path: root/ethosu/mlw_codec/mlw_decode.c
diff options
authorTim Hall <tim.hall@arm.com>2020-04-27 18:20:16 +0100
committerTim Hall <tim.hall@arm.com>2020-04-29 13:00:51 +0100
commit79d07d2cbf1c5013ab40bb46a6ccd4c569966536 (patch)
tree410d17239b417be5593b3e6800001b797f8d3f98 /ethosu/mlw_codec/mlw_decode.c
parent47bca71566d4d10e48f5a4d66e1130b8bf60700d (diff)
Add Vela codebase0.1.0
- Added modules ethosu.vela and ethosu.mlw_codec. - Added README and various configuration files. Change-Id: I3690f8c8f5966306ecddaeb2793c30ca9c6e2eee
Diffstat (limited to 'ethosu/mlw_codec/mlw_decode.c')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ethosu/mlw_codec/mlw_decode.c b/ethosu/mlw_codec/mlw_decode.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92aaea67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethosu/mlw_codec/mlw_decode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2020 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "mlw_common.h"
+#include "mlw_decode.h"
+/////////////////////////////// Read from bitstream
+typedef struct bitbuf {
+ uint8_t *buf;
+ int buf_size; // in bytes
+ int pos; // bit pos of next bit
+ int log_symbols;
+} bitbuf_t;
+// size in byte
+static void bitbuf_init( bitbuf_t *bb, uint8_t *buf, int size, int log_symbols) {
+ bb->buf = buf;
+ bb->pos = 0;
+ bb->buf_size = size;
+ bb->log_symbols = log_symbols;
+static int bitbuf_getbit( bitbuf_t *bb) {
+ int byte_pos = bb->pos>>3;
+ int bit_pos = bb->pos&7;
+ if ( byte_pos < 0 || byte_pos >= bb->buf_size ) {
+ printf("bitbuf_getbit: underrun, bit_pos %3d byte_pos %3d buf_size %3d\n", bit_pos, byte_pos, bb->buf_size);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ int bit = bb->buf[ byte_pos ] & (1<<bit_pos) ? 1 : 0;
+ bb->pos++;
+ return bit;
+static int bitbuf_get( bitbuf_t *bb, const char *name, int len) {
+ int i, data=0, save_pos=bb->pos;
+ if (len>0) {
+ for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ data |= bitbuf_getbit(bb)<<i;
+ }
+ if (bb->log_symbols)
+ printf("bitbuf: pos %3d %7s len %d data %x\n", save_pos, name, len, data);
+ }
+ return data;
+// Decode the given weight stream
+// inbuf compressed bitstream
+// inbuf_size size of compressed bitstream in bytes
+// outbuf uncompressed 9bit signed weights, buffer malloced
+// verbose if non-zero, printf log
+// Return value is the number of uncompressed weights
+int mlw_decode( uint8_t *inbuf, int inbuf_size, int16_t **outbuf, int verbose) {
+ int nvalues;
+ int w_grc_div;
+ int w_grc_trunc;
+ int w_uncompressed;
+ int z_grc_div, z_prev_grc_div=0;
+ int new_palette;
+ int palsize=0, palbits=0;
+ int direct_offset=0;
+ int16_t palette[512];
+ int first=1;
+ int use_zero_run, i, j;
+ int outbuf_size=0;
+ int nchunks=0;
+ *outbuf=0;
+ bitbuf_t bitbuf_s, *bb=&bitbuf_s;
+ bitbuf_init( bb, inbuf, inbuf_size, (verbose&2)?1:0 );
