// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #include "AclBaseMemoryManager.hpp" namespace armnn { #if ARMCOMPUTENEON_ENABLED || ARMCOMPUTECL_ENABLED AclBaseMemoryManager::AclBaseMemoryManager(std::unique_ptr alloc) { // (re)create the memory manager components m_Allocator = std::move(alloc); m_IntraLayerLifetimeMgr = std::make_shared(); m_IntraLayerPoolMgr = std::make_shared(); m_IntraLayerMemoryMgr = std::make_shared(m_IntraLayerLifetimeMgr, m_IntraLayerPoolMgr); } void AclBaseMemoryManager::Finalize() { // Set allocator that the memory manager will use m_IntraLayerMemoryMgr->set_allocator(m_Allocator.get()); // Number of pools that the manager will create. This specifies how many layers you want to run in parallel m_IntraLayerMemoryMgr->set_num_pools(1); // Finalize the memory manager. (Validity checks, memory allocations, etc) m_IntraLayerMemoryMgr->finalize(); } #endif }