// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include #if defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER) #include #endif #if defined(ARMNN_SERIALIZER) #include #endif #if defined(ARMNN_TF_PARSER) #include #endif #if defined(ARMNN_TF_LITE_PARSER) #include #endif #include #include #include /* * Historically we use the ',' character to separate dimensions in a tensor shape. However, cxxopts will read this * an an array of values which is fine until we have multiple tensors specified. This lumps the values of all shapes * together in a single array and we cannot break it up again. We'll change the vector delimiter to a '.'. We do this * as close as possible to the usage of cxxopts to avoid polluting other possible uses. */ #define CXXOPTS_VECTOR_DELIMITER '.' #include #include #include #include #include namespace { armnn::TensorShape ParseTensorShape(std::istream& stream) { std::vector result; std::string line; while (std::getline(stream, line)) { std::vector tokens = armnn::stringUtils::StringTokenizer(line, ","); for (const std::string& token : tokens) { if (!token.empty()) { try { result.push_back(armnn::numeric_cast(std::stoi((token)))); } catch (const std::exception&) { ARMNN_LOG(error) << "'" << token << "' is not a valid number. It has been ignored."; } } } } return armnn::TensorShape(armnn::numeric_cast(result.size()), result.data()); } int ParseCommandLineArgs(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& modelFormat, std::string& modelPath, std::vector& inputNames, std::vector& inputTensorShapeStrs, std::vector& outputNames, std::string& outputPath, bool& isModelBinary) { cxxopts::Options options("ArmNNConverter", "Convert a neural network model from provided file to ArmNN format."); try { std::string modelFormatDescription("Format of the model file"); #if defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER) modelFormatDescription += ", onnx-binary, onnx-text"; #endif #if defined(ARMNN_TF_PARSER) modelFormatDescription += ", tensorflow-binary, tensorflow-text"; #endif #if defined(ARMNN_TF_LITE_PARSER) modelFormatDescription += ", tflite-binary"; #endif modelFormatDescription += "."; options.add_options() ("help", "Display usage information") ("f,model-format", modelFormatDescription, cxxopts::value(modelFormat)) ("m,model-path", "Path to model file.", cxxopts::value(modelPath)) ("i,input-name", "Identifier of the input tensors in the network. " "Each input must be specified separately.", cxxopts::value>(inputNames)) ("s,input-tensor-shape", "The shape of the input tensor in the network as a flat array of integers, " "separated by comma. Each input shape must be specified separately after the input name. " "This parameter is optional, depending on the network.", cxxopts::value>(inputTensorShapeStrs)) ("o,output-name", "Identifier of the output tensor in the network.", cxxopts::value>(outputNames)) ("p,output-path", "Path to serialize the network to.", cxxopts::value(outputPath)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << options.help() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } try { cxxopts::ParseResult result = options.parse(argc, argv); if (result.count("help")) { std::cerr << options.help() << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Check for mandatory single options. std::string mandatorySingleParameters[] = { "model-format", "model-path", "output-name", "output-path" }; bool somethingsMissing = false; for (auto param : mandatorySingleParameters) { if (result.count(param) != 1) { std::cerr << "Parameter \'--" << param << "\' is required but missing." << std::endl; somethingsMissing = true; } } // Check at least one "input-name" option. if (result.count("input-name") == 0) { std::cerr << "Parameter \'--" << "input-name" << "\' must be specified at least once." << std::endl; somethingsMissing = true; } // If input-tensor-shape is specified then there must be a 1:1 match with input-name. if (result.count("input-tensor-shape") > 0) { if (result.count("input-tensor-shape") != result.count("input-name")) { std::cerr << "When specifying \'input-tensor-shape\' a matching number of \'input-name\' parameters " "must be specified." << std::endl; somethingsMissing = true; } } if (somethingsMissing) { std::cerr << options.help() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } catch (const cxxopts::OptionException& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (modelFormat.find("bin") != std::string::npos) { isModelBinary = true; } else if (modelFormat.find("text") != std::string::npos) { isModelBinary = false; } else { ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Unknown model format: '" << modelFormat << "'. Please include 'binary' or 'text'"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } template struct ParserType { typedef T parserType; }; class ArmnnConverter { public: ArmnnConverter(const std::string& modelPath, const std::vector& inputNames, const std::vector& inputShapes, const std::vector& outputNames, const std::string& outputPath, bool isModelBinary) : m_NetworkPtr(armnn::INetworkPtr(nullptr, [](armnn::INetwork *){})), m_ModelPath(modelPath), m_InputNames(inputNames), m_InputShapes(inputShapes), m_OutputNames(outputNames), m_OutputPath(outputPath), m_IsModelBinary(isModelBinary) {} bool Serialize() { if (m_NetworkPtr.get() == nullptr) { return false; } auto serializer(armnnSerializer::ISerializer::Create()); serializer->Serialize(*m_NetworkPtr); std::ofstream file(m_OutputPath, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); bool retVal = serializer->SaveSerializedToStream(file); return retVal; } template bool CreateNetwork () { return CreateNetwork (ParserType()); } private: armnn::INetworkPtr m_NetworkPtr; std::string m_ModelPath; std::vector m_InputNames; std::vector m_InputShapes; std::vector m_OutputNames; std::string m_OutputPath; bool m_IsModelBinary; template bool CreateNetwork (ParserType) { // Create