# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Description: # Holds a container for Ethos-U and System architecture parameters. import enum from collections import namedtuple from configparser import ConfigParser import numpy as np from .api import NpuAccelerator from .errors import CliOptionError from .errors import ConfigOptionError from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import resampling_mode from .numeric_util import full_shape from .numeric_util import round_up from .numeric_util import round_up_divide from .numeric_util import round_up_to_int from .operation import Kernel from .operation import NpuBlockType from .operation import PointXYZ from .tensor import BandwidthDirection from .tensor import MemArea from .tensor import MemType from .tensor import TensorFormat from .tensor import TensorPurpose from .tflite_supported_operators import TFLiteSupportedOperators from .tosa_supported_operators import TosaSupportedOperators class Block: def __init__(self, w=0, h=0, d=0): self.width = w self.height = h self.depth = d def elements(self): return self.width * self.height * self.depth def elements_wh(self): return self.width * self.height def clone(self): return Block(self.width, self.height, self.depth) def as_list(self): return [self.height, self.width, self.depth] def __eq__(self, other): if self.width == other.width and self.height == other.height and self.depth == other.depth: return True else: return False def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.width, self.height, self.depth) def to_hwc(self): return [self.height, self.width, self.depth] @classmethod def from_string(cls, s): w, h, c = (int(v) for v in s.split("x")) return cls(w, h, c) @classmethod def from_shape(cls, shape) -> "Block": """Converts the shape to a Block""" shp = full_shape(3, shape, 1) # Note: index from end, as len(shp) may be > 3 return Block(shp[-2], shp[-3], shp[-1]) @classmethod def min(cls, a, b): return cls(min(a.width, b.width), min(a.height, b.height), min(a.depth, b.depth)) @classmethod def max(cls, a, b): return cls(max(a.width, b.width), max(a.height, b.height), max(a.depth, b.depth)) @classmethod def round(cls, a, b): return cls(round_up(a.width, b.width), round_up(a.height, b.height), round_up(a.depth, b.depth)) @classmethod def div_round_up(cls, a, b): return cls( round_up_divide(a.width, b.width), round_up_divide(a.height, b.height), round_up_divide(a.depth, b.depth) ) class Rect: def __init__(self, x, y, z, x2, y2, z2): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.x2 = x2 self.y2 = y2 self.z2 = z2 def start(self): return PointXYZ(self.x, self.y, self.z) def end(self): return PointXYZ(self.x2, self.y2, self.z2) def size(self): return Block(self.x2 - self.x + 1, self.y2 - self.y + 1, self.z2 - self.z + 1) def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.x, self.y, self.z, self.x2, self.y2, self.z2) class SHRAMElements: IFM8 = 0 IFM16 = 1 IFM8_Elementwise = 2 IFM16_Elementwise = 3 IFM32 = 4 Acc16 = 5 Acc32 = 6 Acc40 = 7 Last = Acc40 BitSizes = np.array([8, 16, 8, 16, 32, 16, 32, 40], np.int32) ByteSizes = BitSizes // 8 PostAlign = np.array([8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1], np.int32) PreAlign = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 8, 8], np.int32) class SHRAMBlockConfig: def __init__(self, sizes, banks): assert len(banks) == SHRAMElements.Last + 1 self.sizes = sizes self.banks = banks # Area indices must match Ethos-U SHRAM layout spec class SharedBufferArea(enum.IntEnum): OFM = 0 Weights = 1 IFM = 2 Accumulators = 3 Size = Accumulators + 1 class Accelerator(enum.Enum): Ethos_U55_32 = "ethos-u55-32" Ethos_U55_64 = "ethos-u55-64" Ethos_U55_128 = "ethos-u55-128" Ethos_U55_256 = "ethos-u55-256" Ethos_U65_256 = "ethos-u65-256" Ethos_U65_512 = "ethos-u65-512" @classmethod def member_list(cls): return [e.value for e in cls] @classmethod def from_npu_accelerator(cls, npu_accelerator: NpuAccelerator) -> "Accelerator": """Converts the given public API object to Accelerator (used internally)""" accelerator_map = { NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_32: