// // Copyright © 2022 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "BatchMatMulImpl.hpp" #include #include #include namespace armnn { BatchMatMul::BatchMatMul(const BatchMatMulDescriptor& params, const TensorInfo& inputXInfo, const TensorInfo& inputYInfo, const TensorInfo& outputInfo, Decoder& inputXDecoder, Decoder& inputYDecoder, Encoder& outputEncoder) : params(params), inputXInfo(inputXInfo), inputYInfo(inputYInfo), outputInfo(outputInfo), inputXDecoder(inputXDecoder), inputYDecoder(inputYDecoder), outputEncoder(outputEncoder) { inputXData = this->inputXDecoder.DecodeTensor(inputXInfo.GetShape()); inputYData = this->inputYDecoder.DecodeTensor(inputYInfo.GetShape()); // At this point, we don't touch the input decoders - just the resultant vectors ApplyParams(); ApplyBatchMatMul(); } void BatchMatMul::ApplyBatchMatMul() { auto axesXToMul = BatchMatMulDescriptor::GetAxesToMul(params.m_DataLayoutX, inputXInfo.GetShape()); auto axesYToMul = BatchMatMulDescriptor::GetAxesToMul(params.m_DataLayoutY, inputYInfo.GetShape()); AdjustAxesToMulForUnequalRanks(axesXToMul, axesYToMul); unsigned int inputXColDim = axesXToMul.second; unsigned int inputYRowDim = axesYToMul.first; unsigned int inputYRowSize = inputYInfo.GetShape()[inputYRowDim]; auto batchMatMulOperation = [&](const std::vector& curIdx) { float sum = 0.0f; // InputYRowSize is synonymous with inputXColSize for (unsigned int inputYRowIdx = 0; inputYRowIdx < inputYRowSize; inputYRowIdx++) { auto xIdx = curIdx; xIdx[inputXColDim] = inputYRowIdx; auto yIdx = curIdx; yIdx[inputYRowDim] = inputYRowIdx; sum += (GetValueAt(DataSlot::InputX, xIdx) * GetValueAt(DataSlot::InputY, yIdx)); } SetValueAt(sum, DataSlot::Output, curIdx); }; auto startIdx = std::vector(outputInfo.GetNumDimensions(), 0); RecurseTensor(outputInfo, batchMatMulOperation, startIdx, 0); } void BatchMatMul::ApplyParams() { if(params.m_TransposeX) { Transpose(DataSlot::InputX); } else if(params.m_AdjointX) { Adjoint(DataSlot::InputX); } if(params.m_TransposeY) { Transpose(DataSlot::InputY); } else if(params.m_AdjointY) { Adjoint(DataSlot::InputY); } } void BatchMatMul::Transpose(DataSlot type) { // AKA the permute of the tensor // This modifies the tensor's info. switch(type) { case DataSlot::InputX: { auto permuteVec = BatchMatMulDescriptor::GetPermuteVec(params.m_DataLayoutX, inputXInfo.GetShape()); inputXInfo = armnnUtils::Permuted(inputXInfo, permuteVec); std::vector temp(inputXData.size()); armnnUtils::Permute(inputXInfo.GetShape(), permuteVec, inputXData.data(), temp.data(), sizeof(float)); inputXData = temp; break; } case DataSlot::InputY: { auto permuteVec = BatchMatMulDescriptor::GetPermuteVec(params.m_DataLayoutY, inputYInfo.GetShape()); inputYInfo = armnnUtils::Permuted(inputYInfo, permuteVec); std::vector temp(inputYData.size()); armnnUtils::Permute(inputYInfo.GetShape(), permuteVec, inputYData.data(), temp.data(), sizeof(float)); inputYData = temp; break; } case DataSlot::Output: // We needn't transpose the output tensor default: break; } } void BatchMatMul::Adjoint(DataSlot type) { // Finding the adjoint of a square matrix: // Calculate the cofactor of each element (using Gauss elimination here) // Apply a transpose to it (this also modifies the tensor's info) TensorInfo& inputInfo = (type == DataSlot::InputX) ? inputXInfo : inputYInfo; const auto& dataLayout = (type == DataSlot::InputX) ? params.m_DataLayoutX : params.m_DataLayoutY; const auto axesToAdjoint = BatchMatMulDescriptor::GetAxesToMul(dataLayout,inputInfo.GetShape()); ARMNN_ASSERT(inputInfo.GetShape()[axesToAdjoint.first] == inputInfo.GetShape()[axesToAdjoint.second]); // We grab a copy of the tensor data to prevent overwriting std::vector inputDataClone = (type == DataSlot::InputX) ? inputXData : inputYData; // The sub-matrix is the resultant matrix when the row and column of the current index is removed unsigned int subMatAxisSize = inputInfo.GetShape()[axesToAdjoint.first] - 