, weight_tens, bias_tens], conv_ofm, attrs=attrs, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False ) conv2d_op.run_on_npu = True # create squeeze op ofm_shape = [1, 1001] squeeze_ofm = create_const_tensor("squeeze_out", ofm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ofm_shape)) squeeze_ofm.quantization = quant.clone() squeeze_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Squeeze, [conv_ofm], squeeze_ofm, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False) squeeze_op.attrs["squeeze_dims"] = [1, 2] squeeze_op.run_on_npu = True # Test1 no Squeeze op is expected to remain in the NPU subgrapgh # # Network is Conv-Squeeze # Result is Conv nng = testutil.create_graph([conv2d_op, squeeze_op]) arch = testutil.create_arch() assert verify_graph_health(nng) nng = optimise_graph(nng, arch, NetworkType.TFLite, True) assert verify_graph_health(nng) # Create tensors and operator Test2 # create squeeze op ifm_shape = [1, 1, 1, 1001] squeeze_ifm = create_const_tensor("squeeze_in", ifm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ifm_shape)) squeeze_ifm.quantization = quant squeeze_ofm = create_const_tensor("squeeze_out", ofm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ofm_shape)) squeeze_ofm.quantization = quant.clone() squeeze_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Squeeze, [squeeze_ifm], squeeze_ofm, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False) squeeze_op.attrs["squeeze_dims"] = [1, 2] squeeze_op.run_on_npu = True # Test2 Squeeze ifm/ofm is sg input/output. # Squeeze op is expected to be replaced by a AvgPool 'NOP'. # # Network is Squeeze # expected is AvgPool nng = testutil.create_graph([squeeze_op]) assert verify_graph_health(nng) nng = optimise_graph(nng, arch, NetworkType.TFLite, True) assert verify_graph_health(nng) def test_remove_expand_dims(): """ Tests that the expected ExpandDims are removed in graph_optimisation """ # Create tensors and operators Test1 quant = testutil.default_quant_params() # create ExpandDims op ifm_shape = [4, 16, 16] ofm_shape = [1, 4, 16, 16] expand_dims_ifm = create_const_tensor("expand_dims_in", ifm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ifm_shape)) expand_dims_ifm.quantization = quant expand_dims_ofm = create_const_tensor("expand_dims_out", ofm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ofm_shape)) expand_dims_ofm.quantization = quant.clone() dim_tens = create_const_tensor("dim_tens", [], DataType.uint8, 1) expand_dims_op = testutil.create_op( Op.ExpandDims, [expand_dims_ifm, dim_tens], expand_dims_ofm, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False ) expand_dims_op.run_on_npu = True # create conv op conv_ofm = Tensor([1, 8, 8, 16], DataType.uint8, "output") conv_ofm.quantization = quant.clone() weight_tens = Tensor([1, 1, 16, 16], DataType.uint8, "weights") weight_tens.values = np.zeros(weight_tens.shape, np.uint8) weight_tens.quantization = quant.clone() bias_tens = Tensor([16], DataType.int32, "biases") attrs = {"padding": Padding.SAME, "stride_w": 1, "stride_h": 1, "dilation_w_factor": 1, "dilation_h_factor": 1} attrs["strides"] = (1, attrs["stride_h"], attrs["stride_w"], 1) conv2d_op = testutil.create_op( Op.Conv2D, [expand_dims_ofm, weight_tens, bias_tens], conv_ofm, attrs=attrs, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False ) conv2d_op.run_on_npu = True # Test1 no ExpandDims op is expected to remain in the NPU subgrapgh # # Network is ExpandDims-Conv # Result is Conv nng = testutil.create_graph([expand_dims_op, conv2d_op]) arch = testutil.create_arch() assert verify_graph_health(nng) nng = optimise_graph(nng, arch, NetworkType.TFLite, True) assert verify_graph_health(nng) # create