# Vela This tool is used to compile a [TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers](https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/microcontrollers) neural network model into an optimised version that can run on an embedded system containing an [Arm Ethos-U NPU](https://www.arm.com/products/silicon-ip-cpu). In order to be accelerated by the Ethos-U NPU the network operators must be quantised to either 8-bit (unsigned or signed) or 16-bit (signed). The optimised model will contain TensorFlow Lite Custom operators for those parts of the model that can be accelerated by the Ethos-U NPU. Parts of the model that cannot be accelerated are left unchanged and will instead run on the Cortex-M series CPU using an appropriate kernel (such as the [Arm](https://www.arm.com) optimised [CMSIS-NN](https://github.com/ARM-software/CMSIS_5/tree/develop/CMSIS/NN) kernels). After compilation the optimised model can only be run on an Ethos-U NPU embedded system. The tool will also generate performance estimates (EXPERIMENTAL) for the compiled model. ## TensorFlow Support Vela supports TensorFlow 2.3.0 ## Environment Vela runs on the Linux operating system. ## Prerequisites The following should be installed prior to the installation of Vela: * Python >= 3.6 * Pip3 * GNU toolchain (GCC, Binutils and libraries) And optionally: * Pipenv virtual environment tool ## Installation Vela is available to install as a package from [PyPi](https://pypi.org/project/ethos-u-vela/), or as source code from [ML Platform](https://review.mlplatform.org/plugins/gitiles/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-vela). Both methods will automatically install all the required dependencies. ### PyPi Install Vela from PyPi using the following command: ```bash pip3 install ethos-u-vela ``` ### ML Platform First obtain the source code by either downloading the desired TGZ file from: Or by cloning the git repository: ```bash git clone https://review.mlplatform.org/ml/ethos-u/ethos-u-vela.git ``` Once you have the source code, Vela can be installed using the following command: ```bash pip3 install -U setuptools>=40.1.0 pip3 install . ``` Or, if you use `pipenv`: ```bash pipenv install . ``` #### Advanced Installation for Developers If you plan to modify the Vela codebase then it is recommended to install Vela as an editable package to avoid the need to re-install after every modification. This is done by adding the `-e` option to the above install commands like so: ```bash pip3 install -e . ``` Or, if you use `pipenv`: ```bash pipenv install -e . ``` If you plan to contribute to the Vela project (highly encouraged!) then it is recommended to install Vela along with the pre-commit tools (see [Vela Testing](TESTING.md) for more details). ### `mlw_codec` As part of the installation process, Vela will compile a C based module. The build flags used for this module are as follows: ```none -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-variable ``` ## Running Vela is run with an input `.tflite` file passed on the command line. This file contains the neural network to be compiled. The tool then outputs an optimised version with a `_vela.tflite` file prefix, along with the performance estimate (EXPERIMENTAL) CSV files, all to the output directory. If you use the `pipenv` virtual environment tool then first start by spawning a shell in the virtual environment: ```bash pipenv shell ``` After which running Vela is the same regardless of whether you are in a virtual environment or not. Example usage: 1) Compile the network `my_model.tflite`. The optimised version will be output to `./output/my_network_vela.tflite`. ```bash vela my_model.tflite ``` 2) Compile the network `/path/to/my_model.tflite` and specify the output to go in the directory `./results_dir/`. ```bash vela --output-dir ./results_dir /path/to/my_model.tflite ``` 3) Compile a network using a particular Ethos-U NPU. The following command selects an Ethos-U65 NPU accelerator configured with 512 MAC units. ```bash vela --accelerator-config ethos-u65-512 my_model.tflite ``` 4) Compile a network using a particular embedded system configuration defined in Vela's configuration file. The following command selects the `My_Sys_Config` system configuration along with the `My_Mem_Mode` memory mode from the `vela_cfg.ini` configuration file. ```bash vela --config vela_cfg.ini --system-config My_Sys_Config --memory-mode My_Mem_Mode my_model.tflite ``` 5) To get a list of all available options: ```bash vela --help ``` Information about all of Vela's CLI options as well as the system configuration file format can be found in [Vela Options](OPTIONS.md). ## External APIs Vela provides a low-level external API to enable Ethos-U code generation from other tools. Please see [Vela External APIs](API.md). ## Example Networks Some example networks that contain quantised operators which can be compiled by Vela to run on the Ethos-U NPU can be found at: ## Supported Operators Please see [Supported Operators](SUPPORTED_OPS.md) for the list of supported operators in this release. ## Testing Please see [Vela Testing](TESTING.md). ## Contributions Please see [Vela Contributions](CONTRIBUTIONS.md). ## Security Please see [Vela Security](SECURITY.md). ## Releases Please see [Vela Releases](RELEASES.md). ## Resources Additional useful information: * [Arm Products: Ethos-U55 NPU](https://www.arm.com/products/silicon-ip-cpu/ethos/ethos-u55) * [Arm Developer: Ethos-U55 NPU](https://developer.arm.com/ip-products/processors/machine-learning/ethos-u55) ## License Vela is licensed under [Apache License 2.0](LICENSE.txt).