// // Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include "Network.hpp" #include "Graph.hpp" #include "Layer.hpp" #include "DeviceSpec.hpp" #include "Optimizer.hpp" #include "SubgraphViewSelector.hpp" #include "BackendSettings.hpp" #include "optimizations/All.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace armnn { armnn::INetwork* INetwork::CreateRaw() { return new Network(); } armnn::INetworkPtr INetwork::Create() { return INetworkPtr(CreateRaw(), &INetwork::Destroy); } void INetwork::Destroy(INetwork* network) { delete boost::polymorphic_downcast(network); } Status Network::PrintGraph() { m_Graph->Print(); return Status::Success; } void IOptimizedNetwork::Destroy(IOptimizedNetwork* network) { delete boost::polymorphic_downcast(network); } Status OptimizedNetwork::PrintGraph() { m_Graph->Print(); return Status::Success; } Status OptimizedNetwork::SerializeToDot(std::ostream& stream) const { return m_Graph->SerializeToDot(stream); } void ReportError(const std::string& errorMessage, Optional&> errorMessages) { std::stringstream fullErrorMessage; fullErrorMessage << "ERROR: " << errorMessage; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << fullErrorMessage.str(); if (errorMessages) { errorMessages.value().push_back(fullErrorMessage.str()); } } void ReportWarning(const std::string& warningMessage, Optional&> warningMessages) { std::stringstream fullWarningMessage; fullWarningMessage << "WARNING: " << warningMessage; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << fullWarningMessage.str(); if (warningMessages) { warningMessages.value().push_back(fullWarningMessage.str()); } } bool CheckScaleSetOnQuantizedType(Layer* layer, Optional&> errMessages) { bool noErrors = true; unsigned int numOutputs = layer->GetNumOutputSlots(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) { OutputSlot& outputSlot = layer->GetOutputSlot(i); TensorInfo info = outputSlot.GetTensorInfo(); if (DataType::QuantisedAsymm8 == info.GetDataType()) { if (0.f == info.GetQuantizationScale()) { noErrors = false; std::stringstream ss; ss << "output " << i << " of layer " << GetLayerTypeAsCString(layer->GetType()) << " (" << layer->GetNameStr() << ") is of type" << " Quantized 8 bit but its scale parameter has not been set"; ReportError(ss.str(), errMessages); } // Softmax under QuantisedAsymm8 must always be scale (1.0f/256.0f) and offset 0 if ((info.GetQuantizationScale() != (1.0f / 256.0f) || info.GetQuantizationOffset() != 0) && layer->GetType() == armnn::LayerType::Softmax) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Quantization parameters for Softmax layer (Scale: " << info.GetQuantizationScale() << " and Offset: " << info.GetQuantizationOffset() << ") are incorrect and have been updated to Scale: 0.00390625 and Offset: 0"; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << ss.str(); info.SetQuantizationScale((1.0f /256.0f)); info.SetQuantizationOffset(0); outputSlot.SetTensorInfo(info); } } } return noErrors; } OptimizationResult AssignBackends(OptimizedNetwork* optNetObjPtr, BackendSettings& backendSettings, Graph::Iterator& firstLayer, Graph::Iterator& lastLayer, Optional&> errMessages) { OptimizationResult result; // Helper lambda to compose meaningful error message before returning with error auto ReturnWithError = [&](const Layer* layer) { std::stringstream failureMsg; failureMsg << "Layer of type " << GetLayerTypeAsCString(layer->GetType()) << " is not supported on any preferred backend " << backendSettings.m_PreferredBackends; ReportError(failureMsg.str(), errMessages); result.m_Error = true; return result; }; auto availablePreferredBackends = backendSettings.GetAvailablePreferredBackends(); if (availablePreferredBackends.empty()) { std::stringstream failureMsg; failureMsg << "No preferred backends are available"; ReportError(failureMsg.str(), errMessages); result.m_Error = true; return result; } for (auto it = firstLayer; it != lastLayer; ++it) { auto layer = *it; DataType dataType = layer->GetDataType(); std::string reasonIfUnsupported; bool found = false; if (!CheckScaleSetOnQuantizedType(layer, errMessages)) { // don't bomb immediately, find all the quantized outputs // which haven't had a scale set and report them all back. result.m_Error = true; } for (const auto& backend : availablePreferredBackends) { // need to set the compute device on the layer // before we can check if it is supported layer->SetBackendId(backend); if (!IWorkloadFactory::IsLayerSupported(*layer, dataType, reasonIfUnsupported)) { if (dataType == DataType::Float16) { if (IWorkloadFactory::IsLayerSupported(*layer, DataType::Float32, reasonIfUnsupported) && layer->GetType() != LayerType::ConvertFp32ToFp16 && layer->GetType() != LayerType::ConvertFp16ToFp32) { // Insert FP16 -> FP32 conversion layer before current layer std::vector convertFp16ToFp32Layers = InsertConvertFp16ToFp32LayersBefore(optNetObjPtr->GetGraph(), *layer); // Insert FP32 -> FP16 conversion layer after current layer std::vector convertFp32ToFp16Layers = InsertConvertFp32ToFp16LayersAfter(optNetObjPtr->GetGraph(), *layer); // Assign a supported backend to the newly introduced conversion layers auto AssignFirstSupportedBackend = [&](Layer* layer, BackendId preferredBackend) { bool supportedBackendFound = false; std::string reasonIfUnsupported; // Try preferred backend first layer->SetBackendId(preferredBackend); if (IWorkloadFactory::IsLayerSupported(*layer, EmptyOptional(), reasonIfUnsupported)) { supportedBackendFound = true; } else { for (const auto& backend : availablePreferredBackends) { // Skip preferred backend (we already determined that it is not supported) if (backend == preferredBackend) { continue; } layer->SetBackendId(backend); if (IWorkloadFactory::IsLayerSupported(*layer, EmptyOptional(), reasonIfUnsupported)) { supportedBackendFound = true; break; } } } return supportedBackendFound; }; for (ConvertFp16ToFp32Layer* convertLayer : convertFp16ToFp32Layers) { if (!AssignFirstSupportedBackend(convertLayer, backend)) { return ReturnWithError(convertLayer); } } for (ConvertFp32ToFp16Layer* convertLayer : convertFp32ToFp16Layers) { if (!AssignFirstSupportedBackend(convertLayer, backend)) { return ReturnWithError(convertLayer); } } found = true; break; } } std::stringstream warningMsg; warningMsg << "Layer of type " << GetLayerTypeAsCString(layer->GetType()) << " is not supported on requested backend " << layer->GetBackendId().Get() << " for data type " << GetDataTypeName(dataType) << " (reason: " << reasonIfUnsupported << "), falling back to the next backend."; ReportWarning(warningMsg.str(), errMessages); } else { found = true; backendSettings.m_SelectedBackends.insert(backend); break; } } // If the layer is unsupported by any devices, log and return a null network. if (!found) { // NOTE: if the layer is not an operation queue type AND we have not got CpuRef as a // fallback we should set the compute device on the layer to CpuRef (these are not // available as accelerated operations, or are only available under certain // conditions, currently they comprise MemCopy, Constant, Permute) armnn::LayerType layerType = layer->GetType(); if (!backendSettings.IsCpuRefUsed() && (layerType == armnn::LayerType::MemCopy || layerType == armnn::LayerType::Constant || layerType == armnn::LayerType::Permute)) { BackendId cpuBackendId(armnn::Compute::CpuRef); layer->SetBackendId(cpuBackendId); backendSettings.m_SelectedBackends.insert(cpuBackendId); } else { return ReturnWithError(layer); } } } return result; } OptimizationResult AssignBackends(OptimizedNetwork* optNetObjPtr, BackendSettings& backendSettings, SubgraphView& subgraph, Optional&> errMessages) { Graph::Iterator firstLayer = subgraph.begin(); Graph::Iterator lastLayer = subgraph.end(); return AssignBackends(optNetObjPtr, backendSettings, firstLayer, lastLayer, errMessages); } BackendsMap CreateSupportedBackends(TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& handleFactoryRegistry, BackendSettings& backendSettings) { BackendsMap backends; auto const& backendRegistry = BackendRegistryInstance(); for (auto&& selectedBackend : backendSettings.m_SupportedBackends) { auto backendFactory = backendRegistry.GetFactory(selectedBackend); auto backendObjPtr = backendFactory(); BOOST_ASSERT(backendObjPtr); backendObjPtr->RegisterTensorHandleFactories(handleFactoryRegistry); backends[backendObjPtr->GetId()] = std::move(backendObjPtr); } return backends; } OptimizationResult ApplyBackendOptimizations(OptimizedNetwork* optNetObjPtr, BackendSettings& backendSettings, BackendsMap& backends, Optional&> errMessages) { BOOST_ASSERT(optNetObjPtr); OptimizationResult result; // Get the optimized graph Graph& optGraph = optNetObjPtr->GetGraph(); // Get the entire graph as a sub-graph SubgraphView mainSubgraph(optGraph); // Run backend specific optimizations for (auto&& selectedBackend : backendSettings.m_SelectedBackends) { auto backendObjPtr = backends.find(selectedBackend)->second.get(); BOOST_ASSERT(backendObjPtr); // Select sub-graphs based on backend SubgraphViewSelector::Subgraphs subgraphs = SubgraphViewSelector::SelectSubgraphs(mainSubgraph, // Select layers assigned to the requested backend [&backendObjPtr](const Layer& layer) { return layer.GetType() != LayerType::Input && layer.GetType() != LayerType::Output && layer.GetBackendId() == backendObjPtr->GetId(); }); if (subgraphs.empty()) { // No sub-graphs found, try with next selected backend continue; } // Try to optimize each sub-graph for (auto& subgraph : subgraphs) { // Try to optimize the current sub-graph OptimizationViews optimizationViews = backendObjPtr->OptimizeSubgraphView(*subgraph); BOOST_ASSERT(optimizationViews.Validate(*subgraph)); // Optimization attempted, check the resulting optimized sub-graph for (auto& substitution : optimizationViews.GetSubstitutions()) { // Sub-graph optimized, substitute the sub-graph with the new optimized one in the main optimized graph SubgraphView& replacementSubgraph = substitution.m_ReplacementSubgraph; SubgraphView& substitutableSubgraph = substitution.m_SubstitutableSubgraph; optGraph.SubstituteSubgraph(substitutableSubgraph, replacementSubgraph); // Assign the current backend to the optimized sub-graph std::for_each(replacementSubgraph.begin(), replacementSubgraph.end(), [&selectedBackend](Layer* l) { BOOST_ASSERT(l); l->SetBackendId(selectedBackend); }); } if (!optimizationViews.GetFailedSubgraphs().empty()) { std::stringstream warningMsg; warningMsg << "Some sub-graph(s) failed to optimized on " << backendObjPtr->GetId() << " backend."; ReportWarning(warningMsg.str(), errMessages); // Failed to optimize the given sub-graph, re-assign the sub-graph layers to other available backends BackendSettings settingsCopy(backendSettings); if (!backendObjPtr->GetId().IsCpuRef()) { // Add the current backend to the list of backends to ignore settingsCopy.m_IgnoredBackends.insert(backendObjPtr->GetId()); } int count=0; for (auto& failedSubgraph : optimizationViews.GetFailedSubgraphs()) { // An error occurred: the optimization was attempted but not performed, try different backends std::stringstream subgraphMsg; subgraphMsg << "Re-assigning backends to " << failedSubgraph.GetLayers().size() << " layers inside sub-graph " << count++; ReportWarning(warningMsg.str(), errMessages); OptimizationResult reassignmentResult = AssignBackends(optNetObjPtr, settingsCopy, *subgraph, errMessages); if (reassignmentResult.m_Error) { // Failed to re-assign one of the remaining backends to each layer of the sub-graph result.m_Error = true; return result; } } } } } return result; } bool RequiresCopy(ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId src, ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId dst, TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry) { if (src != dst) { ITensorHandleFactory* srcFactory = registry.GetFactory(src); ITensorHandleFactory* dstFactory = registry.GetFactory(dst); if (srcFactory->SupportsExport() && dstFactory->SupportsImport()) { return false; } return true; } return false; } // Find the handle factory for the input layer which results in fewest required copies. ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId CalculateSlotOptionForInput(BackendsMap& backends, OutputSlot& slot, TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry) { Layer& layer = slot.GetOwningLayer(); BOOST_ASSERT(layer.GetType() == LayerType::Input); // Explicitly select the tensorhandle factory for InputLayer because the rules for it are slightly different. It // doesn't matter which backend it is assigned to because they all use the same implementation, which // requires Map/Unmap support. This means that, so long as the handle type supports map/unmap semantics, we can // select a factory with maximum compatibility with the layers connected to the InputLayer. // First ensure the from backends can support the TensorHandeAPI auto frmBackend = backends.find(layer.GetBackendId()); if (frmBackend == backends.end() || !frmBackend->second->SupportsTensorAllocatorAPI()) { return ITensorHandleFactory::LegacyFactoryId; } // Go through all connections to the output slot and determine the TensorHandleFactory which results in the // fewest copies. std::map factoryScores; int topScore = 0; ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId topChoice = ITensorHandleFactory::LegacyFactoryId; for (auto&& connection : slot.GetConnections()) { const Layer& connectedLayer = connection->GetOwningLayer(); auto toBackend = backends.find(connectedLayer.GetBackendId()); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(toBackend != backends.end(), "Backend id not found for the connected layer"); if (!toBackend->second.get()->SupportsTensorAllocatorAPI()) { // The destination backend does not support the tensor allocator API, move to the next one continue; } auto dstPrefs = toBackend->second.get()->GetHandleFactoryPreferences(); for (auto&& dst : dstPrefs) { // Input layers use the mem copy workload, so the selected factory must support map/unmap API ITensorHandleFactory* factory = registry.GetFactory(dst); if (!factory->SupportsMapUnmap()) { // The current tensor handle factory does not support the map/unmap strategy, move to the next one continue; } auto it = factoryScores.find(dst); if (it == factoryScores.end()) { // Add new score to the table factoryScores[dst] = 0; if (topChoice == ITensorHandleFactory::LegacyFactoryId) { topChoice = dst; } } else { // Increase the score factoryScores[dst]++; // Track the best option if (factoryScores[dst] > topScore) { topScore = factoryScores[dst]; topChoice = dst; } } } } return topChoice; } // Find the handle factory for the output layer which results in fewest required copies. ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId CalculateSlotOptionForOutput(BackendsMap& backends, OutputSlot& slot, TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry) { return ITensorHandleFactory::DeferredFactoryId; } // For all handle factories supported on the source backend, we wish to find the one which requires the fewest copies // when considering all connections. ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId CalculateSlotOption(BackendsMap& backends, OutputSlot& outputSlot, TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry) { // First ensure the from backends can support the TensorHandeAPI Layer& layer = outputSlot.GetOwningLayer(); auto frmBackend = backends.find(layer.GetBackendId()); if (frmBackend == backends.end() || !frmBackend->second->SupportsTensorAllocatorAPI()) { return ITensorHandleFactory::LegacyFactoryId; } // Connections to Output Layers requires support for map/unmap on the TensorHandle. bool requiresMapUnmap = false; for (auto&& connection : outputSlot.GetConnections()) { const Layer& connectedLayer = connection->GetOwningLayer(); if (connectedLayer.GetType() == LayerType::Output) { requiresMapUnmap = true; } } IBackendInternal* srcBackend = frmBackend->second.get(); auto srcPrefs = srcBackend->GetHandleFactoryPreferences(); // Initialize the scores std::map factoryScores; for (auto&& pref : srcPrefs) { if (requiresMapUnmap) // Only consider factories that support map/unmap if required { ITensorHandleFactory* factory = registry.GetFactory(pref); if (!factory->SupportsMapUnmap()) { // The current tensor handle factory does not support the map/unmap strategy, move to the next one continue; } } auto it = factoryScores.find(pref); if (it == factoryScores.end()) { // Add new score to the table factoryScores[pref] = 0; } } // Score each handle factory based on how many times it requires copies on the slot connections for (auto&& connection : outputSlot.GetConnections()) { const Layer& connectedLayer = connection->GetOwningLayer(); auto toBackend = backends.find(connectedLayer.GetBackendId()); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(toBackend != backends.end(), "Backend id not found for the connected layer"); auto dstPrefs = toBackend->second.get()->GetHandleFactoryPreferences(); for (auto&& src : srcPrefs) { if (factoryScores.find(src) == factoryScores.end()) // Don't consider excluded factories { continue; } for (auto&& dst : dstPrefs) { if (RequiresCopy(src, dst, registry)) { // Copy avoided, increase the score factoryScores[src]++; break; } } } } // Find the lowest score int minScore = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (auto it : factoryScores) { minScore = std::min(minScore, it.second); } // Collect factories matching the best(lowest) score std::vector optimalFactories; for (auto it : factoryScores) { if (it.second == minScore) { optimalFactories.push_back(it.first); } } // For all compatible Factories matching the best score, find the preferred one for the current layer. for (auto&& srcPref : srcPrefs) { for (auto&& comp : optimalFactories) { if (comp == srcPref) { return comp; } } } return ITensorHandleFactory::LegacyFactoryId; } MemoryStrategy CalculateStrategy(BackendsMap& backends, ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId srcFactoryId, const Layer& layer, const Layer& connectedLayer, TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry) { auto toBackend = backends.find(connectedLayer.GetBackendId()); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(toBackend != backends.end(), "Backend id not found for the connected layer"); auto dstPrefs = toBackend->second.get()->GetHandleFactoryPreferences(); // Legacy API check for backward compatibility if (srcFactoryId == ITensorHandleFactory::LegacyFactoryId || dstPrefs.empty()) { if (layer.GetBackendId() != connectedLayer.GetBackendId()) { return MemoryStrategy::CopyToTarget; } else { return MemoryStrategy::DirectCompatibility; } } // TensorHandleFactory API present, so perform more sophisticated strategies. // Dst Output layers don't require copy because they use map/unmap if (connectedLayer.GetType() == LayerType::Output) { return MemoryStrategy::DirectCompatibility; } // Search for direct match in prefs for (auto&& pref : dstPrefs) { if (pref == srcFactoryId) { return MemoryStrategy::DirectCompatibility; } } // Search for export/import options ITensorHandleFactory* srcFactory = registry.GetFactory(srcFactoryId); if (srcFactory->SupportsExport()) { for (auto&& pref : dstPrefs) { ITensorHandleFactory* dstFactory = registry.GetFactory(pref); if (dstFactory->SupportsImport()) { return MemoryStrategy::ExportToTarget; } } } // Search for copy options via map/unmap if (srcFactory->SupportsMapUnmap()) { for (auto&& pref : dstPrefs) { ITensorHandleFactory* dstFactory = registry.GetFactory(pref); if (dstFactory->SupportsMapUnmap()) { return MemoryStrategy::CopyToTarget; } } } return MemoryStrategy::Undefined; } // Select the TensorHandleFactories and the corresponding memory strategy OptimizationResult SelectTensorHandleStrategy(Graph& optGraph, BackendsMap& backends, TensorHandleFactoryRegistry& registry, Optional&> errMessages) { OptimizationResult result; optGraph.ForEachLayer([&backends, ®istry, &result, &errMessages](Layer* layer) { BOOST_ASSERT(layer); // Lets make sure the backend is in our list of supported backends. Something went wrong during backend // assignment if this check fails