// // Copyright © 2022-2024 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "Conv2dOperator.hpp" #include "TosaRescaleOperatorUtils.hpp" #include TosaSerializationBasicBlock* ConvertConv2dToTosaOperator(const Layer* layer, const std::vector& inputs, const std::vector& outputs, const Convolution2dDescriptor* conv2dDescriptor) { std::vector inputNames; std::string outputName = std::string("output0_"); std::string blockName = std::string("Op_CONV2D_block_") + GetUniqueTosaMappingID(); DType inputDType0 = ArmNNToDType(inputs[0]->GetDataType()); DType outputDType0 = ArmNNToDType(outputs[0]->GetDataType()); // Set input names for validation purposes only. if(layer == nullptr) { inputNames.emplace_back("input0_"); inputNames.emplace_back("input1_"); if(conv2dDescriptor->m_BiasEnabled) { inputNames.emplace_back("input2_"); } } // If a layer is present then the block will be used for execution, so input and output names need to be // determined using the previous and following layers so the graph is connected correctly. // For validation this doesn't matter. else { // Get the layer connected to the input slot and determine unique tensor names. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) { Layer& connectedLayer = layer->GetInputSlot(i).GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer(); std::string inputName = GenerateUniqueName(connectedLayer, i); inputNames.push_back(inputName); } // Determine unique output tensor name. outputName = GenerateUniqueOutputName(*layer, 0); } std::vector tensors; std::vector operators; // Setup input Tensor // Only add tensor if connected layer is an input layer. // As intermediate or constant tensors will be created separately. // There also can't be duplicate tensors. if(inputNames[0].find("input0_") != std::string::npos) { std::vector inputShape0 = GetTosaTensorShape(inputs[0]->GetShape()); tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(inputNames[0], inputShape0, inputDType0, {})); } // Only add input tensors if weights and bias are not constant or if running validation. // Constant tensors will be created in the ConvertConstantToTosaOperator function. if(!inputs[1]->IsConstant() || layer == nullptr) { std::vector inputShape1 = GetTosaTensorShape(inputs[1]->GetShape()); DType inputDType1 = ArmNNToDType(inputs[1]->GetDataType()); tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(inputNames[1], inputShape1, inputDType1, {})); } if(conv2dDescriptor->m_BiasEnabled) { if(!inputs[2]->IsConstant() || layer == nullptr) { std::vector inputShape2 = GetTosaTensorShape(inputs[2]->GetShape()); DType inputDType2 = ArmNNToDType(inputs[2]->GetDataType()); tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(inputNames[2], inputShape2, inputDType2, {})); } } else { // If bias is disabled, create a constant bias of 0 as three inputs are required. std::string constantName = std::string("constant_") + GetUniqueTosaMappingID(); operators.push_back(new TosaSerializationOperator(Op_CONST, Attribute_NONE, nullptr, {}, {constantName})); // The size of the bias must match the channels dimension, so get the correct index. unsigned int index = (conv2dDescriptor->m_DataLayout == DataLayout::NHWC) ? 3 : 1; const DType dType = (inputDType0 == DType_INT8) ? DType_INT32 : outputDType0; std::vector data(outputs[0]->GetShape()[index], 0); std::vector uint8Data; TosaSerializationHandler::ConvertF32toU8(data, uint8Data); tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(constantName, {static_cast(outputs[0]->GetShape()[index])}, dType, uint8Data)); inputNames.emplace_back(constantName); } // Setup Output Tensor std::vector outputShape0 = {GetTosaTensorShape(outputs[0]->GetShape())}; std::string outputConv2dName; bool isInputInt8 = (inputDType0 == DType_INT8); if (isInputInt8) { outputConv2dName = std::string("intermediate0_") + GetUniqueTosaMappingID(); tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(outputConv2dName, outputShape0, DType_INT32, {})); } else { tensors.push_back(new TosaSerializationTensor(outputName, outputShape0, outputDType0, {})); } // Set up CONV2D operator std::vector pad = {static_cast(conv2dDescriptor->m_PadTop), static_cast(conv2dDescriptor->m_PadBottom), static_cast(conv2dDescriptor->m_PadLeft), static_cast(conv2dDescriptor->m_PadRight)}; std::vector stride = {static_cast(conv2dDescriptor->m_StrideY), static_cast(conv2dDescriptor->m_StrideX)}; std::vector dilation = {static_cast(conv2dDescriptor->m_DilationY), static_cast(conv2dDescriptor->m_DilationX)}; TosaConvAttribute attribute(pad, stride, dilation, inputs[0]->GetQuantizationOffset(), // input_zp inputs[1]->GetQuantizationOffset(), // weight_zp false); // local_bound std::string& convOutStr = isInputInt8 ? outputConv2dName : outputName; auto* conv2d_op = new TosaSerializationOperator(Op_CONV2D, Attribute_ConvAttribute, &attribute, inputNames, {convOutStr}); operators.push_back(conv2d_op); if (isInputInt8) { int32_t output_zp = outputs[0]->GetQuantizationOffset(); double output_scale = outputs[0]->GetQuantizationScales()[0]; double input_scale = inputs[0]->GetQuantizationScales()[0]; const std::vector& weight_scales = inputs[1]->GetQuantizationScales(); TosaSerializationOperator* rescaleOp = nullptr; TosaSerializationTensor* rescaleTensor = nullptr; CreateRescaleTosaOperatorPerChannel(outputConv2dName, outputName, DType_INT8, outputShape0, 0, output_zp, true, true, input_scale, output_scale, weight_scales, &rescaleOp, &rescaleTensor); operators.push_back(rescaleOp); tensors.push_back(rescaleTensor); } // operatorInputNames/operatorOutputNames ends up being the same as // blockInputNames/blockOutputNames for one-to-one ArmNN to TOSA mappings return new TosaSerializationBasicBlock(blockName, // name mainName, // region name operators, // operators tensors, // tensors inputNames, // inputs {outputName}); // outputs }