// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "Activation.hpp" #include #include namespace armnn { float Activation(float in, ActivationFunction function, float a, float b) { float output; // Compute the result of the activation function. switch (function) { case ActivationFunction::Linear: { output = a * in + b; break; } case ActivationFunction::Sigmoid: { output = 1.f / (1.f + expf(-in)); break; } case ActivationFunction::ReLu: { output = std::max(0.f, in); break; } case ActivationFunction::BoundedReLu: { output = std::min(a, std::max(b, in)); break; } case ActivationFunction::SoftReLu: { output = logf(1.0f + expf(in)); break; } case ActivationFunction::LeakyReLu: { output = in > 0.0f ? in : (in * a); break; } case ActivationFunction::Abs: { output = in < 0 ? -in : in; break; } case ActivationFunction::Sqrt: { output = sqrtf(in); break; } case ActivationFunction::Square: { output = in * in; break; } case ActivationFunction::TanH: { output = a * tanhf(b * in); break; } default: { throw InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported activation function"); } } return output; } void Activation(Decoder& in, Encoder& out, const TensorInfo& tensorInfo, ActivationFunction function, float a, float b) { for (size_t i = 0; i