/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2020-2022 Arm Limited and/or its affiliates * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace { enum class Severity { Error, Warning, Info, Debug }; class Log { public: Log(const Severity _severity = Severity::Error) : severity(_severity) {} ~Log() = default; template const Log &operator<<(const T &d) const { if (level >= severity) { cout << d; } return *this; } const Log &operator<<(ostream &(*manip)(ostream &)) const { if (level >= severity) { manip(cout); } return *this; } private: static Severity getLogLevel() { if (const char *e = getenv("ETHOSU_LOG_LEVEL")) { const string env(e); if (env == "Error") { return Severity::Error; } else if (env == "Warning") { return Severity::Warning; } else if (env == "Info") { return Severity::Info; } else if (env == "Debug") { return Severity::Debug; } else { cerr << "Unsupported log level '" << env << "'" << endl; } } return Severity::Warning; } static const Severity level; const Severity severity; }; const Severity Log::level = Log::getLogLevel(); } // namespace namespace EthosU { __attribute__((weak)) int eioctl(int fd, unsigned long cmd, void *data = nullptr) { int ret = ::ioctl(fd, cmd, data); if (ret < 0) { throw EthosU::Exception("IOCTL failed"); } Log(Severity::Debug) << "ioctl. fd=" << fd << ", cmd=" << setw(8) << setfill('0') << hex << cmd << ", ret=" << ret << endl; return ret; } __attribute__((weak)) int eopen(const char *pathname, int flags) { int fd = ::open(pathname, flags); if (fd < 0) { throw Exception("Failed to open device"); } Log(Severity::Debug) << "open. fd=" << fd << ", path='" << pathname << "', flags=" << flags << endl; return fd; } __attribute__((weak)) int eppoll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, const struct timespec *tmo_p, const sigset_t *sigmask) { int result = ::ppoll(fds, nfds, tmo_p, sigmask); if (result < 0) { throw Exception("Failed to wait for ppoll event or signal"); } return result; } __attribute__((weak)) int eclose(int fd) { Log(Severity::Debug) << "close. fd=" << fd << endl; int result = ::close(fd); if (result < 0) { throw Exception("Failed to close file"); } return result; } __attribute((weak)) void *emmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset) { void *ptr = ::mmap(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset); if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) { throw Exception("Failed to mmap file"); } Log(Severity::Debug) << "map. fd=" << fd << ", addr=" << setfill('0') << addr << ", length=" << dec << length << ", ptr=" << hex << ptr << endl; return ptr; } __attribute__((weak)) int emunmap(void *addr, size_t length) { Log(Severity::Debug) << "unmap. addr=" << setfill('0') << addr << ", length=" << dec << length << endl; int result = ::munmap(addr, length); if (result < 0) { throw Exception("Failed to munmap file"); } return result; } } // namespace EthosU namespace EthosU { /**************************************************************************** * Exception ****************************************************************************/ Exception::Exception(const char *msg) : msg(msg) {} Exception::~Exception() throw() {} const char *Exception::what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); } /**************************************************************************** * Semantic Version ****************************************************************************/ bool SemanticVersion::operator==(const SemanticVersion &other) { return other.major == major && other.minor == minor && other.patch == patch; } bool SemanticVersion::operator<(const SemanticVersion &other) { if (other.major > major) return true; if (other.minor > minor) return true; return other.patch > patch; } bool SemanticVersion::operator<=(const SemanticVersion &other) { return *this < other || *this == other; } bool SemanticVersion::operator!=(const SemanticVersion &other) { return !(*this == other); } bool SemanticVersion::operator>(const SemanticVersion &other) { return !(*this <= other); } bool SemanticVersion::operator>=(const SemanticVersion &other) { return !