cls.Ethos_U55_32, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_64: cls.Ethos_U55_64, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_128: cls.Ethos_U55_128, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U55_256: cls.Ethos_U55_256, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_256: cls.Ethos_U65_256, NpuAccelerator.Ethos_U65_512: cls.Ethos_U65_512, } assert npu_accelerator in accelerator_map, f"Unsupported accelerator {npu_accelerator}" return accelerator_map[npu_accelerator] @enum.unique class MemPort(enum.Enum): Axi0 = enum.auto() Axi1 = enum.auto() SHRAMConfig = namedtuple( "SHRAMConfig", ["reserved_output_banks", "bank_size_bytes", "total_banks", "reserved_end_banks"] ) class ArchitectureFeatures: """This class is a container for various parameters of the Ethos-U core and system configuration that can be tuned, either by command line parameters or by the Ethos-U architects. The class is often passed around to passes that need to do architecture-dependent actions. Note the difference between ArchitectureFeatures and CompilerOptions - ArchitectureFeatures is for changing the Ethos-U and system architecture - CompilerOptions is for changing the behaviour of the compiler """ ArchitectureConfig = namedtuple( "ArchitectureConfig", "macs cores ofm_ublock ifm_ublock shram_banks shram_granules elem_units" ) accelerator_configs = { Accelerator.Ethos_U65_512: ArchitectureConfig( 256, 2, Block(2, 2, 8), Block(2, 2, 8), 48, [8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 16, 20], 8 ), Accelerator.Ethos_U65_256: ArchitectureConfig( 256, 1, Block(2, 2, 8), Block(2, 2, 8), 48, [8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 16, 20], 8 ), Accelerator.Ethos_U55_256: ArchitectureConfig( 256, 1, Block(2, 2, 8), Block(2, 2, 8), 48, [8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 16, 20], 8 ), Accelerator.Ethos_U55_128: ArchitectureConfig( 128, 1, Block(2, 1, 8), Block(2, 1, 8), 24, [4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 8, 12], 4 ), Accelerator.Ethos_U55_64: ArchitectureConfig( 64, 1, Block(1, 1, 8), Block(1, 1, 8), 16, [2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 8], 2 ), Accelerator.Ethos_U55_32: ArchitectureConfig( 32, 1, Block(1, 1, 4), Block(1, 1, 8), 16, [2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4], 1 ), } OFMSplitDepth = 16 SubKernelMax = Block(8, 8, 65536) DEFAULT_CONFIG = "internal-default" MAX_BLOCKDEP = 3 def __init__( self, vela_config_files, accelerator_config, system_config, memory_mode, max_blockdep, verbose_config, arena_cache_size, ): accelerator_config = accelerator_config.lower() if accelerator_config not in Accelerator.member_list(): raise CliOptionError("--accelerator-config", self.accelerator_config, "Unknown accelerator configuration") self.accelerator_config = Accelerator(accelerator_config) accel_config = ArchitectureFeatures.accelerator_configs[self.accelerator_config] self.config = accel_config self.accumulator_granules = { SHRAMElements.Acc16: accel_config.shram_granules[SHRAMElements.Acc16], SHRAMElements.Acc32: accel_config.shram_granules[SHRAMElements.Acc32], SHRAMElements.Acc40: accel_config.shram_granules[SHRAMElements.Acc40], } self.ifm_bank_granules = { 8: accel_config.shram_granules[SHRAMElements.IFM8], 16: accel_config.shram_granules[SHRAMElements.IFM16], 32: accel_config.shram_granules[SHRAMElements.IFM32], } self.ifm_ew_bank_granules = { 8: accel_config.shram_granules[SHRAMElements.IFM8_Elementwise], 16: accel_config.shram_granules[SHRAMElements.IFM16_Elementwise], 32: accel_config.shram_granules[SHRAMElements.IFM32], } self.shram = SHRAMConfig(2, 1024, accel_config.shram_banks, 2 if accel_config.shram_banks > 16 else 0) self.system_config = system_config self.memory_mode = memory_mode self.is_ethos_u65_system = self.accelerator_config in (Accelerator.Ethos_U65_256, Accelerator.Ethos_U65_512) self.max_outstanding_dma = 2 if self.is_ethos_u65_system else 1 self.max_outstanding_kernels = 3 self.ncores = accel_config.cores self.ofm_ublock = accel_config.ofm_ublock self.ifm_ublock = accel_config.ifm_ublock