// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // namespace armnnSerializer; file_identifier "ARMN"; file_extension "armnn"; enum ActivationFunction : byte { Sigmoid = 0, TanH = 1, Linear = 2, ReLu = 3, BoundedReLu = 4, SoftReLu = 5, LeakyReLu = 6, Abs = 7, Sqrt = 8, Square = 9 } enum DataType : byte { Float16 = 0, Float32 = 1, QuantisedAsymm8 = 2, Signed32 = 3, Boolean = 4 } enum DataLayout : byte { NHWC = 0, NCHW = 1 } table TensorInfo { dimensions:[uint]; dataType:DataType; quantizationScale:float = 1.0; quantizationOffset:int = 0; } struct Connection { sourceLayerIndex:uint; outputSlotIndex:uint; } table ByteData { data:[byte]; } table ShortData { data:[short]; } table IntData { data:[int]; } table LongData { data:[long]; } union ConstTensorData { ByteData, ShortData, IntData, LongData } table ConstTensor { info:TensorInfo; data:ConstTensorData; } table InputSlot { index:uint; connection:Connection; } table OutputSlot { index:uint; tensorInfo:TensorInfo; } enum LayerType : uint { Addition = 0, Input = 1, Multiplication = 2, Output = 3, Pooling2d = 4, Reshape = 5, Softmax = 6, Convolution2d = 7, DepthwiseConvolution2d = 8, Activation = 9, Permute = 10, FullyConnected = 11, Constant = 12, SpaceToBatchNd = 13, BatchToSpaceNd = 14, Division = 15, Minimum = 16, Equal = 17, Maximum = 18, Normalization = 19, Pad = 20, Rsqrt = 21, Floor = 22, BatchNormalization = 23, Greater = 24, ResizeBilinear = 25, Subtraction = 26, StridedSlice = 27, Gather = 28, Mean = 29, Merger = 30, L2Normalization = 31 } // Base layer table to be used as part of other layers table LayerBase { index:uint; layerName:string; layerType:LayerType; inputSlots:[InputSlot]; outputSlots:[OutputSlot]; } table BindableLayerBase { base:LayerBase; layerBindingId:int; } // Table for each layer defined below table ActivationLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:ActivationDescriptor; } table ActivationDescriptor { function:ActivationFunction = Sigmoid; a:float; b:float; } table AdditionLayer { base:LayerBase; } table ConstantLayer { base:LayerBase; input:ConstTensor; } table Convolution2dLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:Convolution2dDescriptor; weights:ConstTensor; biases:ConstTensor; } table Convolution2dDescriptor { padLeft:uint; padRight:uint; padTop:uint; padBottom:uint; strideX:uint; strideY:uint; biasEnabled:bool = false; dataLayout:DataLayout = NCHW; } table DivisionLayer { base:LayerBase; } table EqualLayer { base:LayerBase; } table FloorLayer{ base:LayerBase; } table FullyConnectedLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:FullyConnectedDescriptor; weights:ConstTensor; biases:ConstTensor; } table FullyConnectedDescriptor { biasEnabled:bool = false; transposeWeightsMatrix:bool = false; } table GatherLayer { base:LayerBase; } table GreaterLayer { base:LayerBase; } table InputLayer { base:BindableLayerBase; } table L2NormalizationLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:L2NormalizationDescriptor; } table L2NormalizationDescriptor { dataLayout:DataLayout = NCHW; } table MinimumLayer { base:LayerBase; } table MaximumLayer { base:LayerBase; } table MultiplicationLayer { base:LayerBase; } table Pooling2dLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:Pooling2dDescriptor; } enum PoolingAlgorithm : byte { Max = 0, Average = 1, L2 = 2 } enum OutputShapeRounding : byte { Floor = 0, Ceiling = 1 } enum PaddingMethod : byte { IgnoreValue = 0, Exclude = 1 } table Pooling2dDescriptor { poolType:PoolingAlgorithm; padLeft:uint; padRight:uint; padTop:uint; padBottom:uint; poolWidth:uint; poolHeight:uint; strideX:uint; strideY:uint; outputShapeRounding:OutputShapeRounding; paddingMethod:PaddingMethod; dataLayout:DataLayout; } table SoftmaxLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:SoftmaxDescriptor; } table SoftmaxDescriptor { beta:float; } table DepthwiseConvolution2dLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor; weights:ConstTensor; biases:ConstTensor; } table DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor { padLeft:uint; padRight:uint; padTop:uint; padBottom:uint; strideX:uint; strideY:uint; biasEnabled:bool = false; dataLayout:DataLayout = NCHW; } table OutputLayer { base:BindableLayerBase; } table ReshapeLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:ReshapeDescriptor; } table ReshapeDescriptor { targetShape:[uint]; } table PermuteLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:PermuteDescriptor; } table PermuteDescriptor { dimMappings:[uint]; } table SpaceToBatchNdLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor; } table SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor { blockShape:[uint]; padList:[uint]; dataLayout:DataLayout; } table SubtractionLayer { base:LayerBase; } table BatchToSpaceNdLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor; } table BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor { blockShape:[uint]; crops:[uint]; dataLayout:DataLayout; } enum NormalizationAlgorithmChannel : byte { Across = 0, Within = 1 } enum NormalizationAlgorithmMethod : byte { LocalBrightness = 0, LocalContrast = 1 } table NormalizationLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:NormalizationDescriptor; } table NormalizationDescriptor { normChannelType:NormalizationAlgorithmChannel = Across; normMethodType:NormalizationAlgorithmMethod = LocalBrightness; normSize:uint; alpha:float; beta:float; k:float; dataLayout:DataLayout = NCHW; } table MeanLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:MeanDescriptor; } table MeanDescriptor { axis:[uint]; keepDims:bool = false; } table PadLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:PadDescriptor; } table PadDescriptor { padList:[uint]; } table RsqrtLayer { base:LayerBase; } table BatchNormalizationLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:BatchNormalizationDescriptor; mean:ConstTensor; variance:ConstTensor; beta:ConstTensor; gamma:ConstTensor; } table BatchNormalizationDescriptor { eps:float; dataLayout:DataLayout; } table ResizeBilinearLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:ResizeBilinearDescriptor; } table ResizeBilinearDescriptor { targetWidth:uint; targetHeight:uint; dataLayout:DataLayout; } table StridedSliceLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:StridedSliceDescriptor; } table StridedSliceDescriptor { begin:[int]; end:[int]; stride:[int]; beginMask:int; endMask:int; shrinkAxisMask:int; ellipsisMask:int; newAxisMask:int; dataLayout:DataLayout; } table MergerLayer { base:LayerBase; descriptor:OriginsDescriptor; } table UintVector { data:[uint]; } table OriginsDescriptor { concatAxis:uint; numViews:uint; numDimensions:uint; viewOrigins:[UintVector]; } union Layer { ActivationLayer, AdditionLayer, BatchToSpaceNdLayer, BatchNormalizationLayer, ConstantLayer, Convolution2dLayer, DepthwiseConvolution2dLayer, FullyConnectedLayer, InputLayer, MultiplicationLayer, OutputLayer, PermuteLayer, Pooling2dLayer, ReshapeLayer, SoftmaxLayer, SpaceToBatchNdLayer, DivisionLayer, MinimumLayer, EqualLayer, MaximumLayer, NormalizationLayer, PadLayer, RsqrtLayer, FloorLayer, GreaterLayer, ResizeBilinearLayer, SubtractionLayer, StridedSliceLayer, GatherLayer, MeanLayer, MergerLayer, L2NormalizationLayer } table AnyLayer { layer:Layer; } // Root type for serialized data is the graph of the network table SerializedGraph { layers:[AnyLayer]; inputIds:[uint]; outputIds:[uint]; } root_type SerializedGraph;