// // Copyright © 2022-2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "ArmNNExecutor.hpp" #include "NetworkExecutionUtils/NetworkExecutionUtils.hpp" #include #include using namespace armnn; using namespace std::chrono; ArmNNExecutor::ArmNNExecutor(const ExecuteNetworkParams& params, armnn::IRuntime::CreationOptions runtimeOptions) : m_Params(params) { runtimeOptions.m_EnableGpuProfiling = params.m_EnableProfiling; runtimeOptions.m_DynamicBackendsPath = params.m_DynamicBackendsPath; // Create/Get the static ArmNN Runtime. Note that the m_Runtime will be shared by all ArmNNExecutor // instances so the RuntimeOptions cannot be altered for different ArmNNExecutor instances. m_Runtime = GetRuntime(runtimeOptions); auto parser = CreateParser(); auto network = parser->CreateNetwork(m_Params); auto optNet = OptimizeNetwork(network.get()); m_IOInfo = GetIOInfo(optNet.get()); armnn::ProfilingDetailsMethod profilingDetailsMethod = ProfilingDetailsMethod::Undefined; if (params.m_OutputDetailsOnlyToStdOut) { profilingDetailsMethod = armnn::ProfilingDetailsMethod::DetailsOnly; } else if (params.m_OutputDetailsToStdOut) { profilingDetailsMethod = armnn::ProfilingDetailsMethod::DetailsWithEvents; } INetworkProperties networkProperties{m_Params.m_Concurrent, MemorySource::Undefined, MemorySource::Undefined, params.m_EnableProfiling, profilingDetailsMethod}; std::string errorMsg; Status status = m_Runtime->LoadNetwork(m_NetworkId, std::move(optNet), errorMsg, networkProperties); if (status != Status::Success) { std::string message("Failed to create Arm NN Executor: "); message.append(errorMsg); // Throwing an exception at this point in the constructor causes lots of problems. We'll instead mark this // executor as not constructed. ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << message; m_constructionFailed = true; return; } SetupInputsAndOutputs(); if (m_Params.m_Iterations > 1) { std::stringstream msg; msg << "Network will be executed " << m_Params.m_Iterations; if (m_Params.m_Concurrent) { msg << " times in an asynchronous manner. "; } else { msg << " times successively. "; } msg << "The input-tensor-data files will be reused recursively if the user didn't provide enough to " "cover each execution."; ARMNN_LOG(info) << msg.str(); } if (m_Params.m_GenerateTensorData) { ARMNN_LOG(warning) << "The input data was generated, note that the output will not be useful"; } if (m_Params.m_DontPrintOutputs) { ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Printing outputs to console is disabled."; } } void ArmNNExecutor::ExecuteAsync() { #if !defined(ARMNN_DISABLE_THREADS) std::vector> memHandles; std::unique_ptr threadpool; armnn::AsyncCallbackManager callbackManager; std::unordered_map inferenceOutputMap; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Params.m_ThreadPoolSize; ++i) { memHandles.emplace_back(m_Runtime->CreateWorkingMemHandle(m_NetworkId)); } threadpool = std::make_unique(m_Params.m_ThreadPoolSize, m_Runtime, memHandles); ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Asynchronous Execution with Arm NN thread pool... \n"; // Declare the latest and earliest inference times here to be used when calculating overall time std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point earliestStartTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point::max(); std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point latestEndTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // For the asynchronous execution, we are adding a pool of working memory handles (1 per thread) in the // LoadedNetwork with each scheduled inference having a specific priority for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Params.m_Iterations; ++i) { std::shared_ptr profiler = m_Runtime->GetProfiler(m_NetworkId); std::shared_ptr cb = callbackManager.GetNewCallback(); inferenceOutputMap.insert({cb->GetInferenceId(), &m_OutputTensorsVec[i]}); threadpool->Schedule(m_NetworkId, m_InputTensorsVec[i], m_OutputTensorsVec[i], armnn::QosExecPriority::Medium, cb); } // Check the results for (size_t iteration = 0; iteration < m_Params.m_Iterations; ++iteration) { auto cb = callbackManager.GetNotifiedCallback(); // Get