// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #include "FullyConnected.hpp" #include namespace armnn { void FullyConnected(const float* inputData, float* outputData, const TensorInfo& inputTensorInfo, const TensorInfo& outputTensorInfo, const float* weightData, const float* biasData, bool transposeWeights) { unsigned int N = outputTensorInfo.GetShape()[1]; // Outputs Vector Size. BOOST_ASSERT(inputTensorInfo.GetNumDimensions() > 1); // Needs some data. unsigned int K = 1; // Total number of activations in the input. for (unsigned int i = 1; i < inputTensorInfo.GetNumDimensions(); i++) { K *= inputTensorInfo.GetShape()[i]; } for (unsigned int n = 0; n < inputTensorInfo.GetShape()[0]; n++) { for (unsigned int channelOutput = 0; channelOutput < N; channelOutput++) { float outval = 0.f; for (unsigned int channelInput = 0; channelInput < K; channelInput++) { float weight; if (transposeWeights) { weight = weightData[channelOutput * K + channelInput]; } else { weight = weightData[channelInput * N + channelOutput]; } outval += weight * inputData[n * K + channelInput]; } if (biasData) { outval += biasData[channelOutput]; } outputData[n * N + channelOutput] = outval; } } } } //namespace armnn