+ // Loop over all slices
+ while(1) {
+ // Decode slice header
+ z_grc_div = bitbuf_get( bb, "ZDIV", 3 );
+ while(z_grc_div==ZDIV_EOS) { // TODO: change to ZDIV_PAD
+ // End of stream
+ // Byte align
+ bitbuf_get( bb, "BYTEALIGN", (8-(bb->pos&7))&7 );
+ first=1;
+ if ( (bb->pos/8) == inbuf_size) {
+ // Quit if we actually reached end of input stream
+ break;
+ }
+ z_grc_div = bitbuf_get( bb, "ZDIV", 3 );
+ }
+ if ( (bb->pos/8) == inbuf_size) {
+ break; // reached end of input stream
+ }
+ assert(z_grc_div<4 || z_grc_div==ZDIV_DISABLE);
+ use_zero_run = z_grc_div!=ZDIV_DISABLE; // alternating grc
+ nvalues = bitbuf_get( bb, "SLICELEN", 15 )+1;
+ w_grc_div = bitbuf_get( bb, "WDIV", 3 );
+ w_grc_trunc = bitbuf_get( bb, "WTRUNC", 1 );
+ new_palette = bitbuf_get( bb, "NEWPAL", 1 );
+ if (first) {
+ // the first slice must have a palette/direct mode setup
+ assert(new_palette);
+ first=0;
+ }
+ if (!new_palette) {
+ // At the moment it is not supported to change between alternating
+ // and non-alternating without redefining the palette (this is because
+ // the zero is not included in the palette in case of alternating)
+ int prev_use_zero_run = z_prev_grc_div!=ZDIV_DISABLE;
+ (void)(prev_use_zero_run);
+ assert( use_zero_run == prev_use_zero_run);
+ }
+ z_prev_grc_div = z_grc_div;
+ if (new_palette) {
+ direct_offset = bitbuf_get( bb, "DIROFS", 5 );
+ palsize = bitbuf_get( bb, "PALSIZE", 5 );
+ if (palsize>0)
+ palsize++;
+ palbits = bitbuf_get( bb, "PALBITS", 3 )+2;
+ for(i=0; i<palsize; i++) {
+ palette[i] = bitbuf_get( bb, "PALETTE", palbits );
+ }
+ }
+ if (w_grc_div==WDIV_UNCOMPRESSED) {
+ // Uncompressed mode
+ w_uncompressed = 1;
+ int uncompressed_bits;
+ if (palsize>0) {
+ // Uncompressed bits is given by palette size.
+ uncompressed_bits=0;
+ while( (1<<uncompressed_bits) < palsize )
+ uncompressed_bits++;
+ } else {
+ // No palette. PALBITS is used to specify uncompressed bits.
+ uncompressed_bits=palbits;
+ }
+ // In uncompressed mode there's only a remainder part (no unary)
+ // This is achieved by setting w_grc_div to index bit width
+ w_grc_div = uncompressed_bits;
+ } else {
+ w_uncompressed = 0;
+ assert(w_grc_div<6);
+ }
+ // Decode the slice
+ int z_nvalues = nvalues + (new_palette?1:0);
+ int *w_value = malloc( nvalues*sizeof(int) );
+ int *z_value = malloc( z_nvalues*sizeof(int) );
+ int w_pos=0, z_pos=0;
+ int w_prev_pos=0, z_prev_pos=0;
+ int w_unary0=0, w_unary1=0, w_unary1_len=0, w_q[12]={0}, w_carry=0;
+ int z_unary=0, z_q[12]={0}, z_carry=0;
+ int w_nsymbols=0;
+ int w_prev_enable=0, w_prev_nsymbols=0, w_prev_q[12]={0};
+ int z_nsymbols=0;
+ int z_prev_enable=0, z_prev_nsymbols=0, z_prev_q[12]={0};
+ int total_zcnt=0;
+ int z_unary_len = z_grc_div<3 ? 12 : 8;
+ // Loop over all chunks in the slice
+ do {
+ // Flow control to possibly throttle either the weights or zero-runs