the results if (earliestStartTime > cb->GetStartTime()) { earliestStartTime = cb->GetStartTime(); } if (latestEndTime < cb->GetEndTime()) { latestEndTime = cb->GetEndTime(); } auto startTime = time_point_cast(cb->GetStartTime()); auto endTime = time_point_cast(cb->GetEndTime()); auto inferenceDuration = endTime - startTime; CheckInferenceTimeThreshold(inferenceDuration, m_Params.m_ThresholdTime); if(!m_Params.m_DontPrintOutputs) { const armnn::OutputTensors* out = inferenceOutputMap[cb->GetInferenceId()]; PrintOutputTensors(out, iteration); } } // Print duration difference between overallStartTime and overallEndTime auto overallEndTime = time_point_cast(latestEndTime); auto overallStartTime = time_point_cast(earliestStartTime); auto totalInferenceDuration = overallEndTime - overallStartTime; ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Overall Inference time: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << totalInferenceDuration.count() << " ms\n"; #endif } void ArmNNExecutor::ExecuteSync() { for (size_t x = 0; x < m_Params.m_Iterations; x++) { std::shared_ptr profiler = m_Runtime->GetProfiler(m_NetworkId); const auto start_time = armnn::GetTimeNow(); armnn::Status ret; if (m_Params.m_ImportInputsIfAligned) { ret = m_Runtime->EnqueueWorkload(m_NetworkId, m_InputTensorsVec[x], m_OutputTensorsVec[x], m_ImportedInputIds[x], m_ImportedOutputIds[x]); } else { ret = m_Runtime->EnqueueWorkload(m_NetworkId, m_InputTensorsVec[x], m_OutputTensorsVec[x]); } const auto inferenceDuration = armnn::GetTimeDuration(start_time); // If profiling is enabled print out the results if(profiler && profiler->IsProfilingEnabled() && x == (m_Params.m_Iterations - 1)) { profiler->Print(std::cout); } if(ret == armnn::Status::Failure) { throw armnn::Exception("IRuntime::EnqueueWorkload failed"); } if(!m_Params.m_DontPrintOutputs) { PrintOutputTensors(&m_OutputTensorsVec[x], x); } // If thresholdTime == 0.0 (default), then it hasn't been supplied at command line CheckInferenceTimeThreshold(inferenceDuration, m_Params.m_ThresholdTime); } } std::vector ArmNNExecutor::Execute() { if(m_Params.m_ThreadPoolSize == 0) { ExecuteSync(); } else { ExecuteAsync(); } std::vector results; for (auto& output : m_OutputStorage) { results.push_back(output.m_Mem); } return results; } void ArmNNExecutor::PrintNetworkInfo() { const std::vector& inputNames = m_Params.m_InputNames.size() != 0 ? m_Params.m_InputNames : m_IOInfo.m_InputNames; std::stringstream ss; ss << "===== Network Info =====\n"; ss << "Inputs in order:\n"; for (const auto& inputName : inputNames) { const auto inputInfo = m_IOInfo.m_InputInfoMap[inputName].second; ss << inputName << ", " << inputInfo.GetShape() << ", " << GetDataTypeName(inputInfo.GetDataType()); if (inputInfo.IsQuantized()) { ss << " Quantization Offset: " << inputInfo.GetQuantizationOffset(); if (inputInfo.HasMultipleQuantizationScales()) { ss << " Quantization scales: "; for (const auto scale: inputInfo.GetQuantizationScales()) { ss << scale << ", "; } } else { ss << " Quantization scale: " << inputInfo.GetQuantizationScale(); } } ss << "\n"; } ss << "Outputs in order:\n"; for (const auto& outputName : m_IOInfo.m_OutputNames) { const auto outputInfo = m_IOInfo.m_OutputInfoMap[outputName].second; ss << outputName << ", " << outputInfo.GetShape() << ", " << GetDataTypeName(outputInfo.GetDataType()); if (outputInfo.IsQuantized()) { ss << " Quantization Offset: " << outputInfo.GetQuantizationOffset(); if (outputInfo.HasMultipleQuantizationScales()) { ss << " Quantization scales: "; for (const auto scale: outputInfo.GetQuantizationScales()) { ss << scale << ", "; } } else { ss << " Quantization scale: " << outputInfo.GetQuantizationScale(); } } ss << "\n"; } std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl; } void ArmNNExecutor::SetupInputsAndOutputs() { const unsigned int noOfInputs = m_IOInfo.m_InputNames.size(); if (m_Params.m_InputNames.size() != 0 && m_Params.m_InputNames.size() != noOfInputs) { LogAndThrow("Number of input names does not match number of inputs"); } const unsigned int inputFilePaths = m_Params.m_InputTensorDataFilePaths.size(); const std::vector& inputNames = m_Params.m_InputNames.size() != 