/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /***************************************************************************** * Includes *****************************************************************************/ #include "ethosu_device.h" #include "ethosu_driver.h" #include "ethosu_interface.h" #include "ethosu_log.h" #include "pmu_ethosu.h" #include #include #include /***************************************************************************** * Defines *****************************************************************************/ #define MASK_0_31_BITS (0xFFFFFFFF) #define MASK_32_47_BITS (0xFFFF00000000) #define COMMA , #define SEMICOLON ; #define EVTYPE(A, name) \ case PMU_EVENT_##name: \ return ETHOSU_PMU_##name #define EVID(A, name) (PMU_EVENT_##name) /***************************************************************************** * Variables *****************************************************************************/ static const enum pmu_event eventbyid[] = {EXPAND_PMU_EVENT(EVID, COMMA)}; /***************************************************************************** * Static functions *****************************************************************************/ static enum ethosu_pmu_event_type pmu_event_type(uint32_t id) { switch (id) { EXPAND_PMU_EVENT(EVTYPE, SEMICOLON); default: LOG_ERR("Unknown PMU event id: 0x%" PRIx32 "\n", id); } return ETHOSU_PMU_SENTINEL; } static uint32_t pmu_event_value(enum ethosu_pmu_event_type event) { int a = event; if ((a < ETHOSU_PMU_SENTINEL) && (a >= ETHOSU_PMU_NO_EVENT)) { return eventbyid[event]; } else { return (uint32_t)(-1); } } /***************************************************************************** * Functions *****************************************************************************/ void ETHOSU_PMU_Enable(struct ethosu_driver *drv) { LOG_DEBUG("Enable PMU\n"); struct pmcr_r pmcr = {0}; pmcr.cnt_en = 1; set_clock_and_power_request(drv, ETHOSU_PMU_REQUEST, ETHOSU_CLOCK_Q_DISABLE, ETHOSU_POWER_Q_DISABLE); drv->dev->reg->PMCR.word = pmcr.word; } void ETHOSU_PMU_Disable(struct ethosu_driver *drv) { LOG_DEBUG("Disable PMU\n"); set_clock_and_power_request(drv, ETHOSU_PMU_REQUEST, ETHOSU_CLOCK_Q_ENABLE, ETHOSU_POWER_Q_ENABLE); drv->dev->reg->PMCR.word = 0; } void ETHOSU_PMU_Set_EVTYPER(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t num, enum ethosu_pmu_event_type type) { assert(num < ETHOSU_PMU_NCOUNTERS); uint32_t val = pmu_event_value(type); LOG_DEBUG("num=%u, type=%d, val=%u\n", num, type, val); drv->dev->reg->PMEVTYPER[num].word = val; } enum ethosu_pmu_event_type ETHOSU_PMU_Get_EVTYPER(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t num) { assert(num < ETHOSU_PMU_NCOUNTERS); uint32_t val = drv->dev->reg->PMEVTYPER[num].word; enum ethosu_pmu_event_type type = pmu_event_type(val); LOG_DEBUG("num=%u, type=%d, val=%u\n", num, type, val); return type; } void ETHOSU_PMU_CYCCNT_Reset(struct ethosu_driver *drv) { LOG_DEBUG("Reset PMU cycle counter\n"); struct pmcr_r pmcr; pmcr.word = drv->dev->reg->PMCR.word; pmcr.cycle_cnt_rst = 1; drv->dev->reg->PMCR.word = pmcr.word; } void ETHOSU_PMU_EVCNTR_ALL_Reset(struct ethosu_driver *drv) { LOG_DEBUG("Reset all events\n"); struct pmcr_r pmcr; pmcr.word = drv->dev->reg->PMCR.word; pmcr.event_cnt_rst = 1; drv->dev->reg->PMCR.word = pmcr.word; } void ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Enable(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t mask) { LOG_DEBUG("mask=0x%08x\n", mask); drv->dev->reg->PMCNTENSET.word = mask; } void ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Disable(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t mask) { LOG_DEBUG("mask=0x%08x\n", mask); drv->dev->reg->PMCNTENCLR.word = mask; } uint32_t ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Status(struct ethosu_driver *drv) { uint32_t pmcntenset = drv->dev->reg->PMCNTENSET.word; LOG_DEBUG("mask=0x%08x\n", pmcntenset); return