1; std::vector> subMat(subMatAxisSize, std::vector(subMatAxisSize)); // Lambdas for each sub-step of the cofactor operation auto almostEquals = [&](const float& a, const float& b, float unitsInLastPlace = 2.0f) { float diff = std::fabs(a-b); float bound = diff * std::numeric_limits::epsilon() * unitsInLastPlace; return (diff <= bound) || (diff < std::numeric_limits::min()); }; float swapMultiplier = std::numeric_limits::max(); auto swapRows = [&](unsigned int rowIdxA, unsigned int rowIdxB) { // Every row swap flips this around by the negative (set to 1 at the beginning of each cofactor op run) for(unsigned int colIdx = 0; colIdx < subMatAxisSize; colIdx++) { float tmp = subMat[rowIdxA][colIdx]; subMat[rowIdxA][colIdx] = subMat[rowIdxB][colIdx]; subMat[rowIdxB][colIdx] = tmp; } swapMultiplier *= -1.0f; }; auto findNextValidPivotRowIdx = [&](unsigned int colIdx) { unsigned int result = std::numeric_limits::max(); // The original diagonal has been checked and is invalid for(unsigned int rowIdx = colIdx+1; rowIdx < subMatAxisSize; rowIdx++) { if(!almostEquals(subMat[rowIdx][colIdx], 0.0f)) { result = rowIdx; break; } } return result; }; auto eliminate = [&](const float& pivot, unsigned int pivotPos) { for(unsigned int rowIdx = pivotPos+1; rowIdx < subMatAxisSize; rowIdx++) { float multiplierNumerator = subMat[rowIdx][pivotPos]; if(almostEquals(multiplierNumerator, 0.0f)) { continue; } float multiplier = multiplierNumerator / pivot; // Susceptible to floating point inaccuracies // Hence the almostEquals usage to counteract this for(unsigned int colIdx = pivotPos; colIdx < subMatAxisSize; colIdx++) { // We start at col=pivotPos as we have assumed that all elements // to our left have been eliminated to zero already // We subtract based on the element directly above us in our pivot row subMat[rowIdx][colIdx] -= multiplier * subMat[pivotPos][colIdx]; } } }; auto cofactorOperation = [&](const std::vector& curIdx) { auto row = curIdx[axesToAdjoint.first]; auto col = curIdx[axesToAdjoint.second]; float minorMultiplier = static_cast(std::pow(-1, (row + 1 + col + 1))); for(unsigned int subRow = 0; subRow < subMatAxisSize; subRow++) { for(unsigned int subCol = 0; subCol < subMatAxisSize; subCol++) { unsigned int outerRow = (subRow >= row)?subRow + 1:subRow; unsigned int outerCol = (subCol >= col)?subCol + 1:subCol; auto cloneIdx = curIdx; cloneIdx[axesToAdjoint.first] = outerRow; cloneIdx[axesToAdjoint.second] = outerCol; subMat[subRow][subCol] = GetValueAt(type,cloneIdx,inputDataClone); } } float determinant = 1.0f; // Cover the edge cases and simple base cases before resorting to Gauss elimination for larger matrices switch(subMatAxisSize) { case 0: { determinant = GetValueAt(type, curIdx, inputDataClone); break; } case 1: { // If the resultant sub-matrix is just one element - that's the determinant determinant = subMat[0][0]; break; } case 2: { // For a 2x2 sub-matrix, the determinant is just a*d-b*c determinant = subMat[0][0] * subMat[1][1] - subMat[0][1] * subMat[1][0]; break; } default: { // Gaussian elimination to find the determinant of this sub-matrix swapMultiplier = 1.0f; // March diagonally down the pivots and if it's invalid (a zero), swap the row with the // nearest non-zero down within the column for(unsigned int pivotRow = 0, pivotCol = 0; pivotRow < subMatAxisSize; pivotRow++, pivotCol++) { float& pivot = subMat[pivotRow][pivotCol]; if(almostEquals(pivot, 0.0f)) { unsigned int nextValidPivotRowIdx = findNextValidPivotRowIdx(pivotCol); if(nextValidPivotRowIdx == std::numeric_limits::max()) { // No valid pivot down this column, which means that this pivot remains a zero. // This results in the determinant for this entire sub-matrix to just be zero. determinant = 0.0f; break; } swapRows(pivotRow, nextValidPivotRowIdx); } determinant *= pivot; // The actual elimination bit (which will update/propagate to the pivots down the line) eliminate(pivot, pivotRow); // Synonymous with pivotCol } determinant *= swapMultiplier; break; } } float cofactor = minorMultiplier * determinant; SetValueAt(cofactor, type, curIdx); }; auto startIdx = std::vector(inputInfo.GetNumDimensions(), 0); RecurseTensor(inputInfo, cofactorOperation, startIdx, 0); Transpose(type); } void BatchMatMul::RecurseTensor(const TensorInfo& tensorInfo, const std::function&)>& operation, std::vector& curIdx, unsigned int curDim) { if(!