// // Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #pragma once #include "Optimization.hpp" #include #include namespace armnn { namespace optimizations { template > class FuseBatchNorm { public: /// Run for every exclusive connection between any base Convolution layer and a child BatchNorm layer for not /// quantized layers. /// The child will be removed, the base will be removed if it's left unconnected. A new Convolution layer will /// be added, its weights and bias will be calculated using the weights and bias of the base Convolution layer /// combined with the parameters of the child BatchNorm layer. void Run(Graph& graph, InputSlot& connection) const { Layer& base = connection.GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer(); Layer& child = connection.GetOwningLayer(); bool depthwise = (base.GetType() == LayerType::DepthwiseConvolution2d); ARMNN_ASSERT(base.GetType() == LayerType::Convolution2d || depthwise); ARMNN_ASSERT(child.GetType() == LayerType::BatchNormalization); if (base.GetDataType() == ArmnnType && child.GetDataType() == ArmnnType) { OutputSlot* parentOut = base.GetInputSlot(0).GetConnectedOutputSlot(); auto convLayer = PolymorphicDowncast(&base); auto batchNormLayer = PolymorphicDowncast(&child); // Read convolution and batch norm parameters BatchNormalizationDescriptor batchNormDescriptor = batchNormLayer->GetParameters(); auto epsilon = batchNormDescriptor.m_Eps; IgnoreUnused(epsilon); ConstTensor betaTensor(batchNormLayer->m_Beta->GetTensorInfo(), batchNormLayer->m_Beta->Map(true)); ConstTensor gammaTensor(batchNormLayer->m_Gamma->GetTensorInfo(), batchNormLayer->m_Gamma->Map(true)); ConstTensor meanTensor(batchNormLayer->m_Mean->GetTensorInfo(), batchNormLayer->m_Mean->Map(true)); ConstTensor varTensor(batchNormLayer->m_Variance->GetTensorInfo(), batchNormLayer->m_Variance->Map(true)); auto convDescriptor = convLayer->GetParameters(); auto weightsInfo(convLayer->m_Weight->GetTensorInfo()); ConstTensor weightsTensor(weightsInfo, convLayer->m_Weight->Map(true)); armnnUtils::DataLayoutIndexed dataLayout(convDescriptor.m_DataLayout); auto weightsShape = weightsInfo.GetShape(); const unsigned int inputChannels = parentOut->GetTensorInfo().GetShape()[dataLayout.GetChannelsIndex()]; const unsigned int depthMultiplier = depthwise ? weightsShape[3] / inputChannels : 1; const unsigned int outputChannels = depthwise ? weightsShape[3] : weightsShape[0]; const unsigned int weightsHeight = depthwise ? weightsShape[1] : weightsShape[dataLayout.GetHeightIndex()]; const unsigned int weightsWidth = depthwise ? weightsShape[2] : weightsShape[dataLayout.GetWidthIndex()]; const auto* weightsBuffer = static_cast(weightsTensor.GetMemoryArea()); const auto* betaBuffer = static_cast(betaTensor.GetMemoryArea()); const auto* gammaBuffer = static_cast(gammaTensor.GetMemoryArea()); const auto* meanBuffer = static_cast(meanTensor.GetMemoryArea()); const auto* varBuffer = static_cast(varTensor.GetMemoryArea()); std::vector weightsVector (weightsBuffer, weightsBuffer + weightsTensor.GetNumElements()); std::vector betaVector (betaBuffer, betaBuffer + betaTensor.GetNumElements()); std::vector gammaVector (gammaBuffer, gammaBuffer + gammaTensor.GetNumElements()); std::vector meanVector (meanBuffer, meanBuffer + meanTensor.GetNumElements()); std::vector varianceVector(varBuffer, varBuffer + varTensor.GetNumElements()); // fusedWeights = ( gamma * weights ) / ( std - epsilon); std::vector fusedWeightsVector(weightsVector.size()); for (unsigned int cInput = 0; cInput < inputChannels; ++cInput) { for (unsigned int cOut = 0; cOut < outputChannels; ++cOut) { T mult = gammaVector[cOut] / static_cast(sqrtf (varianceVector[cOut] + epsilon)); for (unsigned int h = 0; h < weightsHeight; ++h) { for (unsigned int w = 0; w < weightsWidth; ++w) { unsigned int weightsIdx = 0; if (depthwise) { cInput = cOut / depthMultiplier; weightsIdx = w * outputChannels + cOut + h * weightsWidth * outputChannels; } else if (convDescriptor.m_DataLayout == DataLayout::NHWC) { weightsIdx = cOut * weightsHeight * weightsWidth * inputChannels + h * weightsWidth * inputChannels + w * inputChannels + cInput; } else { weightsIdx = cOut * weightsWidth * weightsHeight * inputChannels + cInput * weightsWidth * weightsHeight + h * weightsWidth + w; } fusedWeightsVector[weightsIdx] = mult * weightsVector[weightsIdx]; } } } } ConstTensor fusedWeightsTensor(weightsInfo, fusedWeightsVector); // fusedBias = (gamma * (bias - mean)) / (variance - epsilon) + beta; std::vector fusedBiasVector(outputChannels); if (convDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled) { ARMNN_ASSERT_MSG(convLayer->m_Bias != nullptr, "FuseBatchNorm: Bias data should not be null if bias is enabled."); ConstTensor biasTensor(convLayer->m_Bias->GetTensorInfo(), convLayer->m_Bias->Map(true)); const auto* biasBuffer = static_cast(biasTensor.GetMemoryArea()); std::vector biasVector(biasBuffer, biasBuffer + biasTensor.GetNumElements()); for (unsigned int cOut = 0; cOut < outputChannels; ++cOut) { fusedBiasVector[cOut] = ((gammaVector[cOut] * (biasVector[cOut] - meanVector[cOut])) / sqrtf(varianceVector[cOut] + epsilon)) + betaVector[cOut]; } } else { convDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled = true; std::vector biasVector(outputChannels, T(0)); for (unsigned int cOut = 0; cOut < outputChannels; ++cOut) { fusedBiasVector[cOut] = ((gammaVector[cOut] * (biasVector[cOut] - meanVector[cOut])) / sqrtf(varianceVector[cOut] + epsilon)) + betaVector[cOut]; } } ConstTensor fusedBiasTensor(TensorInfo({outputChannels}, ArmnnType), fusedBiasVector); // Insert the new convolution layer that has batch norm parameters fused into const std::string name = std::string("fused-") + child.GetName() + std::string("-into-") + base.GetName(); auto& newConv2dLayer = *graph.InsertNewLayer(base.GetInputSlot(0), convDescriptor, name.c_str()); newConv2dLayer.m_Weight = std::make_unique(fusedWeightsTensor); newConv2dLayer.m_Bias = std::make_unique(ConstTensor(fusedBiasTensor)); // Reconnects with original parent. newConv2dLayer.GetOutputSlot().MoveAllConnections(*parentOut); // Parent is now the new convolution2d layer. parentOut = &newConv2dLayer.GetOutputSlot(); // Moves connections in child output to parent layer. // Child layer will be removed as it's left unconnected. // Base layer will be removed if left unconnected. child.GetOutputSlot().MoveAllConnections(*parentOut); } } protected: FuseBatchNorm() = default; ~FuseBatchNorm() = default; }; using FuseBatchNormIntoConvolution2DFloat32 = OptimizeForExclusiveConnection>; using FuseBatchNormIntoConvolution2DFloat16 = OptimizeForExclusiveConnection>; using FuseBatchNormIntoDepthwiseConvolution2DFloat32 = OptimizeForExclusiveConnection>; using FuseBatchNormIntoDepthwiseConvolution2DFloat16 = OptimizeForExclusiveConnection>; } // namespace optimizations } // namespace armnn