// // Copyright © 2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // Copyright © 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // #include "QuantizeOperator.hpp" // This function is paraphrased from: // tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tosa/transforms/legalize_common.cc from function convertQuantizeOp TosaSerializationBasicBlock* ConvertQuantizeToTosaOperator(const Layer* layer, const std::vector& inputs, const std::vector& outputs) { ARMNN_THROW_INVALIDARG_MSG_IF_FALSE( inputs.size() == 1, "ConvertQuantizeToTosaOperator: Quantize must have only one input" ); ARMNN_THROW_INVALIDARG_MSG_IF_FALSE( outputs.size() == 1, "ConvertQuantizeToTosaOperator: Quantize must have only one output" ); std::string inputName = std::string("input0_"); std::string outputNameZeroPoint = std::string("intermediate0_") + GetUniqueTosaMappingID(); std::string outputNameScale = std::string("intermediate1_") + GetUniqueTosaMappingID(); std::string outputNameMul = std::string("intermediate2_") + GetUniqueTosaMappingID(); std::string outputNameAdd = std::string("intermediate3_") + GetUniqueTosaMappingID(); std::string outputName = std::string("output0_"); std::string blockName = std::string("Op_QUANTIZE_block_") + GetUniqueTosaMappingID(); // If a layer is present then the block will be used for execution, so input and output names need to be determined // using the previous and following layers so the graph is connected correctly. For validation this doesn't matter. if(layer != nullptr) { // Get the layers connected to the input slots and determine unique tensor names. Layer& connectedLayer = layer->GetInputSlot(0).GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer(); inputName = GenerateUniqueName(connectedLayer, 0); // Determine unique output tensor name. outputName = GenerateUniqueOutputName(*layer, 0); } const TensorInfo inputInfo = *inputs[0]; const TensorInfo outputInfo = *outputs[0]; // Extract quantization detail from Tensor float zeroPoint = static_cast(outputInfo.GetQuantizationOffset()); // No per axis support in Tensorflow TOSA code float scale = outputInfo.GetQuantizationScale(); // As per the Tensorflow quantization specification // Tensorflow TOSA code calculates quantization using multiplication by scale // Armnn code calculates quantization using division by scale // Invert scale factor passed from Armnn for tf TOSA code scale = (scale != 0) ? (1 / scale) : scale; std::vector tensors; // Only add input tensors if connected layer is an input layer. // As intermediate or constant tensors will be created separately. // There also can't be duplicate tensor. std::vector inputShape0; DType inputDType0 = DType::DType_UNKNOWN; if(inputName.find("input0_") != std::string::npos) { inputShape0 = GetTosaTensorShape(inputInfo.GetShape()); inputDType0 = ArmNNToDType(inputInfo.GetDataType()); ARMNN_THROW_INVALIDARG_MSG_IF_FALSE( inputDType0 == DType::DType_FP16 || inputDType0 == DType::DType_FP32, "ConvertQuantizeToTosaOperator: Quantize input must be of type Float" ); tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(inputName, inputShape0, inputDType0, {})); } std::vector outputShape0 = GetTosaTensorShape(outputInfo.GetShape()); DType outputDType0 = ArmNNToDType(outputInfo.GetDataType()); // quantize: // const_zeroPoint = constant(zeroPoint) // const_scale = constant(scale) // out_mul = mul(input, const_scale) // out_add = add(out_mul, const_zeroPoint) // output = cast(out_add) // const_zeroPoint TosaSerializationOperator* zeroPointOp = nullptr; TosaSerializationTensor* zeroPointTensor = nullptr; CreateConstTosaOperator(outputNameZeroPoint, zeroPoint, inputDType0, inputShape0, zeroPointOp, zeroPointTensor); tensors.push_back(zeroPointTensor); // const_scale TosaSerializationOperator *scaleOp = nullptr; TosaSerializationTensor* scaleTensor = nullptr; CreateConstTosaOperator(outputNameScale, scale, inputDType0, inputShape0, scaleOp, scaleTensor); tensors.push_back(scaleTensor); // mul int32_t shift = 0; TosaMulAttribute mulAttribute(shift); TosaSerializationOperator* mulOp = new TosaSerializationOperator(Op_MUL, Attribute_MulAttribute, &mulAttribute, {inputName, outputNameScale}, {outputNameMul}); tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(outputNameMul, inputShape0, inputDType0, {})); // add TosaSerializationOperator* addOp = new TosaSerializationOperator(Op_ADD, Attribute_NONE, nullptr, {outputNameMul, outputNameZeroPoint}, {outputNameAdd}); tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(outputNameAdd, inputShape0, inputDType0, {})); // cast TosaSerializationOperator* castOp = new TosaSerializationOperator(Op_CAST, Attribute_NONE, nullptr, {outputNameAdd}, {outputName}); tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(outputName, outputShape0, outputDType0, {})); // operatorInputNames/operatorOutputNames ends up being the same as // blockInputNames/blockOutputNames for one-to-one ArmNN to TOSA mappings return new TosaSerializationBasicBlock(blockName, // name mainName, // region name {zeroPointOp, scaleOp, mulOp, addOp, castOp}, // operators tensors, // tensors {inputName}, // inputs {outputName}); // outputs }