self.ofm_block_max = Block(64, 32, 128) self.max_blockdep = max_blockdep dpu_min_height = accel_config.ofm_ublock.height dpu_min_width = accel_config.ofm_ublock.width dpu_dot_product_width = 8 dpu_min_ofm_channels = accel_config.ofm_ublock.depth self.num_elem_wise_units = accel_config.elem_units self.num_macs_per_cycle = dpu_min_height * dpu_min_width * dpu_dot_product_width * dpu_min_ofm_channels # Max value in address offsets self.max_address_offset = 1 << 48 if self.is_ethos_u65_system else 1 << 32 # Get system configuration and memory mode self._get_vela_config(vela_config_files, verbose_config, arena_cache_size) self.axi_port_width = 128 if self.is_ethos_u65_system else 64 self.memory_bandwidths_per_cycle = self.axi_port_width * self.memory_clock_scales / 8 self.memory_bandwidths_per_second = self.memory_bandwidths_per_cycle * self.core_clock # Get output/activation performance numbers self._generate_output_perf_tables(self.accelerator_config) # sizes as N x H x W x C. we need to round up to these when allocating storage self.storage_rounding_quantums = { TensorFormat.Unknown: (1, 1, 1, 1), TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed: (1, 1, 1, 1), TensorFormat.NHWC: (1, 1, 1, 1), TensorFormat.NHCWB16: (1, 1, 1, 16), } # brick sizes as N x H x W x C. We have to fetch whole bricks at a time self.brick_sizes = { TensorFormat.Unknown: (1, 1, 1, 1), TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed: (1, 1, 1, 1), TensorFormat.NHWC: (1, 1, 1, 1), TensorFormat.NHCWB16: (1, 1, 1, 16), } self.default_weight_format = TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed self.default_feature_map_format = TensorFormat.NHWC self.tensor_storage_mem_area = { # permanent mem_area TensorPurpose.Unknown: MemArea.Unknown, TensorPurpose.Weights: self.permanent_storage_mem_area, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap: self.feature_map_storage_mem_area, TensorPurpose.LUT: self.permanent_storage_mem_area, TensorPurpose.Scratch: self.feature_map_storage_mem_area, TensorPurpose.ScratchFast: self.fast_storage_mem_area, } self.tensor_storage_mem_type = { TensorPurpose.Unknown: MemType.Unknown, TensorPurpose.Weights: MemType.Permanent_NPU, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap: MemType.Scratch, TensorPurpose.LUT: MemType.Scratch, TensorPurpose.Scratch: MemType.Scratch, TensorPurpose.ScratchFast: MemType.Scratch_fast, } self.min_block_sizes = { NpuBlockType.Default: (dpu_min_height, dpu_min_width), NpuBlockType.VectorProduct: (1, 1), NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN: (dpu_min_height, dpu_min_width), NpuBlockType.Pooling: (dpu_min_height, dpu_min_width), NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise: (dpu_min_height, dpu_min_width), NpuBlockType.ElementWise: (1, 1), NpuBlockType.ReduceSum: (dpu_min_height, dpu_min_width), } self.sub_kernel_limits = { NpuBlockType.Default: (8, 8), NpuBlockType.VectorProduct: (1, 1), NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN: (8, 8), NpuBlockType.Pooling: (8, 8), NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise: (8, 8), NpuBlockType.ElementWise: (1, 1), NpuBlockType.ReduceSum: (8, 8), } # weights for scheduler search from .npu_performance import make_bandwidth_array self.bandwidth_weights = make_bandwidth_array() self.bandwidth_weights[MemArea.Sram] = 1.0 self.bandwidth_weights[MemArea.Dram] = 10.0 self.bandwidth_weights[MemArea.OnChipFlash] = 2.0 self.bandwidth_weights[MemArea.OffChipFlash] = 20.0 self.cycles_weight = 40 self.max_sram_used_weight = 1000 if self.is_spilling_enabled(): self.max_sram_used_weight = 0 # Shared Buffer Block allocations self.shram_bank_size = 1024 # bytes self.shram_size_bytes = accel_config.shram_banks * self.shram_bank_size self.shram_reserved_output_banks = 2 self.shram_reserved_weight_banks = 0 self.shram_reserved_unused_banks = 2 if accel_config.shram_banks > 16 else 0 self.shram_total_banks = accel_config.shram_banks - self.shram_reserved_unused_banks self.shram_bank_granules = np.array(accel_config.shram_granules, np.int32) self.shram_lut_size = 2048 # SHRAM base