pmcntenset; } uint64_t ETHOSU_PMU_Get_CCNTR(struct ethosu_driver *drv) { uint32_t val_lo = drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR.CYCLE_CNT_LO; uint32_t val_hi = drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR.CYCLE_CNT_HI; uint64_t val = ((uint64_t)val_hi << 32) | val_lo; LOG_DEBUG("val=%" PRIu64 "\n", val); return val; } void ETHOSU_PMU_Set_CCNTR(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint64_t val) { uint32_t active = ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Status(drv) & ETHOSU_PMU_CCNT_Msk; LOG_DEBUG("val=%llu\n", val); if (active) { ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Disable(drv, ETHOSU_PMU_CCNT_Msk); } drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR.CYCLE_CNT_LO = val & MASK_0_31_BITS; drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR.CYCLE_CNT_HI = (val & MASK_32_47_BITS) >> 32; if (active) { ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Enable(drv, ETHOSU_PMU_CCNT_Msk); } } uint32_t ETHOSU_PMU_Get_EVCNTR(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t num) { assert(num < ETHOSU_PMU_NCOUNTERS); uint32_t val = drv->dev->reg->PMEVCNTR[num].word; LOG_DEBUG("num=%u, val=%u\n", num, val); return val; } void ETHOSU_PMU_Set_EVCNTR(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t num, uint32_t val) { assert(num < ETHOSU_PMU_NCOUNTERS); LOG_DEBUG("num=%u, val=%u\n", num, val); drv->dev->reg->PMEVCNTR[num].word = val; } uint32_t ETHOSU_PMU_Get_CNTR_OVS(struct ethosu_driver *drv) { LOG_DEBUG(""); return drv->dev->reg->PMOVSSET.word; } void ETHOSU_PMU_Set_CNTR_OVS(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t mask) { LOG_DEBUG(""); drv->dev->reg->PMOVSCLR.word = mask; } void ETHOSU_PMU_Set_CNTR_IRQ_Enable(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t mask) { LOG_DEBUG("mask=0x%08x\n", mask); drv->dev->reg->PMINTSET.word = mask; } void ETHOSU_PMU_Set_CNTR_IRQ_Disable(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t mask) { LOG_DEBUG("mask=0x%08x\n", mask); drv->dev->reg->PMINTCLR.word = mask; } uint32_t ETHOSU_PMU_Get_IRQ_Enable(struct ethosu_driver *drv) { uint32_t pmint = drv->dev->reg->PMINTSET.word; LOG_DEBUG("mask=0x%08x\n", pmint); return pmint; } void ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Increment(struct ethosu_driver *drv, uint32_t mask) { LOG_DEBUG(""); uint32_t cntrs_active = ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Status(drv); // Disable counters ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Disable(drv, mask); // Increment cycle counter if (mask & ETHOSU_PMU_CCNT_Msk) { uint64_t val = ETHOSU_PMU_Get_CCNTR(drv) + 1; drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR.CYCLE_CNT_LO = val & MASK_0_31_BITS; drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR.CYCLE_CNT_HI = (val & MASK_32_47_BITS) >> 32; } for (int i = 0; i < ETHOSU_PMU_NCOUNTERS; i++) { if (mask & (1 << i)) { uint32_t val = ETHOSU_PMU_Get_EVCNTR(drv, i); drv->dev->reg->PMEVCNTR[i].word = val + 1; } } // Reenable the active counters ETHOSU_PMU_CNTR_Enable(drv, cntrs_active); } void ETHOSU_PMU_PMCCNTR_CFG_Set_Start_Event(struct ethosu_driver *drv, enum ethosu_pmu_event_type start_event) { LOG_DEBUG("start_event=%u\n", start_event); uint32_t val = pmu_event_value(start_event); struct pmccntr_cfg_r cfg; cfg.word = drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR_CFG.word; cfg.CYCLE_CNT_CFG_START = val; drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR_CFG.word = cfg.word; } void ETHOSU_PMU_PMCCNTR_CFG_Set_Stop_Event(struct ethosu_driver *drv, enum ethosu_pmu_event_type stop_event) { LOG_DEBUG("stop_event=%u\n", stop_event); uint32_t val = pmu_event_value(stop_event); struct pmccntr_cfg_r cfg; cfg.word = drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR_CFG.word; cfg.CYCLE_CNT_CFG_STOP = val; drv->dev->reg->PMCCNTR_CFG.word = cfg.word; }