// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #pragma once #include "Optimization.hpp" namespace armnn { namespace optimizations { class PermuteAsReshapeImpl { public: /// Run for every PermuteLayer. Replaces it with a ReshapeLayer if they are equivalent. void Run(Graph& graph, PermuteLayer& permute) const { if (IsReshape(permute)) { const TensorInfo& outInfo = permute.GetOutputHandler().GetTensorInfo(); const std::string name = std::string("as_reshape-") + permute.GetName(); const ReshapeDescriptor descriptor{outInfo.GetShape()}; // Inserts NewLayer so layers don't need to be re-sorted. auto reshape = graph.InsertNewLayer(permute.GetInputSlot(0), descriptor, name.c_str()); reshape->GetOutputHandler().SetTensorInfo(outInfo); // Bypass permute. It will be deleted since it's left unconnected. permute.GetOutputSlot().MoveAllConnections(reshape->GetOutputSlot()); } } protected: PermuteAsReshapeImpl() = default; ~PermuteAsReshapeImpl() = default; private: static bool IsReshape(const PermuteLayer& layer) { const TensorShape& outShape = layer.GetOutputHandler().GetTensorInfo().GetShape(); const PermutationVector& permutation = layer.GetPermutation(); const unsigned int numDimensions = permutation.GetSize(); unsigned int lastGtOne = 0; while ((lastGtOne < numDimensions) && (outShape[(permutation[lastGtOne])] == 1U)) { ++lastGtOne; } bool isReshape = true; for (unsigned int i = lastGtOne + 1U; isReshape && (i < numDimensions); ++i) { if (outShape[permutation[i]] > 1U) { isReshape = permutation[lastGtOne] < permutation[i]; lastGtOne = i; } } return isReshape; } }; using PermuteAsReshape = OptimizeForType; } // namespace optimizations } // namespace armnn