// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include TEST_SUITE("Utils") { TEST_CASE("DataTypeSize") { CHECK(armnn::GetDataTypeSize(armnn::DataType::Float32) == 4); CHECK(armnn::GetDataTypeSize(armnn::DataType::QAsymmU8) == 1); CHECK(armnn::GetDataTypeSize(armnn::DataType::Signed32) == 4); CHECK(armnn::GetDataTypeSize(armnn::DataType::Boolean) == 1); } TEST_CASE("PermuteDescriptorWithTooManyMappings") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(armnn::PermuteDescriptor({ 0u, 1u, 2u, 3u, 4u, 5u }), armnn::InvalidArgumentException); } TEST_CASE("PermuteDescriptorWithInvalidMappings1d") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(armnn::PermuteDescriptor({ 1u }), armnn::InvalidArgumentException); } TEST_CASE("PermuteDescriptorWithInvalidMappings2d") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(armnn::PermuteDescriptor({ 2u, 0u }), armnn::InvalidArgumentException); } TEST_CASE("PermuteDescriptorWithInvalidMappings3d") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(armnn::PermuteDescriptor({ 0u, 3u, 1u }), armnn::InvalidArgumentException); } TEST_CASE("PermuteDescriptorWithInvalidMappings4d") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(armnn::PermuteDescriptor({ 0u, 1u, 2u, 4u }), armnn::InvalidArgumentException); } TEST_CASE("PermuteDescriptorWithInvalidMappings5d") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(armnn::PermuteDescriptor({ 0u, 1u, 2u, 3u, 5u }), armnn::InvalidArgumentException); } TEST_CASE("PermuteDescriptorWithDuplicatedMappings") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(armnn::PermuteDescriptor({ 1u, 1u, 0u }), armnn::InvalidArgumentException); } TEST_CASE("HalfType") { using namespace half_float::literal; armnn::Half a = 1.0_h; float b = 1.0f; armnn::Half c(b); // Test half type CHECK_EQ(a, b); CHECK_EQ(sizeof(c), 2); // Test half type is floating point type CHECK(std::is_floating_point::value); // Test utility function returns correct type. using ResolvedType = armnn::ResolveType; constexpr bool isHalfType = std::is_same::value; CHECK(isHalfType); //Test utility functions return correct size CHECK(GetDataTypeSize(armnn::DataType::Float16) == 2); //Test utility functions return correct name CHECK((GetDataTypeName(armnn::DataType::Float16) == std::string("Float16"))); } TEST_CASE("BFloatType") { uint16_t v = 16256; armnn::BFloat16 a(v); armnn::BFloat16 b(1.0f); armnn::BFloat16 zero; // Test BFloat16 type CHECK_EQ(sizeof(a), 2); CHECK_EQ(a, b); CHECK_EQ(a.Val(), v); CHECK_EQ(a, 1.0f); CHECK_EQ(zero, 0.0f); // Infinity float infFloat = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); armnn::BFloat16 infBF(infFloat); CHECK_EQ(infBF, armnn::BFloat16::Inf()); // NaN float nan = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); armnn::BFloat16 nanBF(nan); CHECK_EQ(nanBF, armnn::BFloat16::Nan()); // Test utility function returns correct type. using ResolvedType = armnn::ResolveType; constexpr bool isBFloat16Type = std::is_same::value; CHECK(isBFloat16Type); //Test utility functions return correct size CHECK(GetDataTypeSize(armnn::DataType::BFloat16) == 2); //Test utility functions return correct name CHECK((GetDataTypeName(armnn::DataType::BFloat16) == std::string("BFloat16"))); } TEST_CASE("Float32ToBFloat16Test") { // LSB = 0, R = 0 -> round down armnn::BFloat16 roundDown0 = armnn::BFloat16::Float32ToBFloat16(1.704735E38f); // 0x7F004000 CHECK_EQ(roundDown0.Val(), 0x7F00); // LSB = 1, R = 0 -> round down armnn::BFloat16 roundDown1 = armnn::BFloat16::Float32ToBFloat16(9.18355E-41f); // 0x00010000 CHECK_EQ(roundDown1.Val(), 0x0001); // LSB = 0, R = 1 all 0 -> round down armnn::BFloat16 roundDown2 = armnn::BFloat16::Float32ToBFloat16(1.14794E-40f); // 0x00014000 CHECK_EQ(roundDown2.Val(), 0x0001); // LSB = 1, R = 1 -> round up armnn::BFloat16 roundUp = armnn::BFloat16::Float32ToBFloat16(-2.0234377f); // 0xC0018001 CHECK_EQ(roundUp.Val(), 0xC002); // LSB = 0, R = 1 -> round up armnn::BFloat16 roundUp1 = armnn::BFloat16::Float32ToBFloat16(4.843037E-35f); // 0x0680C000 CHECK_EQ(roundUp1.Val(), 0x0681); // Max positive value -> infinity armnn::BFloat16 maxPositive = armnn::BFloat16::Float32ToBFloat16(std::numeric_limits::max()); // 0x7F7FFFFF CHECK_EQ(maxPositive, armnn::BFloat16::Inf()); // Max negative value -> -infinity armnn::BFloat16 maxNeg = armnn::BFloat16::Float32ToBFloat16(std::numeric_limits::lowest()); // 0xFF7FFFFF CHECK_EQ(maxNeg.Val(), 0xFF80); // Min positive value armnn::BFloat16 minPositive = armnn::BFloat16::Float32ToBFloat16(1.1754942E-38f); // 0x007FFFFF CHECK_EQ(minPositive.Val(), 