BOOST_ASSERT(backends.find(layer->GetBackendId()) != backends.end()); // Check each output separately for (unsigned int slotIdx = 0; slotIdx < layer->GetNumOutputSlots(); slotIdx++) { OutputSlot& outputSlot = layer->GetOutputSlot(slotIdx); ITensorHandleFactory::FactoryId slotOption = ITensorHandleFactory::LegacyFactoryId; // Calculate the factory to use which results in the fewest copies being made. switch(layer->GetType()) { case LayerType::Input: slotOption = CalculateSlotOptionForInput(backends, outputSlot, registry); break; case LayerType::Output: slotOption = CalculateSlotOptionForOutput(backends, outputSlot, registry); break; default: slotOption = CalculateSlotOption(backends, outputSlot, registry); break; } outputSlot.SetTensorHandleFactory(slotOption); // Now determine the "best" memory strategy for each connection given the slotOption. unsigned int connectionIdx = 0; for (auto&& connection : outputSlot.GetConnections()) { const Layer& connectedLayer = connection->GetOwningLayer(); MemoryStrategy strategy = CalculateStrategy(backends, slotOption, *layer, connectedLayer, registry); if (strategy == MemoryStrategy::Undefined) { result.m_Error = true; if (errMessages) { errMessages.value().emplace_back("Could not find valid strategy required for compatibility" " between backends."); } return; } outputSlot.SetMemoryStrategy(connectionIdx, strategy); connectionIdx++; } } }); return result; } IOptimizedNetworkPtr Optimize(const INetwork& inNetwork, const std::vector& backendPreferences, const IDeviceSpec& deviceSpec, const OptimizerOptions& options, Optional&> errMessages) { if (backendPreferences.empty()) { throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException("Invoked Optimize with no backends specified"); } const Network& network = *boost::polymorphic_downcast(&inNetwork); std::unique_ptr graph = std::make_unique(network.GetGraph()); auto optNet = IOptimizedNetworkPtr(new OptimizedNetwork(std::move(graph)), &IOptimizedNetwork::Destroy); OptimizedNetwork* optNetObjPtr = boost::polymorphic_downcast(optNet.get()); // Get the optimized graph Graph& optGraph = optNetObjPtr->GetGraph(); // Perform optimisation passes using namespace optimizations; Optimizer::Pass(optGraph, MakeOptimizations(SquashEqualPermuteSiblings(), SquashEqualReshapeSiblings(), OptimizeInversePermutes(), MovePermuteUp(), PermuteAsReshape(), OptimizeConsecutiveReshapes(), FoldPadIntoConvolution2d())); // Infer the tensor infos for all output slots. Throws an exception on failure optGraph.InferTensorInfos(); // If Fp32 to Fp16 optimization is set convert Fp32 network to Fp16 if (options.m_ReduceFp32ToFp16) { Optimizer::Pass(optGraph, MakeOptimizations(Fp32NetworkToFp16Converter())); } // Initialize backend settings BackendSettings backendSettings(backendPreferences, deviceSpec); if (backendSettings.GetAvailablePreferredBackends().empty()) { std::stringstream failureMsg; failureMsg << "None of the preferred backends " << backendPreferences << " are supported. Current platform provides " << backendSettings.m_SupportedBackends; ReportError(failureMsg.str(), errMessages); return IOptimizedNetworkPtr(nullptr, &IOptimizedNetwork::Destroy); } // Create a map to temporarily hold initialized backend objects TensorHandleFactoryRegistry tensorHandleFactoryRegistry; BackendsMap backends = CreateSupportedBackends(tensorHandleFactoryRegistry, backendSettings); // Assign an available backend to each layer Graph::Iterator firstLayer = optGraph.begin(); Graph::Iterator lastLayer = optGraph.end(); OptimizationResult assignBackendsResult = AssignBackends(optNetObjPtr, backendSettings, firstLayer, lastLayer, errMessages); if (assignBackendsResult.m_Error) { // Failed to assign a backend to each layer return IOptimizedNetworkPtr(nullptr, &IOptimizedNetwork::Destroy); } Optimizer::Pass(optGraph, MakeOptimizations(OptimizeInverseConversionsFp16(), OptimizeInverseConversionsFp32())); // Apply the backend-specific optimizations OptimizationResult backendOptimizationResult = ApplyBackendOptimizations(optNetObjPtr, backendSettings, backends, errMessages); if (backendOptimizationResult.m_Error) { // Failed to apply the backend-specific optimizations return IOptimizedNetworkPtr(nullptr, &IOptimizedNetwork::Destroy); } // If the debug flag is set, then insert a DebugLayer after each layer // Doing this after applying the backend optimizations as they might have changed some layers if (options.m_Debug) { Optimizer::Pass(optGraph, MakeOptimizations(InsertDebugLayer())); } // Calculate the compatibility strategies for tensor handles OptimizationResult strategyResult = SelectTensorHandleStrategy(optGraph, backends, tensorHandleFactoryRegistry, errMessages); if (strategyResult.m_Error) { // Failed to apply the backend-specific optimizations return IOptimizedNetworkPtr(nullptr, &IOptimizedNetwork::Destroy); } // Based on the tensor handle strategy determined above, insert copy layers where required. optGraph.AddCopyLayers(backends, tensorHandleFactoryRegistry); // Convert constants