// // Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include "ProfilingMocks.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace armnn { namespace profiling { struct LogLevelSwapper { public: LogLevelSwapper(armnn::LogSeverity severity) { // Set the new log level armnn::ConfigureLogging(true, true, severity); } ~LogLevelSwapper() { // The default log level for unit tests is "Fatal" armnn::ConfigureLogging(true, true, armnn::LogSeverity::Fatal); } }; struct StreamRedirector { public: StreamRedirector(std::ostream& stream, std::streambuf* newStreamBuffer) : m_Stream(stream) , m_BackupBuffer(m_Stream.rdbuf(newStreamBuffer)) {} ~StreamRedirector() { CancelRedirect(); } void CancelRedirect() { // Only cancel the redirect once. if (m_BackupBuffer != nullptr ) { m_Stream.rdbuf(m_BackupBuffer); m_BackupBuffer = nullptr; } } private: std::ostream& m_Stream; std::streambuf* m_BackupBuffer; }; class TestProfilingConnectionBase : public IProfilingConnection { public: TestProfilingConnectionBase() = default; ~TestProfilingConnectionBase() = default; bool IsOpen() const override { return true; } void Close() override {} bool WritePacket(const unsigned char* buffer, uint32_t length) override { IgnoreUnused(buffer, length); return false; } arm::pipe::Packet ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout) override { // First time we're called return a connection ack packet. After that always timeout. if (m_FirstCall) { m_FirstCall = false; // Return connection acknowledged packet return arm::pipe::Packet(65536); } else { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout)); throw armnn::TimeoutException("Simulate a timeout error\n"); } } bool m_FirstCall = true; }; class TestProfilingConnectionTimeoutError : public TestProfilingConnectionBase { public: TestProfilingConnectionTimeoutError() : m_ReadRequests(0) {} arm::pipe::Packet ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout) override { // Return connection acknowledged packet after three timeouts if (m_ReadRequests % 3 == 0) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout)); ++m_ReadRequests; throw armnn::TimeoutException("Simulate a timeout error\n"); } return arm::pipe::Packet(65536); } int ReadCalledCount() { return m_ReadRequests.load(); } private: std::atomic m_ReadRequests; }; class TestProfilingConnectionArmnnError : public TestProfilingConnectionBase { public: TestProfilingConnectionArmnnError() : m_ReadRequests(0) {} arm::pipe::Packet ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout) override { IgnoreUnused(timeout); ++m_ReadRequests; throw armnn::Exception("Simulate a non-timeout error"); } int ReadCalledCount() { return m_ReadRequests.load(); } private: std::atomic m_ReadRequests; }; class TestProfilingConnectionBadAckPacket : public TestProfilingConnectionBase { public: arm::pipe::Packet ReadPacket(uint32_t timeout) override { IgnoreUnused(timeout); // Connection Acknowledged Packet header (word 0, word 1 is always zero): // 26:31 [6] packet_family: Control Packet Family, value 0b000000 // 16:25 [10] packet_id: Packet identifier, value 0b0000000001 // 8:15 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000 // 0:7 [8] reserved: Reserved, value 0b00000000 uint32_t packetFamily = 0; uint32_t packetId = 37; // Wrong packet id!!! uint32_t header = ((packetFamily & 0x0000003F) << 26) | ((packetId & 0x000003FF) << 16); return arm::pipe::Packet(header); } }; class TestFunctorA : public arm::pipe::CommandHandlerFunctor { public: using CommandHandlerFunctor::CommandHandlerFunctor; int GetCount() { return m_Count; } void operator()(const arm::pipe::Packet& packet) override { IgnoreUnused(packet); m_Count++; } private: int m_Count = 0; }; class TestFunctorB : public TestFunctorA { using TestFunctorA::TestFunctorA; }; class TestFunctorC : public TestFunctorA { using TestFunctorA::TestFunctorA; }; class SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper : public ProfilingService { public: using MockProfilingConnectionFactoryPtr = std::unique_ptr; SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper(armnn::profiling::ProfilingService& profilingService) : ProfilingService() , m_ProfilingService(profilingService) , m_MockProfilingConnectionFactory(new MockProfilingConnectionFactory()) , m_BackupProfilingConnectionFactory(nullptr) { CHECK(m_MockProfilingConnectionFactory); SwapProfilingConnectionFactory(m_ProfilingService, m_MockProfilingConnectionFactory.get(), m_BackupProfilingConnectionFactory); CHECK(m_BackupProfilingConnectionFactory); } ~SwapProfilingConnectionFactoryHelper() { CHECK(m_BackupProfilingConnectionFactory); IProfilingConnectionFactory* temp = nullptr; SwapProfilingConnectionFactory(m_ProfilingService, m_BackupProfilingConnectionFactory, temp); } MockProfilingConnection* GetMockProfilingConnection() { IProfilingConnection* profilingConnection = GetProfilingConnection(m_ProfilingService); return PolymorphicDowncast(profilingConnection); } void ForceTransitionToState(ProfilingState newState) { TransitionToState(m_ProfilingService, newState); } long WaitForPacketsSent(MockProfilingConnection* mockProfilingConnection, MockProfilingConnection::PacketType packetType, uint32_t length = 0, uint32_t timeout = 1000) { long packetCount = mockProfilingConnection->CheckForPacket({ packetType, length }); // The first packet we receive may not be the one we are looking for, so keep looping until till we find it, // or until WaitForPacketsSent times out while(packetCount == 0 && timeout != 0) { std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // Wait for a notification from the send thread ProfilingService::WaitForPacketSent(m_ProfilingService, timeout); std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // We need to make sure the timeout does not reset each time we call WaitForPacketsSent uint32_t elapsedTime = static_cast( std::chrono::duration_cast(end - start).count()); packetCount = mockProfilingConnection->CheckForPacket({packetType, length}); if (elapsedTime > timeout) { break; } timeout -= elapsedTime; } return packetCount; } private: armnn::profiling::ProfilingService& m_ProfilingService; MockProfilingConnectionFactoryPtr m_MockProfilingConnectionFactory; IProfilingConnectionFactory* m_BackupProfilingConnectionFactory; }; } // namespace profiling } // namespace armnn