// // Copyright © 2022-2023 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include // System includes for mapping and unmapping memory #include namespace armnn { // add new capabilities here.. const BackendCapabilities gpuFsaCapabilities("GpuFsa", { {"NonConstWeights", false}, {"AsyncExecution", false}, {"ProtectedContentAllocation", false}, {"ConstantTensorsAsInputs", false}, {"PreImportIOTensors", false}, {"ExternallyManagedMemory", false}, {"MultiAxisPacking", false}, {"SingleAxisPacking", false} }); class GpuFsaBackend : public IBackendInternal { public: GpuFsaBackend() : m_CustomAllocator(nullptr) {}; GpuFsaBackend(std::shared_ptr allocator) { UseCustomMemoryAllocator(allocator, armnn::EmptyOptional()); } ~GpuFsaBackend() = default; static const BackendId& GetIdStatic(); const BackendId& GetId() const override { return GetIdStatic(); } IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerUniquePtr CreateMemoryManager() const override; IBackendInternal::IWorkloadFactoryPtr CreateWorkloadFactory( const IBackendInternal::IMemoryManagerSharedPtr& memoryManager = nullptr) const override; IBackendInternal::IWorkloadFactoryPtr CreateWorkloadFactory(TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry) const override; IWorkloadFactoryPtr CreateWorkloadFactory(class TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& tensorHandleFactoryRegistry, const ModelOptions& modelOptions, MemorySourceFlags inputFlags, MemorySourceFlags outputFlags) const override; std::vector GetHandleFactoryPreferences() const override; void RegisterTensorHandleFactories(TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry) override; void RegisterTensorHandleFactories(TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry, MemorySourceFlags inputFlags, MemorySourceFlags outputFlags) override; IBackendInternal::IBackendContextPtr CreateBackendContext(const IRuntime::CreationOptions&) const override; IBackendInternal::IBackendProfilingContextPtr CreateBackendProfilingContext( const IRuntime::CreationOptions&, IBackendProfilingPtr& backendProfiling) override; IBackendInternal::ILayerSupportSharedPtr GetLayerSupport() const override; OptimizationViews OptimizeSubgraphView(const SubgraphView& subgraph, const ModelOptions& modelOptions) const override; std::unique_ptr GetDefaultAllocator() const override; BackendCapabilities GetCapabilities() const override { return gpuFsaCapabilities; }; virtual bool UseCustomMemoryAllocator(std::shared_ptr allocator, armnn::Optional) override { ARMNN_LOG(info) << "Using Custom Allocator for GpuFsaBackend"; // Set flag to signal the backend to use a custom memory allocator m_CustomAllocator = std::make_shared(std::move(allocator)); m_UsingCustomAllocator = true; return m_UsingCustomAllocator; } // Cl requires a arm_compute::IAllocator we wrap the Arm NN ICustomAllocator to achieve this class GpuFsaBackendCustomAllocatorWrapper : public arm_compute::IAllocator { public: GpuFsaBackendCustomAllocatorWrapper(std::shared_ptr alloc) : m_CustomAllocator(alloc) {} // Inherited methods overridden: void* allocate(size_t size, size_t alignment) override { auto alloc = m_CustomAllocator->allocate(size, alignment); return MapAllocatedMemory(alloc, size, m_CustomAllocator->GetMemorySourceType()); } void free(void* ptr) override { auto hostMemPtr = m_AllocatedBufferMappings[ptr]; clReleaseMemObject(static_cast(ptr)); m_CustomAllocator->free(hostMemPtr); } std::unique_ptr make_region(size_t size, size_t alignment) override { auto hostMemPtr = m_CustomAllocator->allocate(size, alignment); cl_mem buffer = MapAllocatedMemory(hostMemPtr, size, m_CustomAllocator->GetMemorySourceType()); return std::make_unique(cl::Buffer(buffer), hostMemPtr, m_CustomAllocator->GetMemorySourceType()); } private: cl_mem MapAllocatedMemory(void* memory, size_t size, MemorySource source) { // Round the size of the buffer to a multiple of the CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHELINE_SIZE auto cachelineAlignment = arm_compute::CLKernelLibrary::get().get_device().getInfo(); auto roundedSize = cachelineAlignment + size - (size % cachelineAlignment); if (source == MemorySource::Malloc) { const cl_import_properties_arm importProperties[] = { CL_IMPORT_TYPE_ARM, CL_IMPORT_TYPE_HOST_ARM, 0 }; cl_int error = CL_SUCCESS; cl_mem buffer = clImportMemoryARM(arm_compute::CLKernelLibrary::get().context().get(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, importProperties, memory, roundedSize, &error); if (error == CL_SUCCESS) { m_AllocatedBufferMappings.insert(std::make_pair(static_cast(buffer), memory)); return buffer; } throw armnn::Exception( "Mapping allocated memory from CustomMemoryAllocator failed, errcode: " + std::to_string(error)); } else if (source == MemorySource::DmaBuf) { const cl_import_properties_arm importProperties[] = { CL_IMPORT_TYPE_ARM, CL_IMPORT_TYPE_DMA_BUF_ARM, CL_IMPORT_DMA_BUF_DATA_CONSISTENCY_WITH_HOST_ARM, CL_TRUE, 0 }; cl_int error = CL_SUCCESS; cl_mem buffer = clImportMemoryARM(arm_compute::CLKernelLibrary::get().context().get(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, importProperties, memory, roundedSize, &error); if (error == CL_SUCCESS) { m_AllocatedBufferMappings.insert(std::make_pair(static_cast(buffer), memory)); return buffer; } throw armnn::Exception( "Mapping allocated memory from CustomMemoryAllocator failed, errcode: " + std::to_string(error)); } else if (source == MemorySource::DmaBufProtected) { const cl_import_properties_arm importProperties[] = { CL_IMPORT_TYPE_ARM, CL_IMPORT_TYPE_DMA_BUF_ARM, CL_IMPORT_TYPE_PROTECTED_ARM, CL_TRUE, 0 }; cl_int error = CL_SUCCESS; cl_mem buffer = clImportMemoryARM(arm_compute::CLKernelLibrary::get().context().get(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, importProperties, memory, roundedSize, &error); if (error == CL_SUCCESS) { m_AllocatedBufferMappings.insert(std::make_pair(static_cast(buffer), memory)); return buffer; } throw armnn::Exception( "Mapping allocated memory from CustomMemoryAllocator failed, errcode: " + std::to_string(error)); } throw armnn::Exception( "Attempting to allocate memory with unsupported MemorySource type in CustomAllocator"); } std::shared_ptr m_CustomAllocator; std::map m_AllocatedBufferMappings; }; class ClBackendCustomAllocatorMemoryRegion : public arm_compute::ICLMemoryRegion { public: // We need to have a new version of ICLMemoryRegion which holds a hostMemPtr to allow for cpu copy access ClBackendCustomAllocatorMemoryRegion(const cl::Buffer &buffer, void* hostMemPtr, armnn::MemorySource source) : ICLMemoryRegion(buffer.getInfo()) { _mem = buffer; m_HostMemPtr = hostMemPtr; m_MemorySource = source; } // Inherited methods overridden : void* ptr() override { return nullptr; } void* map(cl::CommandQueue &q, bool blocking) override { armnn::IgnoreUnused(q, blocking); if (m_HostMemPtr == nullptr) { throw armnn::Exception("ClBackend: Attempting to map memory with an invalid host ptr"); } if (_mapping != nullptr) { throw armnn::Exception("ClBackend: Attempting to map memory which has not yet been unmapped"); } switch (m_MemorySource) { case armnn::MemorySource::Malloc: _mapping = m_HostMemPtr; return _mapping; break; case armnn::MemorySource::DmaBuf: case armnn::MemorySource::DmaBufProtected: // If the source is a Dmabuf then the memory ptr should be pointing to an integer value for the fd _mapping = mmap(NULL, _size, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, *(reinterpret_cast(m_HostMemPtr)), 0); return _mapping; break; default: throw armnn::Exception("ClBackend: Attempting to map imported memory without a valid source"); break; } } void unmap(cl::CommandQueue &q) override { armnn::IgnoreUnused(q); switch (m_MemorySource) { case armnn::MemorySource::Malloc: _mapping = nullptr; break; case armnn::MemorySource::DmaBuf: case armnn::MemorySource::DmaBufProtected: munmap(_mapping, _size); _mapping = nullptr; break; default: throw armnn::Exception("ClBackend: Attempting to unmap imported memory without a valid source"); break; } } private: void* m_HostMemPtr = nullptr; armnn::MemorySource m_MemorySource; }; std::shared_ptr m_CustomAllocator; bool m_UsingCustomAllocator = false; }; } // namespace armnn