0 ? m_Params.m_InputNames : m_IOInfo.m_InputNames; unsigned int noInputSets = 1; if (inputFilePaths != 0) { if (inputFilePaths % noOfInputs != 0) { LogAndThrow("Number of input files: " + std::to_string(inputFilePaths) + " not compatible with number of inputs: " + std::to_string(noOfInputs)); } noInputSets = inputFilePaths / noOfInputs; if (noInputSets != 1 && m_Params.m_ReuseBuffers) { LogAndThrow("Specifying multiple sets of inputs not compatible with ReuseBuffers"); } } const unsigned int noOfOutputs = m_IOInfo.m_OutputNames.size(); const unsigned int outputFilePaths = m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles.size(); unsigned int noOutputSets = 1; if (outputFilePaths != 0) { if (outputFilePaths % noOfOutputs != 0) { LogAndThrow("Number of output files: " + std::to_string(outputFilePaths) + ", not compatible with number of outputs: " + std::to_string(noOfOutputs)); } noOutputSets = outputFilePaths / noOfOutputs; if (noOutputSets != 1 && m_Params.m_ReuseBuffers) { LogAndThrow("Specifying multiple sets of outputs not compatible with ReuseBuffers"); } } if (m_Params.m_ThreadPoolSize != 0) { // The current implementation of the Threadpool does not allow binding of outputs to a thread // So to ensure no two threads write to the same output at the same time, no output can be reused noOutputSets = m_Params.m_Iterations; } if (m_Params.m_InputTensorDataFilePaths.size() > noOfInputs) { ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Given network has " << noOfInputs << " input/s. One input-tensor-data file is required " << "for each input. The user provided " << m_Params.m_InputTensorDataFilePaths.size() << " input-tensor-data file/s which will be used to fill the input/s.\n"; } unsigned int inputCount = 0; for(unsigned int inputSet = 0; inputSet < noInputSets; ++inputSet) { armnn::InputTensors inputTensors; for (const auto& inputName: inputNames) { armnn::BindingPointInfo bindingPointInfo; try { bindingPointInfo = m_IOInfo.m_InputInfoMap.at(inputName); } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) { LogAndThrow("Input with inputName: " + inputName + " not found."); } const armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo = bindingPointInfo.second; auto newInfo = armnn::TensorInfo{tensorInfo.GetShape(), tensorInfo.GetDataType(), tensorInfo.GetQuantizationScale(), tensorInfo.GetQuantizationOffset(), true}; m_InputStorage.emplace_back(IOStorage{tensorInfo.GetNumBytes()}); const int bindingId = bindingPointInfo.first; inputTensors.emplace_back(bindingId, armnn::ConstTensor{newInfo, m_InputStorage.back().m_Mem}); const armnn::Optional dataFile = m_Params.m_GenerateTensorData ? armnn::EmptyOptional() : armnn::MakeOptional( m_Params.m_InputTensorDataFilePaths.at(inputCount++)); switch (tensorInfo.GetDataType()) { case armnn::DataType::Float32: { auto typedTensor = reinterpret_cast(m_InputStorage.back().m_Mem); PopulateTensorWithData(typedTensor, tensorInfo.GetNumElements(), dataFile, inputName); break; } case armnn::DataType::QSymmS16: { auto typedTensor = reinterpret_cast(m_InputStorage.back().m_Mem); PopulateTensorWithData(typedTensor, tensorInfo.GetNumElements(), dataFile, inputName); break; } case armnn::DataType::QSymmS8: case armnn::DataType::QAsymmS8: { auto typedTensor = reinterpret_cast(m_InputStorage.back().m_Mem); PopulateTensorWithData(typedTensor, tensorInfo.GetNumElements(), dataFile, inputName); break; } case armnn::DataType::QAsymmU8: { auto typedTensor = reinterpret_cast(m_InputStorage.back().m_Mem); PopulateTensorWithData(typedTensor, tensorInfo.GetNumElements(), dataFile, inputName); break; } case armnn::DataType::Signed32: { auto typedTensor = reinterpret_cast(m_InputStorage.back().m_Mem); PopulateTensorWithData(typedTensor, tensorInfo.GetNumElements(), dataFile, inputName); break; } default: { LogAndThrow("Unexpected DataType"); } } } if (m_Params.m_ImportInputsIfAligned) { m_ImportedInputIds.push_back( m_Runtime->ImportInputs(m_NetworkId, inputTensors, armnn::MemorySource::Malloc)); } m_InputTensorsVec.emplace_back(inputTensors); } for(unsigned int outputSet = 0; outputSet < noOutputSets; ++outputSet) { armnn::OutputTensors outputTensors; for (const