address of the activation lookup table self.shram_lut_address = self.shram_bank_size * self.available_shram_banks(True) # Build a map of acceptable IFM/OFM block configurations up to the maximum # IFM/OFM block size. ifm_block_max = self.get_ifm_block_size(32, self.ofm_block_max, Kernel(8, 8)) self.block_config_map = dict() self.generate_block_config_map(Block(ifm_block_max.width * 2, ifm_block_max.height, 128)) # Setup supported operators and restriction checkers class self.tflite_supported_operators = TFLiteSupportedOperators() self.tosa_supported_operators = TosaSupportedOperators() # Returns available number of SHRAM banks depending on activation lookup table # being used or not def available_shram_banks(self, uses_activation_lut): banks = self.shram_total_banks if uses_activation_lut and self.shram_reserved_unused_banks == 0: banks -= 2 return banks # Calculate block configuration for ALL known IFM operations and # accumulator sizes. Consumers will need to select their preferred # operation and bit-width at read-time. def generate_block_config(self, width, height, depth): # Number of bytes required for any SHRAM element for a FM of given dimensions. # For IFM: size = H*W*Align(D*BYTE_WIDTH, 8) # For ACC: size = H*W*Align(D,8)*BYTE_WIDTH d1 = round_up(depth, SHRAMElements.PreAlign) d2 = round_up(d1 * SHRAMElements.ByteSizes, SHRAMElements.PostAlign) size_bytes = (height * width) * d2 # Convert byte size (rounded) to size in banks size_banks = round_up_divide(size_bytes, self.shram_bank_size) size_banks *= 2 # Double buffer the IFM/Acc (need twice as many banks) # Round bank requirement to bank granularity required_banks = round_up(size_banks, self.shram_bank_granules) return SHRAMBlockConfig(size_bytes, required_banks) @staticmethod def make_block_config_key(width, height, depth): return (int(height), int(width), int(depth)) def get_block_config(self, width, height, depth): assert depth <= self.ofm_block_max.depth key = ArchitectureFeatures.make_block_config_key(width, height, depth) config = self.block_config_map.get(key, None) return config # Generate a key:value map of possible block configurations, where the # key is compounded from the block dimensions: 0x00HHWWCC def generate_block_config_map(self, block: Block): for h in range(1, block.height + 1): for w in range(1, block.width + 1): # All possible IFM/OFM depth values for c in [4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128]: key = ArchitectureFeatures.make_block_config_key(w, h, c) self.block_config_map[key] = self.generate_block_config(w, h, c) def _generate_output_perf_tables(self, accel_config): if accel_config == Accelerator.Ethos_U55_32: self.output_cycles_per_elem = (2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 1.0, 2.0) self.activation_cycles_per_elem = (1.0, 1.0, 0.0) elif accel_config == Accelerator.Ethos_U55_64: self.output_cycles_per_elem = (1.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 0.5, 1.0) self.activation_cycles_per_elem = (1.0, 1.0, 0.0) elif accel_config == Accelerator.Ethos_U55_128: self.output_cycles_per_elem = (0.75, 1.25, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 0.25, 0.5) self.activation_cycles_per_elem = (1.0, 0.5, 0.0) elif accel_config in (Accelerator.Ethos_U55_256, Accelerator.Ethos_U65_256): self.output_cycles_per_elem = (0.625, 1.125, 0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.75, 0.125, 0.25) self.activation_cycles_per_elem = (1.0, 0.25, 0.0) else: assert accel_config == Accelerator.Ethos_U65_512 self.output_cycles_per_elem = (0.3125, 0.5625, 0.25, 0.1875, 0.25, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.125) self.activation_cycles_per_elem = (0.5, 0.125, 0.0) def calc_ifm_block_depth(self, ifm_depth, ifm_bits): assert ifm_bits in (8, 16, 32) assert ifm_depth > 0 ifm_depth = round_up(ifm_depth, self.ifm_ublock.depth) max_block_depth = 8 * 32 // ifm_bits return min(max_block_depth, ifm_depth) # Calculate the size of the IFM block given a depth, target OFM block and a kernel def get_ifm_block_size( self, ifm_block_depth, ofm_block: Block, kernel: Kernel, subkernel: Block = Block(8, 8, 65536), ifm_resampling_mode=resampling_mode.NONE, ): upscaling = 1 if ifm_resampling_mode == resampling_mode.NONE else 2 # Height dilated_kernel_height = ((kernel.height - 1) * kernel.dilation.y) + 1 ifm_block_height = round_up_to_int( ((ofm_block.height - 1) * kernel.stride.y + min(subkernel.height, dilated_kernel_height)) / upscaling ) ifm_block_height = round_up(ifm_block_height, self.ifm_ublock.height) # Width dilated_kernel_width = ((kernel.width - 1) * kernel.dilation.x) + 1 ifm_block_width = round_up_to_int( ((ofm_block.width - 1) * kernel.stride.x + min(subkernel.width, dilated_kernel_width)) / upscaling ) ifm_block_width = round_up(ifm_block_width, self.ifm_ublock.width) return Block(ifm_block_width, ifm_block_height, ifm_block_depth) def is_spilling_enabled(self): """ Spilling is a feature that allows the Ethos-U to use a dedicated SRAM as a cache for various types of data """ return ( self._mem_port_mapping(self.cache_mem_area) == MemArea.Sram and self.cache_mem_area != self.arena_mem_area ) def mem_type_size(self, mem_type: MemType) -> int: """Returns size in bytes available for the given memory type""" if mem_type == MemType.Scratch_fast and self.is_spilling_enabled(): return self.arena_cache_size # Size is unknown, return max possible address offset return self.max_address_offset def _mem_port_mapping(self, mem_port): mem_port_mapping = {MemPort.Axi0: self.axi0_port, MemPort.Axi1: self.axi1_port} return mem_port_mapping[mem_port] def _set_default_sys_config(self): # ArchitectureFeatures.DEFAULT_CONFIG values if self.is_ethos_u65_system: # Default Ethos-U65 system configuration # Ethos-U65 Client-Server: SRAM (16 GB/s) and DRAM (12 GB/s) self.core_clock = 1e9 self.axi0_port = MemArea.Sram self.axi1_port = MemArea.Dram self.memory_clock_scales[MemArea.Sram] = 1.0 self.memory_clock_scales[MemArea.Dram] = 0.75 # 3 / 4 self.memory_burst_length[MemArea.Sram] = 32 self.memory_burst_length[MemArea.Dram] = 128 self.memory_latency[MemArea.Sram][BandwidthDirection.Read] = 32 self.memory_latency[MemArea.Sram][BandwidthDirection.Write] = 32 self.memory_latency[MemArea.Dram][BandwidthDirection.Read] = 500 self.memory_latency[MemArea.Dram][BandwidthDirection.Write] = 250 else: # Default Ethos-U55 system configuration # Ethos-U55 High-End Embedded: SRAM (4 GB/s) and Flash (0.5 GB/s) self.core_clock = 500e6 self.axi0_port = MemArea.Sram self.axi1_port = MemArea.OffChipFlash self.memory_clock_scales[MemArea.Sram] = 1.0 self.memory_clock_scales[MemArea.OffChipFlash] = 0.125 # 1 / 8 self.memory_burst_length[MemArea.Sram] = 32 self.memory_burst_length[MemArea.OffChipFlash] = 128 self.memory_latency[MemArea.Sram][BandwidthDirection.Read] = 32 self.memory_latency[MemArea.Sram][BandwidthDirection.Write] = 32 self.memory_latency[MemArea.OffChipFlash][BandwidthDirection.Read] = 64 self.memory_latency[MemArea.OffChipFlash][BandwidthDirection.Write] = 64 def _set_default_mem_mode(self): # ArchitectureFeatures.DEFAULT_CONFIG values if self.is_ethos_u65_system: # Default Ethos-U65 memory mode # Dedicated SRAM: the SRAM is only for use by the Ethos-U # The non-SRAM memory is assumed to be read-writeable self.const_mem_area = MemPort.Axi1 self.arena_mem_area = MemPort.Axi1 self.cache_mem_area = MemPort.Axi0 self.arena_cache_size = 384 * 1024 else: # Default Ethos-U55 memory mode # Shared SRAM: the SRAM is shared between the Ethos-U and the Cortex-M software # The non-SRAM memory is assumed to be read-only self.const_mem_area = MemPort.Axi1 self.arena_mem_area = MemPort.Axi0 self.cache_mem_area = MemPort.Axi0 self.arena_cache_size = self.max_address_offset def _get_vela_config(self, vela_config_files, verbose_config, arena_cache_size_from_cli): """ Gets the system configuration and memory modes from one or more Vela configuration file(s) or uses some defaults. """ # all properties are optional and are initialised to a value of 1 (or the equivalent) self.core_clock = 1 self.axi0_port = MemArea(1) self.axi1_port = MemArea(1) self.memory_clock_scales = np.ones(MemArea.Size) self.memory_burst_length = np.ones(MemArea.Size, np.int) self.memory_latency = np.zeros((MemArea.Size, BandwidthDirection.Size), np.int) self.const_mem_area = MemPort(1) self.arena_mem_area = MemPort(1) self.cache_mem_area = MemPort(1) self.arena_cache_size = self.max_address_offset arena_cache_size_loc_text = "Default" # read configuration file(s) self.vela_config = None if vela_config_files is not None: self.vela_config = ConfigParser() self.vela_config.read(vela_config_files) # read system configuration sys_cfg_section = "System_Config." + self.system_config if self.vela_config is not None and self.vela_config.has_section(sys_cfg_section): self.core_clock = float(self._read_config(sys_cfg_section, "core_clock", self.core_clock)) self.axi0_port = MemArea[self._read_config(sys_cfg_section, "axi0_port", self.axi0_port)] self.axi1_port = MemArea[self._read_config(sys_cfg_section, "axi1_port", self.axi1_port)] for mem_area in (self.axi0_port, self.axi1_port): self.memory_clock_scales[mem_area] = float( self._read_config( sys_cfg_section, mem_area.name + "_clock_scale", self.memory_clock_scales[mem_area] ) ) self.memory_burst_length[mem_area] = int( self._read_config( sys_cfg_section, mem_area.name + "_burst_length", self.memory_burst_length[mem_area] ) ) self.memory_latency[mem_area][BandwidthDirection.Read] = int( self._read_config( sys_cfg_section, mem_area.name + "_read_latency", self.memory_latency[mem_area][BandwidthDirection.Read], ) ) self.memory_latency[mem_area][BandwidthDirection.Write] = int( self._read_config( sys_cfg_section, mem_area.name + "_write_latency", self.memory_latency[mem_area][BandwidthDirection.Write], ) ) elif self.system_config == ArchitectureFeatures.DEFAULT_CONFIG: self._set_default_sys_config() elif vela_config_files is None: raise CliOptionError("--config", vela_config_files, "Vela config file not specified") else: raise CliOptionError( "--system-config", self.system_config, f"Section {sys_cfg_section} not found in Vela config file", ) # read the memory mode mem_mode_section = "Memory_Mode." + self.memory_mode if self.vela_config is not None and self.vela_config.has_section(mem_mode_section): self.const_mem_area = MemPort[ self._read_config(mem_mode_section, "const_mem_area", self.const_mem_area.name) ] self.arena_mem_area = MemPort[ self._read_config(mem_mode_section, "arena_mem_area", self.arena_mem_area.name) ] self.cache_mem_area = MemPort[ self._read_config(mem_mode_section, "cache_mem_area", self.cache_mem_area.name) ] found = [] self.arena_cache_size = int( self._read_config(mem_mode_section, "arena_cache_size", self.arena_cache_size, found) ) if found[-1]: arena_cache_size_loc_text = "Configuration file" elif self.memory_mode == ArchitectureFeatures.DEFAULT_CONFIG: self._set_default_mem_mode() elif vela_config_files is None: raise CliOptionError("--config", vela_config_files, "Vela config file not specified") else: raise CliOptionError( "--memory-mode", self.memory_mode, f"Section {mem_mode_section} not found in Vela config file", ) # override sram to onchipflash if self._mem_port_mapping(self.const_mem_area) == MemArea.Sram: if self.const_mem_area == self.arena_mem_area == self.cache_mem_area: print( "Info: Changing const_mem_area from Sram to OnChipFlash. This will use the same characteristics as" " Sram." ) if self.const_mem_area == MemPort.Axi0: self.const_mem_area = MemPort.Axi1 self.axi1_port = MemArea.OnChipFlash else: self.const_mem_area = MemPort.Axi0 self.axi0_port = MemArea.OnChipFlash self.memory_clock_scales[MemArea.OnChipFlash] = self.memory_clock_scales[MemArea.Sram] self.memory_burst_length[MemArea.OnChipFlash] = self.memory_burst_length[MemArea.Sram] self.memory_latency[MemArea.OnChipFlash] = self.memory_latency[MemArea.Sram] # override sram usage if arena_cache_size_from_cli is not None: self.arena_cache_size = arena_cache_size_from_cli arena_cache_size_loc_text = "CLI option" # check configuration if self._mem_port_mapping(self.const_mem_area) not in ( MemArea.Dram, MemArea.OnChipFlash, MemArea.OffChipFlash, ): raise ConfigOptionError( "const_mem_area", self._mem_port_mapping(self.const_mem_area).name, "Dram or OnChipFlash