# # Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # single place to use wildcards, so we can include # yet unknown backend modules and corresponding common libraries file(GLOB commonIncludes ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/backends/*/common.cmake) file(GLOB backendIncludes ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/backends/*/backend.cmake) # prefer to include common code first foreach(includeFile ${commonIncludes}) message(STATUS "Including backend common library into the build: ${includeFile}") include(${includeFile}) endforeach() # now backends can depend on common code included first foreach(includeFile ${backendIncludes}) message(STATUS "Including backend into the build: ${includeFile}") include(${includeFile}) endforeach() if(NOT DISABLE_DYNAMIC_BACKENDS) # parse dynamic backend sub-directories file(GLOB dynamicBackendDirs ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/backends/dynamic/*) foreach(dynamicBackendDir ${dynamicBackendDirs}) if (EXISTS ${dynamicBackendDir} AND IS_DIRECTORY ${dynamicBackendDir}) add_subdirectory(${dynamicBackendDir}) endif() endforeach() endif()