0x0080); // Min negative value armnn::BFloat16 minNeg = armnn::BFloat16::Float32ToBFloat16(-1.1754942E-38f); // 0x807FFFFF CHECK_EQ(minNeg.Val(), 0x8080); } TEST_CASE("BFloat16ToFloat32Test") { armnn::BFloat16 bf0(1.5f); CHECK_EQ(bf0.ToFloat32(), 1.5f); armnn::BFloat16 bf1(-5.525308E-25f); CHECK_EQ(bf1.ToFloat32(), -5.525308E-25f); armnn::BFloat16 bf2(-2.0625f); CHECK_EQ(bf2.ToFloat32(), -2.0625f); uint16_t v = 32639; armnn::BFloat16 bf3(v); CHECK_EQ(bf3.ToFloat32(), 3.3895314E38f); // Infinity CHECK_EQ(armnn::BFloat16::Inf().ToFloat32(), std::numeric_limits::infinity()); // NaN CHECK(std::isnan(armnn::BFloat16::Nan().ToFloat32())); } TEST_CASE("GraphTopologicalSortSimpleTest") { std::map> graph; graph[0] = {2}; graph[1] = {3}; graph[2] = {4}; graph[3] = {4}; graph[4] = {5}; graph[5] = {}; auto getNodeInputs = [graph](int node) -> std::vector { return graph.find(node)->second; }; std::vector targetNodes = {0, 1}; std::vector output; bool sortCompleted = armnnUtils::GraphTopologicalSort(targetNodes, getNodeInputs, output); CHECK(sortCompleted); std::vector correctResult = {5, 4, 2, 0, 3, 1}; CHECK(std::equal(output.begin(), output.end(), correctResult.begin(), correctResult.end())); } TEST_CASE("GraphTopologicalSortVariantTest") { std::map> graph; graph[0] = {2}; graph[1] = {2}; graph[2] = {3, 4}; graph[3] = {5}; graph[4] = {5}; graph[5] = {6}; graph[6] = {}; auto getNodeInputs = [graph](int node) -> std::vector { return graph.find(node)->second; }; std::vector targetNodes = {0, 1}; std::vector output; bool sortCompleted = armnnUtils::GraphTopologicalSort(targetNodes, getNodeInputs, output); CHECK(sortCompleted); std::vector correctResult = {6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 0, 1}; CHECK(std::equal(output.begin(), output.end(), correctResult.begin(), correctResult.end())); } TEST_CASE("CyclicalGraphTopologicalSortTest") { std::map> graph; graph[0] = {1}; graph[1] = {2}; graph[2] = {0}; auto getNodeInputs = [graph](int node) -> std::vector { return graph.find(node)->second; }; std::vector targetNodes = {0}; std::vector output; bool sortCompleted = armnnUtils::GraphTopologicalSort(targetNodes, getNodeInputs, output); CHECK(!sortCompleted); } TEST_CASE("PermuteQuantizationDim") { std::vector scales {1.0f, 1.0f}; // Set QuantizationDim to be index 1 const armnn::TensorInfo perChannelInfo({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, armnn::DataType::Float32, scales, 1U); CHECK(perChannelInfo.GetQuantizationDim().value() == 1U); // Permute so that index 1 moves to final index i.e. index 3 armnn::PermutationVector mappings({ 0, 3, 2, 1 }); auto permutedPerChannel = armnnUtils::Permuted(perChannelInfo, mappings); // Check that QuantizationDim is in index 3 CHECK(permutedPerChannel.GetQuantizationDim().value() == 3U); // Even if there is only a single scale the quantization dim still exists and needs to be permuted std::vector scale {1.0f}; const armnn::TensorInfo perChannelInfo1({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, armnn::DataType::Float32, scale, 1U); auto permuted = armnnUtils::Permuted(perChannelInfo1, mappings); CHECK(permuted.GetQuantizationDim().value() == 3U); } TEST_CASE("PermuteVectorIterator") { // We're slightly breaking the spirit of std::array.end() because we're using it as a // variable length rather than fixed length. This test is to use a couple of iterators and // make sure it still mostly makes sense. // Create zero length. armnn::PermutationVector zeroPVector({}); // Begin should be equal to end. CHECK(zeroPVector.begin() == zeroPVector.end()); // Create length 4. Summing the 4 values should be 6. armnn::PermutationVector fourPVector({ 0, 3, 2, 1 }); unsigned int sum = 0; for (unsigned int it : fourPVector) { sum += it; } CHECK(sum == 6); // Directly use begin and end, make sure there are 4 iterations. unsigned int iterations = 0; auto itr = fourPVector.begin(); while(itr != fourPVector.end()) { ++iterations; itr++; } CHECK(iterations == 4); // Do the same with 2 elements. armnn::PermutationVector twoPVector({ 0, 1 }); iterations = 0; itr = twoPVector.begin(); while(itr != twoPVector.end()) { ++iterations; itr++; } CHECK(iterations == 2); } #if defined(ARMNNREF_ENABLED) TEST_CASE("LayerSupportHandle") { auto layerSupportObject = armnn::GetILayerSupportByBackendId("CpuRef"); armnn::TensorInfo input; std::string reasonIfUnsupported; // InputLayer always supported for CpuRef CHECK_EQ(layerSupportObject.IsInputSupported(input, reasonIfUnsupported), true); CHECK(layerSupportObject.IsBackendRegistered()); } #endif }