a network from a file on disk auto parser(IParser::Create()); std::map inputShapes; if (!m_InputShapes.empty()) { const size_t numInputShapes = m_InputShapes.size(); const size_t numInputBindings = m_InputNames.size(); if (numInputShapes < numInputBindings) { throw armnn::Exception(fmt::format( "Not every input has its tensor shape specified: expected={0}, got={1}", numInputBindings, numInputShapes)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < numInputShapes; i++) { inputShapes[m_InputNames[i]] = m_InputShapes[i]; } } { ARMNN_SCOPED_HEAP_PROFILING("Parsing"); m_NetworkPtr = (m_IsModelBinary ? parser->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(m_ModelPath.c_str(), inputShapes, m_OutputNames) : parser->CreateNetworkFromTextFile(m_ModelPath.c_str(), inputShapes, m_OutputNames)); } return m_NetworkPtr.get() != nullptr; } #if defined(ARMNN_TF_LITE_PARSER) bool CreateNetwork (ParserType) { // Create a network from a file on disk auto parser(armnnTfLiteParser::ITfLiteParser::Create()); if (!m_InputShapes.empty()) { const size_t numInputShapes = m_InputShapes.size(); const size_t numInputBindings = m_InputNames.size(); if (numInputShapes < numInputBindings) { throw armnn::Exception(fmt::format( "Not every input has its tensor shape specified: expected={0}, got={1}", numInputBindings, numInputShapes)); } } { ARMNN_SCOPED_HEAP_PROFILING("Parsing"); m_NetworkPtr = parser->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(m_ModelPath.c_str()); } return m_NetworkPtr.get() != nullptr; } #endif #if defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER) bool CreateNetwork (ParserType) { // Create a network from a file on disk auto parser(armnnOnnxParser::IOnnxParser::Create()); if (!m_InputShapes.empty()) { const size_t numInputShapes = m_InputShapes.size(); const size_t numInputBindings = m_InputNames.size(); if (numInputShapes < numInputBindings) { throw armnn::Exception(fmt::format( "Not every input has its tensor shape specified: expected={0}, got={1}", numInputBindings, numInputShapes)); } } { ARMNN_SCOPED_HEAP_PROFILING("Parsing"); m_NetworkPtr = (m_IsModelBinary ? parser->CreateNetworkFromBinaryFile(m_ModelPath.c_str()) : parser->CreateNetworkFromTextFile(m_ModelPath.c_str())); } return m_NetworkPtr.get() != nullptr; } #endif }; } // anonymous namespace int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if (!defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER) \ && !defined(ARMNN_TF_PARSER) \ && !defined(ARMNN_TF_LITE_PARSER)) ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Not built with any of the supported parsers Onnx, Tensorflow, or TfLite."; return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif #if !defined(ARMNN_SERIALIZER) ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Not built with Serializer support."; return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif #ifdef NDEBUG armnn::LogSeverity level = armnn::LogSeverity::Info; #else armnn::LogSeverity level = armnn::LogSeverity::Debug; #endif armnn::ConfigureLogging(true, true, level); std::string modelFormat; std::string modelPath; std::vector inputNames; std::vector inputTensorShapeStrs; std::vector inputTensorShapes; std::vector outputNames; std::string outputPath; bool isModelBinary = true; if (ParseCommandLineArgs( argc, argv, modelFormat, modelPath, inputNames, inputTensorShapeStrs, outputNames, outputPath, isModelBinary) != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (const std::string& shapeStr : inputTensorShapeStrs) { if (!shapeStr.empty()) { std::stringstream ss(shapeStr); try { armnn::TensorShape shape = ParseTensorShape(ss); inputTensorShapes.push_back(shape); } catch (const armnn::InvalidArgumentException& e) { ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Cannot create tensor shape: " << e.what(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } ArmnnConverter converter(modelPath, inputNames, inputTensorShapes, outputNames, outputPath, isModelBinary); try { if (modelFormat.find("onnx") != std::string::npos) { #if defined(ARMNN_ONNX_PARSER) if (!converter.CreateNetwork()) { ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Failed to load model from file"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } #else ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Not built with Onnx parser support."; return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif } else if (modelFormat.find("tensorflow") != std::string::npos) { #if defined(ARMNN_TF_PARSER) if (!converter.CreateNetwork()) { ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Failed to load model from file"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } #else ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Not built with Tensorflow parser support."; return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif } else if (modelFormat.find("tflite") != std::string::npos) { #if defined(ARMNN_TF_LITE_PARSER) if (!isModelBinary) { ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Unknown model format: '" << modelFormat << "'. Only 'binary' format supported \ for tflite files"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!converter.CreateNetwork()) { ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Failed to load model from file"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } #else ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Not built with TfLite parser support."; return EXIT_FAILURE; #endif } else { ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Unknown model format: '" << modelFormat << "'"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } catch(armnn::Exception& e) { ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Failed to load model from file: " << e.what(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!converter.Serialize()) { ARMNN_LOG(fatal) << "Failed to serialize model"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }