// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "TransposeConvolution2d.hpp" #include namespace armnn { using namespace armnnUtils; void TransposeConvolution2dImpl(const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor, const TensorShape& inputShape, Decoder& inputDecoder, const TensorShape& outputShape, Encoder& outputEncoder, const TensorShape& weightsShape, Decoder& weightsDecoder, Decoder* biasesDecoder) { if (descriptor.m_BiasEnabled && !biasesDecoder) { throw InvalidArgumentException("Biases enabled but no bias data provided"); } const DataLayoutIndexed dataLayoutIndexed(descriptor.m_DataLayout); const unsigned int channelsIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetChannelsIndex(); const unsigned int heightIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetHeightIndex(); const unsigned int widthIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetWidthIndex(); unsigned int numBatches = inputShape[0]; unsigned int inputWidth = inputShape[widthIndex]; unsigned int inputHeight = inputShape[heightIndex]; unsigned int inputDepth = inputShape[channelsIndex]; unsigned int weightsHeight = weightsShape[heightIndex]; unsigned int weightsWidth = weightsShape[widthIndex]; unsigned int outputHeight = outputShape[heightIndex]; unsigned int outputWidth = outputShape[widthIndex]; unsigned int outputDepth = outputShape[channelsIndex]; unsigned int paddingLeft = descriptor.m_PadLeft; unsigned int paddingTop = descriptor.m_PadTop; unsigned int strideX = descriptor.m_StrideX; unsigned int strideY = descriptor.m_StrideY; // Set the initial output values to be logically 0 otherwise the algorithm doesn't work. for (unsigned int i = 0u; i < outputShape.GetNumElements(); ++i) { outputEncoder.Set(0.f); ++outputEncoder; } for (unsigned int batch = 0u; batch < numBatches; ++batch) { for (unsigned int yInput = 0u; yInput < inputHeight; ++yInput) { for (unsigned int xInput = 0u; xInput < inputWidth; ++xInput) { unsigned int xOutputOrigin = xInput * strideX - paddingLeft; unsigned int yOutputOrigin = yInput * strideY - paddingTop; unsigned int weightsBaseIndex = 0u; for (unsigned int dOutput = 0u; dOutput < outputDepth; ++dOutput) { for (unsigned int yWeights = 0u; yWeights < weightsHeight; ++yWeights) { for (unsigned int xWeights = 0u; xWeights < weightsWidth; ++xWeights, weightsBaseIndex += inputDepth) { unsigned int yOutput = yOutputOrigin + yWeights; unsigned int xOutput = xOutputOrigin + xWeights; if (yOutput < outputHeight && xOutput< outputWidth) { for (unsigned int dInput = 0u; dInput < inputDepth; dInput++) { const unsigned int inputIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetIndex(inputShape, batch, dInput, yInput, xInput); inputDecoder[inputIndex]; const unsigned int weightsIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetIndex(weightsShape, batch, dOutput, yWeights, xWeights); weightsDecoder[weightsIndex]; const unsigned int outputIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetIndex(outputShape, batch, dOutput, yOutput, xOutput); outputEncoder[outputIndex]; float output = outputEncoder.Get(); output += inputDecoder.Get() * weightsDecoder.Get(); outputEncoder.Set(output); } } } } } } } } // Apply bias (if enabled) if (descriptor.m_BiasEnabled) { outputEncoder[0]; Decoder& rBiasesDecoder = *biasesDecoder; for (unsigned int batch = 0u; batch < numBatches; ++batch) { for (unsigned int dOutput = 0u; dOutput < outputDepth; ++dOutput) { rBiasesDecoder[dOutput]; for (unsigned int yOutput = 0u; yOutput < outputHeight; ++yOutput) { for (unsigned int xOutput = 0u; xOutput < outputWidth; ++xOutput) { const unsigned int outputIndex = dataLayoutIndexed.GetIndex(outputShape, batch, dOutput, yOutput, xOutput); outputEncoder[outputIndex]; outputEncoder.Set(outputEncoder.Get() + rBiasesDecoder.Get()); } } } } } } } // namespace armnn