or OffChipFlash", ) if self._mem_port_mapping(self.arena_mem_area) not in (MemArea.Sram, MemArea.Dram): raise ConfigOptionError("arena_mem_area", self._mem_port_mapping(self.arena_mem_area).name, "Sram or Dram") if self._mem_port_mapping(self.cache_mem_area) != MemArea.Sram: raise ConfigOptionError("cache_mem_area", self._mem_port_mapping(self.cache_mem_area).name, "Sram") if self.arena_cache_size < 0: raise ConfigOptionError("arena_cache_size", self.arena_cache_size, ">= 0") if self.arena_cache_size > self.max_address_offset: raise ConfigOptionError( "arena_cache_size", f"{self.arena_cache_size}. Size is out of bounds, maximum is: {self.max_address_offset}", ) # assign existing memory areas self.permanent_storage_mem_area = self._mem_port_mapping(self.const_mem_area) self.feature_map_storage_mem_area = self._mem_port_mapping(self.arena_mem_area) self.fast_storage_mem_area = self._mem_port_mapping(self.cache_mem_area) # display the system configuration and memory mode if verbose_config: print(f"System Configuration ({self.system_config}):") print(f" core_clock = {self.core_clock}") print(f" axi0_port = {self.axi0_port.name}") print(f" axi1_port = {self.axi1_port.name}") for mem in (MemArea.Sram, MemArea.Dram, MemArea.OnChipFlash, MemArea.OffChipFlash): print(f" {mem.name}_clock_scales = {self.memory_clock_scales[mem]}") print(f" {mem.name}_burst_length = {self.memory_burst_length[mem]}") print(f" {mem.name}_read_latency = {self.memory_latency[mem][BandwidthDirection.Read]}") print(f" {mem.name}_write_latency = {self.memory_latency[mem][BandwidthDirection.Write]}") print(f"Memory Mode ({self.memory_mode}):") print(f" const_mem_area = {self.const_mem_area.name}") print(f" arena_mem_area = {self.arena_mem_area.name}") print(f" cache_mem_area = {self.cache_mem_area.name}") print(f" arena_cache_size = {self.arena_cache_size} from {arena_cache_size_loc_text}") print("Architecture Settings:") print(f" permanent_storage_mem_area = {self.permanent_storage_mem_area.name}") print(f" feature_map_storage_mem_area = {self.feature_map_storage_mem_area.name}") print(f" fast_storage_mem_area = {self.fast_storage_mem_area.name}") def _read_config(self, section, key, current_value, found=None): """ Reads a given key from a particular section in the Vela config file. If the section contains the 'inherit' option then we recurse into the section specified. If inherited sections result in multiple keys for a particular option then the key from the parent section is used, regardless of the parsing order. if specified found should be an empty list that this function will append a True or False to the end of the list indicating whether the key was found or not. """ if not self.vela_config.has_section(section): raise ConfigOptionError("section", f"{section}. The section was not found in the Vela config file(s)") result = str(current_value) if current_value is not None else None if found is not None: found.append(False) if self.vela_config.has_option(section, "inherit"): inheritance_section = self.vela_config.get(section, "inherit") # check for recursion loop if inheritance_section == section: raise ConfigOptionError( "inherit", f"{inheritance_section}. This references its own section and recursion is not allowed", ) result = self._read_config(inheritance_section, key, result, found) if self.vela_config.has_option(section, key): result = self.vela_config.get(section, key) if found is not None: found.append(True) return result # Cache for default arch instances, as these are expensive to create default_arch_cache = dict() def create_default_arch(accelerator: Accelerator) -> ArchitectureFeatures: """Creates architecture features object using default settings""" if accelerator not in default_arch_cache: default_arch_cache[accelerator] = ArchitectureFeatures( vela_config_files=None, accelerator_config=accelerator.value, system_config=ArchitectureFeatures.DEFAULT_CONFIG, memory_mode=ArchitectureFeatures.DEFAULT_CONFIG, max_blockdep=ArchitectureFeatures.MAX_BLOCKDEP, verbose_config=False, arena_cache_size=None, ) return default_arch_cache[accelerator]