auto& output: m_IOInfo.m_OutputInfoMap) { const armnn::BindingPointInfo& bindingPointInfo = output.second; const armnn::TensorInfo& tensorInfo = bindingPointInfo.second; m_OutputStorage.emplace_back(tensorInfo.GetNumBytes()); outputTensors.emplace_back(bindingPointInfo.first, armnn::Tensor{tensorInfo, m_OutputStorage.back().m_Mem}); } m_OutputTensorsVec.emplace_back(outputTensors); if (m_Params.m_ImportInputsIfAligned) { m_ImportedOutputIds.push_back( m_Runtime->ImportOutputs(m_NetworkId, m_OutputTensorsVec.back(), armnn::MemorySource::Malloc)); } } // If iterations > noSets fill the remaining iterations repeating the given files // If iterations < noSets just ignore the extra files const unsigned int remainingInputSets = (m_Params.m_Iterations > noInputSets) ? m_Params.m_Iterations - noInputSets : 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < remainingInputSets; ++i) { m_InputTensorsVec.push_back(m_InputTensorsVec[i % noInputSets]); if (m_Params.m_ImportInputsIfAligned) { m_ImportedInputIds.push_back(m_ImportedInputIds[i % noInputSets]); } } const unsigned int remainingOutputSets = (m_Params.m_Iterations > noOutputSets) ? m_Params.m_Iterations - noOutputSets : 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < remainingOutputSets; ++i) { m_OutputTensorsVec.push_back(m_OutputTensorsVec[i % noOutputSets]); if (m_Params.m_ImportInputsIfAligned) { m_ImportedOutputIds.push_back(m_ImportedOutputIds[i % noOutputSets]); } } } ArmNNExecutor::IOInfo ArmNNExecutor::GetIOInfo(armnn::IOptimizedNetwork* optNet) { struct IOStrategy : armnn::IStrategy { void ExecuteStrategy(const armnn::IConnectableLayer* layer, const armnn::BaseDescriptor& descriptor, const std::vector& constants, const char* name, const armnn::LayerBindingId id = 0) override { armnn::IgnoreUnused(descriptor, constants, id); switch (layer->GetType()) { case armnn::LayerType::Input: { m_IOInfo.m_InputNames.emplace_back(name); m_IOInfo.m_InputInfoMap[name] = {id, layer->GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo()}; break; } case armnn::LayerType::Output: { m_IOInfo.m_OutputNames.emplace_back(name); m_IOInfo.m_OutputInfoMap[name] = {id, layer->GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()->GetTensorInfo()}; break; } default: {} } } IOInfo m_IOInfo; }; IOStrategy ioStrategy; optNet->ExecuteStrategy(ioStrategy); return ioStrategy.m_IOInfo; } armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr ArmNNExecutor::OptimizeNetwork(armnn::INetwork* network) { armnn::IOptimizedNetworkPtr optNet{nullptr, [](armnn::IOptimizedNetwork*){}}; armnn::OptimizerOptionsOpaque options; options.SetReduceFp32ToFp16(m_Params.m_EnableFp16TurboMode); options.SetDebugEnabled(m_Params.m_PrintIntermediate); options.SetDebugToFileEnabled(m_Params.m_PrintIntermediateOutputsToFile); options.SetShapeInferenceMethod(m_Params.m_InferOutputShape ? armnn::ShapeInferenceMethod::InferAndValidate : armnn::ShapeInferenceMethod::ValidateOnly); options.SetProfilingEnabled(m_Params.m_EnableProfiling); options.SetAllowExpandedDims(m_Params.m_AllowExpandedDims); armnn::BackendOptions gpuAcc("GpuAcc", { { "FastMathEnabled", m_Params.m_EnableFastMath }, { "SaveCachedNetwork", m_Params.m_SaveCachedNetwork }, { "CachedNetworkFilePath", m_Params.m_CachedNetworkFilePath }, { "MLGOTuningFilePath", m_Params.m_MLGOTuningFilePath } }); armnn::BackendOptions cpuAcc("CpuAcc", { { "FastMathEnabled", m_Params.m_EnableFastMath }, { "NumberOfThreads", m_Params.m_NumberOfThreads } }); options.AddModelOption(gpuAcc); options.AddModelOption(cpuAcc); // The shapeInferenceMethod and allowExpandedDims values have to be added to the model options // because these are what are passed to the OptimizeSubgraphViews method and are used to create // the new optimized INetwork that method uses armnn::BackendOptions allowExDimOpt("AllowExpandedDims", { { "AllowExpandedDims", m_Params.m_AllowExpandedDims } }); options.AddModelOption(allowExDimOpt); armnn::BackendOptions shapeInferOpt("ShapeInferenceMethod", { { "InferAndValidate", m_Params.m_InferOutputShape } }); options.AddModelOption(shapeInferOpt); const auto optimization_start_time = armnn::GetTimeNow(); optNet = armnn::Optimize(*network, m_Params.m_ComputeDevices, m_Runtime->GetDeviceSpec(), options); ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Optimization time: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << armnn::GetTimeDuration(optimization_start_time).count() << " ms\n"; if (!optNet) { LogAndThrow("Optimize returned nullptr"); } // If v,visualize-optimized-model is enabled then construct a file name for the dot file. if (m_Params.m_EnableLayerDetails) { fs::path filename = m_Params.m_ModelPath; filename.replace_extension("dot"); std::fstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out); optNet->SerializeToDot(file); } return optNet; } std::unique_ptr ArmNNExecutor::CreateParser() { const fs::path modelFilename = m_Params.m_ModelPath; const std::string modelExtension = modelFilename.extension(); m_Params.m_IsModelBinary = modelExtension != ".json"; std::unique_ptr parser = nullptr; // Forward to implementation based on the parser type if (modelExtension == ".armnn") { #if defined(ARMNN_SERIALIZER) parser = std::make_unique(); #else LogAndThrow("Not built with serialization support."); #endif } else if (modelExtension == ".tflite") { #if defined(ARMNN_TF_LITE_PARSER) parser = std::make_unique(m_Params); #else LogAndThrow("Not built with Tensorflow-Lite parser support."); #endif } else if (modelExtension == ".onnx") { #if defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER) parser = std::make_unique(); #else LogAndThrow("Not built with Onnx parser support."); #endif } if (parser == nullptr) { throw InvalidArgumentException("Unable to determine the model type based on the file name extension."); } return parser; } void ArmNNExecutor::PrintOutputTensors(const armnn::OutputTensors* outputTensors, unsigned int iteration) { auto findOutputName = [&](const armnn::LayerBindingId id) { for (auto it = m_IOInfo.m_OutputInfoMap.begin(); it != m_IOInfo.m_OutputInfoMap.end(); ++it) { if (id == it->second.first) { return it->first; } } return std::string{}; }; unsigned int outputIndex = 0; unsigned int numOutputs = outputTensors->size(); for (const auto& output: *outputTensors) { const auto bindingName = findOutputName(output.first); // We've made sure before that the number of output files either equals numOutputs, in which // case we override those files when processing the results of each iteration (only the result // of the last iteration will be stored), or there are enough // output files for each output of each iteration. size_t outputFileIndex = iteration * numOutputs + outputIndex; if (!m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles.empty()) { outputFileIndex = outputFileIndex % m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles.size(); ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Writing output: " << bindingName << " bindingId: '" << output.first << "' of iteration: " << iteration + 1 << " to file: '" << m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles[outputFileIndex] << "'"; } const armnn::Optional outputTensorFile = m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles.empty() ? armnn::EmptyOptional() : armnn::MakeOptional( m_Params.m_OutputTensorFiles[outputFileIndex]); OutputWriteInfo outputWriteInfo { outputTensorFile, bindingName, output.second, !m_Params.m_DontPrintOutputs }; std::cout << bindingName << ": "; std::vector values; switch (output.second.GetDataType()) { case armnn::DataType::Float32: { PrintTensor(outputWriteInfo, "%f "); break; } case armnn::DataType::Signed32: { PrintTensor(outputWriteInfo, "%d "); break; } case armnn::DataType::QSymmS8: case armnn::DataType::QAsymmS8: { PrintTensor(outputWriteInfo, "%d "); break; } case armnn::DataType::QAsymmU8: { PrintTensor(outputWriteInfo, "%d "); break; } case armnn::DataType::Float16: case armnn::DataType::QSymmS16: case armnn::DataType::BFloat16: case armnn::DataType::Boolean: case armnn::DataType::Signed64: default: { LogAndThrow("Unexpected DataType"); } } std::cout << "\n"; ++outputIndex; } } void ArmNNExecutor::CompareAndPrintResult(std::vector otherOutput) { unsigned int index = 0; std::string typeString; for (const auto& outputTensors: m_OutputTensorsVec) { for (const auto& outputTensor: outputTensors) { size_t