Optimizer::Pass(optGraph, MakeOptimizations(ConvertConstantsFloatToHalf())); Optimizer::Pass(optGraph, MakeOptimizations(ConvertConstantsHalfToFloat())); // Run backend specific optimizations (deprecated) for (auto&& chosenBackend : backendSettings.m_SelectedBackends) { auto factoryFun = BackendRegistryInstance().GetFactory(chosenBackend); auto backendPtr = factoryFun(); BOOST_ASSERT(backendPtr.get() != nullptr); ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_BEGIN auto backendSpecificOptimizations = backendPtr->GetOptimizations(); ARMNN_NO_DEPRECATE_WARN_END if (!backendSpecificOptimizations.empty()) { Optimizer::Pass(optNetObjPtr->GetGraph(), backendSpecificOptimizations); } } return optNet; } Network::Network() : m_Graph(std::make_unique()) { } Network::~Network() { } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddInputLayer(LayerBindingId id, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(id, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddBatchToSpaceNdLayer(const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor& batchToSpaceNdDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(batchToSpaceNdDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddFullyConnectedLayerImpl(const FullyConnectedDescriptor& fullyConnectedDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const Optional& biases, const char* name) { if (fullyConnectedDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled && !biases.has_value()) { throw InvalidArgumentException("AddFullyConnectedLayer: biases cannot be empty"); } const auto layer = m_Graph->AddLayer(fullyConnectedDescriptor, name); layer->m_Weight = std::make_unique(weights); if (fullyConnectedDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled) { layer->m_Bias = std::make_unique(biases.value()); } return layer; } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddFullyConnectedLayer(const FullyConnectedDescriptor& fullyConnectedDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const Optional& biases, const char* name) { return AddFullyConnectedLayerImpl(fullyConnectedDescriptor, weights, biases, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddFullyConnectedLayer(const FullyConnectedDescriptor& fullyConnectedDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const char* name) { Optional biases; return AddFullyConnectedLayerImpl(fullyConnectedDescriptor, weights, biases, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddFullyConnectedLayer(const FullyConnectedDescriptor& fullyConnectedDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const ConstTensor& biases, const char* name) { Optional optionalBiases(biases); return AddFullyConnectedLayerImpl(fullyConnectedDescriptor, weights, optionalBiases, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddConcatLayer(const ConcatDescriptor& concatDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(concatDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddConvolution2dLayerImpl(const Convolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const Optional& biases, const char* name) { if (convolution2dDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled && !biases.has_value()) { throw InvalidArgumentException("AddConvolution2dLayer: biases cannot be empty"); } const auto layer = m_Graph->AddLayer(convolution2dDescriptor, name); layer->m_Weight = std::make_unique(weights); if (convolution2dDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled) { layer->m_Bias = std::make_unique(biases.value()); } return layer; } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddConvolution2dLayer(const Convolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const Optional& biases, const char* name) { return AddConvolution2dLayerImpl(convolution2dDescriptor, weights, biases, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddConvolution2dLayer(const Convolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const char* name) { Optional biases; return AddConvolution2dLayerImpl(convolution2dDescriptor, weights, biases, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddConvolution2dLayer(const Convolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const ConstTensor& biases, const char* name) { Optional optionalBiases(biases); return AddConvolution2dLayerImpl(convolution2dDescriptor, weights, optionalBiases, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayerImpl( const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const Optional& biases, const char* name) { if (convolution2dDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled && !biases.has_value()) { throw InvalidArgumentException("AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer: biases cannot be empty"); } const auto layer = m_Graph->AddLayer(convolution2dDescriptor, name); layer->m_Weight = std::make_unique(weights); if (convolution2dDescriptor.m_BiasEnabled) { layer->m_Bias = std::make_unique(biases.value()); } return layer; } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer( const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const Optional& biases, const