+ int balance = use_zero_run ? w_pos - z_pos : 0;
+ int w_enable = (balance<8 || !use_zero_run) && w_pos<nvalues;
+ int z_enable = balance>=0 && use_zero_run && z_pos<z_nvalues;
+ if (w_enable) {
+ if (!w_uncompressed)
+ w_unary0 = bitbuf_get( bb, "WUNARY0", 12 );
+ else
+ w_unary0 = 0;
+ }
+ if (z_enable) {
+ z_unary = bitbuf_get( bb, "ZUNARY", z_unary_len );
+ z_nsymbols=0;
+ int cnt = z_carry;
+ for(i=0; i<z_unary_len; i++) {
+ if (z_unary & (1<<i)) {
+ cnt++;
+ } else {
+ z_q[z_nsymbols++] = cnt;
+ cnt=0;
+ }
+ }
+ z_carry = cnt;
+ z_pos += z_nsymbols;
+ }
+ if (w_enable) {
+ w_unary1_len=0;
+ int max_symbols = w_uncompressed && w_grc_div>5 ? 8 : 12;
+ for(i=0; i<max_symbols; i++) {
+ if (w_unary0&(1<<i))
+ w_unary1_len++;
+ }
+ w_unary1 = bitbuf_get( bb, "WUNARY1", w_unary1_len );
+ w_nsymbols=0;
+ int cnt = w_carry;
+ for(i=0; i<max_symbols; i++) {
+ int code=0;
+ if (w_unary0 & (1<<i)) {
+ code++;
+ if (w_unary1&1) {
+ code++;
+ }
+ w_unary1 = w_unary1>>1;
+ }
+ cnt += code;
+ if (code<2 || w_grc_trunc) {
+ w_q[w_nsymbols++] = cnt;
+ cnt=0;
+ }
+ }
+ w_carry = cnt;
+ w_pos += w_nsymbols;
+ }
+ if (w_prev_enable) {
+ for(i=0; i<w_prev_nsymbols && w_prev_pos<nvalues; i++, w_prev_pos++) {
+ int remain = bitbuf_get( bb, "WREMAIN", w_grc_div );
+ w_value[w_prev_pos] = (w_prev_q[i]<<w_grc_div) + remain;
+ }
+ }
+ if (z_prev_enable) {
+ for(i=0; i<z_prev_nsymbols && z_prev_pos<z_nvalues; i++, z_prev_pos++) {
+ int remain = bitbuf_get( bb, "ZREMAIN", z_grc_div );
+ z_value[z_prev_pos] = (z_prev_q[i]<<z_grc_div) + remain;
+ total_zcnt += z_value[z_prev_pos];
+ }
+ }
+ w_prev_enable = w_enable;
+ w_prev_nsymbols = w_nsymbols;
+ memcpy( w_prev_q, w_q, sizeof(w_prev_q));
+ z_prev_enable = z_enable;
+ z_prev_nsymbols = z_nsymbols;
+ memcpy( z_prev_q, z_q, sizeof(z_prev_q));
+ nchunks++;
+ } while( w_prev_enable || z_prev_enable );
+ // Interleave non-zero and zeros into the outbut buffer
+ // Increase the outbuffer to fit the new slice
+ *outbuf = realloc( *outbuf, (outbuf_size + nvalues + total_zcnt)*sizeof(int16_t));
+ int k=outbuf_size;
+ // Insert initial zeros
+ // (slices redefining the palette may start with zeros)
+ if (new_palette && use_zero_run) {
+ for(j=0; j<z_value[0]; j++) {
+ (*outbuf)[k++] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Loop over all weights and insert zeros in-between
+ for(i=0; i<nvalues; i++) {
+ int val;
+ assert(w_value[i]<512); // HW supports 9bit
+ if (w_value[i]<palsize) {
+ val = palette[w_value[i]];
+ } else {
+ val = w_value[i]-palsize+direct_offset;
+ }
+ int sign = val&1;
+ int mag = val>>1;
+ (*outbuf)[k++] = sign ? -mag : mag;
+ if (use_zero_run) {
+ for(j=0; j<z_value[i+(new_palette?1:0)]; j++) {
+ (*outbuf)[k++] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outbuf_size = k;
+ free(w_value);
+ free(z_value);
+ }
+ return outbuf_size;