// // Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PeriodicCounterCaptureCommandHandler.hpp" #include "StreamMetadataCommandHandler.hpp" #include "PacketVersionResolver.hpp" namespace armnn { namespace gatordmock { enum class TargetEndianness { BeWire, LeWire }; enum class PacketDirection { Sending, ReceivedHeader, ReceivedData }; /// A class that implements a Mock Gatord server. It will listen on a specified Unix domain socket (UDS) /// namespace for client connections. It will then allow opertaions to manage coutners while receiving counter data. class GatordMockService { public: /// @param registry reference to a command handler registry. /// @param echoPackets if true the raw packets will be printed to stdout. GatordMockService(armnnUtils::Sockets::Socket clientConnection, bool echoPackets) : m_ClientConnection(clientConnection) , m_PacketsReceivedCount(0) , m_EchoPackets(echoPackets) , m_CloseReceivingThread(false) , m_PacketVersionResolver() , m_HandlerRegistry() , m_TimelineDecoder() , m_StreamMetadataCommandHandler( 0, 0, m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 0).GetEncodedValue(), true) , m_CounterCaptureCommandHandler( 0, 4, m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 4).GetEncodedValue(), true) , m_DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler( 0, 2, m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(0, 2).GetEncodedValue(), true) , m_TimelineCaptureCommandHandler( 1, 1, m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(1, 1).GetEncodedValue(), m_TimelineDecoder) , m_TimelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler( 1, 0, m_PacketVersionResolver.ResolvePacketVersion(1, 0).GetEncodedValue(), m_TimelineCaptureCommandHandler, true) { m_TimelineDecoder.SetDefaultCallbacks(); m_HandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_StreamMetadataCommandHandler); m_HandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_CounterCaptureCommandHandler); m_HandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler); m_HandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_TimelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler); m_HandlerRegistry.RegisterFunctor(&m_TimelineCaptureCommandHandler); } ~GatordMockService() { // We have set SOCK_CLOEXEC on these sockets but we'll close them to be good citizens. armnnUtils::Sockets::Close(m_ClientConnection); } /// Establish the Unix domain socket and set it to listen for connections. /// @param udsNamespace the namespace (socket address) associated with the listener. /// @return true only if the socket has been correctly setup. static bool OpenListeningSocket(armnnUtils::Sockets::Socket listeningSocket, const std::string udsNamespace, const int numOfConnections = 1); /// Once the connection is open wait to receive the stream meta data packet from the client. Reading this /// packet differs from others as we need to determine endianness. /// @return true only if a valid stream met data packet has been received. bool WaitForStreamMetaData(); /// Send a connection acknowledged packet back to the client. void SendConnectionAck(); /// Send a request counter directory packet back to the client. void SendRequestCounterDir(); /// Send a activate timeline packet back to the client. void SendActivateTimelinePacket(); /// Send a deactivate timeline packet back to the client. void SendDeactivateTimelinePacket(); /// Start the thread that will receive all packets and print them nicely to stdout. bool LaunchReceivingThread(); /// Return the total number of periodic counter capture packets received since the receive thread started. /// @return number of periodic counter capture packets received. uint32_t GetPacketsReceivedCount() { return m_PacketsReceivedCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } /// This is a placeholder method to prevent main exiting. It can be removed once the /// command handling code is added. void WaitForReceivingThread(); // @return true only if the receive thread is closed or closing. bool ReceiveThreadRunning() { return !m_CloseReceivingThread.load(); } /// Send the counter list to ArmNN. void SendPeriodicCounterSelectionList(uint32_t period, std::vector counters); /// Execute the WAIT command from the comamnd file. void WaitCommand(uint32_t timeout); uint32_t GetStreamMetadataVersion() { return m_StreamMetaDataVersion; } uint32_t GetStreamMetadataMaxDataLen() { return m_StreamMetaDataMaxDataLen; } uint32_t GetStreamMetadataPid() { return m_StreamMetaDataPid; } profiling::DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler& GetDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler() { return m_DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler; } timelinedecoder::TimelineDecoder& GetTimelineDecoder() { return m_TimelineDecoder; } timelinedecoder::TimelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler& GetTimelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler() { return m_TimelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler; } private: void ReceiveLoop(GatordMockService& mockService); int MainLoop(armnn::profiling::CommandHandlerRegistry& registry, armnnUtils::Sockets::Socket m_ClientConnection); /// Block on the client connection until a complete packet has been received. This is a placeholder function to /// enable early testing of the tool. /// @return true if a valid packet has been received. armnn::profiling::Packet WaitForPacket(uint32_t timeoutMs); armnn::profiling::Packet ReceivePacket(); bool SendPacket(uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetId, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t dataLength); void EchoPacket(PacketDirection direction, uint8_t* packet, size_t lengthInBytes); bool ReadHeader(uint32_t headerAsWords[2]); bool ReadFromSocket(uint8_t* packetData, uint32_t expectedLength); uint32_t ToUint32(uint8_t* data, TargetEndianness endianness); void InsertU32(uint32_t value, uint8_t* data, TargetEndianness endianness); static const uint32_t PIPE_MAGIC = 0x45495434; TargetEndianness m_Endianness; uint32_t m_StreamMetaDataVersion; uint32_t m_StreamMetaDataMaxDataLen; uint32_t m_StreamMetaDataPid; armnnUtils::Sockets::Socket m_ClientConnection; std::atomic m_PacketsReceivedCount; bool m_EchoPackets; std::thread m_ListeningThread; std::atomic m_CloseReceivingThread; profiling::PacketVersionResolver m_PacketVersionResolver; profiling::CommandHandlerRegistry m_HandlerRegistry; timelinedecoder::TimelineDecoder m_TimelineDecoder; gatordmock::StreamMetadataCommandHandler m_StreamMetadataCommandHandler; gatordmock::PeriodicCounterCaptureCommandHandler m_CounterCaptureCommandHandler; profiling::DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler m_DirectoryCaptureCommandHandler; timelinedecoder::TimelineCaptureCommandHandler m_TimelineCaptureCommandHandler; timelinedecoder::TimelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler m_TimelineDirectoryCaptureCommandHandler; }; } // namespace gatordmock } // namespace armnn