(*this < other); } ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const SemanticVersion &v) { return out << "{ major=" << unsigned(v.major) << ", minor=" << unsigned(v.minor) << ", patch=" << unsigned(v.patch) << " }"; } /**************************************************************************** * Device ****************************************************************************/ Device::Device(const char *device) { fd = eopen(device, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); Log(Severity::Info) << "Device(\"" << device << "\"). this=" << this << ", fd=" << fd << endl; } Device::~Device() noexcept(false) { eclose(fd); Log(Severity::Info) << "~Device(). this=" << this << endl; } int Device::ioctl(unsigned long cmd, void *data) const { return eioctl(fd, cmd, data); } Capabilities Device::capabilities() const { ethosu_uapi_device_capabilities uapi; (void)eioctl(fd, ETHOSU_IOCTL_CAPABILITIES_REQ, static_cast(&uapi)); Capabilities capabilities( HardwareId(uapi.hw_id.version_status, SemanticVersion(uapi.hw_id.version_major, uapi.hw_id.version_minor), SemanticVersion(uapi.hw_id.product_major), SemanticVersion(uapi.hw_id.arch_major_rev, uapi.hw_id.arch_minor_rev, uapi.hw_id.arch_patch_rev)), HardwareConfiguration(uapi.hw_cfg.macs_per_cc, uapi.hw_cfg.cmd_stream_version, bool(uapi.hw_cfg.custom_dma)), SemanticVersion(uapi.driver_major_rev, uapi.driver_minor_rev, uapi.driver_patch_rev)); return capabilities; } /**************************************************************************** * Buffer ****************************************************************************/ Buffer::Buffer(const Device &device, const size_t capacity) : fd(-1), dataPtr(nullptr), dataCapacity(capacity) { ethosu_uapi_buffer_create uapi = {static_cast(dataCapacity)}; fd = device.ioctl(ETHOSU_IOCTL_BUFFER_CREATE, static_cast(&uapi)); void *d; try { d = emmap(nullptr, dataCapacity, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); } catch (std::exception &e) { try { eclose(fd); } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(e); } throw; } dataPtr = reinterpret_cast(d); Log(Severity::Info) << "Buffer(" << &device << ", " << dec << capacity << "), this=" << this << ", fd=" << fd << ", dataPtr=" << static_cast(dataPtr) << endl; } Buffer::~Buffer() noexcept(false) { try { emunmap(dataPtr, dataCapacity); } catch (std::exception &e) { try { eclose(fd); } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(e); } throw; } eclose(fd); Log(Severity::Info) << "~Buffer(). this=" << this << endl; } size_t Buffer::capacity() const { return dataCapacity; } void Buffer::clear() const { resize(0, 0); } char *Buffer::data() const { return dataPtr + offset(); } void Buffer::resize(size_t size, size_t offset) const { ethosu_uapi_buffer uapi; uapi.offset = offset; uapi.size = size; eioctl(fd, ETHOSU_IOCTL_BUFFER_SET, static_cast(&uapi)); } size_t Buffer::offset() const { ethosu_uapi_buffer uapi; eioctl(fd, ETHOSU_IOCTL_BUFFER_GET, static_cast(&uapi)); return uapi.offset; } size_t Buffer::size() const { ethosu_uapi_buffer uapi; eioctl(fd, ETHOSU_IOCTL_BUFFER_GET, static_cast(&uapi)); return uapi.size; } int Buffer::getFd() const { return fd; } /**************************************************************************** * Network ****************************************************************************/ Network::Network(const Device &device, shared_ptr &buffer) : fd(-1), buffer(buffer) { // Create buffer handle ethosu_uapi_network_create uapi; uapi.type = ETHOSU_UAPI_NETWORK_BUFFER; uapi.fd = buffer->getFd(); fd = device.ioctl(ETHOSU_IOCTL_NETWORK_CREATE, static_cast(&uapi)); try { collectNetworkInfo(); } catch (std::exception &e) { try { eclose(fd); } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(e); } throw; } Log(Severity::Info) << "Network(" << &device << ", " << &*buffer << "), this=" << this << ", fd=" << fd << endl; } Network::Network(const Device &device, const unsigned index) : fd(-1) { // Create buffer handle ethosu_uapi_network_create uapi; uapi.type = ETHOSU_UAPI_NETWORK_INDEX; uapi.index = index; fd = device.ioctl(ETHOSU_IOCTL_NETWORK_CREATE, static_cast(&uapi)); try { collectNetworkInfo(); } catch (std::exception &e) { try { eclose(fd); } catch (...) { std::throw_with_nested(e); } throw; } Log(Severity::Info) << "Network(" << &device << ", " << index << "), this=" << this << ", fd=" << fd << endl; } void Network::collectNetworkInfo() { ethosu_uapi_network_info info; ioctl(ETHOSU_IOCTL_NETWORK_INFO, static_cast(&info)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info.ifm_count; i++) { ifmDims.push_back(info.ifm_size[i]); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info.ofm_count; i++) { ofmDims.push_back(info.ofm_size[i]); } } Network::~Network() noexcept(false) { eclose(fd); Log(Severity::Info) << "~Network(). this=" << this << endl; } int Network::ioctl(unsigned long cmd, void *data) { return eioctl(fd, cmd, data); } shared_ptr Network::getBuffer() { return buffer; } const std::vector &Network::getIfmDims() const { return ifmDims; } size_t Network::getIfmSize() const { size_t size = 0; for (auto s : ifmDims) { size += s; } return size; } const std::vector &Network::getOfmDims() const { return ofmDims; } size_t Network::getOfmSize() const { size_t size = 0; for (auto s : ofmDims) { size += s; } return size; } /**************************************************************************** * Inference ****************************************************************************/ ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const InferenceStatus &status) { switch (status) { case InferenceStatus::OK: return out << "ok"; case InferenceStatus::ERROR: return out << "error"; case InferenceStatus::RUNNING: return out << "running"; case InferenceStatus::REJECTED: return out << "rejected"; case InferenceStatus::ABORTED: return out << "aborted"; case InferenceStatus::ABORTING: return out << "aborting"; } throw Exception("Unknown inference status"); } Inference::~Inference() noexcept(false) { eclose(fd); Log(Severity::Info) << "~Inference(). this=" << this << endl; } void Inference::create(std::vector &counterConfigs, bool cycleCounterEnable = false) { ethosu_uapi_inference_create uapi; if (ifmBuffers.size() > ETHOSU_FD_MAX) { throw Exception("IFM buffer overflow"); } if (ofmBuffers.size() > ETHOSU_FD_MAX) { throw Exception("OFM buffer overflow"); } if (counterConfigs.size() != ETHOSU_PMU_EVENT_MAX) { throw Exception("Wrong size of counter configurations"); } uapi.ifm_count = 0; for (auto it : ifmBuffers) { uapi.ifm_fd[uapi.ifm_count++] = it->getFd(); } uapi.ofm_count = 0; for (auto it : ofmBuffers) { uapi.ofm_fd[uapi.ofm_count++] = it->getFd(); } for (int i = 0; i < ETHOSU_PMU_EVENT_MAX; i++) { uapi.pmu_config.events[i] = counterConfigs[i]; } uapi.pmu_config.cycle_count = cycleCounterEnable; fd = network->ioctl(ETHOSU_IOCTL_INFERENCE_CREATE, static_cast(&uapi)); Log(Severity::Info) << "Inference(" << &*network << "), this=" << this << ", fd=" << fd << endl; } std::vector Inference::initializeCounterConfig() { return std::vector(ETHOSU_PMU_EVENT_MAX, 0); } uint32_t Inference::getMaxPmuEventCounters() { return ETHOSU_PMU_EVENT_MAX; } bool Inference::wait(int64_t timeoutNanos) const { struct pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = fd; pfd.events = POLLIN | POLLERR; pfd.revents = 0; // if timeout negative wait forever if (timeoutNanos < 0) { return eppoll(&pfd, 1, NULL, NULL) == 0; } struct timespec tmo_p; int64_t nanosec = 1000000000; tmo_p.tv_sec = timeoutNanos / nanosec; tmo_p.tv_nsec = timeoutNanos % nanosec; return eppoll(&pfd, 1, &tmo_p, NULL) == 0; } bool Inference::cancel() const { ethosu_uapi_cancel_inference_status uapi; eioctl(fd, ETHOSU_IOCTL_INFERENCE_CANCEL, static_cast(&uapi)); return uapi.status == ETHOSU_UAPI_STATUS_OK; } InferenceStatus Inference::status() const { ethosu_uapi_result_status uapi; eioctl(fd, ETHOSU_IOCTL_INFERENCE_STATUS, static_cast(&uapi)); switch (uapi.status) { case ETHOSU_UAPI_STATUS_OK: return InferenceStatus::OK; case ETHOSU_UAPI_STATUS_ERROR: return InferenceStatus::ERROR; case ETHOSU_UAPI_STATUS_RUNNING: return InferenceStatus::RUNNING; case ETHOSU_UAPI_STATUS_REJECTED: return InferenceStatus::REJECTED; case ETHOSU_UAPI_STATUS_ABORTED: return InferenceStatus::ABORTED; case ETHOSU_UAPI_STATUS_ABORTING: return InferenceStatus::ABORTING; } throw Exception("Unknown inference status"); } const std::vector Inference::getPmuCounters() const { ethosu_uapi_result_status uapi; std::vector counterValues = std::vector(ETHOSU_PMU_EVENT_MAX, 0); eioctl(fd, ETHOSU_IOCTL_INFERENCE_STATUS, static_cast(&uapi)); for (int i = 0; i < ETHOSU_PMU_EVENT_MAX; i++) { if (uapi.pmu_config.events[i]) { counterValues.at(i) = uapi.pmu_count.events[i]; } } return counterValues; } uint64_t Inference::getCycleCounter() const { ethosu_uapi_result_status uapi; eioctl(fd, ETHOSU_IOCTL_INFERENCE_STATUS, static_cast(&uapi)); return uapi.pmu_count.cycle_count; } int Inference::getFd() const { return fd; } const shared_ptr Inference::getNetwork() const { return network; } vector> &Inference::getIfmBuffers() { return ifmBuffers; } vector> &Inference::getOfmBuffers() { return ofmBuffers; } } // namespace EthosU