ExpandDims op expand_dims_ifm = create_const_tensor("expand_dims_in", ifm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ifm_shape)) expand_dims_ifm.quantization = quant expand_dims_ofm = create_const_tensor("expand_dims_out", ofm_shape, DataType.uint8, np.zeros(ofm_shape)) expand_dims_ofm.quantization = quant.clone() dim_tens = create_const_tensor("dim_tens", [], DataType.uint8, 1) expand_dims_op = testutil.create_op( Op.ExpandDims, [expand_dims_ifm, dim_tens], expand_dims_ofm, set_ifm_ofm_shapes=False ) expand_dims_op.run_on_npu = True # Test2 ExpandDims ifm/ofm is sg input/output. # ExpandDims op is expected to be replaced by a AvgPool 'NOP'. # # Network is ExpandDims # expected is AvgPool nng = testutil.create_graph([expand_dims_op]) assert verify_graph_health(nng) nng = optimise_graph(nng, arch, NetworkType.TFLite, True) assert verify_graph_health(nng) def test_quant_static_optimisations(): """ Tests if the quant value at vela compile time is calculated correctly """ quant_ifm = create_const_tensor("const_quant_ifm", values=np.array(127), shape=[], dtype=DataType.int8) quant_ifm.quantization = testutil.default_quant_params() quant_ifm.quantization.scale_f32 = 0.15748031 quant_ifm.quantization.quant_min = -128 quant_ifm.quantization.quant_max = 127 quant_ofm = create_const_tensor("const_quant_ofm", values=np.array([]), shape=[], dtype=DataType.int8) quant_ofm.quantization = testutil.default_quant_params() quant_ofm.quantization.scale_f32 = 0.036092404 quant_ofm.quantization.zero_point = -128 quant_ofm.quantization.quant_min = -128 quant_ofm.quantization.quant_max = 127 # Create quant op quant_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Quantize, [quant_ifm], quant_ofm) quant_op.run_on_npu = True op: Operation = optimise_quantize(quant_op, None, None) assert op.ofm.values == 127 quant_ifm = create_const_tensor("const_quant_ifm", values=np.array(127), shape=[], dtype=DataType.int8) quant_ifm.quantization = testutil.default_quant_params() quant_ifm.quantization.scale_f32 = 0.15748031 quant_ifm.quantization.quant_min = -128 quant_ifm.quantization.quant_max = 127 quant_ofm = create_const_tensor("const_quant_ofm", values=np.array([]), shape=[], dtype=DataType.int8) quant_ofm.quantization = testutil.default_quant_params() quant_ofm.quantization.scale_f32 = 0.036092404 quant_ofm.quantization.zero_point = -128 quant_ofm.quantization.quant_min = -128 quant_ofm.quantization.quant_max = 127 # Create quant op quant_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Quantize, [quant_ifm], quant_ofm) quant_op.run_on_npu = True op: Operation = optimise_quantize(quant_op, None, None) assert op.ofm.values == 127 def test_optimise_quantize_multiple_values(): """ Tests if the quant value at vela compile time is calculated correctly when passing multiple values to quantize node """ quant_ifm = create_const_tensor("const_quant_ifm", values=np.array([127, 127]), shape=[], dtype=DataType.int8) quant_ifm.quantization = testutil.default_quant_params() quant_ifm.quantization.scale_f32 = 0.15748031 quant_ifm.quantization.quant_min = -128 quant_ifm.quantization.quant_max = 127 quant_ofm = create_const_tensor("const_quant_ofm", values=np.array([]), shape=[], dtype=DataType.int8) quant_ofm.quantization = testutil.default_quant_params() quant_ofm.quantization.scale_f32 = 0.036092404 quant_ofm.quantization.zero_point = -128 quant_ofm.quantization.quant_min = -128 quant_ofm.quantization.quant_max = 127 # Create quant op quant_op = testutil.create_op(Op.Quantize, [quant_ifm], quant_ofm) quant_op.run_on_npu = True op: Operation = optimise_quantize(quant_op, None, None) assert (op.ofm.values == np.array([127, 127])).all()