char* name) { return AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayerImpl(convolution2dDescriptor, weights, biases, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer( const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const char* name) { Optional biases; return AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayerImpl(convolution2dDescriptor, weights, biases, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayer( const DepthwiseConvolution2dDescriptor& convolution2dDescriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const ConstTensor& biases, const char* name) { Optional optionalBiases(biases); return AddDepthwiseConvolution2dLayerImpl(convolution2dDescriptor, weights, optionalBiases, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddDetectionPostProcessLayer(const armnn::DetectionPostProcessDescriptor& descriptor, const ConstTensor& anchors, const char* name) { const auto layer = m_Graph->AddLayer(descriptor, name); layer->m_Anchors = std::make_unique(anchors); return layer; } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddPermuteLayer(const PermuteDescriptor& permuteDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(permuteDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddPooling2dLayer(const Pooling2dDescriptor& pooling2dDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(pooling2dDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddActivationLayer(const ActivationDescriptor& activationDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(activationDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddNormalizationLayer(const NormalizationDescriptor& normalizationDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(normalizationDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddSoftmaxLayer(const SoftmaxDescriptor& softmaxDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(softmaxDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddSplitterLayer(const ViewsDescriptor& splitterDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(splitterDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddMaximumLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddMinimumLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddMergerLayer(const MergerDescriptor& mergerDescriptor, const char* name) { return AddConcatLayer(mergerDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddAdditionLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddMultiplicationLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddOutputLayer(LayerBindingId id, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(id, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddBatchNormalizationLayer(const BatchNormalizationDescriptor& desc, const ConstTensor& mean, const ConstTensor& variance, const ConstTensor& beta, const ConstTensor& gamma, const char* name) { const auto layer = m_Graph->AddLayer(desc, name); layer->m_Mean = std::make_unique(mean); layer->m_Variance = std::make_unique(variance); layer->m_Beta = std::make_unique(beta); layer->m_Gamma = std::make_unique(gamma); return layer; } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddResizeBilinearLayer(const ResizeBilinearDescriptor& descriptor, const char* name) { ResizeDescriptor resizeDescriptor; resizeDescriptor.m_Method = ResizeMethod::Bilinear; resizeDescriptor.m_DataLayout = descriptor.m_DataLayout; resizeDescriptor.m_TargetWidth = descriptor.m_TargetWidth; resizeDescriptor.m_TargetHeight = descriptor.m_TargetHeight; return m_Graph->AddLayer(resizeDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddResizeLayer(const ResizeDescriptor& resizeDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(resizeDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddL2NormalizationLayer(const L2NormalizationDescriptor& desc, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(desc, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddConstantLayer(const ConstTensor& input, const char* name) { auto layer = m_Graph->AddLayer(name); layer->m_LayerOutput = std::make_unique(input); return layer; } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddReshapeLayer(const ReshapeDescriptor& reshapeDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(reshapeDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddSpaceToBatchNdLayer(const SpaceToBatchNdDescriptor& spaceToBatchNdDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(spaceToBatchNdDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddSpaceToDepthLayer(const SpaceToDepthDescriptor& spaceToDepthDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(spaceToDepthDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddFloorLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddLstmLayer(const LstmDescriptor& descriptor, const LstmInputParams& params, const char* name) { const auto layer = m_Graph->AddLayer(descriptor, name); //Lstm Basic Parameters