size = outputTensor.second.GetNumBytes(); double result = ComputeByteLevelRMSE(outputTensor.second.GetMemoryArea(), otherOutput[index++], size); std::cout << "Byte level root mean square error: " << result << "\n"; } } } #if defined(ARMNN_SERIALIZER) ArmNNExecutor::ArmNNDeserializer::ArmNNDeserializer() : m_Parser(armnnDeserializer::IDeserializer::Create()){} armnn::INetworkPtr ArmNNExecutor::ArmNNDeserializer::CreateNetwork(const ExecuteNetworkParams& params) { const std::string& modelPath = params.m_ModelPath; std::ifstream file(modelPath, std::ios::binary); return m_Parser->CreateNetworkFromBinary(file); } armnn::BindingPointInfo ArmNNExecutor::ArmNNDeserializer::GetInputBindingPointInfo(size_t, const std::string& inputName) { armnnDeserializer::BindingPointInfo DeserializerBPI = m_Parser->GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(0, inputName); return {DeserializerBPI.m_BindingId, DeserializerBPI.m_TensorInfo}; } armnn::BindingPointInfo ArmNNExecutor::ArmNNDeserializer::GetOutputBindingPointInfo(size_t, const std::string& outputName) { armnnDeserializer::BindingPointInfo DeserializerBPI = m_Parser->GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(0, outputName); return {DeserializerBPI.m_BindingId, DeserializerBPI.m_TensorInfo}; } #endif #if defined(ARMNN_TF_LITE_PARSER) ArmNNExecutor::TfliteParser::TfliteParser(const ExecuteNetworkParams& params) { armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParser::TfLiteParserOptions options; options.m_StandInLayerForUnsupported = params.m_ParseUnsupported; options.m_InferAndValidate = params.m_InferOutputShape; options.m_AllowExpandedDims = params.m_AllowExpandedDims; m_Parser = armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParser::Create(options); } armnn::INetworkPtr ArmNNExecutor::TfliteParser::CreateNetwork(const ExecuteNetworkParams& params) { const std::string& modelPath = params.m_ModelPath; return m_Parser->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(modelPath.c_str()); } armnn::BindingPointInfo ArmNNExecutor::TfliteParser::GetInputBindingPointInfo(size_t subgraphId, const std::string& inputName) { return m_Parser->GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(subgraphId, inputName); } armnn::BindingPointInfo ArmNNExecutor::TfliteParser::GetOutputBindingPointInfo(size_t subgraphId, const std::string& outputName) { return m_Parser->GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(subgraphId, outputName); } #endif #if defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER) ArmNNExecutor::OnnxParser::OnnxParser() : m_Parser(armnnOnnxParser::IOnnxParser::Create()){} armnn::INetworkPtr ArmNNExecutor::OnnxParser::CreateNetwork(const ExecuteNetworkParams& params) { const std::string& modelPath = params.m_ModelPath; m_Parser = armnnOnnxParser::IOnnxParser::Create(); std::map inputShapes; if(!params.m_InputTensorShapes.empty()) { const size_t numInputShapes = params.m_InputTensorShapes.size(); const size_t numInputBindings = params.m_InputNames.size(); if(numInputShapes < numInputBindings) { throw armnn::Exception( fmt::format("Not every input has its tensor shape specified: expected={0}, got={1}", numInputBindings, numInputShapes)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < numInputShapes; i++) { inputShapes[params.m_InputNames[i]] = params.m_InputTensorShapes[i]; } return params.m_IsModelBinary ? m_Parser->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(modelPath.c_str(), inputShapes) : m_Parser->CreateNetworkFromTextFile(modelPath.c_str(), inputShapes); } // Handle text and binary input differently by calling the corresponding parser function return params.m_IsModelBinary ? m_Parser->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(params.m_ModelPath.c_str()) : m_Parser->CreateNetworkFromTextFile(params.m_ModelPath.c_str()); } armnn::BindingPointInfo ArmNNExecutor::OnnxParser::GetInputBindingPointInfo(size_t, const std::string& inputName) { return m_Parser->GetNetworkInputBindingInfo(inputName); } armnn::BindingPointInfo ArmNNExecutor::OnnxParser::GetOutputBindingPointInfo(size_t, const std::string& outputName) { return m_Parser->GetNetworkOutputBindingInfo(outputName); } #endif