(curDim < tensorInfo.GetNumDimensions())) { // We're at the leaf level of this call tree, so we operate here (each leaf is a data point) operation(curIdx); return; } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tensorInfo.GetShape()[curDim]; i++) { curIdx[curDim] = i; RecurseTensor(tensorInfo, operation, curIdx, curDim + 1); } } void BatchMatMul::AdjustAxesToMulForUnequalRanks(std::pair& axesXToMul, std::pair& axesYToMul) { int rankDiff = static_cast(inputXInfo.GetNumDimensions()) - static_cast(inputYInfo.GetNumDimensions()); if(rankDiff == 0) { return; } else if(rankDiff < 0) { // Y is the larger one axesXToMul.first += static_cast::type>(std::abs(rankDiff)); axesXToMul.second += static_cast::type>(std::abs(rankDiff)); } else if(rankDiff > 0) { // X is the larger one axesYToMul.first += static_cast::type>(std::abs(rankDiff)); axesYToMul.second += static_cast::type>(std::abs(rankDiff)); } } float BatchMatMul::GetValueAt(DataSlot type, std::vector idx, const std::vector& customData) { // This gets the data from the input vector that we have, Not the decoder // But for the output, it is operating on the encoder itself AdjustToSafeIdx(type, idx); unsigned int flatIdx = CalcFlatIdx(type, idx); float value = 0.0f; switch(type) { case DataSlot::InputX: value = customData.empty() ? inputXData[flatIdx] : customData[flatIdx]; break; case DataSlot::InputY: value = customData.empty() ? inputYData[flatIdx] : customData[flatIdx]; break; case DataSlot::Output: outputEncoder[flatIdx]; value = outputEncoder.Get(); break; default: break; } return value; } void BatchMatMul::SetValueAt(float value, DataSlot type, std::vector idx) { AdjustToSafeIdx(type, idx); unsigned int flatIdx = CalcFlatIdx(type, idx); switch(type) { case DataSlot::InputX: inputXData[flatIdx] = value; break; case DataSlot::InputY: inputYData[flatIdx] = value; break; case DataSlot::Output: outputEncoder[flatIdx]; outputEncoder.Set(value); break; default: break; } } void BatchMatMul::AdjustToSafeIdx(DataSlot type, std::vector& idx) { for(unsigned int dim = 0; dim < idx.size(); dim++) { switch(type) { case DataSlot::InputX: { auto xRank = inputXInfo.GetNumDimensions(); auto xDiff = outputInfo.GetNumDimensions() - xRank; if (dim < xDiff || idx[dim] > inputXInfo.GetShape()[dim-xDiff]-1) { idx[dim] = 0; // Broadcasting } break; } case DataSlot::InputY: { auto yRank = inputYInfo.GetNumDimensions(); auto yDiff = outputInfo.GetNumDimensions() - yRank; if (dim < yDiff || idx[dim] > inputYInfo.GetShape()[dim-yDiff]-1) { idx[dim] = 0; } break; } case DataSlot::Output: { // Our indices are based off the output break; } default: break; } } } unsigned int BatchMatMul::CalcFlatIdx(DataSlot type, const std::vector& idx) { unsigned int result = idx[idx.size()-1]; unsigned int dimMultiplier = 1; unsigned int offset; // -2 because final dim is already accounted for in the multiplier (last dim is just a multiplier of 1x) for(unsigned int i = static_cast(idx.size()-2); static_cast(i) >= 0; i--) { switch(type) { case DataSlot::InputX: offset = outputInfo.GetNumDimensions() - inputXInfo.GetNumDimensions(); dimMultiplier *= inputXInfo.GetShape()[i + 1 - offset]; break; case DataSlot::InputY: offset = outputInfo.GetNumDimensions() - inputYInfo.GetNumDimensions(); dimMultiplier *= inputYInfo.GetShape()[i + 1 - offset]; break; case DataSlot::Output: dimMultiplier *= outputInfo.GetShape()[i+1]; break; default: break; } result += (idx[i] * dimMultiplier); } return result; } } // namespace armnn