layer->m_BasicParameters.m_InputToForgetWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_InputToForgetWeights)); layer->m_BasicParameters.m_InputToCellWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_InputToCellWeights)); layer->m_BasicParameters.m_InputToOutputWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_InputToOutputWeights)); layer->m_BasicParameters.m_RecurrentToForgetWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_RecurrentToForgetWeights)); layer->m_BasicParameters.m_RecurrentToCellWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_RecurrentToCellWeights)); layer->m_BasicParameters.m_RecurrentToOutputWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_RecurrentToOutputWeights)); layer->m_BasicParameters.m_ForgetGateBias = std::make_unique(*(params.m_ForgetGateBias)); layer->m_BasicParameters.m_CellBias = std::make_unique(*(params.m_CellBias)); layer->m_BasicParameters.m_OutputGateBias = std::make_unique(*(params.m_OutputGateBias)); //Lstm Cifg parameters if(!descriptor.m_CifgEnabled) { if(params.m_InputToInputWeights == nullptr) { throw InvalidArgumentException("AddLstmLayer: Input To Input Weights cannot be NULL"); } if(params.m_RecurrentToInputWeights == nullptr) { throw InvalidArgumentException( "AddLstmLayer: Recurrent To Input Weights cannot be NULL"); } if(params.m_InputGateBias == nullptr) { throw InvalidArgumentException("AddLstmLayer: Input Gate Bias cannot be NULL"); } layer->m_CifgParameters.m_InputToInputWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_InputToInputWeights)); layer->m_CifgParameters.m_RecurrentToInputWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_RecurrentToInputWeights)); // In the VTS tests, cell-to-input weights may be null, even if the other CIFG params are not. if(params.m_CellToInputWeights != nullptr) { layer->m_CifgParameters.m_CellToInputWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_CellToInputWeights)); } layer->m_CifgParameters.m_InputGateBias = std::make_unique(*(params.m_InputGateBias)); } //Lstm projection parameters if(descriptor.m_ProjectionEnabled) { if(params.m_ProjectionWeights == nullptr) { throw InvalidArgumentException("AddLstmLayer: Projection Weights cannot be NULL"); } layer->m_ProjectionParameters.m_ProjectionWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_ProjectionWeights)); if(params.m_ProjectionBias != nullptr) { layer->m_ProjectionParameters.m_ProjectionBias = std::make_unique(*(params.m_ProjectionBias)); } } //Lstm Peephole params if(descriptor.m_PeepholeEnabled) { if(params.m_CellToForgetWeights == nullptr) { throw InvalidArgumentException("AddLstmLayer: Cell To Forget Weights cannot be NULL"); } if(params.m_CellToOutputWeights == nullptr) { throw InvalidArgumentException("AddLstmLayer: Cell To Output Weights cannot be NULL"); } layer->m_PeepholeParameters.m_CellToForgetWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_CellToForgetWeights)); layer->m_PeepholeParameters.m_CellToOutputWeights = std::make_unique(*(params.m_CellToOutputWeights)); } return layer; } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddDivisionLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddSubtractionLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddMeanLayer(const MeanDescriptor& meanDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(meanDescriptor,name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddPadLayer(const PadDescriptor& padDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(padDescriptor,name); } IConnectableLayer *Network::AddQuantizeLayer(const char *name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddDequantizeLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddStridedSliceLayer(const StridedSliceDescriptor& stridedSliceDescriptor, const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(stridedSliceDescriptor, name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddGreaterLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddEqualLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddRsqrtLayer(const char * name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddGatherLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddMergeLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddSwitchLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddPreluLayer(const char* name) { return m_Graph->AddLayer(name); } IConnectableLayer* Network::AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer(const TransposeConvolution2dDescriptor& descriptor, const ConstTensor& weights, const Optional& biases, const char* name) { if (descriptor.m_BiasEnabled && !biases.has_value()) { throw InvalidArgumentException("AddTransposeConvolution2dLayer: Biases cannot be empty"); } const auto layer = m_Graph->AddLayer(descriptor, name); layer->m_Weight = std::make_unique(weights); if (descriptor.m_BiasEnabled) { layer->m_Bias = std::make_unique(biases.value()); } return layer; } void Network::Accept(ILayerVisitor& visitor) const { for (auto layer : GetGraph()) { layer->Accept(visitor); }; } OptimizedNetwork::OptimizedNetwork(std::unique_ptr graph) : m_Graph(std::move(graph)) { } OptimizedNetwork::~OptimizedNetwork() { } } // namespace armnn